WELCOME: Please enter quietly, prepare prayerfully, rejoice with us,
worship whole heartedly, encourage one another, and continue to grow and serve.
We are delighted that you could be with us this morning
as we worship our LORD and Savior Jesus Christ.

We’d like to extend a special “Welcome” to our visitors.
Please fill out a visitor’s card (behind each pew) and place it in the offering.

TO GOD BE THE GLORY- Sunday, May 6th, 2018

Opening Prayer

Opening Hymn

Responsive Reading


Worship in Giving

Corporate Praise & Prayer

Sermon – And Can It Be!  (Pastor Steve Schilling)

The Lord’s Supper

Collection of the Benevolent Offering

Closing Hymn

Closing Prayer


Today – Champagne Brunch (11am-2pm) @ Blackbirds in Sayville
Bayport-Blue Point Chamber of Commerce
$35 tickets = purchase at door

Tonight – c3 – Culture Changing Conversations – Canceled.

Wed., 5/9- Wed. Night Praise, Prayer, & Bible Study @ 7:30

Sat., 5/12 – Sat. Morning Bible Study @ 9am

Hope Day Sign up in foyer!

No Church Luncheon this month (next Sunday is Mother’s Day!)


TFC Radio – tfcradio.org
Blue Point Bible Church @ 8AM on Sundays
Hairy Ticks Variety Show @ 8PM on Tuesdays
Chronicles of Josephus – on demand

 MGW Apologetics & Ministry

May 2018 “Monthly Calendar” available in the foyer


By admin

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