Blessings in Christ,

It is my sincere hope that this week has been a blessed and productive one in your pursuit of Jesus Christ and His abundant grace. Also, since yesterday was the National Day of Prayer, I hope you found yourself caught in the riches of prayer for our nation and others. Last Sunday, I issued a challenge that each of us would find ourselves praying for at least 5 people this week. Also, you can read the Presidential Proclamation, issued by President Trump yesterday for the National Day of Prayer at the following link,

I have been caught up in quite a few discourses and studies lately. Everything from soteriology (the doctrines of salvation), the “thousand years” of Revelation chapter 20, and Covenant Creation. The latest blog I wrote was a response to critics of Covenant Creation. You can read that blog at the following link,

Also, I had a great interview with Mr. John Watson on the Hairy Ticks Variety Show this past Tuesday. John Watson is preacher at Westside Church of Christ in Indianapolis, the location of the recent Indianapolis Eschatology Seminar. You can listen to that interview at the following link,


I look forward to furthering our “Satan studies” and  celebrating the Lord’s Supper with you all this coming Sunday at The Blue Point Bible Church. Adult Sunday School at 9am, Fellowship at 10am, and our Morning Worship Service at 10:30am. Also remember, we now have an evening discussion group – C3 (Culture Changing Conversation) that take place at 8pm on Sunday nights.

In and through our Lord’s grace,

Pastor Michael Miano

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