Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully this week afforded you ample opportunity to increase in the attributes that glorify our Lord and Savior. Paying attention to and praying through 2 Peter chapter 1 is surely a good start.

As I have mentioned more than a few times, there was a Preterist conference in Indianapolis this past weekend (along with a Preterist conference in Virginia Beach). I wrote a blog with some information about the Indianapolis Eschatology Seminar, which you can read and gain access to resources through. Here is the link,

We will have Saturday Bible Study on April 28th, however the study will end at 10:30am, as a few of us are planning to go hiking out in Manorville. We are still welcoming others to the mix!

It’s looking to be an exciting Sunday at The Blue Point Bible Church on 4/29. We will continue our New Testament “Satan Study” in Adult Sunday School at 9am. Also, anyone who visits BPBC from this Sunday, all throughout the month of May, will receive a free copy of “Freaked Out by the New Covenant” or “Wicked”. And of course, this Sunday is our 5th Sunday Potluck after Worship Service. Bring a dish, bring a friend, and/or try many dishes. 😊

Some outreach details to be considering are as follows;

Thursday, May 3rd is National Day of Prayer. I am considering to take up the challenge of public prayer, or in the very least asking at least 5 people if I could pray with them (along with some social media activities) that day. I challenge you to consider doing the same.

And our Hope Day sign up is now posted in the foyer of the church. Please prayerfully consider your involvement. Many of the trainings for different teams are being offered and I’d like to connect you to your necessary training if you plan on serving at Hope Day, on Saturday, June 2nd.

I look forward to seeing many, if not all of you this weekend.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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