

Committee Updates

Today – 4th Sunday Discussion Group (after Worship Service)

Tonight – c3 – Culture Changing Conversations – Canceled.

Wed., 4/25- Wed. Night Praise, Prayer, & Bible Study @ 7:30pm

Fri., 4/27 – XD Youth Basement Party
BPBC (7pm-9pm)

Sat., 4/28 – Sat. Morning Bible Study @ 9am

** Next Sunday, 4/29 is our 5th Sunday Potluck (after Worship Service)

TFC Radio –
Blue Point Bible Church @ 8AM on Sundays
Hairy Ticks Variety Show @ 8PM on Tuesdays
Chronicles of Josephus – on demand

 MGW Apologetics & Ministry

April 2018 “Monthly Calendar” available in the foyer


Vision verses:

John 10:10 –

Ephesians 3:10 –

1 Thessalonians 5:21 –

Notes from Sermon:
“Struggling for Favor”

Personal Growth Questions:

What sort of Spiritual “spring-cleaning” mighty you need to do?

Are you familiar with the 2 Peter 1 “Growth Chart”?

How would you explain the hope that you have (cf. 1 Peter 3:15)?

By admin

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