Blessings in our Lord, Christ Jesus.

Well, Spring is making a delayed coming (unlike our Lord Jesus who made an on-time perfect coming when He said He would), however I pray each of you had a blessed and productive week.

This week’s update includes a couple of IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTS along with our weekly praise & prayer report. First, I’d like to share some calendar events.

Sat., 4/21 – Saturday Morning Bible Study – canceled.
Sat., 4/21 – War on Addiction Rally (10am – Brookhaven Amphitheater)
Sat, 4/21 – Single Parents Social – 6:30pm-7:30pm – The Blue Point Bible Church
Sun., 4/22 – 4th Sunday Discussion Group (after morning Worship Service)
Sun, 4/22 – c3 Sunday Nights @ BPBC – Canceled.

Also, this coming Sunday keep your eyes out for information regarding Hope Day in the foyer. Please sign up the volunteer. This year Hope Day is Saturday, June 2nd.

Two resources I would like to offer this week are; (1) I attended a Creative Leadership Conference this week and wrote a blog with the details. Visit the following link to read that and other blogs I have written, (2) I interviewed Mr. Adam Maarschalk regarding his view on the “thousand years” on this week’s broadcast of the Hairy Ticks Variety Show. We will also be continuing the conversation next week – Tuesdays at 8pm on TFC Radio. Here is a link where you can listen to those broadcasts,

I look forward to seeing most of you on Sunday, however if any of the “calendar events” this weekend caught your interest (mentioned at the beginning of this update), God willing, I’ll see you there.

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano


By admin

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