Blessings in Christ,

I sincerely hope that each of you had a blessed week, as we still thinking through and study through details that were brought out at our annual Bible conference last week at The Blue Point Bible Church. I am glad that so many people praised God for a great conference.

Throughout this week I sent out post-conference information and even talked about the conference on this weeks broadcast of the Hairy Ticks Variety Show. Below I will provide a link that you can click on to gain access to some of those post- conference resources.

Here is a link to the completed and compiled resource regarding my recent debate with Israel-Only proponents,

I pray that my presentation regarding “Conceptual Salvation” that I gave at the conference Friday, March 23rd challenged you a bit in those regards, and in weeks to come, I will be developing some “salvation studies” to further edify you. Stay tuned to the Hairy Ticks Variety Show on Tuesdays on

Prayerfully, we will have some guests and visiting faces this Sunday as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We will have a “Easter Breakfast” at 9am in the basement, followed by our Worship Service at 10:30am. Pastor Miano will be offering an insightful sermon regarding our being “Easter Fools”.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano


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