
Today – (No after church luncheon) Maybe stick around and enjoy the Bayport – Blue Point festivities…

*** Bulletin on Website in the month column on the side

Mon., 3/12 – Wicked Book Club @ 7:30PM Bayport – Blue Point Library

Wed., 3/14 – Wed. Night Praise, Prayer, & Bible Study @ 7:30pm

Thurs., 3/15 – Israel Only Debate ( 2nd round rebuttals) Pastor Miano & Mr. Michael Bradley will participate in an written debate

Sat., 3/17 – Sat. Morning Bible Study – Canceled!
Have a happy and blessed St. Patrick’s Day

Examining Crossroads: Biblical Controversies Conference March 23-25th, 2018 The Blue Point Bible Church
TFC Radio –
Blue Point Bible Church @ 8AM on Sundays
Hairy Ticks Variety Show @ 8PM on Tuesdays
Chronicles of Josephus – on demand  MGW Apologetics & Ministry

March 2018 “Monthly Calendar” available in the foyer


God is not the author confusion (1 Cor. 14:33), He reveals His Truth in a mystery (Romans 16:25-26; 1 Peter 1:10-12).

COVENANT – to come; a coming together; a meeting or agreement of minds

Type –
Antitype –

Snapshots –
Narrative –
Metanarrative –

RECKONING – the act or process of calculating or estimating something

The promise regarding Abraham’s seed – Genesis 17:17; Genesis 18:10, 14

Genesis 21:1-7 –  “the Lord did unto Sarah as He had spoken” (Isa. 55:11)
“The Isaac Factor”


Genesis chapter 21 (“Cast Out the Bondwoman) cf. Galatians 4: 22 – 31

Genesis 22-1 -24 – Abraham’s sacrifice cf. – Hebrews 11: 17 -19 / James 2:14 – 24


What wells are you digging?


Hebrews 12:14-17 (Don’t be an Esau)
El Shaddai – God Almighty    El Olam – Eternal God   Jehovah Jireh – God my Provider

By admin

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