Blessings in Christ,
I sincerely pray that each of you had a week wherein you experienced the love and continually renewed mercy and grace of God. Despite the conflict, frustration, and desperation that marks our society, we know that our God is good! This morning I was reminded of an interesting quote from a E.M. Bounds, a clergyman from the 19th century, “All God’s plans have the mark of the cross on them, and all His plans have death to self in them”.
I’d like to provide some announcements and resources for your edification within this weekly update.

As for announcements, tonight at 7pm, we will have another XD Youth Party. Tonight we will be having a special discussion session with teens talking about “tough topics”. It seems conversations like gun control, drug addiction, education, and more have been talking points with teenagers internationally, and we would like to hear from our youth. Also, each teen who is willing to take part in the discussion, and/or who brings friends, will be entered into a raffle to win $30.
Saturday morning Bible study is canceled, 2/24, since some of us from BPBC will be going to the “Kingdom of God Conference” with Sam Frost at the Church of the Intercessor in Malverne, N.Y. Of course, details about that conference will be shared on Sunday in our Adult Sunday School at 9am.

This Sunday is the 4th Sunday, therefore we hope you will plan to stay a bit after service to join the group discussion. Please stay if you want to serve on one of our church committees, because I will share about a half hours’ worth of pertinent information.
Lastly, this week I talked through some critics of Full Preterism on the Hairy Tick Variety Show. Here is the link for your listening pleasure,

In my personal studies I have been reading a book by JT Smith called “Kingdom Come”, which I will be reviewing on my blog later today. A great read about the parables of Jesus Christ! Keep your eye on my social media or my blog for that review,

Also, I have been diligently studying and preparing for my upcoming written debate on Israel Only. I will be taking the position against the Israel Only view being represented by Mr. Michael Bradley. I will be providing a written negative as to why the view is not Scripturally tenable, especially when understanding the Biblical narrative. I will be sharing the full debate (my write ups, as well as Mr. Michael Bradley’s write ups) on The Power of Preterism Network blogsite at

I look forward to seeing most, if not all of you on Sunday.
With an agapeo love,
Pastor Michael Miano

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