Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully this update finds you have a God-glorifying week. February is gearing up to be an exciting and edifying month at The Blue Point Bible Church. I would like to share some announcements and some resources, as well as our weekly praises and prayers.

This coming Sunday, 2/4, we will have a February Monthly Calendar available following our Sunday Worship Service. Also, following our worship service, we will have a meeting regarding the formation of our “Worship Committee”. If you are interested in serving on our Worship Committee, please consider joining us immediately after service in the Fellowship Room.

Also, please make note that our “monthly after-church luncheon” will be on Sunday, February 11th. We have not yet chosen a location, so suggestions will be appreciated.

I am so happy that many of you,  many outside of our congregation, and even myself, have praised God through the most recent season at The Blue Point Bible Church. We have been going a bit deeper in our studies and sermon series in taking a look at the “Genesis creation account”. This past Sunday I sort of summarized my thoughts. Here are some resources to go along with that summary:

Some other resources from this week would include my interview on the Hairy Ticks Variety Show with Pastor Alan Bondar regarding his new book, The Journey Between the Veils. Listen to that podcast at the following link,


Also, I completed another podcast regarding the verse brackets in my most recently published book, Wicked. You can listen to that at the following link,

Surely those are enough resources to keep you busy for a while. Prayerfully they provide encouragement and edification.

I look forward to seeing most, if not all, of you this weekend.

Saturday morning Bible Study @ 9am

Sunday morning Adult Sunday School @ 9am

BPBC Worship Service @ 10:30am


In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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