Blessings in Him.

Prayerfully this week brought blessings and clarity into your life, all by the grace of God and for His glory. I know that I am excited that we have begun, and I get to prepare for, our sermon series “Thinking Thru Scripture”. God willing, each of you read through Genesis 1 and answered some of the bulletin questions.

Tomorrow in our Saturday Morning Bible Study at 9am, we will be going a bit deeper into the historical and textual context of Genesis chapters 1-3. Specifically, we will be taking a look at the similarities and differences between the different Ancient Near Eastern writings such as the Book of Genesis, the Enuma Elish, and the Ras Shamra texts. Surely this study will be a blessing to understanding the doctrine of beginnings (protology). Consider joining us!

Also, this time of year brings about planning and discussion for our BPBC Annual Meeting which is on Friday, January 26th @ 7PM. And of course, we have begun planning for our annual Bible conference on March 23rd-25th, 2018 with the theme “The Crossroads of Preterism”.

It’s looking to be yet another God-glorifying and church-edifying year!

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, January 7th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up praise for answered prayer as well as the privilege of knowing and being influenced by the membership at BPBC. He lifted up praise for Denise, and asked that God continues to bless them.

Sandy lifted up praise and continued prayer for healing for her nephew Michael. Lord, keep his attitude on praising you!

Terri lifted up praise for answered prayers, and the blessing of having Wayne and her mom in her life.  She also made mention of specific petition for the Roberts family as they mourn the passing of Mr. John Roberts.

Vicki praise God for the gift of salvation and answered prayer. She praised God for BPBC and asked that He continue to increase our knowledge of Him.

Pastor Mike praised God for and prayed for the influence of Mr. Ed Stevens and the International Preterist Association. He praised God for those he interacted with throughout the week and prayed that God would continue to lead him to be a blessing to others in the week to come. He also lifted up prayers for Meredith as she is dealing with Bronchitis, as well as prayers for a sister named Esther who is in need of a heart transplant.

May God be glorified through our prayers. In the mighty name of Jesus.


I look forward to seeing you all this weekend. Thinking Thru Scripture promises to be a rewarding experience as we grow in the grace and knowledge of Him (2 Peter 3:18).

With an ever-increasing love,
Pastor Michael Miano


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