Blessings in Christ,

I sure hope this has been a powerful week, as this is just the first week of our new year, yet I pray answered prayers and fruit for His glory is increasing in you lives. I know many of us professed to end 2017 strong, just so we can maximize blessings and edification in 2018. To God be the glory.

Tomorrow morning Bible study is cancelled. I will be going to and have invited our congregation to a grief seminar being held at Bayport UMC. Visit the following link for more details,

Here is our updated January 2018 “Monthly Calendar”,

Also, here are our praises and prayers as of last Sunday (with some updates),

This Sunday in our Adult Sunday School we will be watching How To Interpret Scripture by Mr. Ed Stevens of the International Preterist Association (9AM). Our Sunday Sermon will be on the historical context and audience relevance of the Book of Genesis (10:30AM). I look forward to seeing many of you then!

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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