Blessings in Christ,

It sure is beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Minus the snow, of course. 😊 Prayerfully, each of you had a blessed week of preparing for Christmas, and embracing the hope for a blessed new year.

Much of my week has been in-preparation as well, therefore, I do not have too many resources to share. I am looking forward to going deeper into the Biblical narrative this year through our “Thinking Thru Scripture series” which launches on January 1st. I have also been prepping to do something similar on the Hairy Ticks Variety Show. This pastor Tuesday, the broadcast included an interview with Dr. Jeff Vaughn, who is the co-author of Beyond Creation Science. You can listen by clicking on this link,

I look forward to seeing most, if not all, this weekend. Keep in mind, on Sunday 24th (Christmas Eve), there is no Adult Sunday School. We will be meeting for our worship service at 10:30AM. Our service will be dedicated to “Gifts That Remain”. We will also have a small gift for those visiting with us.

To the glory of God, & edification of the saints,

Pastor Michael Miano

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