Blessings in Christ,

I hope to hear that you have been demonstrating Godliness and listening intently to the voice of God in your life. I have been encouraged and excited for our topic of the “voice of God” on Sundays at The Blue Point Bible Church. Surely, our diligence in understanding and discerning the voice of God will be a blessing in this season and the year to come.

As announced last Sunday, we will be having service at our usual times for Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, however our New Year’s Eve service will be followed by a fellowship potluck. Preparations have begun for our Annual Bible Conference, The Crossroads of Preterism, to be held at The Blue Point Bible Church on March 23-25, 2018. Also, The Power of Preterism Network website has been updated with videos from last year’s conference on Revelation Revealed.

Through my personal ministry, MGW: Apologetics & Ministry, I am offering a buy 2, get one FREE on my books. So if you know anyone who needs or is interested in books – I am selling both Freaked Out by the New Covenant, as well as Wicked. Also, working on a audio-book for Wicked and a soon to come YouTube series.

On the Hairy Tick Variety Show I have begun a narrative journey through the Scriptures, which is similar to something we will begin doing at The Blue Point Bible Church in January. However, listening to the podcasts now, you can get a head start in your understanding. Here is a link to this weeks show,

I look forward to seeing you all this weekend, either at Saturday Morning Bible Study (9AM), or Sunday for Adult Sunday School, or Worship Service.

With faith, hope, & love,

Pastor Michael Miano

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