Blessings in and through our Lord and Savior Jesus. I hope this week has continued to be a blessed one, and with our past Sunday sermon in mind, you have been working toward discerning the “still, small voice of the Lord”.

I must readily admit that I am excited about the turn in direction of our sermons, as I mentioned last week. Prayerfully, as we move toward the end of 2017 and anticipate 2018, you are seeking more in excess and death regarding the knowledge of God and His working in your life. It’s looking to be a great season. To God be the glory.

Many of you know that I have been very actively lately with sharing thoughts regarding recovery, especially pertaining to the potential development of a Seafield in Blue Point. I covet your prayers and insights in those regards. This Saturday, 12/9, I will be participating in an all faiths/ non-denomination service at Our Lady of the Snow called “On the Wings of Hope”. This event is open to the public, and begins at 6:30PM. A few of us who serve in local clergy will be offering encouraging words and prayers for those who are battling or have battled addiction. There is a special part for families that lost someone due to addiction. You are more than welcome to join us.

As promised, here is our December 2017 monthly calendar. Simply click on the link,,  or click on “Monthly Calendar on our church website.


I look forward to seeing some, many, if not all of you this weekend.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano


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