
I must admit I am still riding out the joy and blessings I felt from the fellowship I had with many of you last week. From the square dancing to the awesome luncheon at Steve & Lisa’s! I surely consider myself a blessed man, a blessed pastor.

Before I share our corporate praises & prayers from Sunday, I do have some important announcements and some resources to share.

Tonight we have our Operation Christmas Child “Shoebox Packing Party” at 7:30pm at The Blue Point Bible Church. Thank you to all of you who have helped with gathering stuff, setting up, and of course those of you who will pack with us tonight!

The Fall Clean-up (PT. 2) that was scheduled for tomorrow, 11/18, is canceled! As well as Saturday Morning Bible Study. I look forward to seeing you all on Sunday for our Worship Service.


I have been engaging the views being brought up by Jason De Costa within the preterist community lately. I believe this provides opportunity for us at BPBC as well as others who endeavor to be serious & and diligent Bible students to better understand the Biblical narrative, and our place in it. So while I did not interview Jason as planned this past Tuesday on the Hairy Ticks Variety Show, I did share some preliminary details. Here is the link to the show –


Also this week, I continued a video series I have been doing called “A Full Preterist Speaks Up & Speaks Out (pt. 5)”. You can watch that video on YouTube at the following link,

I look forward to seeing many of you tonight, and if not tonight, prayerfully Sunday.


In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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