
It’s that wonderful time of year where we get to thinking of gift giving. At The Blue Point Bible Church we host an annual “Shoebox Packing Party” in collaboration with Samaritan’s Purse. These are gifts that are giving to needy children all over the world.

Below you will finds out NEEDS LIST for our party on Friday, November 17th @ 7:30. Please notify me if you are able to provide some of these needs –  either via social media, email (, or phone (631-363-6111).


Operation Christmas Child  – NEEDS LIST

2-4 boys/girls
– toys
– shirts/bottoms
– hygienic items

5-6 boys/ girls 
– toys
– bottoms/ pants
– brush/ comb
– hygienic items (deodorant, toothpaste, etc)
10-14 boys/ girls
– toys or item of interest to a teen
– school supplies (ruler, calculator, notebook, etc)
– Girls shirts / Bottoms
– Girls socks


Misc. / any & all ages Books for all ages

Coloring books


Combs (boys)

Brushes (girls)

Stuffed animals


Bar Soap

Bathing Towel


I look forward to our “Shoebox Packing Party” and hope to see you there! Thank for your desire to serve with me in these regards. May God be glorified through our service.

Pastor Michael Miano

PS –  If you would like to participate but cannot attend the “Shoebox Packing Party”, we will give you a box to take home and fill this Sunday at our Worship Service. The boxes will need to be returned by the latest – Saturday, November 18th


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By admin

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