Blessings in Christ,

Prayerfully each of you had a blessed week and are looking forward to the festivities that the end of October brings. I was sorry to miss you all this past week, however I heard good things about the sermon and service that Pastor Steve led. Glory to God!

While I do not have the list of weekly praises and prayers, I do have a couple of praises and prayers to share. I have been one with you all in Spirit all throughout the week lifting up the prayers of our congregation in my morning Common Prayers. Praises for all that God is doing through organizations and individuals on Long Island to fight against the heroin epidemic. Also, prayer requests for the Sietz family and for Raven. God knows the needs.

A couple of resources and announcements.

Due to the fact that Election Day is coming up, November 7th, I have begun thinking and talking through politics. I shared some thoughts on this weeks podcast of the Hairy Ticks Variety Show along with a blog. Here are the links:

Podcast –

Blog –

It’s looking to be a busy weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church as we have a film on Friday night at 7:30pm (Before I Fall based on the novel by Lauren Oliver). We will provide popcorn, bring your own beverages. All are invited!

Sunday, October 29th is the 5th Sunday of the month so we will have a potluck after our worship service. Surely this is one of the many Sundays you want to make sure you are present with us at BPBC.

Also, to keep the celebratory spirit going, I will make mention of our planning for our Halloween Harvest Day party that will be in the church parking lot on Tuesday, October 31st from 4pm-8pm. See attached flier for more information on that event.

I look forward to fellowshipping with each of you soon.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano


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