Blessings in Christ,

I pray that the beautiful weather initiating Fall has been a pleasure to you and allowed you to be productive this week. I must say, in my life it seems God’s sovereignty always works in and through the seasons, as if He is always building me up for the next experience. What a mighty God!

I want to share some FULFILLING thoughts I shared this #MissionalMonday:

“The false rapture doctrine is indeed “so wrong”. If we study and allow the Word to do the dividing between truth and false, the truth of Christ fulfilling the “eschatological promises” is so evident.”

“The Book of Revelation is speaking of the “soon” coming judgement that was to come upon the Harlot Babylon (which when understood contextual is speaking of 1st century Jerusalem and the idolatry they built around their “cultic temple system”), and there persecution of the saints.”

It has been a week chock full of discussions and convictions regarding preterism and the kingdom of God. Namely, that as Christians our foremost focus must always be on the message of the Kingdom. I summarized my thoughts of the kingdom in the manner; “The Kingdom is where God dwells. What that means is that the Kingdom is where His presence and promises are found. We know the Kingdom of God is found in and through Christ & His people, which was the goal of His parousia. To dwell in and among His people, to be God to them, and for them to be His people (display His righteousness)”.

Therefore, I spoke a bit about the Kingdom of God on the Hairy Ticks Variety Show this past Tuesday. You can listen to that podcast here,

Also, we have been focus on the Kingdom of God passages found in chapter 1, part 2, of Wicked on Wicked Things Explained podcast. Here is the link to the explanation of Daniel 7:21-26,


Tonight we have our XD Youth Party at The Blue Point Bible Church from 7PM-9PM. At these gatherings we foster authentic fun and friendship (what we call extremely different) to bring about an eXtremely Different Youth. We also offer announcements and other opportunities that aid our efforts.

An October calendar/ list of dates will be available on Sunday, October 1st at The Blue Point Bible Church, and will be posted on the website. Quite a few events to aid in the fight against the opioid epidemic, Fall clean up at the church, game night, 5Q Discipleship, and the launch of LIFE Seminars.

Surely God will continue to be glorified through all that we plan.

I look forward to seeing you all at some point throughout the weekend.

In Christ,

Pastor Mike Miano

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