Wow. What a beautiful day we are experiencing today on Long Island. Glory to God! I am glad to say that when I see things of beauty, I always turn back to praise Him. Something we at The Blue Point Bible Church are always diligent at doing.

I has surely been a productive week of offering teaching resources. I want to share some of those things with you.

On Monday, I released Wicked Things Explained podcasts. Each week there will be a podcast going through the context and details of each passage found in the brackets throughout the book. This week we touched on Isaiah chapters 8-9. Listen at the following link,

On Tuesdays at 8PM, you can now listen to podcasted shows of the Hairy Tick Variety Show. This past week, Daniel Rogers joined me on the show. Here is a link to that podcast,

Also, as promised I produced a video teaching that coincides with out Saturday morning Bible study through 2 Corinthians. Following think paragraph, you will find a link you can watch a video teaching on 2 Corinthians chapters 1-4. We hope you might consider joining us for 9AM Bible study on Saturday mornings. Here is the link,

Lastly, I was finally able to write up my part 1 response to Jerel Kratt’s critique of the CBV that was in the most recent Fulfilled! Magazine. You can read that response at the following link,

Don’t forget. This coming Sunday, September 17th is National Back to Church Sunday. At The Blue Point Bible Church we will be launching a new sermon series called “Things Christians Say” which will foster true Christian and Biblical foundations, as well as challenge many misconceptions regarding the “things Christians say”. Tell a friend. Invite a friend! Sundays at 10:30AM (graphic attached) Â

I look forward to seeing many if not all of you this weekend!

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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