Blessings in Christ,

I pray that you all had a productive week, as well as steeped in prayer for those suffering from the many storms in the south. May they see God’s faithfulness and care through all their experiences.

A few resources before I share our weekly praises and prayers.

I was excited to see that Mert Melfa (the brother who had filmed our last two Annual Conferences) released a video I had done with him about Israel earlier in the year. You can view that view at the following link,

You can now find the updated September “Monthly Calendar” for BPBC on our website. Also, you will find information about National Back to Church Sunday, as well as the new podcast show I will be doing on Tuesday evenings, the Hairy Ticks Variety Show. I have attached to graphics that have been used to market those things. Here is the link to the monthly calendar,

I look forward to finishing our sermon series “Outlining Wickedness” this coming Sunday at the Blue Point Bible Church.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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