Blessings in Christ,

I pray that each of you had a blessed and God-glorifying week. Growing and bearing fruit of the Spirit is a sure-fire way of finding satisfaction in your days and glorifying God. Please allow me to share some pertinent details and resources for your growth in Him, as well as our weekly praises and prayers.

This past Sunday, we began reading through Daniel Roger’s book, The Last Enemy and the Triumph of Christ. As was expected, this began discussion about “the death” of Adam. We had some great discussion in our Sunday school as well as the 4th Sunday Discussion Group. I had promised to send out some resources on the matter. Thanks to Elder Steve Hernandez for some shared wisdom as well.

Here is

an article on Genesis 2:17;

Also, Dr. Preston surely has a lot to say on this matter and I wanted to share a couple of links to his Morning Musings which speak directly to this matter:


Yesterday was International Overdose Awareness Day and many of us gathered in Sayville for the Fed Up & Maxed Out event. It was informative and a blessed time. We’ve joined our efforts with the ecumenical group Long Island Congregations, Associations, and Neighborhoods (LI-CAN) to hold listening posts to generate discussion and healing regarding the Opioid epidemic on Long Island. Tomorrow (Saturday), there will be an event a listening post at 4pm at Bayport UMC. No matter how deeply you’ve been affected by this epidemic – either personally, through your family, or just as a concerned citizen – you should attend this event. This meeting for anyone – Christians or non-Christians, locals or those who live elsewhere on LI.


I am excited as we come to a close with our Outlining Wickedness Sermon Series. Prayerfully, this sermon series encouraged your studies regarding Spirituality, the Spiritual battle, Satan, etc…We will be talking about angels and demons this weekend, and I look forward to detailing these things. I must say though, I am even more excited about our sermon series “Things Christians Say” which will start on September 17th, 2017 – National Back to Church Sunday.

Monthly “List of Dates” and more details will be offered this coming 1st Sunday of September at The Blue Point Bible Church.

I look forward to seeing most, if not all, of you at some point this weekend.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano



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