Blessings in Christ,

We had some beautiful weather this week! I pray you took advantage of it, as well as displayed God’s glory through manifesting fruits of the Spirit. Our #GrowAndGo was to do our part in demolishing wickedness by seeking out friends and family who may be leaning upon their own understanding in regards to life, success, Spirituality, religion, and wickedness. This coming Sunday we will be discussing and highlighting true Spirituality and true religion. Invite someone!

Before I share our weekly praises and prayers, I want to highlight some resources.

It surely was a busy week as I labored to get back on track with various efforts. I have updated the Thinking Thru Scripture videos on my YouTube account. Our next video we will offered later today and will be Thinking Thru Exodus chapters 7-12. Visit the Thinking Thru Scripture playlist on YouTube at the following link,

Also, I am “resurrecting” The Hairy Ticks Variety Show which was an effort done quite a few years back. This will be an online, weekly podcast giving a Biblical and gentle look at various “heresies” and talking with guests. I am surely excited about launching this show later in the month. The website will be

I look forward to seeing some of you either at our Saturday Morning Bible Study, or Sunday for our worship service. To God be the glory.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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