Blessings in Christ Jesus,

I hope and pray that this resource update finds you having a prosperous and productive “missional Monday”. I love contemplating what I learned on Sunday on Mondays and urging myself to be missional. Our recent model of Grow and Go has offered this opportunity. Prayerfully, many of you will make use of the 2 Peter 1 “Growth Chart” that was in the BPBC bulletin this past Sunday.

Here is the promised video review of the Niagara Preterist Conference that I had the opportunity to participate in early this month:

Also, due to some discussions we have been having at BPBC about details in 1 Corinthians chapter 15, I have found these videos from Dr. Don K. Preston to be rather edifying:

Also, in yesterday’s sermon on sin, I made mention of a resource from the Puritan, John Owen. The quote, “Be killing sin or sin will be killing you” is from his writing, On the Mortification of Sin in Believers. You can access that writing at the following link,

Finally, I have been making mention of tonight into tomorrow being the Jewish commemoration of Tisha B’av.  I know many Preterists have committed to putting out some resources in celebration later this evening. I will be sure to compile them and send them in another resource update later this week.

Have a blessed evening. Enjoy these resources.

In service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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