Blessings in Christ Jesus,

It is my sincere pray that this week has been a blessed one. The weather was beautiful for many of the days and gave ample opportunity for God to be praised, and prayerfully for you to be productive.

You will find various items attached to this email, all of which will be explained in this email. Along with the resourced I will attach this email will include some updates. Also, an update on our praises and prayers for the week.

Saturday Bible Study at BPBC will be canceled.

Tomorrow is officially “HOPE DAY 2017”!!! I look forward to seeing many of you at the Brentwood Recreation Center at 8AM. Please see attached flier and volunteer instructions which are attached to this email. Remember, we prayed this past Sunday that as the “Grocery Team” we will do more than stock and distribute bags of groceries. Rather, as members of His Church we will bring “resurrection” to Brentwood – offering beautiful moments and attitudes to those who all too often see ugly moments and attitudes.  (PLEASE SEE ATTACHMENTS)

This past Sunday we had an interesting discussion in our Adult Sunday School. We talked about “resurrection” and “healing of the nations” in regards to what can be referred to as “creation care”. Interestingly enough, the June topic for “Common Prayer” is exactly that – Creation Care. Consider these details:

“Much of our theology has been so concentrated on heaven that it invalidates any concern for the earth. Some images in Scripture have even been misconstrued to perpetuate a disregard for creation, such as the image that in the last days the world will be consumed by fire. But nearly every other time the  “consumed by fire” image is evoked in Scripture, it is a fire that purifies rather than burns up, a fire that frees up life rather than destroys it. No doubt – the way we live is shaped by how we image the end of the world – whether we think God’s final plan is for everything to go up in flames or for everything to be brought to life.

“Creation care is not just about theology. It is about having the creativity to embody our theology imaginatively…At its core, creation care is about loving our global neighbor, because the poor suffer the most from the degradation of the earth…

“Christianity is not just about going up when we die; it’s about bringing God’s kingdom down, all the way to the dirt in our gardens”.

Also, exciting news regarding my upcoming book release, Wicked. This coming Monday, June 5th, Wicked will be up for pre-order. I will post more information on the release soon. Please see attached cover and back of the book.

Instead of listing our BPBC praises and prayers this week, please pray that “resurrection power” will come in regards the following highlights:

  • Healing needed in the minds, bodies, and spirits of those in our church and those who we have prayed for
  • The Call to and for Wisdom (#AThinkingFaith)
  • Brentwood and especially Hope Day 2017 this coming Saturday.
  • Any needs or prayers that are within our membership and attendees hearts and minds


In Jesus’s mighty name we pray!

Enjoy the attachments and have a blessed weekend!

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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