Blessings in Christ,

It is my hope and pray that each of you had a blessed and productive week. I know that working on my Thinking Thru Scripture online videos and steadily getting Wicked ready for an end of the month/ early June release have kept me busy through the week. Yet, I am excited for our weekend activities.

Tomorrow is the “Great Brookhaven Clean Up”, and many will be teaming up the Town to “Keep Brookhaven Beautiful”. We will be meeting at The Blue Point Bible Church at 7AM to break into teams and clean up various areas around the church, as well as the Bayport – Blue Point area. We will conclude our clean-up around 2:30PM and offer a BBQ at 3PM.

More information at the following link, on that and more “Spring into Action” opportunities with The Blue Point Bible Church

Of course, I am always looking forward to our Worship Services on Sunday. So…if we do not see you for the clean-up, we will prayerfully see you on Sunday. Please remember that we do not currently have cushions in our pews, so if the hard bench is bothersome to you, bring a pillow!


Sundays at The Blue Point Bible Church

9AM – Adult Sunday School & Discussion

10AM – Fellowship

10:30AM – Worship Service


\Prayerfully, you have been taking advantage of watching the daily videos, Thinking Thru Scripture. Later this evening I will be bringing us forward in our reading, Job chapters 29-31. Here is a link to Thinking Thru Scripture on YouTube:

Also, you can follow along with our readings at the following link,



I look forward to seeing most, if not all of you, this weekend!

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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