Blessings in Christ Jesus,

It is my sincere hope and prayer that this email finds each of you blessed, prospering, and knowing that you are rich in His grace. We had a blessed time lifting up prayers today for the National Day of Pray at The Blue Point Bible Church. Here is a link to read a short blurb about today’s event and see a picture,

I just want to share a couple of resources and updates along with detailing some things we prayed for today (since I unfortunately was not with you all on Sunday to record our community praises and prayers).

I have recently typed up outlines on two very important doctrinal details – Covenant Creation in Genesis and the Corporate Body View (CBV) of the Resurrection of the Dead. Here are the links:

Also, graciously Ed Stevens and Simon Tack provided their notes from the Revelation Revealed Conference that I wanted to provide. Here are links to their notes:



I look forward to seeing you all this weekend.


Saturday Morning Bible Studies @ 9AM

Sunday Morning Adult Sunday School @ 9AM

Coffee & Fellowship on Sundays @ 10AM

Sunday Worship Service @ 10:30AM


In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

By admin

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