On May 4th, 2017, a few gathered at The Blue Point Bible Church (BPBC) to lift up prayers for our nation and commemorate the 66th annual National Day of Prayer (NDOP). Pastor Michael Miano of BPBC led the congregation in focused prayer specifically for the following four (4) categories: National Leadership, Local Leadership, The World/ Community at Large, and The Church. Sister Meredith Piniella blessed the congregation with the singing of It’s Time For All America To Pray. Pastor David Czeisel of Bayport UMC also joined us in prayer and note of a quintessential point for our gathering, “It’s time for the world to realize that more people are seeking and working toward unity than division”. A traditional 66 ringings of the BPBC bells was done to make note of this important event.

Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people standing


Here is a list of some of the details we lifted up for National Day of Prayer at BPBC:

NATIONAL LEADERSHIP: Asking that we would see “responsibility with favor” in regards to our national leadership we lifted up praises for living in such a blessed country, and prayed for President Trump and Vice President Pence. Justice and righteousness being expressed and seen through Congress, the Senate, and judges across our nation. We took a moment of silence of gratitude and memoral for every branch of our armed forces. We lifted up prayers against terrorism and for the minds, hearts, and souls of those terrorists.

LOCAL LEADERSHIP: We prayed that we we see “the increase of restoring beautiful, wholesome, and worthwhile realities in our communities”. We lifted up prayers for elected officials such as but not limited to Governor Cuomo, Senator Tom Croci, Legislators William Lindey and Rob Colarco, Brookhaven Town Supervisor Ed Romaine, and Councilman Neil Foley. We prayed for the Suffolk County Police Department and all the precincts across the island. We prayed specifically for Comissioner Sini and Deputy Commissioner Risco Mention-Lewis, along with 5th precinct’s Inspector Silva, Sgt. Frielingsdorf, Sgt. Calandrillo, and the COPE officers. We also took a moment of silence for officers that have lost their lives. We prayed for community organizations such as the Bayport-Blue Point Chamber of Commerce, Great South Bay Coalition, Blue Point Community Civic Association, Heroin Anonymous, Council on Thought and Action (COTA), XD Youth, and World Famous Block Parties.

THE WORLD/ OUR COMMUNITY: We prayed that “the world will be blessed through our prayers” specifically lifting up the elderly, families and marriages, children, those who are in need, and those who need comfort. We prayed that the world would wake up to the reality that more are working toward unity that against it. We prayed against the strongholds of heroin and gangs.

THE CHURCH: We held high and glorified God for the responsibility He has given to the Church to “make known the manifold wisdom of God”. We prayed that the Church would stand in the gap and be responsible “elders in the gate” for our communities. The Church must come to terms with the fact that we are Children of Abraham – “blessed to be a blessing”. We lifted up prayers for unity, proclamation and defense of the Gospel, and took a moment of silence for the persecuted Christians worldwide. We prayed for boldness and empowerment for Christians worldwide based upon the testimony of the persecuted. Lifting up prayers for local churches we mentioned Pastor David Czeisel of Bayport UMC, Father Fink of Our Lady of the Snow Catholic Church, Father Andrew of St. John’s Greek Orthordox Church, and Mother Diane of St. Ann’s Anglican Church, as well as local house churches and assemblies where two or three might be gathered. We also noted specific prayers for the local Ursuline sisters and the peace, joy, and trust they must have in God as they prepare to leave their center. We prayed that God would lead the use of the property and be glorified through it, and that the legacy of the Ursuline sisters never be forgotten from our community.

In Jesus’ mighty name we pray. Amen.

By admin

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