Whewww, I’ll tell you, it would sure seem that my week was invigorated with some “Resurrection Power”. Surely this was needed as we seek to “Spring into Action” at The Blue Point Bible Church. Be prepared for a busy next couple months of serving God with all our minds, hearts, souls, and strength. Much of these details will be shared in this update. Also by Sunday, you will be able to visit our website (www.bluepointbiblechurch.org) and click on the “Spring into Action” tab to stay informed.

In review, Mr. Mert Melfa our video guy, has put together all the videos from the Revelation Revealed Bible Conference and emailed a link to those who he had on an email list. I wanted to provide the link again and in this public blog, so here it is – https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1h2WwSa-8dMGmcP7qTKQ3pACwxgpvzBb Also, I blogged a “Part 2” of the review that I have offered about our conference a couple of weeks ago. You can access that blog at the following link, https://powerofpreterism.wordpress.com/2017/04/21/reviewing-the-revelation-revealed-bible-conference-part-2/

Again I mention that we are in the season of “Springing into Action” at BPBC. Below I will list some of the upcoming events where you can serve in some sort of fashion. Please note them and get in touch with me to offer your help. These will soon be listed on our website under the tab I already mentioned, and also sign-up sheets will be available in the foyer of The Blue Point Bible Church.

May 4th – National Day of Prayer

Join us at The Blue Point Bible Church on Thursday, May 4th, 2017 at 12PM (noon) for the National Day of Prayer.

Find more information at the following link, http://www.bluepointbiblechurch.org/peace/?p=1163

May 12th – Intro to XD Youth

Those who receive formal invites will come and learn more about our efforts to bring forth an eXtrmely Different Youth on May 12th @ 7PM. Please let me know if you would to be one of the invited.

May 20th – Great Brookhaven Cleanup

We will be forming various clean up teams to clean up the Bayport/ Blue Point area on May 20th, 2017 beginning at 7AM. Various teams will serve throughout the day until 2:30PM. Refreshments and rest will be available at The Blue Point Bible Church, along with a concluding BBQ at 3PM. It is asked that if you are going to be involved with this effort that you register at www.brookhavenny.gov

(Team Leaders Needed!!!)

June 3rd – HOPE Day – This Sunday at The Blue Point Bible Church we will have various sign up sheets for HOPE Day available, along with a showing of the Brentwood Hope Day video. We are looking for people to fill a couple spots such as Grocery Team, Prayer Team, Connections, and Kid’s Zone. Please pray and let me know an area you might be able to serve in.

Also, tomorrow’s Bible Study (Sat., April 22nd) is canceled. Pastor Miano and others will be at The Whole Child Conference in Brentwood learning and teaching parenting skills.

On Monday, April 24th – Pastor Miano will be a live guest on Ringside Politics with Jeff Crouere a La. based radio program.

Apparently some have called into his show asking about how politics with Russia relate to Bible prophecy and I was recommended as a guest. There is a graphic with details on that program attached to this email.

All things for His glory alone!

Image may contain: 2 people, beard

By admin

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