“O Lord, listen! O Lord, forgive! O Lord, hear and act! For Your sake, O my God (Daniel 9:19)”. 

The words of the prophet Daniel call us to consider all that is done in the Name of God and the glory His Name should receive.

Join us at The Blue Point Bible Church on Thursday, May 4th, 2017 at 12PM (noon) for the National Day of Prayer.

During this time we will offer up a time of prayer for our national, as well as national/ local leaders, community organizations, and concerns. Rending our minds and hearts to the consideration of the glory His Name deserves. Along with a traditional ringing of the bell to highlight our prayer for the healing of lour nation, and the nations around the world.

It is requested that any national or local leaders, elected officials, and community organizers who may want to pray or be prayed for RSVP by emailing ChristianityGoneWild@Yahoo.com or leaving a message with Pastor Michael Miano of The Blue Point Bible Church (631) 363-6111.

In Service to Him,

Your local National Day of Prayer Task Force

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