Blessings in Christ Jesus,

I hope to hear that this week provided you with ample opportunity to praise God for all that He has created, accomplished, and is doing in the world. I know the spring season brings me empowerment to “spring into action” for His glory!

I want to supply you with some announcements/ updates, as well as our weekly praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 2nd, 2016. Also, you can now visit the website and see the updated monthly calendar. Here is a link,

I pray that each of you were able to read through the part 1 review that I wrote up about our conference. If not, here is the link,

I will be writing up a couple of reviews.

Unfortunately, I saw the email from Mr. Mert Melfa that the Revelation Debate I had with Pastor Earl Wallace will not be uploaded to YouTube. Here is the link to the Facebook Live video that was done (also unfortunate is the quality is a bit choppy),

For the month of April at The Blue Point Bible Church we will be focused on “Hope Fulfilled”, namely how it applies to the reality of resurrection that OC Israel hoped for. We have Palm Sunday, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday (Easter) all this month. Oh and let us not forget Passover. We will combine our Passover and Good Friday celebration. I have attached a graphic giving you dates and times of services at Blue Point in these regards.

This coming Sunday will be the 2nd Sunday of the month when we talk a bit about serving the world. I will be sharing a host of details on how you can “spring into action” with us at The Blue Point Bible Church this coming Sunday, April 9th (and following that the details will be provided on our website).

Also, here is a link detailing some of my thoughts about the ongoing and God-glorifying reformation that Full Preterism is having within the Christian Church –

I look forward to all that God will do in and through is in this new season.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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