Blessings in Christ Jesus,

I hope and pray that this has been a blessed week for each of you. May we continue to pray for opportunities to grow in the grace and knowledge of Him, as well as opportunities to further advance the faith and heal the nations.

Before I share our weekly praises and prayers I want to provide some important announcements and resources. Firstly, did you know that today, March 10th, 2017 marks 4 years to the date that I was voted in as pastor at The Blue Point Bible Church. Surely a celebratory thing in my life.

Tomorrow morning’s Bible Study (Saturday) will be canceled.

Also, on Sunday there is the Bayport-Blue Point St. Patrick’s Day Parade. Attached to this email you will find some details. Each year I am assured by the local officials that those trying to get to church will have no issues getting through. Please express that to anyone if/or you find yourself having difficulties getting to BPBC.

As we go through the Lenten season I hope you have been challenging yourself to grow in His grace and knowledge by adding some things to your walk with Christ. I watched/ listened to a great podcast on leadership and productivity this past week and want to share that link with you.

Here is the link to the video,

Our Revelation Revealed Bible Conference is right around the corner. Wow! Prayerfully you are excited and ready to be challenged, as well as enjoy the fellowship we do every year. Here are two links that will clue you in as to the events, speakers, and times relating to the conference.

In Service to Jesus our Lord,

Pastor Michael Miano

P.S. – I had advised everyone to begin listening to the 2 sermons on the Holy Spirit preached by Mr. Max King. We will be reviewing, discussing, and working through some of those details in our Adult Sunday School. Here is a link that will take you to those sermons,

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