Blessings in Christ,

I hope to hear that each of you had a blessed week full of opportunities to lift up praise. Since we have begun the Lent season I do hope that I may have inspired some if not all of you top begin adding something to your life to further increase your joy and satisfaction in Him. I know I am always read to add Spiritual disciplines to my life to that will increase my thinking on things of God (cf. Philippians 4:8). Prayerfully, you found opportunity to watch my video about Lent on social media.

I want to share some resources and updates with you before I list our praises and prayers. I know most if not all of us are excited about the upcoming Revelation Revealed Conference & Debate happening at The Blue Point Bible Church on March 24th-26, 2016. You can review an updated agenda at the following link,

This week I had shared quite a few resources. Here is a link to one update I shared:

Also, I have to offer up praise for the opportunities in ministry I am given through the reforming efforts of Preterism. I am offered opportunity after opportunity to encourage other ministers and ministries and see the fruit of His truth come about as many Christians come to find clarity in Full Preterism. In the link I will share below I detail the issues and propose some solutions to leading and pastoring within the Full Preterist Movement. I also include a review of Pastor Daniel Rogers’ book, The Last Enemy and the Triumph of Christ. Here is the link,


In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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