Blessings in Christ Jesus!

I hope to hear that despite our living in a rather chaotic world that each of you found opportunity to thank God for blessings in your lives. I know my heart always aches when we begin the hear and tragedies strike, therefore I ask that we find situations of those who are suffering and lift those people up in our prayers.

I look forward to going through an Examination of Hebrew Storytelling through Jonah tomorrow morning at BPBC’s Saturday Morning Bible Study (9AM). Prayerfully, if you local you might consider joining us.

I wanted to share some updates along with our weekly praises and prayers. I hope to hear that some if not all of you started a Bible reading plan. If not, it’s not too late, so here is a reminder of the different plans:

90 Days through the Bible –

6 Months Overview of the Bible –

1 Year of Daily Psalms, Proverbs, and Old and New Testament Writings (which after this Saturday will be an outline we use for our Saturday Morning Bible Study) –

Remember saints, 2 Timothy 2:15.

Also, this week I wrote an article about Authentic Spirituality and Genesis chapter 1. I surely encourage you to give it a read. Here is the link,

I look forward to seeing many if not all of you at some point this weekend.

With Care and Concern for His Glory & Our Edification,

Pastor Michael Miano 

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