Blessings in Christ,

It is my hope and pray that each of you had a blessed week – finding time to glorify God throughout your day. Earlier in the week, I made a post on social media concerning my waking thoughts on giving glory to God. I said the following, “Everything in our lives and what we do with our lives should elevate Jesus Christ (so that through us people come to see Jesus “high and lifted up”), this is what it means to give glory to God”.

Thank each of you who reached out to express prayers while I was sick. I’m still not 100%, however I continued in prayer through the week and know very well that God is our ultimate Healer.


I’m glad to say I am back on my feet and will be at Bible Study tomorrow morning at The Blue Point Bible Church. 🙂

Saturdays at 9AM, and we urge you to come at 8:30AM with any questions. We will be doing a part 2 tomorrow regarding “Hebrew Storytelling: Examining Job and Jonah”. I look forward to seeing some of you then.


I quickly wanted to share some study resources for you to further grow in your understanding of His Word.

I have been listening to Travis Finley’s podcasts, Rethinking Revelation. I strongly recommend listening to his stuff because he is insightful, has great character, and offers challengings thoughts to his listeners as well as some of the great guests he brings on the show.

Interview with Dr. Michael Heiser:

Interview with Dr. Don K. Preston:

Interview with Dr. John Walton:

There is show wherein my thoughts about understanding the Bible are shared around the 35 minute mark, however Travis’ whole show is great stuff! Listen here,

Dr. Michael Heiser, who I mentioned above, is a proponent of the “Divine Heavenly Council” view which I completely disagree with, and he authored a book I recently just finished and wrote a review of called “The Unseen Realm”. You can read my review at the following link,

Also, as mentioned in our Sunday bulletin, I have now begun a Youtube series on “Gaining a Narrative Theology”. You can watch part 1 at the following link,

Don’t forget….Christmas is on a Sunday this year, and we will have a “Mystical Christmas” service at Blue Point Bible Church on Sunday, December 25th at 10:30AM. Sunday school will be canceled. See below.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

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