I pray our current praise and worship sermon series, Yadah…Yadah…Yadah.Shachah., has been edifying to each of you. Namely, the goal of the series is to examine and challenge ourselves in regards to praise and worship, and our corporate praise and worship as well – doing both in and with spirit and truth. I thank those of you who had given me the notes after service, and pray those of you who said you would have some to share soon do so.

In all of my recent work with The Power of Preterism Network (TPPN) and MGW Online Radio, I have been so excited by the “team work” and clarity that is coming about. We have been examining what I am calling “The Flavors of Preterism”, and I have had a couple guests now, however this weeks podcast was with Mr. William Vincent as we talked about “mystical preterism”, and I have to admit I was so encouraged, edified, and impressed with the show. You can listen at the following link, http://www.mianogonewild.com/audios/35/flavors-of-preterism-a-look-at-mystical-preterism-w-william-vincent.html

The show is podcasted every Wednesday by 12pm EST. However, I am excited to remind you that TFCRadio.com will be launching on November 30th, and Miano Gone Wild will be played on Tuesdays at 10AM and 10PM. Enjoy!

As I look forward to our food and fellowship we will share at the Harvest Dinner on Saturday, December 3rd at 6PM, I also wanted to tell you about an exercise I am doing. Starting today, I have begun celebrating “Daily Communion” and would love to find a day that works for you to have you celebrate with me leading up to Christmas. Ultimately, this will allow for a great time to focus on Christ, allow me to share some details with you, and for us to fellowship. Please consider letting me know when I see you at service, through a call, email, or text message when you might want to celebrate Communion with me!

Let me know if you are interested, and please share with any whom may be interested, that we have our XD Youth Pizza Party & Open Mic – Friday, December 2nd from 6:30-9PM at The Blue Point Bible Church.

And finally. I hope some, if not all of you, will be desire to join me this coming Sunday, November 27th  St. Ursula’s at 4PM for the event “On the Wings of Hope” – Join us as we partner to bring spiritual support to our community during the holidays. Chinese auction,50/50 and Luminary bags to place around the tree. Please bring pictures to be placed on the alter as we support our community families. It is always a beautiful event with much support. The tree was planted 4 years ago as a symbol for growth and awareness in regards to fighting the drug abuse problem in our community, just as the surrounding communities, and the tree is located on the grounds of Saint Ursula’s Center in Blue Point.




By admin

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