Many have been ranting and raving about the excellent resource regarding the Book of Revelation that has been provided by brother Adam Maarschalk. If you visit the following link, you can find a podcast and a resource to read through. Here is the link,

Also, I have successfully relaunched MGW Online Radio for 2 weeks now. I had Mr. Andy Diaz as a guest last week, and this past Tuesday I have Mr. Ryan Cataldo on the show. Both of them shared honest thoughts and insights regarding the “Flavors of Preterism”. You can visit to listen to those broadcasts.

And lastly, in matters of resources, I produced the final video for the “short video series” I did on Facebook and Youtube in regards to the “Jewish Feasts” called “From Fasting to Feasting”. You can watch that video on Youtube at the following link,

(Also, soon we will have a video of the recent discussion Pastor Steve Schilling and I had in regards to the “Jewish Feasts” and atonement).

I want to simply end by telling you about a God-led weekend we have planned this coming weekend at The Blue Point Bible Church. On Saturday, we have a Bible Study being led by Pastor Mike in regards to the proper way of reading ancient historical “Jewish” stories like Job and Jonah. Join us for Bible Study at 9AM.

On Sunday, we begin a new sermon series in our Worship Service at 10:30AM. “Yaddah…Yaddah…Yaddah. Shachah” will be a praise and worship series aimed at helping us better understand praise and worship, and how to benefit from that understanding in offering the worship He desires – in Spirit and in Truth.

I have attached a graphic for promotion of this weekend.

Also, Deacon Ed has offered the opportunity for us all to go into the Pine Barrens out in Riverhead. We figure everyone should bring a bag lunch, wear sneakers, and dress ready to follow some trails and see God’s glorious creation. Surely that’s connected to our understanding of “praise and worship”, amen?


By admin

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