Blessings in Christ,

Well….Reformation Day has surely been a busy one regarding the “Pastor Life”.

I woke up and went right to work continuing an on-going dialogue through Social Media regarding the efficacy of the “local church”, prayerfully demonstrating the power of the “local church” as a vehicle for God’s glory and the edification of the saints. Tomorrow, I will produce some videos explaining my views on the the “local church” that prayerfully you will find edifying.

Today is marked as “Reformation Day” since it is said that today is the day that Martin Luther tacked the 95 Thesis on the Church at Wittenburg’s door initiating what we know today as “The Protestant Reformation”.

That being so, I wanted to take a moment to offer some resources I have went through today, learning more about reformation and revival happening within Christendom. Glory to God!

Here are some resources:

(A link to some simple details about today’s date in history)

(A link to a study archive regarding the Reformation)

(Interesting link to a unifying event that occurred in 1999 between Lutherans & Catholics on doctrine of Justification)

(Founder’s Ministries is an interesting site, and they have a whole resource on the “Reformational Mindset)

Ed Steven’s recently shared details concerning a nationwide repentance done by the worldwide Church. I thought it sounded interesting and like a good challenge for us as those seeking to be consistent Christians. You can learn more about that at the following link,

Also, being that tomorrow marks “All Saint’s Day” and the following day, “All Soul’s Day”, I wanted to encourage you to stay tuned to my YouTube channel, and/or my Social Media, for a video highlighting a contemporary focus on those things.

And finally, I wanted to share with you details regarding a Bible Study I will lead up through this

coming Saturday, November 5th @ 9AM at The Blue Point Bible Church. The graphic is attached to this memo.

I pray you all have a blessed week.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano


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