
Some quick updates regarding the “going-ons” at The Blue Point Bible Church.
Tonight’s, Wednesday Night Praise, Prayer, and Bible Study is canceled. However, we hope you will come visit our table at the Bayport- Blue Point Expo at the Bayport Flower Houses later today (4PM-8PM).
Be excited! Friday night we launch “eXtremely Different Youth” @ 6:30PM.
Also, Mr. Ricky Carranza is visiting us from Finland and will be sharing some thoughts for Saturday Morning Bible Study @ 10AM.
And finally, this coming Sunday, at our 10:30AM “Worship Service”, Blue Point Bible Church Pastors Michael Miano & Steve Schilling will be having a “roundtable discussion” regarding the Jewish feasts and their completion in Christ.
I look forward to seeing you all around this week into the weekend.
In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano


By admin

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