Two “blogs” I have published this week, which are “chock full of details” can be found at the following links:
#BeingCHRISTIAN “Consistency Principles” (Part 5) –
Notebook Review and Resources –
Tomorrow night @ 8PM EST is the #TeamPRETERIST “Strategic Conference Call” regarding Clarity, Healing, & Strategy. I will attach a graphic to this message concerning the details of that call and how you can tune in (and/or listen to the podcast). Please remember that Saturday Morning Bible Study has been canceled this week (10/15). Also, this coming Sunday, we will continue with our looking at the Jewish Feasts (this week will be Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement) and how they relate to our #BeingCHRISTIAN.
Mr. Ricky Carranza from Finland is visiting again next week. In the midst of us having the Bayport Expo on Wednesday and launching our XD Youth Group on Friday, October 21st! Let’s look forward to an exciting week, wherein God will most definitely be glorified.
In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano