Blessings in Christ.
I pray that you found time this week to continually be growing in the grace and knowledge of God.
I just want to share our weekly “praises & prayers” as well as highlight some updates happening around, as well as in and through The Blue Point Bible Church.
I just updated our “Consistency Principles (Part 3), as we will continue this effort into October. Here is the latest blog, chronicling the “Consistency Principles”, we have been reviewing in our Sunday Worship Service:
Also, in my sermon on Sunday, I mentioned some details from an earlier 2nd century writing referred to as the “Letter to Diognetus”, and I wanted to share a link for you to review if and when you have time:
We have alot of exciting things about to happen as we move into October at The Blue Point Bible Church. As we note the upcoming Jewish Feasts, we will be talking a bit about the context of our “Christian faith” in our Sunday worship service. Also, you will begin to be hearing about our efforts and your participating in Operation Christmas Child, as well as XD Youth (BPBC’s Youth Group which officially launches as a “Fright Night Party” on October 21st @ 6:30PM.
Also, many of you may have noticed, The Power of Preterism Network has now fully launched the #TeamPRETERIST idea and are urging people to sign up and get involved in some things we have on the horizon. Check out the YouTube video and be sure you are on the TPPN Email List. Here is a pertinent link and the video on the page:
In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano

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