Praises & Prayers

“Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”. – James 5:11

These are the praises & prayers of our congregation as of Sun., March 5th, 2023:

Edward praised God for BPBC, our online community, and mentioned prayers for those who are ill and those who are caring/praying for others who are ill. He praised God for His providence, for those in attendance for Worship Service, and for eternal life through Jesus Christ.

Kathy lifted up praises for pastor Mike’s birthday and Meredith’s anniversary. She praised God for the recent good weather. Prayers for Karen and her medical stuff, as well as for Karen’s friend whose husband passed away. Prayers for the dog and the recent vet visits, may healing and comfort come. She praised God for a good nights sleep and prayed that she continues to feel better. Praise that Richie is able to drive now. Prayers for the Lent season .

Lisa M. praised God for being a loving and wonderful creator. Praise for BPBC. Prayers for her and Steve’s parents and their daughters. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for answered prayer. He mentioned praise and continued prayers regarding conversations with “Brother Bob’s” sister. Prayers for the week ahead and for extra strength, focus, and good health.

Pastor Mike praised God for his birthday and all the family and friends he had to celebrate with. He praised God for the pastoral fellowship that was had this week. Praise for the season of Lent and the opportunity for personal growth. Praise and prayers for Rachanda, Kaiden, and Kehlani. Praise and prayers for Denise M., Meredith, Arthur (a barber friend), Gary DeMar, Joel R., Brandon Anderson, and for those who continue to rebel against the truth of Full Preterism. Praise for the current day reformation & revival happening in the Church.

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ.


Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, February 26th, 2023: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, our online community, and the healing that God has manifest among our congregation. He also mentioned praise and continued prayers regarding Elder Steve H’s healing. Praise for Rachanda’s baby shower and continued prayers for Pastor Mike’s family. He also mentioned prayers of healing for those who are in need of healing. 

Terri lifted up prayers for “Brother Bob’s family and loved ones. Praise for Wayne and her BPBC family. Prayers and praise for Pastor Mike’s birthday on Friday and contrinued prayers for Rachanda through her pregnancy. 

Kathy prayed for Karen as she prepares for possible surgery on her back. We are hoping for no invasive surgery – Lord, work it out! Praise for her grandson going back to school and that he met a girl named Sarah. Praise and continued prayers regarding cousin Richie and prayers for herself as she is in need of rest. Prayers for Pastor Mike to enjoy his birthday and prayers for Rachanda’s pregnancy, as well as the whole of Pastor’s family. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for healing and that he is feeling tremendously better. Prayers for his son’s healing. He praised God for all that He does and how He constantly lifts him up. May he/we walk worthy of all of our blessings. He praised God for the interaction and fellowship that is found at BPBC, as well as the time he enjoyed with “Brother Bob”. He praised God for His presence and asked that we would continue to feel it, may it increase- in our lives and in our assembly. And strength at work, especially focus and clarity. 

Pastor Mike prayed for the family’s that experienced loss this week – “Brother Bob’s” family, Dr. Michael Heiser’s family, and Max King’s family. May the Lord provide His perfecting and all-surpassing peace. He lifted up praise and prayer for his family. Prayers of healing for Rachanda and prayers of peace and encouragement for Bonnie. Praises also mentioned for Meredith’s 48 year wedding anniversary.

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 19th, 2023: 

Kevin asked the Lord to “help us” to not lean on our own understandings. He praised God that it is all His plan! Lastly, he mentioned prayers for his family as they mourn the passing of his brother, Steve McMahon. 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and for the Miano’s baby shower that was celebrated last week. Praise for Rachanda’s parents. Praise for the Preterist Power Hour and other endeavours of the Pastor Mike that he participates in. He mentioned praise and prayer regarding those in assembly for service and praised God for answered prayer. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day despite the cold weather. She mentioned praise for having a great time at the Miano’s baby shower. Answered prayer for Karen, continued praises and prayers regarding cousin Richie, and prayers for Phil (as he hasn’t been feeling well). She mentioned praise for United States presidents past and present. 

Terri praised God that Elder Steve Henandez is doing better and was present in service. She mentioned praise that Rachanda’s baby shower was a success. She praised God for Pastor Mike’s efforts. Praise for fellowship with Karen Kellers. Prayers and praise regarding church family, Wayne, and her mom.

Deacon Brian lifted up the corporate praises and prayers that were mentioned, a praise for the baby shower, and praise and prayers regarding Sandy’s family in CT. and their mourning the passing into eternity of Uncle Tito. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for healing and that he is feeling better. Praise regarding the success of Rachanda’s baby shower. He asked God for wisdom in the sorting out of things at work and mentioned prayers for those dealing with employment issues. 

Pastor Mike praised God for being the God of answered prayer. He mentioned Random Acts of Kindness Day, Valentine’s Day, and the coming season of Lent (praises and prayers). Praise regarding those who attended, those who helped, and the joy that was present at Rachanda’s baby shower. He mentioned prayers for those who are burdened, especially women in ministry, Preterists, BPBC Leadership, and for himself. God knows the needs. Prayers for Craig, Gordon, and Harry. The Lord knows. Also, Pastor Mike mentioned praises and prayers for President Joe Biden. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

These are are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 12th, 2023:

Edward prayed for a man named Gordan who asked for prayer, and prayers of healing for Elder Steve H.. He praised God that he is doing well financially and continues to see God’s providence in his life.

Vicki praised God for always taking care of the needs of our church. She prayed for those in Turkey, Syria, and Ukraine who are suffering from recent events. She lifted up praise regarding her salvation.

Kathy praised God for the weather even though its been a bit cold. She prayed for rest and comfort. She praise God for always providing, even mentioning the extra help she received this past week with the food stamps. Praise and prayers for Karen and her medical progress. Praise for those in Turkey, Syria, and Ukraine regarding the recent earthquake. Prayers for China, prayers for the United States, and for those among us in need of specific Elder Steve, Rachanda, and praise for Pastor Mike’s continued efforts.

Meredith praised God for the day, for the recent beautiful weather, and for her health. Praise for recent news of reasonable price for treatment. Prayers for Bonnie, Jenny, and Bob, as they all experienced loss of a pet recently. Prayers for Nico, a little boy on her bus route, that he would find wise counsel regarding his thoughts and things he has been saying.

Wayne lifted up prayers for a recent incident in Bayport where a 2 year old stopped breathing.

Terri echoed the praise and prayers of others, and mentioned prayers for Rachanda’s baby shower and praise for Wayne’s water baptism.

Deacon Brian lifted up all the corporate praises and prayers already mentioned, as well as prayers for Sandy and her family as the mourn the passing of her Uncle Tito. Brian mentioned praise for Sandy’s family, “as they are really a good family”.

Pastor Mike praised God for being the God of answered prayer. He praised God for the various fellowship, study, and worship opportunities we have here at The Blue Point Bible Church. He mentioned praised for PS I Love You Day and for his valentine’s – Rachanda and Kaiden. Prayers for Harry (strength/wisdom), Gordon (against “spiritual attacks”), and prayers of healing and peace for both Elder Steve and Bonnie, as well as Sandy and her family. “Lord, expand my boundaries”.

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, Feb., 5th, 2023:

Kevin mentioned how hard it is to know where to start when praising God. So much to be thankful for. So many blessings. He mentioned God using all things, all of us, for His glory. Kevin mentioned Violet in prayer, peace and comfort.

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and mentioned prayers for Elder Steve H. He also praised God for and prayed for increased wisdom that he might be further effective and fruitful.

Wayne praised God for 37 years of marriage and the blessed time it has been. He also mentioned prayer that he hopes and trusts that the joy will continue for a long time!

Deacon Brian lifted up prayers for Elder Steve H., namely that he would “get better”. He also mentioned prayers for others in our congregation, or in the care of others in the congregation, that they would find healing in way needed (sick, hurting, financial issues, etc). He mentioned we should not forget the Lord growing and blessing each of us.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for Kathy and Elder Steve. May the Lord bring forth healing. He praised God that He is always at work, and how amazing it is to see and know. He mentioned that it is all about the sovereignty and providence of God. Praise and prayers for Black History Month and a mighty praise for a “date day” with Rachanda (city visit, Abbyssinian Church, etc.). Praise for Rachanda and Kaiden, and Kehlani. Praise and prayers for the celebration of Vicki’s birthday.

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our copprate praises and prayers as of Sunday, January , 2023: 

Kevin praised God for His mightiness and His miraculous healing power. He lifted up prayers of comfort for Jill during this difficult time. 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and mentioned prayers of greater strength for those who need it. He also praised God for His constant provisions in his life. 

Kathy praised God for the day, for the weather, and reminded us of the snow storm we had this time a year ago. Prayers for Karen regarding her implant, she mentioned praise for a warm house, as well as praise for Richie doing well. Prayers for Pastor and his family, prayers for each of us as we enter the week ahead, and prayers of favour for herself and her family and that “God would come through in a timely manner”. 

Deacon Brian praised God for the day and that the weather was nice. Prayers for Elder Steve H regarding healing and praise for the healing God has brought forth in the Mahr’s lives and we are blessed to see them at service. Praise that the health of many in our congregation and their loved ones is getting better, continued prayers. Prayers of comfort for Jerry and for a friend at the fitness centre and his wife. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the 2023 vision of “Healthy – Helpful – Happy” and a successful, edifying, and encouraging Annual Meeting that was had this past Friday. Praise for new membership and the ideas and events to be experienced in 2023. Prayers for Elder Steve Hernandez, Terri and Wayne, Lisa and Fred, Lisa and Steve, as well as the family of Tyre Anderson and the police department in Memphis, TN. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 15th, 2023: 

Kevin praised God for all that He has blessed us with, and asked that He would enable us to walk worthy of the blessings, as well as asking for the blessings to keep coming. 

Edward praised God for BPBC, our online community, the healing and answered prayers manifesting in our midst, a good assembly for Worship Service, and prayers for continued healing where it is needed. He also thanked God for the continued blessings and encouragement he receives. 

Steve M. praised God for the blessings of restored health and prayers for his mom and she is in pain and feeling ill. 

Kathy praised God for answered prayer on behalf of Richie. He is home. Kathy mentioned a few personal prayers – Phil’s stepmother, Karen, and for the elections on Tuesday. She prayed that each of us would have a good week Fahd and praised God for the healings we have seen in our assembly. 

Terri praises God for all she has. She praised God for the healing that we have seen regarding those who are sick and continued prayers for those who might feel that way. Prayers for Kyle Smith. 

Meredith praised God that she had heard from the Dr. that she will be able to be off the blood thinners soon. Prayers for her sister-in-law, Kathy, as they reflect upon the passing of Ron. She praises God for BPBC, praise God for the consistent prayers we offer up, and praise for those ‘on the road to mending’, as well as God’s continued graciousness and goodness. 

Elder Steve praised God for restored health. He mentioned prayers for a few people at work and for comfort to be provided to those in need of it. 

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for a good assembly for Worship Service. He praises God for Rachanda, Kaiden, and the baby girl on the way. He also mentioned praise for the legacy and wisdom we have from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He praises God for being able to participate in a commemorative march and met some people (Lawrence and Larry). Prayers for the local elections. Prayers for Jim and family, as well as Peter, Nova, June, and Kyle. Praise and prayer regarding recent interviews and hoping they will be a blessing to others. Prayers for the Church and our church, always remember it is His Church! 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

This week we don’t have a list of recorded prayers. However, we think of each of those who were gathered at Sunday’s Worship Service, those who we expected to see, and those we would wish to see. We also ask for specific hands of healing to be upon Elder Steve Hernandez, Meredith’s brother “Bob”, as well as many within our congregation and their families. We ask for wisdom, strength, comfort, and the peace that surpasses all understanding to be ours and to be a reality that is manifest to others through us. In Jesus’ name.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, November 27th , 2022: 

  • Please continue to keep Elder Steve Hernandez at the forefront of your prayers. We praises God the other day regarding his surgery, however, since then he has had to return to the hospital. Please pray for comfort, healing, and recovery. 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and for those gathered for worship service. Prayers for Meredith, Wayne and Terri, and Kathy Dazzo. Praise for the idea and purchase of an air fryer, in an effort to foster healthier eating. Praise for the ability pay for things through instalments and that all is going well. He praised God for the welcoming nature of BPBC and for our participation in the Operation Christmas Child effort. 

Lisa D. lifted up prayers for her sister and brother-in-law, specifically prayers for travel, for decisions pertaining to health, and a sense of peace (a peace that surpasses understanding). She mentioned prayers for those who continue to be afflicted by Covid, and she mentioned prayers for those who might need a bit of extra joy this season. She mentioned prayers regarding an opportunity that has come her way. 

Deacon Brian lifted up prayers for those in need of healing, specifically mentioning Kathy, Meredith, the Silsbe’s, as well as Sandy and himself. He praised God for the many blessings He has put into our lives. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for BPBC and for God’s healing hand. He mentioned praise for a good Thanksgiving with family. He praised God that “Brother Bob” is doing well. He mentioned praise for being able to attend his daughters concert in Brooklyn. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the 10,000 reasons God gives him to praise. He mentioned being thankful and desiring to be responsible with those blessings. Praise for the Post-Thanksgiving hike and time to review. Praise for the Christmas season, and prayers for each of us and those around us, that we might experience an increase of hope, love, peace, and joy, this season. Pastor Mike praised God for His work in “healing the nations”, His work of discipleship in the Church, and for God’s strategy and will. He praised God for the many efforts he has the privilege to participate in and that God would continue to provide opportunities. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, Nov. 13th , 2022: 

Kevin praised God for BPBC, for Pastor Mike, and asked that God help each of us to use our blessings for His glory. 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and for saving us from darkness and bringing us into His marvellous light. Prayers of healing and other needs, especially for those not gathered with us. Praise and prayers for those who are with us. Praise for the change of seasons and for God’s constant reliability. 

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for all our “sick” brethren, praise for Glenn Hill and Lila, and prayers for Joe Perrott. Praise and prayers for Patty and Joe Waldvogel, who will celebrate their 50 year anniversary with a vow renewal here at BPBC next week. Prayers for our effort and for the receipts of Operation Christmas Child. Lastly, Pastor Mike praised God for using Him and constantly blessing him despite his fumbles, stumbles, and grumbles. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, November 6th, 2022: 

Edward praise God for BPBC, for our online community, and for God blessing him again and again. He mentioned prayers of healing for Deacon Brian and Sandy, as well as for Terri and Meredith. Also, he mentioned prayers for wisdom on extending grace to his family and being mindful of personal and healthy boundaries. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and that she made it to church, though very tired, because she did not sleep. She lifted up prayers for rest and strength, as she will be working the elections. Continued prayers for Karen regarding her payment (may a solution come quick). Prayers of hope for her grandson (whom she hasn’t talked to very recently). Prayers for our country, as well as foreign countries, and all that goes on. Prayers of healing and comfort for Deacon Brian and Sandy, Terri, Meredith and Larry, and others. Continued prayers for Pastor Mike, Rachanda, Kaiden, and the expected baby girl. She also that each of us have a good week ahead. 

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for Carlos, a 9 yr old boy, who was neglected, but is not being cared for. Prayers for Gladys’ workplace and for his coworkers. He mentioned praise for fishing with his son this past week, his wife, his family, and for his health. He also mentioned praise and prayers regarding the abusers of ‘Brother Bob’ getting arrested. 

Pastor Mike praised God for his expected baby girl! He mentioned praise for a fruitful past week, for his wife, for Kaiden, and for his family. He mentioned praise for the public recognition of Gene Horton, as evidenced by the new street sign Gene Horton Way on Blue Point Ave. He mentioned prayers for Christians dealing with persecution. He mentioned prayers for those in need of healing or comfort, including but not limited to Deacon Bran and Sandy, Terri, Meredith, Kathy, Karen, his mother, and his grandmother. Prayers regarding the elections, praise for US veterans and the importune of Veteran’s Day. He mentioned prayers against arrongance – in himself, in Christian leaders, and in the Church. He praised God for His presence and purpose – all that He calls him to and all that He accomplishes through him. Also, he mentioned prayers regarding some personal responsibilities he needs to get done. Get them done!

We lift these things up in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, October 30th, 2022: 

Kevin thanked God for BPBC, and for pastor. He praised God for being our Savior. He mentioned God’s mightiness, the beauty of the Gospel and the Word. He asked that God would continue to watch over Pastor Mike, Rachanda, and Kaiden. 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and for the activity we will be having after service (Gender Reveal for Pastor Mike & Rachanda). He mentioned praise for the new member (speaking with humor about the baby in Rachanda’s womb). He asked God to give Rachanda a healthy pregnancy process. Edward also mentioned prayers for those who are sick, or ill in any way. 

Meredith praised God for His continued watch and care over her. She mentioned recent medication information and “evening out” regarding her medication. She praised God for the help Sandy is giving her and mentioned praise that her recent stress test went well. Meredith mentioned prayers for her brother-in-law, Ron, and his colon cancer diagnosis, and recent surgery. Also, prayers regarding her brother, Bob, and his stubbornness. 

Pastor Mike mentioned that there is a lot to praise God for and a lot to pray about. Praise for the baby reveal. God is good! He mentioned prayers for pastors as October was Pastor Appreciation Month and he hoped each pastor gets the information, the encouragement, the blessing they work hard for. He praised God for our identity is God as sanctified and the “priesthood of Believers”. He mentioned praise for the many historic reforms and reformers in the Christian Church, as well as current day reforms and reformers. He mentioned praise and prayers for the recent “Fall Back To Genesis” happening on the Preterist Power Hour. He mentioned praise and prayers for family, his mom, his brother, healing for his sister and her boyfriend, and comfort for his Nana. 

We lift these things up in faith in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 23rd, 2022: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, for the Preterist Power Hour and our past and upcoming interviews. He mentioned being inspired by Pastor and Rachanda and all the other married couples in the congregation. He expressed trust in God to continue to build him up. 

Kathy praised God for the rain. She mentioned prayers for friends dealing with Covid, prayers for Karen and the settling of her case, and prayers for a few friends. She mentioned praise for the family dog. She mentioned prayers for finding stuff to do with her time, prayers for our nation, the Ukraine. Praise that God would go ahead of us each give each of us a blessed week. She also mentioned prayers about meeting with the adjuster regarding insurance details. 

Terri mentioned prayers for a friend who recently passed away and for their family. Also prayers for Ukraine. 

Sandy praise God for the wonderful time she and Brian had traveling. She mentioned praise for good friends. Specific prayers for Meredith – healing and a good word regarding her procedures this past week. 

Ruth praised God that she made it to service. She mentioned praise that Miguel and Joy were able to help at our outreach event and the beautiful weather we had for the event. 

Deacon Brian thanked God for travel mercies and the time they had visiting with friends. He praised God for the uplifting time, the memories, and he mentioned missing family and experiences. 

Pastor Mike lifted up the ABC’s of God’s blessing (amazing, beautiful, and convicting God). He praised God for his wife, his life, and His God. He praised God for those who aided the outreach effort yesterday (in many ways). Prayers for Meredith and her family. Prayers for Steve and Lisa and their family. Prayers for his mom and her friends, especially the one her who suffered the loss of her son this past week. Prayers for Christine, David Gates, Matt and his wife, and those suffering and dealing with restoration in Southwest Florida. Lastly, prayers for “Preterist Pastors”. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 9th, 2022: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, prayers for sister Meredith, prayers for Steve Mahr to have a happy and blessed birthday, and he mentioned, “Lord, you are a consistent provider”. He also praised God for the various studies and opportunities he gets to participate and grow in the things of God. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful day. Praise and prayers for both Karen and Phil. She prayed for herself regarding the stomach ache she had. Heal her, Lord. She mentioned prayers regarding her defensive driving class on Wednesday, prayers for her grandson, prayers for our nation and the world. Praise that Richie is doing better, day by day. Praise and prayers for Pastor Mike, Rachanda, and Kaiden. 

Elder Steve mentioned his friend Muhammad and others dealing with restoration efforts in Southwest Florida. Praise for a great cardiology appointment this week. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the privilege and responsibility to “fall forward” this season. He mentioned praise for 3 months of marital bliss. He praised God for the new podcast him and Rachanda host, You’ve Got Mail. Prayers for Deacon Ed and his family. Prayers for Meredith and her family. Praise and prayers for Kevin and Denise as they celebrate their anniversary this week. Praise for good books, those that write them, those that read them, and those that share what they read. 

We lift these things up in the mighty & powerful name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, October, 2nd, 2021: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, our online community, and the for fellowship and membership, and Pastor’s endeavours that enrich his life. He mentioned praise for his apartment complex and a recent incident that highlight they truly care for their tenants. Also, praise for our upcoming discussion of Biblical creation on Preterist Power Hour. 

Vicki lifted up prayers regarding the many problems in our nation, mentioning inflation, crime, and those affected by the recent storms. She praised God for continually blessing and guiding her. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful day and our gathering today. She mentioned prayers for those in Florida, praise for being able to go to the gym this week, and the recent celebration of her grandson’s birthday. Prayers regarding her work since Federation is not coming back in the school this year, prayers for Phil’s neck, and Karen’s upcoming hearing. She also lifted up praise for Richie doing better and for being able to talk with a friend recently. 

Meredith praised God for his watch and care for her, His watching over her family, and praise and prayer regarding her family and the effects of Ian. Prayers for those who suffered loss due to the recent storms and may the Lord strengthen them to rebuild. 

Elder Steve Hernandez mention prayers for a friend named Muhammad who was affected by the recent storm. Prayers for a coworker named Ken as well who suffered loss in the storm. Prayers for Evelyn, a friend of a friend, and her battle with cancer, as well as prayers for his daughter, Melissa, living in Queens. He also mentioned prayers for his own personal health and an upcoming cardiologist appointment. 

Pastor Mike prayed for friends and others in ministry dealing with the effects of the recent storm in Southwest Floria. Prayers for Christians who feel ostracised or divided – may God provide encouragement. Praise and prayers for the Preterist community/movement. Traveling mercies for our members, friends, and family traveling this week. Healing for those asking for healing or in need of healing in our congregation. Prayers for a friend named David. Praise for the recent marriage of Deacon Ed’s daughter, Alicia. May God bless her marriage. Pastor Mike also mentioned praise for his wife, his family, his abundant life in Christ, and for his personal efforts, that God would continue to be seen in Him and go before Him. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Since we had no public service this last Sunday (9/25/22), there are no recorded praises and prayers. However, we have continued to pray for healing in our congregation, travel mercies, we praise God for Deacon Ed’s daughter, Alicia, getting married just days ago, encouragement, comfort, and peace for each of us, especially as we move into the season of Fall. We mourn with those who mourn, we rejoice with those who rejoice, and we work in the things of the Lord, as His Church. We praise Him for his sovereignly, providence, and faithfulness to us. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 4th, 2022: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for our online community, for the guests we had in our worship service, and prayers for those feeling ill. Praise for Bible Study and Adult Sunday school and all that he learns. Also, Edward mentioned praise for the beautiful day. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful day. Prayers for cousin Richie who recently seemed to have taken a turn for the worst and is currently in Stony Brook. Prayers for her grandson. Prayers for children back at school. Prayers for Karen as she continues to seek answers regarding her medical issues and prayers for Pastor and his family. 

Meredith praised God for the beautiful day, for the privilege we have to freely and opening worship God, and praise for America. She also mentioned God’s continued watch and care over her, especially these last couple of weeks. Prayers and trust expressed regarding the adjustment of her medication. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for the privilege of prayer and thanked the saints for continually praying for him and his family. Prayers that Gladys continues to do well after her recent accident. Prayers for his brother-in-law who had to go to the hospital for emergency surgery this week. Also, praise for the God-gloryifying convo’s God enables him to have and continued prayers for his health. 

Pastor Mike mentioned praise for efforts of recovery in our community and praised God for “XD Lives”. He mentioned praise and prayer regarding Labor Day (those who work hard deserve to rest well). He mentioned prayers for his family, specifically his grandmother. Travel mercies for his mother as she travels to Florida to be with her mom and visit family. Praise and prayers regarding Kaiden going back to school. Lastly, Pastor Mike mentioned prayers for some of his personal work and efforts. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August, 2022: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, our online community, for Meredith and her husband, Brian and Sandy, and Deacon Ed and Gail, all who serve as examples of the beauty of marriage. Prayers for Bonnie, Miguel, Elder Steve H., Steve M. and his dad. Edward praised that despite trials here and there, God is constant. He praised God for guests and speakers being present for the worship service. Prayers and praise regarding upcoming events for International Overdose Awareness Day and regarding the stability he has had with his finances. 

Terri lifted up continued prayers for Chris Bruno, his wife, and his family. Prayers also for her friend Sue and continued prayers for her mom. 

Kathy praised God for another beautiful Sunday and that the Election Day work went well. Prayers for Richie and for Karen. Also prayers for the teachers, children, and parents as kids begin to go back to school this week. Continued healing for Deacon Brian and Meredith. Prayers for her grandson and he has been feeling sick. Praise for Deacon Ed’s anniversary and prayers for Larry Piniella and his celebrating his birthday. 

Meredith praised God for His continued watch and care over her. She asked for healing regarding a rash. Praise for her brother Bob’s recovery which is truly miraculous. Prayers for Jenny as she has a hard time moving him around and such and prayers for proper doctors and care for Bob. Also, prayers for her personal medication adjustments. 

Dorothy thanked God for Pastor Mike and his continued support. She praised and prayed for increased awareness regarding drug addiction and overdose. She praised God for BPBC who acknowledge the problem and she mentioned how important the drug programs are in our community. She also praised God that her tree at the BBP Library “still stands” and there was a lighting of it this week. 

Deacon Brian thanked God for giving each of us strength and asked trustfully that He will continue. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for the healing He has demonstrated in his life and asked that He continue. Prayers for Gladys as she recent had a car accident. Prayers for Joe. Also, praises and prayers for our guests at service this week. 

Pastor Mike prayed for families that suffer due to addiction and overdose, especially those in our community. Prayers for those in need of healing and encouragement in all regards. Praise for the beauty of restoration and “restored lives”. Praise and prayers for the International Overdose Awareness efforts. Prayers for kids, parents, and teachers as back to school starts, we especially think of and pray for Kaiden. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, Aug., 21st, 2022: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and for the attendance at worship service. Praises and prayers lifted up for Deacon Brian, Elder Steve Hernandez, Miguel and Joy, Steve and Lisa M., and well as for a friend named Kaitlynn. He praised God for being his constant help! 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful day. Praters for her family as they experienced the loss of 2nd dog. Prayers for Phil who hasn’t been feeling too good, for Karen, and for herself. Continued praises and prayers for Meredith, Deacon Brian, our country, and for Pastor Mike and his family. Prayers regarding work with the schools and the upcoming elections. 

Steve M. praised God for travel mercies and for the opportunity to see His hand in everything as they enjoyed a “flawless” action. 

Meredith praised God for another week of good health. She lifted up prayers regarding the doctors decisions with his medications and asked that the Lord would guide her in her seeking lower mileage for her bus runs. 

Lisa D. praised God for wisdom and energy to serve Him. She lifted up prayers and praise for her sister. Prayers for her to continue her work and do what is needed for others in the community. Prayers mentioned for Diane as well. 

Deacon Brian thanked God for keeping and helping us. Continued prayers for his friend Jerry and praise regarding the helpful and comforting staff that helped him at the hospital during his recent visit. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for healing sister Meredith and Deacon Brian. He mentioned prayers for some personal things, namely the Lord’s strength in helping him answer questions, be they related to things of God or things at work. 

Pastor Mike praised God for His presence among us, within us, and around us. He mentioned His faithfulness and glory as being evident in all of life. He asked that God would continue to go before us, and him, in all that we, in that he, does, and that God would also be our rearguard. Praise for Rachanda and Kaiden. Praise and prayer for our outreach efforts, that God would be seen and praised in all that we do. Prayers for Spiro, Miguel (“Brother Mike”), Deacon Brian, and for the upcoming elections. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of this Sunday, August 14th, 2022: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, our online community, and a beautiful day to gather outside. He lifted up prayers of focus for Pastor Mike, especially as he continues going about edifying each of us. Prayers for Elder Steve and Gladys and they had some personal time, as well as Steve M. And Lisa who are now home from their vacation. He praised God that we had new faces at our gathering (Matt & Corrie). 

Meredith praised God for the day and for the Lord’s watch and care over her. She mentioned thanks to God regarding those she know took time to think of and pray for her. She praised God that she is home from hospital, healing, and she we will rejoice in the Lord. 

Kathy praised God for the opportunity we had to gather outside for worship, as it was a beautiful day. She mentioned praise for a great Dr.’s report that she no longer has to go back for updates since her aneurism. She mentioned prayers for the family dog suffering from bone cancer, mentioned prayers of comfort and healing, and a special peace to be with her family, especially Karen. She mentioned prayers regarding Karen’s insurance, her upcoming car tune-up, for Pastor Mike, Rachanda and Kaiden, as well as prayers for those traveling. 

Deacon Brian lifted up the corporate praises and prayers, mentioned praise and continued prayer for Meredith, and continued prayers regarding his friend Jerry (and Jerry’s family). He praised God that we had visitors in our assembly. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the breeze which reminded him of the refreshing beauty of God’s Spirit. Praise and prayers for the marriage of Javier and Evelina. Prayers for Terri and Wayne, as well as Terri’s friend, Chris Bruno. Travel mercies for Steve and Lisa, Elder Steve and Gladys, Nico and Betsey. He praised God regarding Meredith’s healing and presence with us. Prayers for Kathy’s family and the dog. Praises and prayers for Pastor Steve and Olivia as they celebrate their wedding anniversary this week. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 7th, 2022: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for the online community, for Pastor and Rachanda (that their marriage continues to be a strong witness) and of course for Kaiden. Praise and prayers for Steve & Lisa as they enjoy their travels and praises and prayers for those celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month. He ended by praising God for His continued presence in His life. 

Terri lifted up prayers for Chris Bruno and his family. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day, somewhat a relief from the recent heat wave. Also she mentioned praise that Phil is feeling better. Praise that a diagnosis was given to Karen, however prayers that treatment can be provided that doesn’t involve surgery. Prayers regarding an upcoming doctors appointment, prayers for the United States, Ukraine, the immigrants in Texas, and continued prayers for Meredith.

Sandy lifted up praise for Meredith and the healing hand of the Lord. 

Deacon Brian mentioned the power of corporate praises and prayers and lifted up his friend Jerry and his brother in prayer. Jerry is dealing with the effects of Parkinson’s. 

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the new “song” the Lord has given each of us and prayers for those who cannot find “ten thousand reasons” to praise God. Prayers for Steve and Lisa, praise and prayers for Pastor Steve and Olivia, continued prayers and a praise for Meredith’s health, and healing prayers for Sandy’s family, Karen’s family, and Brian’s friend. Prayers for Preterist churches and pastors, especially those celebrating Parousia Sunday along with us. He also mentioned prayers regarding his efforts, that the magnify the cross of Christ and not the cleverness of men. 

We mentioned these things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as this Sunday, July 24th, 2022: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC and all we do and the various activities he gets to participate in. He also praised God that all things worked out regarding his getting his air conditioner. Edward also mentioned Miguel’s request for prayer. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful Sunday, even as we gathered online. She mentioned prayers for those who have maybe suffered from the recent intense heat and that those who need not find cool air or shelter will be helped. Continued prayers for Karen, especially for healing this week. Also for Phil who hasn’t been feeling well, and prayers for the United States and Ukraine. 

Sandy prayed for herself and her family as they mourn the passing away of her cousin to cancer. Also, prayers for Karen as she and her family mourn the passing of a family member. May a peace that surpasses all understanding keep them and be with them. 

Lisa D. asked the Lord for guidance, mentioned specific decisions she has to make, and thanked the Lord for the continued wisdom he provides as she goes abut helping others. She also mentioned prayer for her family as the mourn a family member. 

Deacon Brian thanked God for all that He has given to us, he mentioned praise for Pastor Mike and Rachanda being back from their honeymoon and mentioned how many are anxious to hear the details. He continued to pray that we would see the end of the Coravirus and prayed regarding our nation’s economic turmoil.

Pastor Mike praised God for a great honeymoon full of fun and laughs and time well spent. He mentioned that he loves his wife and that she loves him. He mentioned prayers regarding the intense heat that has been experience on Long Island and around the world more recently. Prayers for those who need comfort. He prayed for his brother as he recently suffered a bit in the heat but is feeling better and prayers for Kaiden who is missed. He praised God for such a gracious, loving, and encouraging congregation. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are out corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 10th, 2022: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and asked that those who hear and see us living life would be comforted and healed. He praised God for the union of the Miano’s and his privilege of being present for the ceremony and reception. He asked that God would bless Pastor and Rachanda with longevity in their union. He praised God for the day in front of him and the life he has. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and the wonderful wedding we experienced on Saturday. Prayers for Karen as she takes another test (sonogram regarding her legs). Praise and prayers for her grandson as he changed his hours recently at work. Praise and prayers for Pastor and his wife, as well as Kaiden. Prayer for the week ahead that she would find things to do. 

Lisa D. asked that God would bless Monique, Robert, and a few others, as well as the Mt. Sinai Hebrew Center and the Ronkonkoma Muslim mosque. She praised God that it seems He is putting things in order and also mentioned praise for a beautiful weekend. 

Deacon Brian thanked God for the celebration yesterday and the Miano wedding. He praised God for recent beautiful weather. Prayers for those who are ill, and for marital blessings and growth for Pastor and Rachanda – may they grow as one. Travel mercies for Mike and Rebecca, and others travelling. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for the wonderful time he had yesterday and a beautiful reception. Prayers that the Lord be at the center of Michael and Rachanda’s union. Continued prayers for his work, health, and family. 

Pastor Mike praised God for married life and those who celebrated with him at the ceremony and reception. He praised God for almost crying, edifying and encouraging conversations, and praise for answered prayer regarding the weather. Prayers for Taylor (a friend who is sick), travel mercies for all family and friends traveling, and for those not able to gather with us. Praise for new and old faces in the congregation and for God hearing our silent prayers. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, June, 19th, 2022: 

Kevin thanked God for truly being a Father to us and mentioned that there is so much to praise Him for. He specifically mentioned God’s grace is “washing us clean”. 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and mentioned praise for answered prayer regarding Kaitlyn and her family (whom we prayed for last week). He mentioned a women in his area who is fighting cancer. He praised God for brother Mike (visiting with us), praise and continued prayers for Rachanda and Kaiden, prayers regarding Pastor’s desire to obtain a journalism job, and praise regarding his personal health and strength. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful day, she exclaimed how great of a Father God truly is, and lifted up prayers for Karen, Phil, and for each of us to have a blessed week ahead. 

Deacon Brian lifted up our corporate praises and requests, and prayed specifically against any illnesses in our congregation. He mentioned prayers for a former teammates brother dealing with dementia (prayers for both of them), and mentioned praise regarding our outreach we had on Saturday – happy faces and a beautiful day. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for the day and the opportunity to celebrate with family (Father’s Day). He lifted up praise and prayers regarding his health, and also made mention of the other corporate praises and prayers.

Pastor Mike lifted up a prayer for healing regarding a pain the was feeling in his neck and back. He also mentioned prayers for the Houpe family and those affected by the recent violence in Bellport and across our nation. He mentioned praise and prayers for his biological father, his spiritual father, and those who have shown themselves to be fatherly in his life, especially among our congregation. He mentioned praise and prayers regarding the celebration of Juneteenth. Praise regarding out outreach event. Praise and prayers for Rachanda’s father, for Rachanda and Kaiden, and our silent praises and prayers. 

We lift these things up in the ever-powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

The praises and prayers from this past Sunday, June 5th, 2022, we not physically recorded, however each of us have our specific prayers for personal needs, family needs, and congregation needs. We thank the Lord that He hears our prayers and answers them in accordance with His sovereignty and providence. We praise Him for answered prayer, especially in the areas of physical healing, good health and circumstances, abilities, and on behalf of our fiends and loved ones. We lift all things spoken and silent up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 29th, 2022: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for the online community, and for answered prayer regarding healing. He praised God for Steve Hernandez Jr.’s presence at worship, as well as praise for the Preterist Power Hour and the variety of studies hosted by our church. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for healing and expressed that he is “feeling so good”. He praised God that Steven is home visiting from college and praise that his mother is continuing to do well. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the truth we read in Daniel chapter 11, namely that those who know their God do great things. Prayers for Deacon Ed and his family. Prayers of healing for  Kathy Dazzo. Lastly, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers regarding the rampant violence in our land and asked that God would increase our faith, strength, and wisdom in how we night bring for His peace and healing to our neighbourhoods and land. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May, 22nd, 2020:

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for the online community, and mentioned specific prayers for Deacon Ed and his family. He mentioned praise for our Adult Sunday school study of Isaiah chapters 44-45 and exclaimed that “God is so faithful to His people”. He also mentioned prayers for Pastor Steve Schilling and mentioned answered prayers in his personal life. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful day and the fact that we were able to meet outside for Worship Service. She praised God for all He does and asked that He do a good work for all of us, manifest peace and healing. She mentioned prayers for the family dog “Buster” (who had since passed away). We pray for a pervading peace to overcome the sorrow that comes when we lose a well-loved pet on behalf of her and her family. Kathy praised God for the variety of programs available in our church. She mentioned prayers for her stress test on Wednesday and mentioned prayers about some insurance details. 

Meredith praised God for the glorious day He set before us and the opportunity to worship outside. She mentioned specific prayers for her brother and Jenny as it seems there are some trying circumstances and we need the Lord to intervene and lead the situation with grace, care, and concern. May the Lord give them sound mind and strength toward whatever they are dealing with. She also mentioned prayers regarding some distressing and necessary dental news/work. 

Lisa praised God for His continued work in her life. She mentioned specific prayers for Steve’s parents and asked the Lord to be with them. Also, she mentioned prayers for a smooth end of the school year, for the kids, the teachers, and the families. 

Deacon Brian praised God for the outside worship, lifted up praise and continued prayer for Elder Steve’s health, as well as Steve M. He continued to pray that the Lord would end this virus and pandemic that continues all around the world. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for His bringing forth healing and his being able to return to work. He mentioned prayers and praise for his niece who is due to have her baby in a few weeks. 

Pastor Mike mentioned a specific prayer of encouragement for his brother, Eric. He mentioned prayer for each of our individual burdens and that God would strengthen us to bear them and to help bear the burdens of others. He mentioned prayers of encouragement also for a friend named Bob. He praised God for healing our Elder Steve. He praised God and prayed for continued understanding and lives based on His sovereignty and providence. He praised, “It is enough”. He mentioned praise and prayers for the Silsbe family. Lastly, he praised God for His advancement of His truth, His Church, and His Kingdom. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 15th, 2022: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, our online community, Preterist Power Hour, the variety of studies offered by our church and Pastor Mike, as well as the beautiful weather we have been experiencing. 

Kathy praised God for another wonderful Sunday. She lifted up prayers for Karen’s upcoming doctor’s appointment. Praise and prayer for her grandson and his life and work in Texas. Prayers of healing for Elder Steve and a friend with sinus infection/Covid symptoms. Praise for Pastor Mike and his online study and that he has a blessed week. 

Steve M. lifted up praise for God’s healing, and for those who prayed for him, as he saw God’s healing hand in his life. 

Vicki praised God for His word in telling us not to be anxious. She mentioned being thankful and always full of prayer. Prayers of healing for Elder Steve. Prayers for our nation, International issues, and she mentioned praise for her salvation and prayers of salvation for her daughters. She also mentioned prayers for our church and for Pastor and Rachanda’s upcoming wedding. 

Meredith praised God for her good health that God blesses her with each new day. She praised God for a 20/20 report at the eye doctor last week. She asked for the Lord to continue to watch over her as she finds clearance for her bus driving duties. 

Deacon Brian living up a heavy-hearted prayer regarding the recent shooting in Buffalo, Milwaukee, and other areas experiencing acts of violence. He mentioned prayers for the 1 million deaths we had in the United States from Covid. Lord, bring forth peace and healing. Praise for the healing of Steve M. and continued prayers for Elder Steve H. 

Pastor Mike praised God that we take note of the Covid death toll and try to remain vigilant in our praying for others suffering and dealing with the effects. He praised God for the variety of good efforts we get to participate in as a church. A Little Church with a Big Task. Prayers of healing for Elder Steve H., Steve M, and his mother. Praise for the advancement of Preterism and our network and prayers for families affected in Buffalo. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 1st, 2022: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for our online community, for the advancement of Preterism, and the change of the season. He praised God that the weather has been “consistently nice”. He also praised God for Him being in charge and Him being our constant. 

Sandy praised God for BPBC and the fact that God chooses to work through out lives. 

Elder Steve H. mentioned praise regarding God’s healing hand, praising Him for wisdom and care. He mentioned a praise and a prayer for “Brother Bob” who is currently in housing. He closed his prayer thanking God for how He works in so many things. 

Pastor Mike praised God for those gathered with us and mentioned prayers for those we haven’t seen in a while and those whom weren’t present. He praised God that He continually puts us in awe. He praised God that He allows us to be His powerful presence and purpose in this world, His Church. He prayed for continued impact, He praised God for His calling and choosing, and for travel mercies and the privilege to be “back in the saddle”. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 10th, 2022: 

Kevin praised God for answered prayer, for His brand new grace and mercy, and thanked Him for His Spirit dwelling within us./ 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, for the Preterist Power Hour (and the meeting of recent guests on the podcast), and for His faithfulness and provision. He also thanked God for a good turn out to worship service and a beautiful day. 

Kathy praised God for the nice weather and for her upcoming birthday, the birthdays in our assembly this month, and for Deacon Brian and Sandy’s anniversary. She praised God for answered prayer regarding the dog, and is seems she is getting better.  She prayed regarding her financial situation and about her work at the school.  

Terri lifted up prayers for Roy’s family as they mourn his passing into eternity. She also lifted up prayers that God would continue to comfort and care for her mother. 

Deacon Brian praised God for the 23 years that he has been married to Sandy. He mentioned prayers for Ukraine and suffering people all around the world. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for a successful and safe business trip. He praised God for the fact that he can simply communicate sophisticated stuff to some people at work who are not so technical. He prayed for his daughter regarding some storms she has dealt with that affected travel and work. 

Pastor Mike praised God for church family, biological family, civic community, and others who affect his life in such edifying ways. He praised God for Rachanda and Kaiden. He thanked God for His Kingdom and offered praise and prayer regarding our welcoming His Kingdom on His terms. He also praised God for the resurrection reality we have through His resurrection power. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 20th, 2022: 

Kevin praised God for BPBC, for God sending Pastor Mike to serve our congregation, and for God’s continued grace, mercy, and blessings. And he prayed that we would never take those things for granted. 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and prayed for the Russia – Ukraine conflict. Praise for the guests we have had and will have on the Preterist Power Hour. Traveling mercies for Pastor Mike. Prayers for the conference taking place in Tennessee (wisdom, patience, desire, all the needs!) and he praised God for all the resources that are provided through our local church.

Meredith praised God for the day, for the beauty of God that surround us, and the promise of Spring. She mentioned praise for the “new life” God has given to her brother (and she prayed against his smoking habit). 

Elder Steve H. praised God that his son, Steven Jr., came our of a battle with Covid and prayed that he continues to regain his energy and strength. He thanked God for his mom and her medical appointment, praise and continued prayer for Andrea who is doing good, and he mentioned prayers for his work scene. 

Pastor Mike praised God for his recent article in the local paper (“Why Not Engage Your Local Church”) and continued prayers for healing in our community. Prayers for his grandmother who was placed in hospice and peace for the family. Prayers for travel mercies and for speaking at the upcoming conference in Tennessee. Prayers for those not feeling well. Lastly, Pastor Mike mentioned prayers for those we have not seen in a while. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus.

Here are out corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 6th, 2022: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, for the edification of and guests that he has met on the Preterist Power Hour. He praised God that Pastor Mike is helping him start a personal blog and asked for prayers in that effort. Lastly, he praised God that things at his new apartment are going well and that he is able to continue paying his bills. 

Vicki praised God that “above all, He is God and Sovereign”. She mentioned prayers regarding the conflict in Ukraine. She asked that God “Stop the conflict now and minimize the loss of life”. She also praised God for our pastor and that he labors so that we may learn. 

Kathy praised God that even though the sun was shining this past Sunday, everyday with the Lord in it is a beautiful day. Prayers for Ukraine, prayers for Karen, and praise that her grandson is happy with his job and living situation in Texas. 

Meredith praised God for the blessings she received throughout the week. She mentioned praise for celebrating her 47 years being married and praised God for Larry. She also mentioned praise for the new great-nephew they welcomed into the family. 

Pastor Mike praised God for a week of grace, learning, living, growing, and being blessed. Praises made for having Rachanda and Kaiden in his life, as well as prayers for both of them in what they need in life. Prayers for those we haven’t seen in a while (specifically mentioning Pastor Steve & Olivia, Terry & Wayne, Kevin & Denise, as well as Jesse and Laura May). We pray that they are doing well and prospering in the Lord’s goodness and grace. He also mentioned prayers for friends who are in need of work or in need of peace. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 27th, 2022: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, our online community, and the privilege we have to gather together and learn from one another. He also praised God for Adult Sunday School and his participation in the Preterist Power Hour. He expressed joy in meeting “theological giants”, the recent experience of wonderful weather, and answered prayer. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and it not being so cold. She mentioned prayers for Karen, Rita, Patrick, herself, and the situation in Ukraine. She praised God for our church and prayed for our continued needs. 

Pastor Mike praised God for Him being our “Wonderful Counsellor” who truly provides wonder, wisdom, and care. He mentioned praise and continued to pray for fruitful weeks, full of moments of praise and good deeds for others. He mentioned praise for a “zeal empowered by knowledge”. Lastly, Pastor Mike mentioned prayers for those who are suffering, in need, or discouraged. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, February, 13th, 2022: 

Kevin praised God and prayed that He continue to show Himself faithful in helping us live lives wherein we can see/feel His presence and where He is at work. He also praised God for being a reliable God! 

Deacon Brian praised God for his valentine (Sandy), lifted up prayers for Sandy’s sister, Diane, (as they think of Michael on his birthday), he prayed regarding the needs of our congregation, and all that God provides and all that we have in Him. 

Elder Steve H. mentioned prayers for a co-worker dealing with a family member that passed, and for another co-worker dealing with a few issues. He also mentioned prayers for Steven Jr. as he deals with some health issues and for Melissa in her finding a good, stable, job.  

Pastor Mike praised God for His faithfulness in leading him into a year of and constantly showing him – simplicity’s, peace, and beauty (and that it was mentioned in the local paper this week). Praise for good deeds early in the morning and for Deacon Ed’s participation in the “Patchogue Plunge”. Praise and prayers for the Gabby Petitito Foundation and all that they are working toward. He prayed that God would go before us into a week of good deeds (#RAKWeek and Random Acts of Kindness Day). Prayers for a friend name James and a friend name Carlos. He also praised God for his valentines – Rachanda & Kaiden and prayed for a joyous fruitful week ahead. Prayers also mentioned for those who might find themselves in a moment of challenge, trial, hurt, etc. 

We lift these things up to the glory of God, in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 30th, 2022: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for pastors visions and many activities he has the opportunity to participate in. He mentioned prayers for the upcoming annual meeting, the TPPN board meeting, and for our continued efforts with the Preterist Power Hour. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for the availability and use of technology. He praised God for good health and for restoration of health. He mentioned a praise for many of our congregation getting through the storm and gathering together online. He mentioned prayers for a guy at work who has a disease in his eye and for a coworker who is having a breakdown in life and could use God’s healing hand. Lastly, Steve prayed for the Christian community in general and the needs that are prayed for. 

Pastor Mike prayed for those ‘snowed in’ and praised God for those who were able to join with us online for worship through study, fellowship, singing, and exhortation and sermons. He mentioned praise for the Preterist Power Hour. He also mentioned praise for God not tempting us, however He does test us and build us up. Pastor Mike mentioned prayers regarding the casualties and accidents that happened across Long Island due to the recent storm. Prayers also for our upcoming annual meeting and he mentioned unspoken prayers. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers that were mentioned Sunday, January 16th, 2022: 

Edward H. Praised God for BPBC, for our online community, the opportunity to be apart of Preterist Power Hour for 5 days of the week and the host of resources that pastor provides for study. Praise for our current Bible study through Isaiah and Church History. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for all that He has given to Him. He praised God for a nice hike he enjoyed with Gladys. Steve also mentioned prayers of healing for his coworker and for his niece and family. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the celebration of “Peace Week” that took place to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. throughout our homes, our community, our nation, and the world. And of course, continued prayer for increased peace in each of those regards. Praise for the heart and witness that was instilled in Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He praised God for all that He has in Him. Prayers regarding a prepared heart for himself and our congregation as we look to all that the Lord has for us in 2022. Pastor Mike mentioned praise for the ‘prayer of Jabez’ that we read in Scripture and prayed the same prayer for himself and others in our congregation. Prayers of healing were requested for Steve and Lisa (and their family), as well as for sister Kathy. 

We lift these things up in the might name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, January 9th, 2022:

Edward H. Praised God for and prayed for BPBC and our online community. He praised God for the church following him in his moving throughout the years and he praised God for those who helped him get moved into his new apartment. A praise regarding his good health and prayers for those dealing with burdens and/or suffering in any way (illness, mental/Spiritual concerns, and/or addictions). Prayers that each of us would focus on the Kingdom rather than what is going on around us. 

Kathy praised God for another beautiful day and mentioned prayers for those faces we normally see at worship service whom we haven’t seen. Prayers regarding her own dental issues and dentist visits. Prayers for Karen and treatments she is receiving. Prayers for her car issues, her grandson and that things work out for him, as well as for the family dog. 

Sandy mentioned prayers for Meredith, for Steve & Lisa, and for all others in our church dealing with some sickness or concern.

Deacon Brian praised God for His assistance all year and prayers for His continued work all around us (in dealing with Covid, decisions, economy, etc). He mentioned the necessity of each of us staying in communication with God and keeping our mind on Him. Prayers for the family of the young boy who died in an accident playing hockey this past week. 

Elder Steve H. Praised God for and continued to pray for Gladys’ continued recovery from Covid and a praise that he didn’t catch it. He mentioned prayers for friends who asked for prayers (Sandy and her daughter, Savannah) and mentioned prayers for a co-worker, as well as for his son’s friends, Collin. 

Pastor Mike praised God for a full, fruitful, and advancing first week to the new year. He prayed that God would continue to go before him and our church as we move into the new year and may His presence and power be evident. Praise regarding the daily opportunity to do the Preterist Power Hour. Prayers of comfort, peace, and healing for Steve & Lisa (and their family members), as well as for Gladys and Meredith. He mentioned prayers regarding the heat issues at Rachanda’s condo. Also, a praise regarding children crying and being present in our worship service this Sunday. 

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 2nd, 2022: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, for visitors (in that they would learn and desire more of the things of God). He mentioned the blessed gift of getting his own apartment in time for Christmas and how wonderful and God-glorifying that was. 

Deacon Brian lifted up prayers for each of us as we go through life’s obstacles. He praised God for the joy and happiness and prayed against the suffering. Deacon Brian prayed that Covid would dissipate and that we would get our freedoms back in way of socialisation. He concluded his prayer by asking for the Lord to continue to guide us in all that we do. 

Pastor Mike praised God for all that was experienced and accomplished in 2021 (the good, the bad, the beautiful, and the ugly). He prayed for the friends and family members of his friend Benny, and also mentioned prayers of comfort for anyone who lost someone recently or in the past year or two. He praised God for the recent 40 day prayer challenge he participated in and how through it he saw powerful answered prayer. Prayers for a simple, peaceful, and full of beauty 2022 for each of us. Lastly, prayers for those not gathered with us, whether it be Covid concerns or something else that keeps them from being here, may God bless and encourage them as we move into a new year. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, December 12th, 2021: 

Edward mentioned praise for BPBC and our online community. He mentioned answered prayer regarding his obtaining his new apartment and move in date before the new year. He praised and prayed for the church outreach event coming up. He praised God for Pastor Mike and Rachanda’s engagement. He mentioned traveling mercies for Wayne and Terri, as well as Elder Steve and Gladys. He concluded with a praise regarding God’s love, kindness, and simply being God. 

Deacon Brian lifted up praise for the Christmas season and mentioned prayers for those who need prayer during the season (whatever their need might be). He prayed for those dealing with and suffering from the tornadoes in Kentucky. He also mentioned all the issues going on in our congregation as well as out country that are in need of prayer. 

Pastor Mike praised God for a successful, fulfilling, and abundant Harvest Dinner. He mentioned prayers for the plans we have as move closer towards and in 2022. Prayers for Kathy, Meredith, Steve & Lisa, as well as Steve and Gladys. Praise for beautiful marriages as examples in our congregation. Prayers regarding recent Cornavirus concerns. Prayers for those not with us and prayers that each of us know and would continue the value of church attendance and fellowship. Prayers for those in need of healing, peace, encouragement, or whatever the need might be. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 31st, 2021: 

Vicki thanked God for her salvation and made a confession based on Luke 17:12-19 that she wanted to be numbered among those who came back and offered appropriate praise to God for healing her. She mentioned unspoken prayers and prayers for God’s continued faithfulness in sustaining our church. Prayers for the boiler and those upset over the issues with heating. 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and for the visitors we had for the debate regarding baptism this weekend (namely Holger Neubauer, Steve Baisden, and Mario Beasley). He mentioned praise and prayer for the upcoming study with the SDA church and that we may see the differences clearly and “disagree well”. He also praised God for His continued love, grace, mercy, and blessings, especially regarding needed healings in our congregation. 

Kathy praised God for the sunshine we had in the morning on Sunday. She mentioned praise for the baptism debate and the interesting and knowledgable insights that were shared. She mentioned traveling mercies for those traveling back home. Prayers for her daughter Karen who has to undergo another MRI. She mentioned prayers regarding the elections on Tuesday (which she will be working). 

Meredith thanked God for the week she had. She praised God that her brother Bob is now home and transitioning well, better than many thought! 

Deacon Brian praised God for the support him and Sandy received from church family, family, and friends during the time that they are mourning the passing of his brother, Kevin. He also mentioned praise for the help and support they received from Maloney’s Funeral Home. Prayers requested for continued strength. 

Elder Steve H. Praised God for a healing of a friend at work and the opportunity her had to witness to her. He praised God for his family and asked that God would continue to guide, strengthen, and provide wisdom as he deals with some challenges at work. 

Pastor Mike praised God for His grace and the provision of a righteousness that his not his own. He mentioned praise for the debate he participated in and traveling mercies for those heading home. He praised God for all those that helped out as he prepared to participate in the debate (mentioning quite a few people around the congregation). He prayed that God would continue to guide our minds and open our hearts, and the minds and hearts of others, in His Truth. He prayed for the many faces we have not seen in a while and the new faces we would love to see in the assembly. He praised God for and prayed ahead of a new season. He prayed for his brother and mother that God would provide and lead them in an increasing faith. And Pastor Mike prayed for the upcoming elections and our local civic, Blue Point Community Civic Association. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus. 

Our corporate praises and prayers this week, as of Sunday, October 10th, 2021: 

We praise God for the gift of salvation and for a God-glorifying and personally edifying past conference – “Not One Stone Left”. We continue to pray for the necessary healing of some loved ones of those within our congregation (Meredith’s brother, Deacon Brian’s brother, Terri’s mom, and Steve and Lisa’s daughter). We also pray for continued and increased peace and joy for our membership and attendees. We prayed and trusted God for travel mercies for our speakers, those who traveled to be at the conference, and for a few among us are and will be travelling this week and weeks to come. God is so good to us and we long to see His continued mercy. 

In Jesus’ name we pray. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 19th, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and mentioned a praise and a prayer that his roommate, Shawn, might show up to service. He praised God that He is consistent and constant in His provisions. He mentioned praise and prayer for our recent guest, Ivan, on the Preterist Power Hour, and mentioned excitement and praise regarding Dr. Don K. Preston’s soon -to-be guest appearance on the show as well. He mentioned a prayer and desire that one day he might meet Dr. Preston in person. Lastly, Edward mentioned a praise and a prayer that each of us would be further convicted that when we look at the issues in the world we know, “We are the answer”. 

Meredith praised God for the beautiful day we had and the privilege of knowing and gathering with a praying church. Continued prayers for Esther and the GoFundMe effort established for her. Continued prayers for her bother, Bob. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful Sunday and our gathering outside to worship. She mentioned prayers for Karen as she had some doctors appointments this week. Prayers for Rita as she applies for disability. Praise for pastors ministry efforts and prayers for each of us to have a blessed week ahead. 

Steve M. prayed for strength and healing for his whole family, especially for his daughter as she heals from broken bones. Steve praised God for safe travels. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the effort of National Back to Church Sunday and mentions prayers for congregations all over our nation. He mentioned praise and prayer regarding many things happening this week, continually expressing appreciation and trust in God’s sovereignty and providence (and always desiring increase). Praise for new friends at the 7th Day Adventist congregation, the hospitality of a woman who gathers with them named Helen, and for Ivan’s teaching efforts. He asked that God continues to go before our congregation in all that we do and that it would be all for His glory. Prayers for his next-door neighbour and his wife as they expressed not feeling well. Prayers for many within our congregation that need God’s help and strength, and prayers for the Gabby Petito family as they mourn her passing. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, September 12th, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, our online community, and for Gd’s continued grace that builds him to live for God. He mentioned prayers for those among our congregation that have been busy tending to family members. Edward also mentioned praise regarding his soon move to Oakdale as well as his privilege to be a part of the many programs and worship service offered through BPBC. 

Kathy lifted up a specific prayer that God would be with Sandy and Brian as they deal with all that they are dealing with. She praised God for a beautiful day to gather outside. She mentioned a general prayer for those who are dealing with tragedies. She mentioned prayers regarding her work with the kids and the school, she hasn’t been sleeping good lately, and continued prayers for her doughter and for her daughter’s friend, Rita. Praise for seeing her son-in-law, Phil, at worship surprise – “a nice surprise”. 

Terri lifted up prayers for a friend Leslie, who is mourning the recent passing of her husband, due to an electrical accident. 

Meredith gave God all the praise and glory as Esther has received a new heart. Answered prayer! Prayers as she continues to deal with health and recovery and prayers for the family of the donor. She also mentioned continued prayers for her brother, Bob, and hopes that the feeding tube will come out soon. Also, prayers for Steve M. as he helps his daughter with her recent injury. 

Deacon Brian lifted up a specific mention of all the congregation’s requests to the Lord – “from broken ankles to broken hearts”. He praised God for Sandy continuing to be a rock in his life that he can lean on in times of trial. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the blessing of a good, thought-out, theology. He praised God at recent united religious efforts of “creation care”. He mentioned praise and prayer for those who are battling addiction and moving forward with recovery, especially as we take note of September as “National Recovery Month”. Prayers for families that continue to be effected by the events of 9/11. Pastor Mike also mentioned prayers for those dealing with Covid, even thinking of his own family members, and lifted up the various issues among our congregation trusting them to God’s sovereignty and providence. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 8th, 2021: 

Kevin praised God for His continued grace and mercy in our lives, he asked that God would help us use the gifts He has given us for His glory. He also lifted up specific prayers for Jill and Kyle (and mentioned trusting in the Lord’s sovereignty). 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, prayers for Brian and Sandy (for travel mercies and a peace that surpasses all understanding, and prayers of healing for Brian’s brother, Kevin). Edward mentioned that family issues and needs of healing in our congregation and trusted those prayers to God. He mentioned prayers regarding his 2nd COVID vaccine (which he recieved on Sunday), praise regarding technology and the discipline he has in purchasing and using such technology. Also, Edward praised God for Him being our constant and consistent God. 

Meredith praised God for another day and the opportunity to gather with the Church. She lifted up contained prayers for her brother, Bob, and his miraculous recovery. She mentioned prayers regarding how COVID is affecting her brother and some financial issues that need to be sorted out. 

Kathy thanked the Lord for another day, mentioned contained prayers for Karen and her seeking answers and for her grandson as he deals with some work-related issues. Many praises as Katherine’s surgery went well, and Raz is home from the hospital. Prayers for Brian and Sandy as they deal with all that they are dealing with, and prayers for the entire congregation to have a blessed week. 

Pastor Mike praised God for being his constant in the midst of trials (wherein we truly see His sovereign and providential hand). He mentioned praise for seeing new and renewed faces in our assembly. Prayers for our brethren not gathered with us (specifically thinking of Deacon Brian and Sandy, as well as Deacon Ed). 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ, fully expectant of answered prayer. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 1st, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online congregation, for personal discipline (as it pertains to finances). Prayers for specific church members dealing with loss of family or with helping care for other family members. May God continue to provide each of us with strength, fortitude, peace, and sustenance. 

Meredith praised God that her brother is continuing to do well. Prayers for him and hospital staff as they deal with new Covid restrictions. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful day and expressed a thankful heart. She lifted up prayers for Rita, Karen, Pastor Mike, and for other friends. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for His continued watch and care over us, specially his family and our congregation. He mentioned prayers for Gladys and her nursing home as they deal with the Delta virus. 

Pastor Mike praised God for an exciting past weekend wherein he went kayaking and raced for a good cause (Save the Sea Turtles). Praise for time spent with his sister, Desiree, and her boyfriend, Steve. He also praised God for meeting a new acquaintance named Tim in Riverhead. Prayers of direction and peace for a friend named Jake. Also, may God go before us in the planning for our Annual Bible Conference in October. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 25th, 2021: 

Vicki praised God for her salvation and the privilege she had to study through the Word. She also praised God for the peace He has continued to give her, the fact that she got a new car and is adjusting to it well, and that our church participated in outreach at the Patchogue LIRR this week. Prayers for Brian and Sandy as they seek to help and assist his brother, Brian. 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC and for our online community. He praised God that he is constantly inundated with the Word and for all the resources Pastor Mike provides. He mentioned prayers for those who have family members and friends who are in need of prayer and healing, and of course the family members that need peace. Prayers for Meredith as she deals with pain in her leg muscles, and a praise for her brother’s continued healing and progress (prayers for workers where he is at as some are suffering from Coronavirus). Continued prayers regarding his moving to housing in Oakdale. 

Kathy praised God for Sunday gathering. She mentioned praise that her grandson received a promotion. Prayers for Sandy and Brian as they mourn the passing of Sandy’s brother and do all they can to assist Brian’s brother. Praise and prayer for continued outreach efforts. Prayers for Karen (hopefully soon they will get to the bottom of all of her issues), prayers for the dog, Buster, as he is being given anti-anxiety medication, continued prayers for Rita and Gavin, and prayer for all Kathy had before her this week. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for Melissa’s miraculous recovery after her accident. He praises God for time he had with his son the night prior, out fishing. He also praised God for the healing God has continued to bring forth in his life as well as the strength to keep moving forward. 

Pastor Mike praised God for out recent efforts of outreach and evangelism and asked that God would bless those we had come into contact with through our efforts. Prayers regarding the violence on the streets of Long Island, that God would bring peace to our streets and the lives of many millennials set on a bad path. Specific prayers were made for Brian and Sandy (peace, strength, and God’s blessed hand) and healing for Meredith, as well as Brian’s brother, Kevin. Pastor Mike also mentioned unspoken prayers for increased wisdom, trust, and peace. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 18th, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC and for our online community. He mentioned prayers for Steve M’s dad, Brian’s brother Kevin, Meredith’s brother Bob, and for Terri’s mom June. He praised God for the privilege he has to participate in many of our online resources and studies, as well as noted God’s continued mercy, kindness, and love. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful day and that the sun came lout just in time for church. She praised God that her blood pressure is finally down and that Rita is progressing well. Prayers for Vicki and her car situation, Karen and her lower back, and for dog who has been having a hard time with the fireworks and thunderstorms. 

Meredith praised God for a good week and for a speedy trip she had to Florida to help her brother. She praised God for the miraculous change and progress of her brother’s heath. She praised God for the prayers of the saints. 

Deacon Brian made mention of the variety of praises and prayers we have all around our congregation and prayed that God would continue to give us the ability to help others. He mentioned prayers for his brother whose health recently relapsed. He asked that God would give him and Sandy strength to deal with all that is on their plate (especially as we pray for Kevin (Brian’s brother) and for Ron (Sandy’s brother). 

Pastor Mike praised God for the wisdom He provides and asked that He continue to give each of us increased wisdom. He mentioned praise and prayer for Vicki and her new car and prayers for her grandson who is suffering from a thigh injury. He also mentioned prayers on behalf of all those who are either facing medical procedures this week or in weeks to come, as well as prayers of healing and strength for those who need it. Lastly, Pastor Mike prayed that God would go before us in our upcoming outreach and evangelism event. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 11th, 2021: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for our gathering for worship, and for our online community. He lifted up continued prayers for Steve M.’s dad, Melissa Hernandez, Vicki and her transition, and for his soon transition to new housing. He prayed travel mercies for Meredith and praised God for His consistency and love. 

Kathy praised God that the rain held off for our Sunday worship service being held outdoors. Continued prayers for Karen as she waits final decisions regarding whether she needs surgery or not. Prayers for Phil. Also, praise and prayer for Rita, as she continues to heal and deals with financial stability. 

Terri praised God that she and Wayne had an enjoyable time and are home safe from Lake George. 

Deacon Brian praised God for the miracles we experience. He lifted up prayers for his brother Kevin who recently suffered a broken vertebra. 

Elder Steve H. thanked God for the healing Melissa has experienced since her accident. He praised God for the opportunity recently he had to study through some Biblical details with his son, Steve Jr. Prayers for “Brother Bob” as his health is not so good. Prayers for a friend named Joe who is in the hospital. He lifted up praise that while his job can be rather demanding, and recently there was a concert, but “at the 11th hour good news arrived”. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the wisdom He continues to provide, he mentioned praise for a great past week, and prayers for Meredith, Kevin and Denise, Denise, and those celebrating their birthdays this week. He also mentioned praise and prayer for our planning of quite a few outreach efforts. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 4th, 2021: 

Vicki praised God that she is continuing to go through a transitional phase with all her moving and living with her daughter. She mentioned 2 unspoken requests and praised God for “this wonderful country”. 

Sandy lifted up prayers for her sister (and mentioned, “Lord, you know”), she also mentioned prayers for Brian’s brother, Kevin, as he goes for testing. She mentioned 2 unspoken requests and prayed for those suffering in
Florida due to the recent hotel collapse. Lastly, she prayed that God would continue to spread His peace and love throughout our land. 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC and for our online community. He lifted up prayers for Melissa, Kevin, Bob, “Brother Bob” and Vicki’s daughters. He praised God and mentioned continued prayer regarding his Section 8 stuff moving along. 

Kathy praised God for the Independence Day holiday, lifted up prayers for our veterans, and prayed that each of us would take time out to ponder the freedom we have in this land. She mentioned prayers for her daughter’s friend, for Vic and his chemo, and for Karen regarding the decision as to whether or not she needs surgery. Kathy also mentioned prayers for the dog and regarding the rats in her yard. 

Meredith praised God for the beautiful day and weather we had. She praised God for her brother’s continued progress. 

Elder Steve H. praised God that his daughter, Melissa’s healing continues to go well. He mentioned prayers for his son who is dealing with some health stuff and praised God for good personal test results. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the opportunity to share his testimony in Yaphank Correctional Facility (through Zoom) this week. He praised God for answered prayer on behalf of Hector and Eleanor (both of whom we have recently prayed for in regards to their health and hospitalization). Prayers for the family of a young man named Joey who passed away this week. Pastor Mike mentioned praise for the “liberty and justice for all” that is noted and celebrated in our land. He also mentioned unspoken requests. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, June 27th, 2021: 

Vicki praised God that her house was closing on Monday (after 2 1/2 months of moving). She lifted up prayers for travel safety for family traveling for Max’s wake (and continued prayers of comfort for the family as they mourn). She praised God for all He is doing and has done through BPBC and she prayed for God to assist those who need and have requested of Him. 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC , those gathered this past Sunday, and for our online community. He continued to pray for Steve M.’s father, Melissa (Elder Steve H.’s daughter), Kevin (Brian’s brother), “brother Bob”, and Meredith’s brother, Bob. He also mentioned praise for the story of the Prodigal Son and encouragement he recently received as he meditated upon that story. Edward also mentioned continued praise and prayer regarding his waiting for Section 8 to provide him his new living arrangements in Oakdale. 

Terri praised God for the blessing God has provided to her and Wayne. She mentioned prayers for her mom as she deals with a bout of pneumonia. 

Kathy praised God for the day set before us. She mentioned prayers regarding the horrific accident she had seen on the expressway as she traveled to church. Continued prayers for Karen as she planned to see the surgeon on Wednesday in regards to her possibly needing surgery. Prayers for Phil (as he has not been feeling well and dealing with pain), also prayers for the dog (as he is expressing signs of old age). Continued prayers for Rita, Rich, and for those who suffered in the Miami building collapse. 

Meredith praised God for the beautiful day we had to gather outdoors. She mentioned prayers for Ward Fenley’s mom, Eleanor, and for her wonderful testimony. She also praised God for the wonderful strides her brother is making. 

Lisa praised God for BPBC, for “a smooth ending to a challenging school year”. She mentioned prayers for her mother and father in law as well as for her daughters. 

Elder Steve H. praised God that Melissa is healing and doing well and his mom is healing. He also praised God for the examples He sets in his life. Prayers regarding business meetings at work. 

Pastor Mike praised God for a recent fruitful and encouraging BPBC Semi-Annual Meeting. He prayed against rain disrupting our worship service. He mentioned praise regarding his mother and brother’s birthdays, as well as Pastor Steve’s, this past weekend (6/25-26). He praised God for and expected increase in His abundant provision of wisdom. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, June 20th, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, the turn out we had for Worship Service, and of course, the shade that kept us out of the sun. He mentioned praise and continued prayer regarding his Section 8 housing and the consideration for Oakdale. Praise for new beginnings. Edward also lifted up continued prayers for Bob (Meredith’s brother), Kevin (Brian’s brother), and for Melissa (Elder Steve H’s daughter). 

Vicki lifted up prayers for her children and herself as they mourn the passing of her ex-husband, Max. May God comfort each of them and give them peace that surpasses understanding. She continued to pray regarding the sale of her house and praised God that “He has blessed her so much”. Vicki also mentioned 2 unspoken requests. 

Meredith praised God for the wonderful progress her brother is having and that he is moving into the apartment soon. She mentioned prayers regarding his dog and the issue of ownership that is going on. 

Kathy praised God for another beautiful Sunday. She made special mention of praises and prayers for those who are fathers and those who have taken on the role of being a father. Continued prayers for Rich, Rita (though a praise that she is cancer-free!), and for Karen, and Gavin. Kathy praised God that she is feeling better and mentioned the various efforts Pastor Mike leads and is involved in. 

Elder Steve H. praised God and continued to pray regarding Melissa’s improvement and healing. He lifted up praise regarding his wife and his family and mentioned prayers for “Brother Bob” who may be in need of another surgery. 

Pastor Mike praised God for fathers (in all circumstances) and lifted up prayers for fathers that could use it. He lifted up prayers for children who did not grow up with a father, children who have lost their fathers, and those children who need prayer. Pastor Mike mentioned praise for a good past week – meeting Rachanda’s family, witnessing the wedding of Rochelle and Ryan (whom he also lifted up prayers for), and for safe travels. He also mentioned praise and prayer regarding the new season (Summer) and prayed for wisdom to continue to walk worthy with Spiritual discernment – “instant in season and out (cf. 2 Tim. 4:2)”. 

We lift these things up in the powerful & mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, June 13th, 2012: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, the opportunity to gather. He praised God that while he attempted to Uber, God saw it fit that he stayed for service and “contended with the bugs”. He lifted up praise and prayer regarding the further of the details of his Section 8 housing. He lifted up prayers for Melissa H. as she recovers from surgery, Brian’s brother Kevin as he deals with his current situation, and for Meredith’s brother, Bob – that he continues to advance in his recovery. 

Vicki praised God for the privilege to be a child of God. She lifted up continued prayers regarding her transition to a new home. She mentioned unspoken requests and prayers for any issues that might be in our congregation. 

Meredith praised God for the beautiful day we had to meet outdoors and for our many outreach efforts. She mentioned prayers for Ward’s mom, Eleanor (as she recovers from her accident), she praised God for her brother’s continued progress, and she mentioned prayers regarding elder care. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful day as well, mentioned prayers for Karen (as she gets evaluated for surgery) and for Phil (as he hasn’t been feeling well). She lifted up prayers for her grandson and his upcoming trip to Florida. She also mentioned continued prayers for Rita and Gavin, prayers for her friend’s daughter, Catherine, and Rita’s friend, Frederich who could use the encouragement of the Lord. Also, she mentioned prayers regarding the violent shooting happening in our country, give us peace, Lord, and prayers for her blood pressure to stabilize. 

Terri lifted up prayers for a friend named Walter and asked that the Lord restore him to good health. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for and continued to pray for his daughter’s recovery from surgery. He mentioned prayers for Bob as he might have to undergo another surgery. He also prayed and requested prayers for himself as he has a lot going on. 

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for the families of two friends who passed away this week – Thracia Gharst and Andy Lopez. He praised God for his friendship with both of them and for the influence they had. He lifted up unspoken requests and mentioned increased wisdom and increased fellowship. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 30th, 2021:

Edward H. praised God for BPBC and the turn out we had for worship. He mentioned praise and prayer for the upcoming Wicked study. He praised God for the response he received from the Town of Islip Housing Authority in which he learned he is in the final phase of his possible move. Prayers lifted up for Meredith and her recent fall. Edward concluded by praising God for His consistency and blessings.

Kathy praised God for the rainy day and prayed that the next day would be nicer. She praised God that the elections she recently helped with went well. She lifted up prayers for Karen as she is demonstrating the need for surgery, her friend’s daughter, Jody, and for Gavin. She mentioned praise for time spent with friends and for Rita’s progress.

Lisa praised God for all of our blessings and she prayed that God would continue to bless each of us. She mentioned prayers for her and Steve’s parents/stepparents and well as for their daughters, that they make “smart decisions”.

Sandy praised God for BPBC, for all that gathered with us, and that God would be with and bless those who aren’t. She mentioned praise to gather at church, to feel His Spirit, and to give God glory.

Deacon Brian lifted up our corporate praises and prayers, as well as mentioned prayers for Meredith.

Elder Steve H. prayed for his daughter, Melissa, as she will be undergoing facial surgery due to her recent car accident. He mentioned prayers for Gladys, who is going is going in for following up on recent testing, may God give her peace. Steve lifted up praise for answered prayer regarding his mom and her broken arm.

Pastor Mike praised God for the reality of Memorial Day and prayed that each of us would see the importance of observing and celebrating such a day. Prayers for Meredith (in relation to her fall), continued prayers for Vicki (as she deals with moving), and traveling mercies for the Silsbe family. He mentioned prayer that we would see more safety taking place on our roads. He also asked that God give him wisdom, graciousness, and understanding in all that he does.

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 23rd, 2021: 

Edward H. Praised God for BPBC and for the ability to gather outside on a beautiful day and taking note of the significance of the Jewish feast of Pentecost. He mentioned praise that his weight is getting to where it should be and where his doctor will be happy with his good health. He praised God for a good turn out for worship service. He also mentioned praise and request prayer regarding God’s leading in his edifying and inspiration conversations with some Mormon friends on Facebook. 

Vicki expressed a hearty “Thank You, Lord” and mentioned the decline of the Coronavirus pandemic and that her moving situation is becoming less stressful day by day. She mentioned prayers for Brian and Sandy, especially regarding there helping Brian’s brother, Kevin. She also mentioned prayers of concern and healing for Steve M.’s father. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day. She mentioned prayers regarding her blood pressure and wisdom pertaining her to participation in the upcoming elections. She mentioned praise for Karen’s birthday and prayers for her compensation court case. Praise that Rita’s hair is growing back after the chemo treatments she has been receiving. She mentioned prayers for Rita’s son who was in an accident last week and for a friend dealing with cancer. 

Meredith praised God for His continued graciousness and healing toward her brother. She mentioned prayers for Jenny (as Sunday was her birthday) and continued prayers regarding her going to Florida soon to set a home for her and Bob. We continue to keep them in our prayers. 

Deacon Brian lifted up the corporate praises and prayers of our church (silent and spoken), he praised God for and asked for continued strength as he and Sandy are helping out his brother Kevin. He mentioned a sense of feeling a a bit accomplished after quite a bit of effort this past weekend in that regard. He praised God that 25 years to the day he had the wonderful privilege of meeting Sandy. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for His continued mercy and protection. He mentioned a horrible accident his daughter, Melissa, was in the past week. He praised God that though the car was wrecked and Melissa may require some surgery, she is glad that is wasn’t worse. He asked that God continue to watch and care for him and his family. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the beautiful weather and the change of season that we have recently been experiencing. He mentioned prayers for his friend Samantha’s family and friends, especially her children (as this Sunday was her first birthday anniversary since she passed away). He mentioned intentional prayers of safety for those on the roads (especially as we have read sad story after sad story lately on accidents on the roads), and he mentioned prayers of peace for the Middle East. He praised God for the beauty and value of the Jewish feast Pentecost, especially as it is noted to be the “birthday of the Church”. He prayed for continued and renewed zeal from God, for each of us, and that through the Spirit of God we would find ourselves inspired to live for Him. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 16th, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, the ability to gather outside for worship and to hear the birds chirping, and of course highlighting the importance of gathering. He praised God for wisdom gained on Wednesday night regarding those who regretted being estranged from family in the long run and mentioned prayers regarding his card sent to his mother. 

Kathy praised God for another beautiful day. She lifted up continued prayers regarding her blood pressure, Karen’s shots, and prayers of wisdom and consolation regarding work and his personal life. She also mentioned praise for having a wonderful Mother’s Day. 

Meredith praised God for the beauty of the day and outside worship services. She mentioned prayers for her son as he obtains his motorcycle instruction and licensing. She praised God that her son, Larry, has grown in so many ways, especially regarding responsibility. She mentioned continues prayers for Jenny who has been a blessing in helping her brother and is preparing to move down there and set them up a home. Meredith also mentioned prayers for her family in Texas. 

Deacon Brian mentioned a “heavy burden” – the passing of his brother’s friend, Jerry. Brian’s brother, Kevin, not only mourns the passing of his friend, but was also reliant upon his help in everyday living. Lifting up prayers for Kevin, Brian also asked that God keep him clear-headed and full of faith as he strives to do what he can to help his brother. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the local cleanup and the encouragement he had regarding those who showed up to help. Prayers of peace regarding the crisis in the Middle East between Israel and Palestine. Also, specify prayers for his Aunt Jo in North Carolina as she deals with a variety of health issues, but most specifically her back and a necessary upcoming surgery. 

  • The Suffolk County Evangelical Ministers Fellowship asks for prayer “for Heather Rubino,  wife of Mike Rubino who is pastor of Cornerstone Church in Port Jeff Station. They found out a few weeks ago that her cancer is back and she is facing surgery on June 1st,  at which point they will know a lot more. They are confident in the Lord and trusting Him completely.   Let’s join them in their struggle believing God for His best for them. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 2nd, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, the blessed day we had to gather outside and the good attendance. He mentioned praise for pastor’s endeavors and the opportunity he has to participate. 

Meredith praised God for the wonderful conversation she had with her brother this past week. She exclaimed answered prayer, especially that his memory is coming back and that he is much more alert. She lifted up prayers for Jenny as she prepares for the move to Florida this week. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful day we had so we could gather for outside. She mentioned answered prayer. She prayed for Karen, as she was receiving shots in her spine early on Monday. She prayed for India, mentioned prayers for her own health and blood pressure stabilization, and for Rita’s dad, Jerry. 

Deacon Brian lifted up all the requests and praises of our congregation, spoken and unspoken. He mentioned, Frankie, a  man he had worked with, who passed a week ago – prayers for his wife, Donna as she mourns his passing. 

Pastor Mike prayed that God would hold back the storm that seemed to be on our way so we could in the very least complete our Worship Service (praise God that He did). He lifted up prayers for the variety of events being planned at and through BPBC. Continued prayers for Samatha, her family and friends, especially her children. He lifted up prayers for Judy Carpenter (who recently went into hospice), and her husband Fred. Also, prayers for Steve Mahr’s dad, and for Steve and Lisa themselves as they find a suitable place for him. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 25th, 2021:

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for Pastor Mike’s efforts and the opportunity to participate, and for God’s abiding Word. He mentioned prayers for “Brother Bob” who had surgery on his foot recently. Also, prayers for Vicki as she gets her 2nd vaccine shot and that their would be no residual effects. 

Kathy praised God for another good week. She mentioned prayers for all who are getting their vaccine shots. She mentioned prayers regarding Federation and her work in the school. Prayers for Gavin , Rita, and Karen. Also, prayers that each of us will have a blessed week. 

Steve M. lifted up continued prayers for his mother and father. He mentioned it being a difficult week for his dad. He asked that God would have His hand upon Him and that He would get him where he needs to be. 

Deacon Brian mentioned a lifting up of all of our corporate praises and prayers. He mentioned Samantha Young whom we had the privilege to know and to have helped. He prayed for all of Samantha’s friends and family members, including prayers for others that were involved in the accident. He mentioned the 81 year old man down the block from him going through a hard time, God help him. 

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for India and all the country is dealing with regarding Covid-19. He mentioned prayers for Brother Bob who is recovering after his surgery (and praise God that only Bob’s toes had to be removed not his entire foot). He praised God for all that He continues to provide and asked that God keep him “steady” and “moving forward”. 

Pastor Mike praised God for His faithfulness, His provision, and the constant increase He provides. He mentioned his heart hurts regarding the passing into eternity of Samantha. He mentioned prayers for family and friends of hers, especially her kids. He praised God that Samantha can be remembered for her faith in God. He also lifted up prayers for his mom (who has not been feeling well) and for Vicki (as she gets her 2nd vaccination). 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 18th, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for His goodness and constant provision, and prayed for clarity of mind as each of us heed the exhortations shared during the Worship Service. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful day, a bit of sun and brisk air. She mentioned continued prayers for Karen, Rita, and Gavin. She mentioned prayers for her grandson to have a restful day after a long one. She praised God for her “very pleasant birthday”. Prayers for the schools and whether or not the kids will return in person come September, prayers for a blessed week for each of us, and continued prayers regarding the regulation of her blood pressure. 

Meredith praised God that Jenny has arrived in Florida and found an apartment – all of what seems to be God going before her and showing answered prayer. Continued prayers that things go smoothly for her. Meredith also praised God that she received some good information regarding the continuation of medicare through SSI. 

Terri lifted up prayers for her friends dad who is in the hospital recovering from Covid-19. 

Steve M. prayed for his dad, as he is still in the hospital, and asked God to keep His healing and comforting hand upon him. 

Wayne lifted up prayers for his dog, Justice, namely that his conditions will improve as the medicine does its work. Also, Wayne mentioned prayers for Terri’s mom and her doing more and having more pleasant experiences in her living environment. 

Pastor Mike praised God for and prayed for increased wisdom, favour, and guidance. He mentioned prayers for “Brother Bob” and his needed surgery. He also mentioned the privilege of praying for friends and family remembers, and rather than name all those he is praying for, he entrusted them to the care of our sovereign and providential God. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 11th, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC and the opportunity to gather for Sunday worship. He mentioned praise for God’s grace, promises, and truth. 

Kathy thanked God for the rain we experienced early on Sunday and mentioned praise and prayer regarding the doctors working to regulate her blood pressure. She mentioned continued prayers for Rita, Gavin, and Karen. 

Steve M. lifted up and requested prayers for his dad who recently had a fall and came through surgery ok, however he could use our prayers. He also mentioned prayers of strength for his mother as she deals with all of this as well. 

Meredith praised God that Jenny (her brother, Bob’s girlfriend, had a safe trip to Florida. May God go before her in all the details (apartment, caregiving, guidance, etc). Continued prayers for her brother, Bob. 

Vicki praised God for her salvation, asked that God would help her sell her house for a good price, and she praised God for the many that are praying for her. She asked that God would help her with discernment, that He would bring peace to our nation, and that He would end this coronavirus pandemic. She also mentioned praise and prayer for the faithful service of Pastor Mike. 

Elder Steve H. praised God that He has continued to get Gladys through her dealing as a nurse and the coronavirus. He did mention prayers for her and her family as they recently mourned the passing of 2 family members from the virus. He mentioned praise for answered prayer regarding his coworker whose granddaughter with a tutor received good news. He also lifted up prayers of healing and comfort for “Brother Bob” as he was facing decisions about possible amputation of his foot (which was done this Friday morning). 

Pastor Mike praised God for the fellowship he enjoyed this week, for the BPBC Leadership, and those who faithfully service in our congregation in some capacity. Her prayed regarding all that God has on the horizon for the future effectivity of our local church on the community around us and the world. He lifted up prayers for wisdom, knowledge of what the next right thing might be in a variety of areas, and he mentioned unspoken requests. 

May God be glorified in our prayers, lifted up in His mighty name. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 4th, 2021: 

Edward praised God for BPBC, for Christ’s sacrifice on behalf of the sin’s of His people, and for seeing those we haven’t see in a worship service in a while. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful weather and that we were able to gather outside for worship. She mentioned prayers for Karen, Rita, and Gavin, as well as a few other prayers for close friends. She mentioned prayer that all gathered would leave our time together and have a blessed week. 

Meredith praised God for a glorious day to gather outside. She praised God for the progress her brother has made and for his girlfriend, Jenny, being able to help out so much. She mentioned prayers for Jaime who is battling bladder cancer. 

Deacon Brian lifted up prayers for a neighbor who was involved in a horrific accident and asked that God give him peace and a peace that transcends his natural thinking. He lifted upon praise that the coronavirus seems to be diminishing. He mentioned praise for a beautiful Spring and the celebrating of arising in Christ for Easter. He mentioned praise for a man on tv who shared his recovery story, his struggles in life and in marriage, yet today he professes strength in Christ. Glory to God! 

Elder Steve H. praised God for his daughter’s continued good health, Gladys’ surgery that went well, and his good news received on his recent biopsy. He lifted up prayers for Gladys’ nephews and nieces who had to mourn the passing of their mother from Covid. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the beautiful weather which was an answer to prayer. He praised God for biological family and for church family. He mentioned prayers of peace, comfort, and healing for his grandmother and mother. He praised God for the resurrection power and resurrection life that we celebrate at Easter and the gift of abundance through possessing and increasing in things that glorify God. He lifted up prayers for sister Vicki and her “Covid shot”, prayers of healing for sister Lisa, prayers regarding the violence in our nation, and mentioned the blessing and burden of having good theology. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, March 21st, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for our online community, and for the many edifying resources Pastor Mike provides. He praised God that Meredith was able to gather with us. He also lifted up praise for God’s healing power. 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful Spring day we had on Sunday. She mentioned continued prayers for Gavin, Rita, and Karen. She also requested continued prayers for herself as she seeks to regulate her blood pressure and asked God to give her increased peace. 

Meredith praised God for the beautiful day and the fact that she was able to gather with the assembly. She praised God for technology, especially the internet. She praised God and mentioned thankfulness for the prayers of the saints (she mentioned a good doctors visit and learning that her lungs are clear and that her cough was attributed to asthma). She also mentioned praise of good news regarding her brother, Bob (answered prayer). 

Lisa lifted up praise for answered prayer and praises for BPBC. She mentioned praise and continued prayers for her daughters. She expressed concern for a student and his family and asked the Lord to provide guidance and wisdom. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for his continued watch and care over him and his family. He praised God that Gladys’ surgery went well and mentioned praise for technology that enables such medical procedures to be done in a less-invasive way. He praised God for health insurance, especially all that it has helped and provided for his daughter, and mentioned prayers for those who have to deal with the unfortunate issues that surround obtaining proper and adequate health insurance. 

Pastor Mike praised God for a new season, Spring, and for His sovereignty in it all. He mentioned prayers for those who celebrate birthdays this week and this month, that they would be blessed and have a fruitful year. He mentioned prayers for Ward Fenley as he pursues a new ministry opportunity serving as associate pastor in California. He also mentioned prayers for Melinda and Julian (as Julian has tested positive for the Coronavirus). He lifted up prayers for all those suffering for this pandemic, physically, mentally, or Spiritually. Also, Pastor Mike mentioned unspoken requests on his behalf and anyone praying with us. 

We lift these things up in the ever-faithful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of this Sunday, March 14th, 2021: 

Edward H. lifted up praise that “God is good”, and prayed for BPBC, as well as our extended online community, He mentioned prayer regarding recent new he got from the doctor regarding his glucose level (he seems to be on top of it). He prayed for those in transit and for Sandy and Brian regarding recent prayers for health and good doctor reports. 

Kathy prayed about her upcoming car repair, lifted up Phil’s friend, Vic (who has surgery coming up), and for Billy (as he goes back to work). Continued prayers for Karen and her needed shots, as well as for Rita and Gavin. She mentioned putting put on a patch for regulating her blood pressure and prayers that is effective. Lastly, Kathy prayed for a blessed week ahead for all of us. 

Deacon Brian lifted up the spoken and unspoken prayers of the congregation and noted that “God hears our words”. He prayed for continued strength. He also mentioned prayers for Sandy and her recent doctors visit and trusts that all will be ok. 

Elder Steve H. lifted up praises and prayers regarding Gladys’ vaccination. He praised God for his daughters’ continued good health. He mentioned and asked for prayers regarding strength to face all the issues at work. 

Pastor Mike praised God for a fruitful week of fellowship. He mentioned unspoken requests, as well as requests of healing and comfort for all those he knows and the Lord knows are in need. 

We lift these things up in the mighty, powerful, and glorious name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 7th, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, the continued development of technology, and the turn our we had for Worship Service. He praised God that he is healthy and in good spirits and the God continues to show His mercy, kindness, love, and consistency. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful Sunday. She mentioned continued prayers for Karen, Gavin, Rita, Billy, and herself. 

Andy praised God for BPBC, he praised God for the prayers of church family (on behalf of him and his family), and requested continued prayers regarding strength for himself and his family. 

Deacon Brian praised God that He hears our prayers. He prayed for healing and strength where it is needed among our assembly. He mentioned prayers for a necessary phone call he had to have earlier in the week. He also mentioned prayers for Sandy’s uncle who recently had a medical incident. 

Elder Steve H. prayed that God would supply healing for his mom and for “guidance at work and on other issues”.  

Pastor Mike praised God for a fruitful week. He mentioned praises and prayers for Dr. Don K. Preston. He also prayed for Christians to see the need for constant, consistent, and contextual Bible reading. Pastor Mike prayed for our churches outreach and other planning, as well as mentioned specific prayers for Andy Diaz and his family’s, as well as Meredith and her family, and unspoken requests on behalf of Priscilla. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Our corporate praises and prayers as of this Sunday, February 28th, 2020: 

Kevin praises God for His mercy. He also praised God that through faith, God’s Spirit and knowledge of His word, we can extinguish the flaming arrows of the enemy. Kevin also mentioned prayers for Michelle (the Lord knows). 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC and the good turn out we had for Worship Service. He mentioned praise that Kevin and Denise were gathered with us. He mentioned asking hi Dr. about details regarding a caregiver. Edward praised for for advancement in technology and all that he has had the privilege to learn recently. 

Kathy mentioned praise that Billy (whom we have been praying for is now eating on his own) is eating on his own and that Rita’s hair is growing back. Continued prayers for Gavin and Karen (prayers for Karen’s MRI this week). She mentioned prayers about her bumper and about her work with the schools. 

Sandy praised God for seeing Kevin and Denise at Worship Service. She mentioned prayers of comfort for Pastor Steve and Olivia (as they mourn the passing of Anne), Denise (as she continues to mourn Jack),  and Andy’ family (as they mourn the passing of his aunt). Prayers for Brian and his back issues. 

Deacon Brian mentioned the continued lifting up of our congregations praises and prayers. He mentioned a former co-worker who is in the hospital with brain cancer. He mentioned prayers of safety and concern for his brother and well as our congregation. He prayed that God would “put this virus to rest”. 

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayer for Gladys and her surgery that is coming soon. He praised God for His continued watch and care over us and His presence in our lives. He mentioned prayers for a coworker whose aunt and mom died (may God provide comfort). He mentioned prayers for his mom as she deals with two badly bruised arms. He also mentioned prayers in general that God would continue to give him wisdom and strength to keep it together. 

Pastor Mike praised God for answered prayer and His constant provision. He praised God for his 37th birthday that was this week. He lifted up prayers for Andy’s family and the Schilling’s regarding a peace that surpasses all understanding. He mentioned prayers for a boy name Shane Smith. Also, travelling mercies for Steve and Lisa. Lastly, Pastor Mike praised God for the opportunity to study and fellowship with his brother and Andy through our Acting Out Act challenge. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 21st, 2021: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC and an edifying Adult Sunday school. He also praised God for the good health that has been had by our congregation and an edifying past week’s Preterist Power Hour, wherein he got to meet Dr. Don K. Preston. 

Kathy lifted up continued prayers for Karen, Gavin, and Rita. Also, she mentioned prayers for a friend. 

Meredith praised God for his continued watch and care over her and her family, especially as some of the family battle Covid-19. She praised God that her sister-in-law is home from the hospital and could use continued prayers. Also, continued prayers for her nephew Brian and her brother, Bob. 

Andy praised God for forgiveness and strength. He mentioned prayers for himself, for his family, and most specially, his aunt, Dinora. 

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for a coworker whose family member passed away. He mentioned prayers for his mother who has fallen twice more recently, and could use our prayers for healing, balance, and peace. Also, he mentioned prayers for himself that God would continue to provide strength and wisdom for him to find his way through all that he is going through. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the current Lenten season and the BPBC vision of #2021SGC. He mentioned prayers for our upcoming outreach event as well as the continued development of our church library. He prayed that God would continue to fan the flame of his faith through inspiration and mentioned some unspoken requests. 

We lift these things up in and through the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 14th, 2021: 

Vicki praised God for leading her to decide to downsize and plan to sell her home. She asked for prayer and peace of mind as she goes through this process. 

Kathy praised God for another day and prayed that God would continue to keep the bad snow storms away from us. Continued prayers for Rita’s nephew, Billy. She also mentioned prayers for her friend Pat who she hasn’t communicated with in as while, continued prayers for Karen and tests she has coming up, prayers for our nation and our former president and current president, as well as continued prayers for Gavin. Kathy also requested prayers for herself that she will continue to focus on the positive rather than the negative things in her life. She praised God that Patrick’s job is going well as he is working from home. 

Sandy prayed for her brother and sister, as well as mentioned prayers for Brian’s brother. She also mentioned prayers for the requests of her Spiritual brothers and sisters as well. She praised God for the sermon, Unlocked Hearts, and prayed that she would continue to grow in that heartfelt relationship with the Lord. 

Ashley praised God for the privilege of praying with us on the Zoom session. She thanked God for prayer and mentioned prayers for her mom, Denora, who was recently put on a ventilator due to Covid-19. She mentioned they are considering taking her off this week and seeing how her strength in breathing is on her own. 

Andy gave glory to God and thanked Him for always being in his life, “even when I steer away”. He praised God for BPBC and Pastor Mike. He lifted up prayers for his Aunt, Denora, who is in the hospital, and he asked for God to bring forth healing. 

Edward H. Praised God for BPBC and the fellowship we have the privilege of having. He praised God that his health is well, he continues to be excited and edified by learning about advancing technology. He mentioned the Section 8 housing we have been praying about being a “waiting game” and praised God for the entirety of the people of God – our prayers and our praises. 

Deacon Brian lifted up praise for the morning message and prayed that God would unlock our hearts. He praised God for Sandy and her continually dealing her him. He prayed for Kathy, for God’s presence to continue to be with our church, and for those in need of healing. Deacon Brian also mentioned praise for the healing of Pastor Doug Jansson who we had been praying for regarding his battle with Coronavirus. 

Pastor Mike prayed for sister Denise (Kevin’s wife) and her family as they mourn the passing into eternity of her father. He lifted up prayers of healing for Andy’s aunt, and continued prayers for Denise as she mourns. He asked for an increase of wisdom and inspiration as we move into the Lenten season,. He also mentioned praise for sister Lisa Mahr’s ministry in the Word and decorating the sanctuary.  Pastor Mike mentioned praise regarding the marriages and relationships present at BPBC and lifted up prayers for those who feel despair on Valentine’s Day. 

We lift these things in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 7th, 2021: 

Vicki mentioned a few unspoken prayer requests, and as she celebrated her birthday, she praised God for health and long life. 

Kathy praised God that the snow wasn’t too bad. She offered praise that Billy (the man we have been praying for) is home, yet could use continued prayers regarding mental and physical therapy, and prayers for his pregnant wife. Prayers for Rita and her needed treatments, as well as for Karen and her needed tests. Kathy prayed for wisdom regarding decision-making with her leg surgery. Praises and prayers for Patrick and his work, praises that Gavin continues to do well, and praise for Pastor Mike’s online sermon. She also mentioned prayers for each of us in the week ahead. 

Lisa praised God for a wonderful sermon that was delivered and done virtually. She praised God that Steve and her continue to be healthy. She mentioned prayers for a family suffering due to a loss to Covid-19. She praised God for Solomon’s wisdom and the encouragement we get to grow and study the Scriptures. 

Sandy praised God for the online ministries and opportunities we have at BPBC. She praised God for our constant focus on study of God’s word and the reminders to ask, trust, and focus on God. She mentioned 2 unspoken requests that she has continued to lift up and trust God regarding. Sandy also mentioned prayers for Brian’s brother, Kevin, who needs the Lord’s healing, strengthening, and comforting hand. 

Deacon Brian lifted up praise for Vicki’s birthday. He prayed for his brother, that God would comfort and heal him, and Brian asked the Lord to “get us through these tough times”. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the past week’s opportunity to be on Sound of Heaven Radio and talk about his testimony. He praised God for Lisa Mahr’s help in decorating the church for Valentine’s Day/season. He praised God for a great Adult Sunday School online and for Vicki’s birthday, also mentioning praise for the recent challenge of Acting-Out-Acts (and those who are participating). Pastor Mike prayed for safe, wise, and evangelistic Superbowl gatherings, the week ahead full of meetings, fellowship, and ministry efforts, as well as a discerning application of the daily sermon. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 31st, 2021: 

Sister Meredith praised God for the blessing of the following week. She lifted up her family in prayer and asked that we do as well, specifically for her nephews – Brian, Jason, Logan, and Mike (some have Covid and some don’t – healing for those that do and prevention for those that don’t). Continued prayers for her brother, Bob. 

Edward praised God for BPBC and the ride his received in the am on Sundays to be at worship service. He expressed thankfulness regarding fellowship that was had with Pastor Mike this past week (despite being a bit disappointed in missing out on the Dr. Preston Zoom session). Prayers that this current Coronavirus pandemic will end soon (expressed with words of faith). Lastly, Edward praised God for his continued love, mercy, grace, and kindness. 

Kathy praised God for yet another beautiful day. She prayed that God would keep each of us of the congregation safe during the upcoming snow storm. Continued prayers, although seeing improvements, regarding Gavin, Billy, and Rita. Continued prayers requested for Karen and her healing. 

Deacon Brian lifted up prayers regarding the variety of requests made known in and through our congregation. Prayers of safety regarding the snow storm. Also, Brian prayed that we would not forget Jack – his indulgence and personality – and that we would continue to keep Denise in our prayers. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for the marked our opportunity and challenge to Act-Out-Acts. He mentioned praise for answered prayer regarding a family friend, Jose, who is showing incredible improvement and healing. Also, prayers for his mom as she suffered a fall last week. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the new month ahead, and the productivity that was expressed through our recent, BPBC Annual Meeting. May God continue to be glorified through our congregation. He mentioned prayers for our nation, prayers for families of young people that died in car accidents in the last few weeks, and continued prayers for Pastor Doug Jansson as he battles Covid-19 (as well as others that suffer with Covid-19). 

We lift these things up, as well as our unspoken praises and prayers, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers, as of Sunday, January 24th, 2021: 

Kathy lifted up prayers for a friend named Billy who is hospitalised due to being being stabbed in the neck. Continued prayers for Rita, Gavin, Karen, and herself (all in need of healing and recovery). Kathy also praised the Lord for the beautiful day he had blessed us with to gather together. 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, the ability to gather, his recent saving of some money, and obtaining a new crock pot. He also prayed for Meredith, Vicki, and others in need of of prayers. He praised God for loving him, caring for him, and choosing him. 

Elder Steve H. praised God that his brother (who is caring for his mother) received a negative result regarding the Coronavirus. He praised God for His constant work and movement in and through the world, and namely mentioned the opportunities to share Christ at work and to have such an influence. 

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for Meredith, Vicki, Denise, and others who could use a touch from the Lord in some way. He mentioned prayers regarding the recent incident with the SCPD and the ringing of our bells. He praised God for a good hike with Deacon Ed and Gail in Montauk the past weekend. He also mentioned praise and prayer for the new U.S.A. president, Joseph Biden. Lastly, Pastor Mike prayed for God’s continued sovereignty and providence to be seen in and through all that we do here at BPBC, especially as we prepare for our annual meeting. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, January 17th, 2021: 

Edward H. Praised God for BPBC, for the privilege to have known and experienced the wisdom and blessing of knowing Jack and Denise, and praise for life, grace, and mercy, which are all provisions from God. 

Kathy praised God for yet another beautiful Sunday, this Sunday with a bit of a chill. Praise and prayers for Jack and Denise, especially peace for Denise. Praises regarding Gavin’s good report and continued prayers in his regard, as well as continued prayers for Karen and Rita (may God bring forth mighty healing in their favor). 

Meredith praised God for the blessing she experienced the past week.  Prayers for Denise and the rest of Jack’s family as they mourn his passing into eternity. Praise regarding her brother’s (Bob) transfer to a nursing home, but specific prayers for the finding of his phone (which was misplaced by the hospital). Prayers for Jenny, Bob’s girlfriend, and she heals from a broken ankle – may God restore her to good health and give her strength. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the fellowship he experienced this past week – Long Island Pastor’s meeting, meeting Phil (Kathy’s son-in-law), and with others. He lifted up specific prayers for Doug Jansson (a pastor in the hospital fighting Coronavirus), and prayers for his family and friends as they support him. Prayers for sister Denise and a praise regarding the memories left by being privileged to know Jack. Prayers for those dealing with the Coronavirus and other illnesses. Praise and prayer for our leadership and influence here at BPBC, especially as we prepare for our upcoming annual meeting. Also, Pastor Mike mentioned unspoken praises and prayers. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and faithful name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 10th, 2020: 

  • Please keep Denise in prayer. Jack Ross passed into eternity yesterday. We pray for God’s comfort and peace. 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC and all the church activities intended us keeping us involved and inundated by the Word of God. Prayers for increase in gentleness and healing for those in need of healing. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful Sunday. Continued prayers for Karen, namely that the shots will do what they are supposed to do to ease her pain and discomfort. Prayers also for those dealing with sickness and the effects of the Coronavirus. 

Pastor Mike praised God for and for the the increase in Christian unity and focus on the Kingdom of God and Biblical literacy in the Church. Prayers for sister Meredith as she wasn’t feeling too well and couldn’t make it to Worship Service. Continued prayers for her brother Bob as he is readying to move to a rehabilitation facility (still concerns for his mental health through the whole process). Praise for the influence and work of men like Ward Fenley and Allyn Mortin within the Preterist Movement. Also, prayers for the family of Don Wright (who passed away in December 2020 of Coronavirus). Lastly, Pastor Mike mentioned praise for our new year goal of 2021SGC and other plans and preparations for a year in ministry. 

We lift up these things to the glory of God alone, through the powerful and mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 3rd, 2020: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, he praised God for the Schilling’s in their recent encouragements to him and that they seem to be in good spirits, and he mentioned praise that sister Gladys its doing better. He mentioned further praise for God’s unfailing love, as well as his good health and strength. He lifted up continued prayers for Meredith’s brother, Bob. And prayers regarding his own progress with Section 8 housing. 

Meredith praised God for the day, for her brother, Bob’s continued recovery, and mentioned prayers regarding concerns for his mental health. 

Kathy praised God that after dealign with a cold she was back at Worship Service. She mentioned prayers for Karen’s shots that were to be given early in the week. She also mentioned continued prayers for Rita who is battling cancer and dealing with treatments. 

Steve M. prayed for the colleges dealing with Covid-19 and Covid-19 concerns. Praise that we as a congregation have remained relatively safe. He prayed for his parents who have Covid-19 and are isolating, namely that God would bring forth healing and recovery. 

Terri praised God for our most recent BPBC winter bonfire. She lifted up prayers for her mom who due to nursing home concerns is dealing with isolation. She also prayed that this virus would go away and that we would all learn something from it. 

Sandy prayed for Jack and Denise, most especially Jack as he is in the hospital (we have received update that he is doing better since we began praying). Continued prayers for Pastor Steve and Olivia. She also praised God for His forgiveness and love. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for all that He has helped him through in 2020. He praised God that Gladys’ strength is coming back. He asked for continued prayers regarding his job and for those out of work, and mentioned prayers for ‘Brother Bob’, as he unfortunately is back on the streets. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the blessings and burdens of 2020. He mentioned prayers for the Bertsch family as they deal with Covid-19 in their family. He prayed for members and attendees that we haven’t seen for a while at BPBC. Praise that sister Kathy was back in Worship Service with us after dealing with feeling ill. Praise for the 21 day fast many Long Island Christians are partaking in this beginning of 2021 and prayers for a prosperous year for each of us. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, December 6th, 2020: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC and lifted up prayers for those who were not able to gather with us this past Sunday, Prayers for Gladys and her family as she overcomes Covid-19. Edward mentioned thanking God in advance for a good Section 8 response. Prayers for Karen and her family, and he mentioned praise regarding the teachings of Dr. Don K. Preston and Dr. William Bell. 

Sandy praised God for the ability to gather in the house of the Lord, in His very presence. She also praised God for the decor in our humble church, as well as lifted up praises and prayers for church family. Specific prayers mentioned for Meredith, Gladys and the entire Hernandez household, Wayne and Terry, as well as continued prayers for her sister, Diane (May God provide a special touch). 

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful day. She mentioned necessary continued prayers for Rita, continued prayers for Gavin, continued prayers for Karen, and she mentioned prayers for herself as she has been feeling tired and the blood-pressure medication seems to not be balanced. May God provide give our sister strength and necessary healing. 

Pastor Mike mentioned praise for our ‘separate but together’ harvest celebrations. He thanked God for friends and family that celebrated the harvest season with him. Specific prayers for those hurting or in need of healing this holiday season, and that each of us might be blessings to those hurting and in need of healing in the ways that we can. Prayers and praises for Bible teachers such as Ward Fenley and Daniel Rogers. Prayers for Meredith, the Hernandez family, Dr. Chua’s daughters, as well as, Pastor Steve and Olivia. Praise regarding the answered prayer that God is bringing forth regarding “brother Bob” from Blue Point’s sobriety. 

All glory is His, in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, November 29th, 2020: 

Edward H. lifted up specific prayers for Wayne (regarding the passing of his mother) and Ward (regarding the passing of a close personal friend). May God supply them and their loved ones with peace and comfort. Edward also mentioned others who might be grieving at this time. Edward praised God that most of our church family are in good health, he praised God for good responses from Section 8, and for the learning experiences he continually has. He also made mention of God’s continued grace, mercy, and provisions. 

Terri lifted up prayers for Wayne and their family, especially prayers for Wayne’s step-dad, Mike. She mentioned prayers for Edward H. and his housing stuff. She also thanked God and the prayer warriors for continued prayers. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful Sunday. She mentioned prayers for all who are travelling during this holiday season, especially that God would begin to curb the spread of the Coronavirus. She also mentioned continued prayers for Rita, Gavin, and her grandson. 

Meredith praised God for the many blessings she has received, especially on friends and family’s behalf. She praised God for prayer warriors and the fact that her brother Bob is doing better and experiencing healing everyday. She requested traveling mercies, and continued prayers, as she goes down to Florida to help handle medical details with her brother and family. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the 47 boxes we packed for OCC, the Thanksgiving praises we lifted up, and the food, fellowship, and fun that was had during the week. He mentioned prayers for increased wisdom, prayers for the family of Jackie Staeheli, prayers for Wayne and his family, prayers for Meredith and her family, as well as “brother Bob”. May God keep each of them in His hand and bless them in the needed ways. Pastor Mike also prayed that Giving Tuesday and our different style of celebrating the “Harvest Dinner” will be fruitful and for the building up of God’s Kingdom. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, November 15th, 2020: 

Meredith praised God for and thanked the prayer warriors for praying for her brother. She expressed the prayers have been felt from around the world. She mentioned continued prayers for her brother, Bob. She also praised God for being the Master Healer. 

Edward H. praised God for the opportunity we have to gather together and the consistency of our membership in doing so. He praised God for being a wonderful God. 

Kathy lifted up continued prayers for Gavin, Rita, and Karen. She mentioned praise for the beautiful day we had and continued thoughts regarding our nation and the election results. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for answered prayer and God’s constant watching over his family. He mentioned praise regarding recent good results on health screenings. He mentioned prayers for “all things going on” in our county and in the world. He mentioned praise that God is the answer and that we might rest in Him. 

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the past week celebration of veterans. He also mentioned praise for the continued wisdom God seems to pour out upon as as we seek Him. He lifted up prayers regarding our planning as the corporate church as we move into the winter season. May God go before us and truly lead our hearts. He mentioned prayers regarding the Coronavirus, recent elections, and the rampant gang violence taking place in the midwest, as well as souther states. He also mentioned prayers for friends who have requested prayer, specifically in areas such as necessary peace, healing and comfort, as well as faith and trust. 

We lift these things up in the might name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, November 1st, 2020: 

Edward H. Praised God for BPBC, for the use and advancement of technology to make our livestream work, and that we all seem to be in good health. He also mentioned praise for God’s constant mercy, love, consistency, and giving us a Spirit to endure. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful Sunday, and mentioned the rain and blessings we each experienced earlier in the week. She also mentioned prayer regarding Karen and her necessary shot treatments. Continued prayers for Gavin. Kathy also mentioned prayers for our country, especially the upcoming elections. May God give us peace and peaceful responses to the results. 

Sandy lifted up continued prayers for a 11 year old named Cameron who is battle depression. Also, she mentioned prayers regarding the upcoming elections and that all people will be able to “support whatever happens”. She mentioned prayers for Pastor Steve and Olivia, namely that God would shower them with blessings. 

Deacon Brian mentioned the putting of all our corporate prayers, and individual prayers before the feet of Jesus Christ. He lifted up prayers of healing for Deacon Ed’s elbow and sister Meredith’s brother, Bob. May both of them experience improving health. He also mentioned prayers regarding the church attacks in France. 

Elder Steve H. Lifted up continued prayers for a young boy named Joshua. He also mentioned prayers of comfort for Joshua’s family as they deal with his treatments and failing health. Prayers also for “Brother Bob” as he has been placed into a treatment program. Steve also mentioned a praise regard answered prayer regarding an unspoken request. 

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for our identity in Christ which transcends earthy life. He prayed for our persecuted brethren worldwide. Prayers for Meredith as she is receiving healing from sickness she has been suffering. He prayed for the Church, that we would focus on Christ, thus being given a ‘peace that surpasses all understanding’. Prayers that the Church will continue to develop convictions that lead to action. He prayed for children who may have been discouraged the last couple weeks due to covid and a cold Halloween. Lastly, Pastor Mike prayed for an increase in good and godly national government. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 25th, 2020: 

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for the ability to gather despite a rather brisk Sunday morning. He praised God for His continued provision. He mentioned gratitude and excitement to see all who gathered with us this Sunday. He prayed for continued good health and strength in areas needed. 

Terri lifted up prayers regarding the upcoming election. She praised God for being our peace and mentioned continued gratefulness for all we have in Him. 

Kathy lifted up prayers for her daughter, continued prayers for Gavin and Rita, and also mentioned prayers for our country as we move into the election season. * Please note for clarity that in my prayers for last week I made a few grammatical errors. What I had meant to lift up was that ‘she’ (Kathy) mentioned praise and continued prayers for Rita. Also, she mentioned prayers for her daughter, Karen, and her grandson, Patrick. 

Sandy mentioned praise and the blessing of being gathered together “in the house of the Lord”. 

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise of thanks regarding his having “dodged a bullet” in his annual testing. He mentioned continued prayers for a 5 year old named Joshua, who is having a hard time responding to chemo, and his family could use prayers of comfort. Also, prayers for our society as the COVID cases are back up. May each of us be mindful. 

Pastor Mike praised God for pastors. He mentioned specifically praise for Pastor Vinny Cordaro, who recently helped set up our church’s livestream. He lifted up continued prayers for Meredith’s brother, Bob. Also, Pastor Mike praised God for and mentioned continued prayers for all those who are involved in the very necessary education of our youth (teachers, administrators, nurses, bus drivers, custodians, parents, etc.). May God continue to provide a hedge of protection and quick recovery where needed.

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 18th, 2020:

Edward H. Lifted up praise for BPBC, answered prayer, and that Dr. Preston is doing better and receiving healing from the Lord. He mentioned praise and prayer regarding Dr. William Bell’s travels to Africa and mentioned praise for Kevin and Denise’s recent marriage. 

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful Sunday and our ability to gather outside. She mentioned praise for improvement and answered prayer in regards to Gavin. He also mentioned praise and continued prayer for Rita. Prayers for Karen and her grandson. Patrick was recently in a car accident and could use our prayers. 

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for Christian leaders, namely that they will say the course in edifying the saints regarding the Kingdom of God. He mentioned prayers for the upcoming elections and a trust in God’s sovereignty. Continued prayers of healing for Meredith’s brother, Bob. Also continued prayers for teachers, custodians, school officials, bus drivers, and all that are involved with the continued education of our youth. 

We lift up these things in the mighty and faithful name of Jesus Christ

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 4th, 2020: 

Vicki thanked God for her recovery since her visit to the hospital earlier in the week. Thank God the pain was not a heart attack, she is negative regarding Coronavirus, and was grateful that everyone was praying for her. She also lifted up prayers for the President and others that have been effected by the virus. 

Kathy praised God for another beautiful day. She lifted up continued prayers for Gavin and Rita. She also mentioned prayers for the President and his cabinet regarding positive testings pertaining to Coronavirus. Praise and prayers for her grandson. 

Edward H. Praised God for BPBC and the turn out we have been having recently. Praise that he has had the privilege to see and fellowship with Terri, Wayne, Adam Boone and family, as well as the deacons. He thanked God for the opportunity to serve by sharing exhortations.  

Terri prayed for the Marshall family and their recent loss. She lifted up prayers of healing for her mother-in-law and her father-in-law. She lifted up a praise that Vicki is ok. 

Meredith praised God for watching over her family. She mentioned prayers regarding her brother, Bob, and his recent accident. She expressed praise that “the doctors are doing everything they can”. She praised God for the hundreds of people that are praying for him and expressed prayer for the entire family and especially his girlfriend. She also asked that God give her husband’s family some extra strength and peace as they go through the anniversary of family member’s passing. 

Wayne lifted up prayers for Terri’s mom, especially regarding the restrictions and all pertaining to the Coronavirus. 

Elder Steve H. Lifted up prayers for a 5 yr. old boy named Joshua who has gone through multiple surgeries and doctors express “running out of options”. He praised God for the host of healings we get to testify to right in front of us here at BPBC. He also praised God for and prayed with all here at BPBC. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the healing Vicki experienced this week. Continued prayers for Meredith’s brother, Bob. He praised God for a hiking adventure to the Adirondack Mountains this past weekend. He lifted up prayers for the host of friends that have requested prayer and entrusted those requests to there Lord’s sovereignty. He praised God for visitors. Prayers for local and national church and political leadership, especially as we approach Election Day. Give us wisdom. He also praised God for answered prayer in regard to unspoken requests. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 27th, 2020: 

Kevin praised God for His moving mightily, especially pertaining to answered prayer. He praised God for constantly effecting his life and the lives around him. He prayed that God would continue to watch over his children, and praised God for the beautiful day he had with family last week. He also mentioned prayers for Alicia, and expressed trust in the sovereignty of God. 

Meredith praised God for the day, for our church family, and God’s constant watch and care over us. She mentioned praise for her job and the various provisions she has. She mentioned prayers for friends with health issues, as well as for our nation and the upcoming elections. 

Edward H. Praised God for BPBC and there great turn out we had. He mentioned the good experience he had getting a pedicure this past week. He praised God for constant blessings, His faithfulness, consistency, and his ability to enjoy technology. 

Kathy praised God for a lovely day and mentioned prayers for our country and the upcoming elections. Continued prayers for Gavin and Karen. 

Sandy praised God for answered prayer. She expressed joy, even when God is silent, or answers our prayers differently then we sometimes thought He would. She also expressed praise for hearing the children’s voices in church, a beautiful thing! 

Terri mentioned prayers for her friends, specifically mentioning Mrs. Bonanno. Also, continued prayers for her mom. 

Deacon Ed praised God for His watch and care over him and his family, especially concerning the Coronavirus issues. Also, he had a fall this passed weekend, and besides some nasty bumps and bruises, God was clearly with him as he didn’t get too badly hurt. 

Pastor Mike praised God for a blessed week in which each of us were able to serve God more fully, through study and prayer we were able to see Him more fully, and that He leads us in our discipleship. He asked that God would continue to provide the increase. He also lifted up prayers for the various activities happening at and through The Blue Point Bible Church this week. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 20th, 2020: 

Kevin praised God for His brand new grace and mercy that renews daily. He also highlighted praise regarding what Pastor Mike shared about how God answers our prayers. 

Meredith praised God for the beautiful day we had, and the joy of another school year. She asked the Lord, “Help me bloom where I am planted” and lifted up prayers for the children on her school bus, as well as continued prayers for the variety of school districts during this pandemic. She lifted up prayers for friends dealing with health issues, all the while praising God for her good health. 

Edward H. Praised God for BPBC, his opportunity to share in offering an exhortation for the congregation, and all that he has come to learn through various programs (Don Preston’s Morning Musics, Ward Fenley’s podcast NCMI Live, and others). He praised God that we had a good turn out for National Back to Church Sunday. He also praised God for the start of the new season (Fall). 

Kathy praised God for yet another beautiful Sunday to worship outside. Continues prayers for Karen and she has not seen any hoped for effects from the necessary shots she received recently. She did have a doctors appointment this week. Also, Kathy shared a praise regarding her daughter’s friend and the miraculous healing God seemingly brought forth (answered prayer). 

Sandy thanked God for answered prayer and mentioned unspoken requests. 

Julian thanked God for continuing to help him and each of us. He prayed that God would continue to keep each of us healthy and safe, and also mentioned prayers for the kids in school. 

Pastor Mike praised God for a blessed week and a blessed gathering for National Back to Church Sunday. He mentioned prayers for those who have asked him and trusted God’s sovereignty in all those matters. He praised God for the new season and that he would be built up to ‘Fall Forward’. Also, prayers for whomever was in the accident on Montauk Hwy. this past Sunday. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 13th, 2020: 

Edward H. Praised God for BPBC, the turn out we had on Sunday, and the blessedness of being in the sun/Son. He also mentioned praise for God’s consistency, as well as the wealth, kindness, mercy, and grace of God. 

Kathy praised God that Karen finally received her shots (though she hasn’t seen any difference yet). She also mentioned prayers regarding the defeating of the coronavirus in our society and world, as well as prayers for the upcoming elections. 

Sandy praised God for the ability to be at worship service and prayers for those dealing with the California fires and smoke. 

Meredith praised God for a good week back to work and how she was blessed with a good group of kids. She mentioned prayers for a young girl named Emily and asked that the Lord watches over her and all her students this year. She also mentioned prayers for Wendy Shores as she continues her battle with cancer. 

Deacon Brian mentioned prayers and prayers for the Carleton’s in Virginia and their continued efforts through their film, The Peacemakers. He mentioned prayers for those dealing with the fires in the west and the storms in the south. Also, prayers for the families and for justice to be served regarding the shooting of the L.A. county deputies. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the ability to attend and participate in an Operation Christmas Child project leader worship this past weekend. He also mentioned prayers concerning the California fires. He prayed for the nation and our national leaders, especially as we move closer to the elections. Also, Pastor Mike mentioned prayers that we might see some new faces this upcoming National Back To Church Sunday, and that God would go before us and bless our worship service. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September, 6th, 2020: 

Kevin thanked God for the ability to gather in the BPBC building to offer a sense of normalcy in the midst of the current pandemic. He also praised God for the ministry of Pastor Mike and BPBC and the ability to meet the needs of our people and others. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day. She mentioned prayer and mourning at the recent passing of her friend, Ronnie. Prayers for Karen and her shots happening this week. Also, prayers for the teachers and students going back to school. 

Edward H., praised God for Pastor Mike’s diligence and the teaching resources he provides. He praised God for his regaining focus after having a “rough mental morning”. Edward mentioned praise regarding a well-known preacher mentioning ‘time-statements’ in a sermon he heard on t.v. May we continue to see the expansion of Preterist truth. 

Sandy praised God for His grace and mercy. She lifted up prayers for a friend in San Francisco, as well as a friend in Virginia, both who had suspicions of Covid-19, but thankfully only one person had it, and it in recovery. She also asked that God would heal our nation. 

Meredith praised God for a beautiful day and for BPBC. She mentioned it was a praiseworthy thing that we have a variety of options to gather – online, outside, and inside. She praised God that she goes back to work on Tuesday, prayed that God would watch over and care for her and that this would be a “good year”. Prayers for a friend, Wendy Shores, who’s cancer is out of remission and is in need of a good treatment plan. Also, praise and prayers for Esther as she seems to be doing good. Meredith also praised God for her salvation and prayed for those who do not yet know Jesus Christ. 

Elder Steve H. Praised God for BPBC, specifically mentioning the gift of discernment and interpretation we seem to hold dear. Continued prayers that Christians would continue to be the “salt of the Earth”, and he mentioned prayers for the unchurched. Steve praised God for the blessings that are all around and that God continues to equip him to share at work. 

Pastor Mike praised God for truly being a healing God, Prayers for individuals and families that were and continue affected by the 9/11 attacks. He praised God for the VBS program he was able to see at Faith Alive the past week. Praise for Ronnie (Kathy’s friend) and the legacy she left here in Bayport-Blue Point. He also mentioned praise for Deacon Ed and the entire Leadership committee for help with setting up the building as well as the maintenance of the church property. Praise for the expansion of Preterism that is happening slowly and surely. Prayers for Steve and Lisa as they travel, prayers of peace and purpose for their daughter, and prayers for teachers, students, parents, bus drivers, and custodians, as they prepare for the new school year. 

We lift these things up for the glory of God, in and through the name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 23rd, 2020: 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful, comfortable day, outside. She also praised God for Karen being scheduled to finally get her shots, and prayers that she would have peace about it. Continued prayers for Gavin as we praise God for continually sustaining him. Also, Kathy mentioned prayers for friends. 

Meredith thanked and praised God for the blessings she experienced during the week, especially that she now has a confirmed job (answered prayer). She asked that God would watch over her as she drives for a new company and new district. Prayers regarding her computer issues. Also, she lifted up praises and prayers for her friendship and prayerfully Christian influence upon her friend, Wendy. 

Sandy praised God for His goodness, faithfulness, kindness, and grace. She mentioned prayers for all, especially her friends, experiencing the fires in California. May God help them and be with them. 

Deacon Brian mentioned prayers for his brother, as well as prayers regarding the civil unrest in Oakland and other places. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the rest that is truly found in Jesus Christ. He mentioned prayers for the students and teachers returning back to school (specifically mentioning Steve Hernandez Jr.). He prayed for a friend who passed away’s family (Benny). He also mentioned praises and prayers for those who were bold and creative enough to start home businesses during the quarantine time, may God reward them. And lastly, Pastor Mike prayed for our church committees and all the efforts we have in front of us as we move into a new season. 

We lift these things up in the might name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 16th, 2020: 
Sandy praised God for BPBC and all the activities we have had during this time to further help keep our sanity during social-distancing. She praised God for what seemed to be a beautiful wedding last week for Elder Steve H’s daughter, Andrea, last week. She expressed a lot to be thankful for. Prayers regarding our country and all the political concerns, especially as we trust in the sovereignty of God. Also, Sandy prayed regarding a pain she is feeling in her left hip and mentioned 2 unspoken requests. 

Karen praised God for lifting her depression a bit lately and that she feels as though she is going through some “deep shifts”. She praised God for her recent restoration to faith and the insights from a friend that encouraged her. She exclaimed she will and needs to “keep doing what she is doing”. She expressed so many things to be grateful for. Karen mentioned prayers for our country’s issues and for her father (thoughts of peace and comfort). 

Deacon Brian praised God that no one within our church circle or his friends has been deeply affected by the virus. He prayed that it stays that way and that we see the virus “buried” over time. Her prayed regarding the violence, lunacy, and stupidity happening all over the nation and that it would stop. He mentioned praises for the recent rain and Andrea’s wedding. Brian also lifted up prayers for his brother, Kevin, who had a slight fall recent and that he won’t need any further medical attention. 

Pastor Mike praised God for the privileging of recently beginning to bring a few people through the Bible and the feeling that he is moving into a “new season” – Fall forward.  Prayers for Bob (sobriety), Andy (stir up zeal within him), and Pastor Steve and Olivia (wedding anniversary was this week). 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus. 

Our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 2nd, 2020 are as follows:

Sandy praised God for the online worship service we had, especially Lisa’s devotional regarding Psalm 23. She praised God for the constant edification we receive from God’s Word at BPBC. She lifted up her continued prayers for Monica, her sister, Diane, and prayers of healing and comfort for Brian (as he heals from Shingles). She praised God for the ability to watch her nephew’s son graduation online this past week and exclaimed, “So far, so God”.

Edward H. Praised God for the opportunity to fellowship online through Zoom. He also praised God for Lisa’s exhortation given in the worship service. He praised God for his continued strengthening and health, and mentioned praised for Pastor Mike and Caleb’s podcast on Thursdays, as well as prayers for Pastor Mike’s upcoming debate. He praised God for meeting the pastor down the road from his house, and mentioned praise regarding encouragement he has been thinking through regarding his future of dating, and proclaimed, “God is good”.

Karen lifted up praises and prayers for her health, her father, and her father’s house (the Lord knows).

Deacon Brian praised God for our celebration of the parousia (Christ’s presence with us). He highlighted how the celebration of ‘Parousia Day’, highlights that good things can come out of bad events. He praised God that our congregation has not affected by the Coronavirus in any big way, that we for the most part have remained healthy, and that his current bout with Shingles is being taken care of.

Pastor Mike praised God for Lisa Mahr’s diligence and willingness to share in our exhortation for our worship service, especially noting the topic of importance, “the presence of God”. He praised God that he had opportunity to share the proper understandings of reading the Bible and specifically the Book of Genesis this past weekend, and prayed for continued opportunities. He praised God for the “everlasting Gospel”. Specific prayers were lifted up for a woman named Iesha and her loss of her brother in a shooting last weekend – may God provide comfort and a peace that surpasses all understanding.

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 26th, 2020:

Edward H. Praised God for BPBC, the opportunity to participate in church activities, and the inundation of the Word of God. He praised God for Pastor Mike’s diligent and clarity in teaching. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful Sunday and for answered prayer for Bob whom we had prayed for regarding the Coronavirus. Prayers for Gavin as he goes through chemo and for our country. 

Kevin praised God for His continued brand new grace and mercy and the ability to gather with others from BPBC. 

Sandy praised God for answered prayer as well as God’s continued mercy and grace. She lifted up prayers for her sister, Diane, as she deals with depression and loneliness. Also, prayers for Jennie as she deals with COVID concerns. 

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers regarding his family’s preparation for his daughter’s upcoming wedding. Praise regarding his co-worker who “beat the odds” and has recently been taken off of a ventilator, struggling with COVID, and has returned to work. 

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for Jackie Staehlie regarding her ill effects of the medication she is taking (may God comfort and strengthen her). Praise regarding the recent Hope Day events that have been able to happen, despite the current pandemic. Also, a praise for God’s grace and His continued work through The Power of Preterism Network, namely talks about a Spanish portion of the ministry. Prayers regarding our continued leadership and outreach through BPBC. Also, praise and prayer regarding the new launch of the Preterist Power Hour. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 19th, 2020:

Kevin praised God for his brand new grace and mercy that renews every day. He asked God for continued blessings and guidance. Also, prayers for his daughter, Kerri, that God would guide and be with her. 

Vicki praised God that she has over 10,000 reasons to praise Him. She praised God for her many blessings. She lifted up prayers for our nation – politics and dealing with the Coronavirus. 

Kathy praised God that though we felt the heat it was still bearable. Continued prayers for Gavin that God will be with him through all of his medical dealings. Prayers for Rita and the decision making regarding the reopening of the schools. 

Meredith praised God for the day, church family, and for a good doctor helping her get through some health issues. She lifted up specific prayer for Christians, especially Preterists, who do not have a church family to congregate with. 

Edward H. praised God for his health, the Body of Christ, and ability to meet and gather outside at the Church. Edward also praised God that because of Christ we share in eternity. 

Pastor Mike praised God for and prayed for the increase of vision and goals. Prayers for Alan Bondar and other ministry leaders who may have fallen and need the grace and encouragement of the Lord. Prayers for good decision making and the concern for the health of our society’s children as they talk through reopening schools. Lord, build your church – locally and globally. 

We lift these things up in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 12th, 2020: 

Edward H. Praised God for BPBC and the blessing of gathering together. He also praised God that this week, 7/15, he celebrates his 59th birthday. 

Steve M. praised God for answered prayer regarding his daughter and asked that the Lord continue to guide and be with her. He praised God for BPBC, “a wonderful place” and expressed how it brightens our lives. 

Kathy praised God for a not-too-hot beautiful day. She lifted up continued prayers for Karen and the long overdue shots she needs. She mentioned friends having the Conoravirus, “not too bad of effect”, and prayed that God continue to heal them. Prayers for Gavin, as he is having a hard time with the chemo. Praise for Rita that she is receiving the treatment she needed. She praised God for the continued good health of our congregation and also that she has been feeling better. 

Sandy expressed gratitude to God for BPBC and exclaimed praise that “we have God with us everyday”. She prayed for her neighbors, especially in line with our Bless Every Home efforts. Praise regarding Monica’s comfort and healing, and her testimony, and that she is looking forward to going back to work. Continued prayers for Diane, her sister, and she deals with some “dark days”. 

Lisa thanked God for guiding her closer to Him through understanding of the Scriptures. She prayed that God would continue to watch over the girls. She also expressed praise for BPBC. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for His continued wisdom and guidance. He prayed for Gladys job as they deal with intense COVID testing, yet a praise that they claimed zero cases last week. Steve praised God for the way we interpret the Bible at BPBC (“in line with ancient sages), the discernment we express, and the blessing it is to share it with others. Steve mentioned a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “But peace is not merely to absence of tension, but the presence of justice.”, and prayed that we would keep that in mind. 

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers of comfort and hearing for sister Meredith. He praised God for the beauty of forgiveness, restored friendships, and maintained friendships. He lifted up prayers for his neighbors and our outreach and evangelism efforts. He praised God for the recent Preterist Pilgrim Weekend and the edifying messages that were given. He also mentioned unspoken requests. 

We lift these things up in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, June 14th, 2020: 

Edward H. Praised God for the privilege to worship on a beautiful day and to participate in the upcoming online Preterist conference. He praised God for seeing Pastor Steve and Olivia at service (as they were missed) and he mentioned praise that our church family as seem to be doing well and are healthy. He praised God for his recent learnings how to use a crockpot and cook some homemade meals. Lastly, he mentioned praise regarding our being able to attend and participate in studies. 

Terri lifted up prayers for our nation and the chaos that is on display. Continued prayers for her mom and praise that we are gathering outside. 

Meredith lifted up prayers and requested prayers for her nephew, Brian, who was in the hospital last weekend. Prayers that she learns more the deals and that Brian in kept in the Father’s comforting and healing hands. 

Vicki lifted up prayers regarding the unrest in our nation. She asked that the Lord take care of her daughters and mentioned each of them by name. She praised God for BPBC, the Word off god being preached truthfully, and for her health. 

Sandy expressed praise for being blessed by the song “Known” by Tourin Wells that was shared for our worship service. She praised God for His “ridiculous grace”, and prayed for her effort regarding reaching her neighbours through Bless Every Home. 

Deacon Brian thanked God for a beautiful day and lifted up prayers for Monica (Sandy’s nephew Michael’s wife) who is not only battling breast cancer but also more recently was diagnosed with the coronavirus. 

Elder Steve H. praised God for the various gifts of grace God has bestowed upon him. He praised God for his son finishing another semester in Syracuse, Melissa going back to school, and Andrea doing well. He praised God that Gladys was able to join us for worship service.He lifted up praise for good health insurance while praying for those who do not have that ability. He also mentioned prayers for those who have more recent seen the scales of death through dealing with the coronavirus and the workers who had to deal with it. 

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the various stories of good news that we unfortunately do not hear on our media, or that we need “eyes to see and ears to hear” to discern in our midst. He praised God for a spirit of diligence that allowed him to grow through this recent time, wise and worthily. He lifted up an unspoken praise and prayer. He prayed for an increase in peace, justice, and joy in our nation and in the world. Prayers of healing for sister Kathy Dazzo and her daughter, Karen, as they have not been feeling well. Continued prayers for the young boy, Gavin, we have been praying for and, also along with Kathy’s prayers for a friend of Karen’s named Rita. Prayers for Bob as he continues to battle with sobriety. 

We lift these up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, May 24th, 2020: 

Sandy praised God that we are one day closer to the end of this current pandemic. She praised God for BPBC Online, God’s word, and how He teaches and grows us into who we are. She lifted up prayers for a specific person she knows who is feeling lonely and distraught, all the while praying for comfort and healing for Brian, Bob, Michelle, and others. 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful week and that the sun came out. Praise that Karen’s birthday went well and prayers that she will get the shots soon as they allow “non-urgent surgeries”. Continued prayers for Gavin who will be having surgery on June 8th. Prayers for Joe, from Karen’s Rottweiler group, and his dealing with brain cancer. Prayers and praises for our nation. 

Edward H. Praised God for His continued work in our world and in our lives. Prayers for brother Bob as he is in detox, may he find rehabilitation to be life-enhancing. Edward prayed that he might encourage and be an example to Bob. Edward lifted up prayers of healing and strength for Terri, Michelle, Deacon Ed, Vicki, Gladys and her family. 

Deacon Brian prayed regarding his visit to the dentist on Wednesday. He praised God for and prayed for the increase of encouragement, sense, and sensibility. He praised God for those who offered the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms and what we celebrate and honor on Memorial Day. He prayed for Bob – “give him the ability to realise”, and also lifted up prayers for Michelle and others we have made mention of. Lastly, Brian prayed for our soon coming together and feeling liberated from “self-isolation”. 

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers of comfort, encouragement, and peace for Gladys and she is nervous about the various testing and positive results going on at her workplace. He also mentioned prayers for the residents at Gladys’s nursing home – safety, precaution, and healing. Continued prayers for wise reflection and safety on our parts, our nation’s part, and the world’s part. He expressed praise and thankfulness for getting Bob in to a program and mentioned prayers for the social worker that has been helping. Also, a praise for St. Charles Hospital. 

Pastor Mike lifted up specific prayers for Meredith, Brian, Michelle, Deacon Ed, Bob, and Joe Perrott. May God be with each of them and strengthen, healing, comfort, and bring praise to their lives! Praise for growth and a “good, busy week” ahead. Prayers for a young girl named Aaliyah and her family regarding the tragic murder of her grandfather. Also, prayers for our nation as we ponder the sacrifices that give us freedom. (Might I also add an urgent prayer for justice and peace in this nation as we witness various riots taking place). 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 17th, 2020: 

Vicki praised God for all that Pastor Mike does, for Deacon Brian’s contribution to this past Sunday’s worship service, and continued prayers for our president and nation. 

Kathy praised God for the good report on her X-ray that her lungs are clear. She lifted up prayers for Karen and her needed shots, prayers for son-in-law and his need for a dentist, and for her decisions regarding helping with the elections this year. Also, she mentioned prayers for her friend Cora’s 10 year old son, Gavin, and his needing good medical care to remove a tumor. Praise for the recent beautiful weather and the better moods we have been having. Continued prayers and praises for her grandson and her ability to get a car inspection this week. 

Edward H. Praised God that He has given us life, that the unseen is eternal, and for His generosity is providing all that was necessary for our experience of eternal life. 

Sandy praised God for the week and good mindset that is God provided. She praised God for her eagerness to care for her neighbours and utilise Sandy mentioned prayers for our nation and upcoming elections. 

Deacon Brian prayed for our nation and the world as we deal with COVID-19. He prayed specifically for medical staff, scientists, and political leaders that they would gain the wisdom to find solutions and vaccines. He mentioned prayers for those suffering through this pandemic – whether it’s COVID, other ailments, or spiritual, mental, and financial suffering. He also prayed for Gavin and his family. He prayed that God would continue to give us answered prayed and give Kathy wisdom in helping with the elections. 

Pastor Mike prayed for essential workers and for the workers that have been laid off during this time. He prayed for a continued mindset of pursuing opportunity in the midst of crisis, necessary shifts, and rest. He lifted up unspoken prayers and praises for the glory of God. Prayers for Pastor Steve and his household – abundant peace and joy. Praise for connecting with Terri earlier in the day and praise for Edward H’s continued diligence and encourage. 

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 3rd, 2020: 

Kathy lifted up answered prayer regarding her friend Rose (who had a stroke November), as she is getting different and better treatment. She praised God for the beautiful weather, the bunnies she saw last week, and for pastor’s sermons. Continued prayers for Karen and her shots and for Phil as he mourns the passing of his father. Also, Kathy requested prayers regarding her allergies. 

Sandy praised God for Edward and Steve M.’s involvement in our online Sunday Worship Service. She lifted up prayers for those suffering due to opioid addictions and mental health issues. She prayed for consistent and more fellowship with others from church. She praised God for the consistently of our worship services and studies online as they keep her centred and grounded. She praised God that her nephew, Michael’s family, are doing well in the midst of this current pandemic. 

Gladys asked for healing for her sister’s and their families as they recover from COVID -19. She also prayed for and requested continued prayers for her niece, Marisol, as she is working in the hospitals during this time and she also mentioned her coworkers. 

Deacon Brian lifted up prayers for strength and that the Lord would hear our plea to rid us of this current pandemic. He lifted up prayers for those who have passed away due to the virus, those caretakers and medical professionals on the frontlines. He also praised God that people are recovering. 

Elder Steve H. Lifted up prayers for coworkers who have been dealing with COVID-19. He lifted up prayers of peace and comfort for his coworker whose husband died. He also praises God for Andy’s reading during The Lord’s Table online this past Sunday. 

Pastor Mike praised God and prayed for continued “justice stories”. He prayed for sister Meredith and her recent job loss, prayers for inmates suffering through this time (and that he would write letters of encouragement to inmates he knows this week), and prayers for the Silsbe family as they are out hiking. Praise for planned acts of hospitality, praise for National Day of Prayer, and praise that Andy’s dad is recovering. 

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 19th, 2020: 

Edward H. Lifted up praise for a healing God and remarked how He continues to heal him. He also praised God for the ability to be on the conference call. 

Kathy lifted up prayers for Al, her son-in-law, Phil’s father as he was on a ventilator and has been taken off. She praised God for keeping her mood better and the blessings of birthday cards she received. She prayed for government leaders, continued prayers for her grandson as he works from home during this pandemic, and prayers that Karen gets the shots she needs. Also, Kathy prayed she will received good news regarding her chest X-rays. 

Gladys lifted up prayers for loved ones and coworkers mourning her supervisor who passed away. Prayers for other nurses and medical staff healing. 

Sandy lifted up praises of thanks regarding the fellowship and prayer opportunities we have had online the last few weeks. She prayed for our government and out nation as we deal with the current pandemic. She praised God for His greatness and the privilege we get ton bow before Him and ask for peace. She praises God for Pastor Mike reaching out to us and other pastors and that all of his efforts would be fruitful. She prayed that this time all give us opportunity to share our faith with others and that others might seek our our wisdom. She lifted up prayers regarding Brian’s CT scan and their visit to the doctor, and also mentioned 2 unspoken requests. 

Deacon Ed praised God for his mom’s celebration of her 86th birthday. He prayed regarding his hike (which he was on during the call!). He prayed that our government would make appropriate decisions in the midst of the current pandemic. He prayed that God would keep everyone we know safe and prayers for those dealing with work issues. 

Elder Steve H. Lifted up praise that his brother-in-law is doing better, which is answered prayer. He lifted up prayers for those with health issues, continued prayers for medical workers, prayers of peace for the family of Gladys supervisor who passed away. He lifted up praise for the opportunity to share his wisdom regarding the Bible with others. Continued prayers for Dora’s household. 

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for God’s wisdom and opportunity to grow in the grace and knowledge of God that we all have in the midst of social-distancing. He praised God for and prayed for medical workers. Prayers of healing and peace for not only the sick, but also the fearful, frustrated, and faithless during this distressing time. Prayers for Andy’s dad as he battles COVID-19 in the hospital. Also, prayers for strength and a hedge of protection around our church and loved ones. 

We lift these things up for the glory of God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 12th, 2020: 

Kathy lifted up prayers for the president, as he asked for prayer. She prayed for Karen that she will get good sleep and her necessary shots soon. She prayed that God would continue to strengthen her to maintain a good schedule, and she prayed for the school during this school year. Kathy praised God that most in our church are doing well through this pandemic, she praised God that her grandson, Patrick, is able to keep working through this pandemic, and prayed that God would continue to keep us and him safe. She also lifted up prayers for those suffering devastation of tornadoes in the south and midwest, and well as Africa dealing with locusts. 

Sandy praised God that He is in control and that He knows the beginning and the end. She praised Him that He maintains His presence with us and will bring us through. She also praised God for technology and our ability to stay connected (and praised God for those she has been able to connect with). She prayed for those in need, whatever their needs might be, that the Lord would meet them. Prayers for Brian that the Lord would lift him up and heal him. She praised God for another new day tomorrow that we might continue to develop healthy habits and if need be to do things differently. 

Deacon Brian praised God for His victory over death and the grave, and how that has become our victory. He remarked that we asked “selfishly” that the Lord would “resurrect us and bury the virus”. He lifted up prayers for medical staff and for himself regarding his jaw issue. 

Pastor Mike praised God for His sovereignty and power. He praised God for all the viewers we had for our Sunday morning Worship Service on Facebook live. Prayers lifted up for Andy’s dad, Gladys and other workers at her job, and for Dora’s pastor and another pastor she asked that we prayer for (regarding illnesses). Pastor Mike praised God for our BPBC leadership meeting we had on Zoom and those who were able to join. Prayers for Terri and Kathy as they celebrate their birthdays this week and prayers for Karen’s sister, Val, and her overcoming her smoking habit. Also, praises and prayers for medical staff and volunteers serving during this time.  

We lift these things up in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus. 

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 5th, 2020: 

Kathy prayed for each of our families, praises and prayers that are needed. She praised God for a beautiful day, she mentioned he relief of a headache, and good will that was shown to her at the supermarket by an employee regarding toilet paper. Prayers of healing and a good report lifted up for Deacon Brian, Gail, and anyone else among us who might feel a bit ill or under the weather. She praised God for pastor blessing us with the Word during this time and continued praise and prayer for her grandson and his new job. 

Sandy lifted up prayers for 2 nurses on her block, Lauren and Valery, and her friend Vera, as they are all helping and serving with hospital needs at this time. Sandy mentioned Passover and asked that the Lord would “passover” us and our loved ones regarding this virus. She prayed for Edward H and some health issues he is dealing with and asked the Lord to be by his side. Also, prayers for Brian regarding the possible infection he might have – Lord, provide healing and a perfect peace. She praised God for the message given this morning by pastor and the privilege to participate in communion online. And of course, she praised God for the 21 years of marriage her and Brian celebrate this week (4/10). 

Deacon Ed prayed and praised that God might provide positive things to come from this current time of isolation and pandemic. He prayed for healing and comfort for those that are ill. He lifted up prayers for his daughter’s regarding possible exposure to the virus, work concerns, and more. Also, praise that “little Eddie”, nephew-in-law, is out of the hospital and continued prayers for his recovery. 

Deacon Brian lifted up prayers for those with health issues. He also mentioned praises for and prayers for Sandy as they continue dealing with this pandemic together. 

Pastor Mike lifted up specific prayers for Elder Steve’s H co-workers, Don Preston’s family, and members and attendees of The Blue Point Bible Church- God keep us safe and healthy. He also mentioned prayers for friends that are mourning lost loved ones due to this virus. He also mentioned prayers on behalf of those who are concerned and worries about possible symptoms or contraction of the virus. He praised God for medical workers helping during this time, the ability to connect and communicate with others during this time, and for the newly updated website. He mentioned prayers for continued outreach, prayers for the fearful, frustrated, and faithless, as well as prayers that those of us in Christ would use this time wisely and worthily. 

We lift these things up for the glory of God. 

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 29th, 2020: 

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day despite not so great weather. She prayed for all during this pandemic and that God would bless use with peace, patience, and extra reading time. She praised God that her grandson continues to do well with work and that the church is healthy. Continued prayers for Karen and she still is waiting for her shots, prayers for each of our families and our hearts, and prayers for her family dog. Also, Kathy praised God for answered prayer regarding a friend she prayed for. 

Sandy praised God that despite this time of isolation we are able to worship online and in our homes through resources provided. She praised God that He is constant and gives us opportunities to find balance in the midst of uncertain, abnormal times. She praised God for the arrival of the Navy ship with more beds for those not suffering from Coronavirus. Prayers for Brian, his anxiety and healing regarding the left side of his face – “Lord do something supernatural”. She also prayed for her neighbour who is dealing with a sprained ankle. 

Deacon Brian praised God that government and health officials are trying to get on top of medical advancements against the spread of this current pandemic. Also, praise and prayers lifted up on behalf of medical staff and their efforts at keeping our country moving in a healthy way. Continued prayers for the safety of those in our families and church. 

Elder Steve H. Praised God for being a part of a “thinking church” and that we would see clearly rather than being bugged down with the insanity regarding the last days and the mark of the beast. He praised God that his job is advancing and on top of the issue, following CDC guidelines, fogging, testing workers, etc). Prayers for those who have symptoms and who are dealing with the Coronavirus. Praise that his mom is well, praise that the Federal government is stepping in to help, and prayers for those struggling to find help and resources during this time. Love compels us to want for our brother what we want for ourselves. 

Pastor Mike lifted up specific prayers for Deacon Ed, his work and family, Vicki, Denise and Jack (healing), and Brian and Sandy. May God work mighty and providentially on their behalf (healing, peace, and strength).Also, prayers for those who are in need of prayer of that asked for prayer (the Lord knows). He praised God for the comfort and company of pets, prayed for our nation, government leaders and medical workers. Also, that God would continue to inspire His people to see the effect of His righteousness which is “quietness and assurance”. 

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the mighty and effectual name of Jesus Christ. 

Here are corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, March 22nd, 2020: 

Kathy praised God for the beautiful weather we have been experiencing and that God has kept our minds healthy and spirits high. She prayed for a continued hedge of protection against COVID-19 and any other illnesses for our church and loved ones. She praised God for her grandson’s new job and how things seem to be going well. She lifted up prayers of necessary healing and praise in regards to Vicki, her daughter, and others whom we have been praying for. She also lifted up prayers for a  grandmother, mother, and granddaughter dealing with some family issues.

Sandy praised God for truly being a mighty God. She prayed for all who are in our individual and corporate areas of influence. She prayed safety and peace of mind for her friend and co-worker, Vera (as well as other health care workers). Also, a peace that surpasses all understanding for those of our church who might be fearful and anxious right now.

Deacon Brian prayed that God would continue to keep His people close to Him. He prayed for our national government and those serving in the medical field. He prayed that wisdom and strength would be given to all, especially those who have discerned that due to this time they are giving up and/or losing a lot. He prayed that these things might be cleared up for a God-glorifying Resurrection Sunday (Easter).

Deacon Ed praised God that he and his family are healthy and hunkering down. He lifted up prayers for his future work, and that God would work mightily where things currently seem dismal. He also lifted up prayers for a man we will call “Little Eddie”, please pray for comfort, peace, and healing, for Eddie, as well as his family.

Pastor Mike praised God for and prayed that we see a continuance of necessary caution, not carelessness, nor conspiracy, regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. He prayed that each of us would be mindful of what we do have control of in this moment and that each of us would remember our call to be ambassadors of good news (yes, especially in the midst of crisis). He prayed that our church would maintain good health and peace during this time, and keep in mind our call to serve.

We lift these things in up in the glorious and awesome name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 15th, 2020:

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day, and praised God for His hedge of protection and asked Him to remind us of that as the Coronavirus spreads. And, may they find a method and solution to the virus’ spread and bring healing to those suffering. She praised God that her grandson started his new job and asked that the Lord would lead him to enjoy his work. She lifted up prayers for her son-in-laws father who recently fell and was in the hospital for a few days. Also, prayers for the schools, the students and teachers, in regards to recent closures because of the spread of the virus.

Edward H. lifted up praise that God is constant in that He never leaves nor forsakes us.

Sandy praised God that her friend, Kathryn (who visited us in May last year) is doing well and her work is prospering. She also praised God for answered prayer that the couple she mentioned that was recently evicted has found an apartment.

Deacon Brian prayed for “the obvious” (those suffering due to the spread of the Coronavirus). He prayed for the loss of life and suffering in Italy and prayed for the eventually recovery of our society in the aftermath. He also mentioned prayers for those suffering from the Nashville tornadoes.

Elder Steve H. Praised God for healing and good news on recent health tests. He also praised God for being able to talk to people at work about God and prayer and the blessings of understanding the Biblical narrative. He praised God for His obvious presence in our lives.

Pastor Mike prayed for safety, sanity, and provisions in the midst of the spread of the Coronavirus. He praised God for answered prayer. He asked that the Lord would strengthen our faith as we deal with a current pandemic. He lifted up prayers for Raven’s sister, Lauren and her boyfriend, as they are stuck in Spain during this time.

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 1st, 2020:

Terri lifted up prayers for her former co-worker Erika’s, son. She also mentioned prayers for another former coworker named Monica.

Edward praised God for BPBC and the receiving of God’s Word through our pastors. He praised God for his growth in areas of memorizing and knowledge of correlating texts in Scripture, and an overall praise for knowledge of the narrative of the Bible.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day. She lifted up prayers for her grandson, Patrick, that he feels ok and is having a good time at the event he went to. She also mentioned prayers regarding a new position he might get at the bank.

Kathy also prayed for her friend in PA. and for our country, that we would be kept safe, and that the Coronavirus would stop spreading. She also praised God that Rose continues to progress.

Kevin praised God for His brand new grace and mercy. He praised God for family fellowship that was had this past week in Brooklyn. He mentioned answered prayer that Tony is home and healthy. He praised God for His presence in our lives and the testimonies He gives to each of us and mentioned praise for his relationship with Denise and all the blessings they experience. Also, prayers and praises regarding healing for Terri and Vicki.

Deacon Brian mentioned prayers for his neighbors who recently lost their son, for his sister-in-law and family in California, and for wisdom to find the healing necessary to stop the Coronavirus from spreading.
Meredith lifted up praise for her 45th anniversary and the “rollercoaster ride” of marriage to a “wonderful man”.

Sandy lifted up prayers for a couple she knows dealing with an eviction. She also mentioned prayers for the Syracuse family and the local church issues they recently faced. Sandy also made mention of an unspoken request.

Elder Steve H. praised God for His presence in his life and his family life. He asked for travel mercies extended to Melissa as she travels to Miami, as well as requested them for himself as he will be traveling soon. He mentioned praises and prayers for good health reports, and lifted up prayers on behalf of those who really need our prayers.

Pastor Mike praised God for a new month and new opportunities to grow in discipleship and to praise God for, especially with God’s strength and love. He prayed for continued opportunities to bear witness to God’s love, truth, mercy, and grace. He praised God for the celebration of National Women’s History Month and the celebration of women who have blessed history. He prayed for the continued growth and clarity regarding Full Preterism on Long Island. He also lifted up prayers for friends that have requested prayer.

We lift these things up for and through the glory and might of God, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers of Sunday, February, 23rd, 2020:

Kevin praised God for being the God of answered prayer. He mentioned God’s brand new grace and mercy provided to us every day. Kevin praised God for BPBC and our pastors, as well as the blessings and guidance God has offered to him and Denise. He prayed for his children, mentioned Christine, prayers for Anthony, and desires for God to continue to build our faith.

Robert praised God for daylight, the night sleep and dreams we each had, and he mentioned appreciation for BPBC, Bible study, and the fellowship.

Terri praised God that Eric got his dog, Brock, back. A happy ending to a scary ordeal. Continued prayers for Vicki.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day. She lifted up prayers that her cold goes away, that Karen gets her shots soon, prayers for her grandson in regards to life and his job search (give him passion in the pursuit of life), and continued prayers for Rose. May God go before each of us into our week.

Meredith praised God for the beautiful weather we have been experiencing. She praised God for her health, the prayer warriors at BPBC and among her friends outside of church, and praise that Pastor Charlie is at home now with his family, recovering and healing. Answered prayer indeed!

Sandy praised God that He came through for Eric and allowed for a good testimony to be seen on TV.

Edward praised God for the fellowship he gains at BPBC and the fellowship that is gained outside the church walls. He prayed for more experiences. He praised God that he is inundated with God’s Word through the various teachers and preachers that have blessed his life.

Elder Steve H. praised God for a beautiful visit he had with his daughter, Andrea this past week. He mentioned her being accepted into a program that will continue to help her deal with MS. He praised God for the healthcare he was able to get for her, and prayed that God would stir our society to help those who are in need of good medical coverage.

Pastor Mike praised God for the return of his brother’s dog and truck. He praised God for abundant opportunities to praise God and that God knows our inner most thoughts. He praised God for all who shared his post on social media regarding his brother’s stolen dog and truck, and a special praise for the woman who exercised diligence in helping us get to the truck. Prayers for the man who stole it and that justice is served and others don’t suffer through him. Prayers for the Syracuse family as they deal with some issues at their church. May God go before and bless them through and through. Also, Pastor Mike praised God for and prayed for the increase of conviction and strength in the lives that exemplify Jesus Christ, especially as we learn about men and women like Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand.
We lift these things up for the glory of God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 16th, 2020:

Kevin praised God for all the blessings he has in life even the ones he takes for granted. He also mentioned praise for meeting with his daughter later in the day, brand new grace and mercy, BPBC, our pastors and Christ’s sacrifice for our sins.

Robert thanked God for all that He has created, that He has given us faith, the little blessings, and he prayed that God would let us go on.

Terri lifted up prayers for her niece who was in a car accident and is dealing with some health issues. She praised God for all of our blessings and our salvation. She also prayed that God would be with Vicki as she deals with her upcoming medical treatments.

Kathy praised God for another beautiful day. She praised God and prayed that Karen will get her shots later this week. Prayers for her grandson, Patrick, as he searches for a new job and doesn’t seem too happy lately. Also, continued prayers for her friend Rose’s healing.

Edward H. praised God for the freedom of worship that we have in America and mentioned prayers for the persecuted Christians around the world. He praised God for His Word and our ability to have Bible study. He also mentioned praise that at BPBC we can expect to be “inundated with Truth” that cannot be measured”.

Sandy lifted up praise for the sweet fellowship we enjoy at BPBC and prayed that God would send us more people to be blessed with what we enjoy.

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for a coworker, a brother in the faith named Mike, who has recent received a diagnosis of throat cancer. May God be with him and provide healing. He also praised God for and prayed for the increase in steadfastness, discernment, and peace for himself and for those who also may be in need.

Pastor Mike praised God for through His fulfilled work has moved us from “hoping to having”. He prayed for necessary wisdom and growth (“individually discerned and corporately applied”). He lifted up prayers for sister Meredith, Deacon Ed and family, Pastor Charlie Grant, and President Trump (especially in light of President’s Day).

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

These are our corporate praises and prayers of Sunday, February 9th, 2020:

Kevin praised God for His brand new grace and mercy, His presence in His life that he can feel and others can see. He asked that God would continue to watch over his children. He praised God for and asked for continued guidance and blessings for him and Denise. He exclaimed a praise that we should all utter in regards to all that God has done for each of us.

Terri lifted up prayers for the Smith family as they mourn her boss’s brother who died in a car accident. May God give peace and comfort to the family as they mourn. She also praised God for an interesting Adult Sunday School. Prayers for her mother and praise for Wayne in her life.

Edward praised God for sister Meredith’s sharing in the Gift of Song and how it blesses us on Sundays. He also praised God for BPBC, Pastor Steve and Olivia’s study, Elder Steve’s rides, and the meeting he enjoyed with Pastor Mike at Applebee’s this past week and the noted growth in his spiritual walk. He also praised God for the wisdom often shared by our deacons.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and her health (she mentioned being back on antibiotics). She is grateful that she doesn’t have the flu. Praise that it seems Karen may finally get the shots we have been continually praying for. Kathy also mentioned prayers for her grandson and he seems to be going through a moment of depression and prayers for Rose as she goes through necessary therapy.

Meredith praised God for the beautiful weather we have been experiencing. Meredith praised God that her health exam at work went well and mentioned prayers regarding thoughts of retirement.

Pastor Mike praised God for a great time of fellowship with brother Chris Lombardi and his family in New Jersey this past week. He praised God for Chris’s study and witness to glorify God. He also prayed that God would help him and all of us possess and increase in all things that make us effective and fruitful in Him (cf. 2 Peter 1).
We lift these things up, along with our current daily praises and prayers, in the name of Jesus Christ.
I look forward to worshipping and fellowshipping with each of you this coming Sunday!

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, January 26th, 2020:

Vicki thanked God for healing, for her, Terri, and others. She lifted up praise for her salvation, BPBC, living in America (as she termed it, “The greatest nation of earth”), and she mentioned prayers for our nation (“right the wrongs”).

Robert thanked God for everything, for opportunity to worship. He prayed for those who need healing and that God “would let loose His blessings”. He also mentioned power and peace in the Word.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day. She lifted up prayers for those dealing with the virus in China and those who are traveling. She mentioned Karen is still in need of her shots and while the dog had healed after foot surgery, now has a stomach issue. She requested continued prayers for Rose (and praise that her daughter was healed from pneumonia). Prayers for the children in school, Kathy’s dentist appointment this week, and continued no sickness.

Terri praised God that He took good care of Vicki and all that he has done for her as well. She mentioned how grateful she is for wonderful prayer warriors.

Meredith praised God for her BPBC family, the service each of us offer to the Lord, and praise regarding Terri’s healing.

Edward H. praised God for where He has brought him. He mentioned his desire and prayer to have his own place and the journey it has been – totally accepting “wilderness moments”. He mentioned prayers regarding his anger issues as something he is working on and a consistency in appreciating all of his experiences and the discernment needed to see the “value of going through them”.

Elder Steve H. thanked God for His healing hand on sisters Terri and Vicki. He also mentioned the great set of results he received regarding some health tests of his own. Prayers and prayers concerning his job. He also mentioned grace and mercy needed as they adjust to having a new dog in the house. Praise for Andrea’s health and the “incredible treatment” she received. Prayers for those suffering with medical and insurance issues and he prayed that the Church would rise up to help with such “social justice” issues.

Pastor Mike praised God for the insights he gained at the health conference he attended this past weekend. He also mentioned praise for the effort of Patchogue Village Kindness Day, the Catholic regarding for ‘The Sunday of the Word of God”, and the blessings of God’s work in and through His Church. He mentioned prayers for the loved ones and concerned citizens regarding the abuse and alleged murder of Thomas Valva in Center Moriches. Also, Pastor Mike prayed for increase in 2020 – personal growth, church growth, and collaboration.

We lift these things up for the glory of God, in Jesus’s mighty name.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 19th, 2020:

Vicki praised God exclaiming “I am here” after her surgery went well. She praised God for church, friends, and family who prayed for her. She also praised God for His faithfulness, mercy, grace, and healing. She received good news that she will not need chemo therapy and praised God for her salvation and the glorious mystery of the Gospel revealed.

Edward H. praised God for answered prayer regarding Vicki’s surgery. He praised God for the prayer warriors in our midst. He praised God and prayed regarding the recent information he received about his hopes to buy or rent an apartment. He praised God that all things work out for the good of those who love Him.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and a short storm the day prior. She also mentioned praise for answered prayer regarding Vicki and she also mentioned her recent stress test and how the doctor was impressed. She did mention prayers regarding her dealing with shortness of breath, continued prayers for Karen, prayers for a coworker and the mention of PTSD, and prayers for necessary decision-making for her grandson.

Sandy praised God for answered prayer regarding Terri’s health and progress and mentioned continued prayers. Praise that Vicki was gathered with us, a testimony to answered prayer. She lifted up unspoken requests, trusting in God’s sovereign knowledge of all things.

Meredith praised God for the recent beautiful weather and for His touching her body and making her feel whole. She requested God’s presence and prayer regarding some necessary health appointments and trusted in God’s care.

Pastor Mike praised God for the good report and testimony to answered prayer regarding Vicki, Terri, and Meredith. He praised God for a praying church and the authentic fellowship we enjoy at BPBC. Pastor Mike also praised God for men and women of courage who offer a great witness to the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus Christ, and mentioned the witness of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, January 12th, 2020:
• Please keep Vicki in prayer this morning as she goes into surgery for her lumpectomy (or whatever the doctors and surgeons discern as necessary) this morning.

Robert thanked God for another day, he spoke about the beauty of nature and animals, how we should love life, being living and delivered through the assistance of Jesus Christ.

Kathy praised God for the good weather and for Terri being back to good health and gathering with the church. She lifted up prayers for anyone not feeling well, continued prayers for progress with Karen’s necessary shots, prayers of healing for her friend Rose who had a stroke, she requested prayers regarding her stress test, healing for Vicki, and she mentioned prayers for those suffering in Puerto Rico and the necessary peace we need to see in the world.

Edward praised God for BPBC and the true feeling of family that we have. He mentioned answered prayer as Terri and Wayne were gathering with us. He lifted up prayers for Vicki’s medical procedure and also praised God for “the small things”. He prayed regarding his desire to improve his credit and potential housing options. Edward concluded his prayer by praising God for His faithfulness through Christ.

Terri lifted up “a major praise”. She expressed praise to God for healing and for the constant prayers of the church. She lifted up prayers for Vicki’s surgery.

Wayne praised God for getting Terri through everything she has been dealing with. He prayed that she soon experiences a full recovery. He also lifted up prayers for Vicki, as well as those suffering in Puerto Rico and Australia.
Vicki praised God for her salvation, His Word, BPBC, our pastors, and the many prayer warriors we have. She asked that the Lord watch over her during her surgery and praised Him that she lives in “the greatest nation on earth” in that there are so many modern inventions and abilities to heal.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for living in this nation and praised God for Terri and Wayne’s presence at church. He mentioned prayers of healing for Meredith regarding hip pain, joy for Andy’s birthday, and healing and comfort for

Vicki during her surgery. Praise regarding God giving everything to us pertaining to life and Godliness, and the ability to increase in those things that glorify Him this year. He asked for ideas and insights for 2020 for life and the ministry. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers of concern and peace for the Palestinians suffering in the Middle East and that more would be done to bring aid.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 5th, 2020:
Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and for a sovereignly good year ahead. She mentioned continue prayers for her teacher’s mother that we have been praying for (as she doesn’t know what is happening). Prayers and a praise for Rose that she seems to be doing better since her stroke. We continue to lift up Karen and the shots she needs to the Lord, trusting He will make something happen soon. Praise that her grandson’s girlfriend had a good visit and a praise that he determines what he wants to do (Lord, guide him). Also, Kathy requested prayers for herself as she goes back to volunteering at the school this week.

Robert prayed that God continues to keep him steady in life, positive not negative. He also requested that the Lord continues to aid our concerns and mentioned prayers for doctors, lawyers, and police.

Edward H. praised God for a good year that passed and that we are all here by God’s mercy. He praised God that he had the opportunity to share the faith with an Uber driver this week and trusts that God will lead him into a focused year with increased vision.

Meredith praised God that she didn’t have a bad bout with bronchitis this year and that the Lord gave her wisdom in preventing in getting bad. Prayers of healing lifted up for sisters Terri and Vicki, as well as well as for a friend dealing with pneumonia.

Sandy thanked and praised God for a new year and all that He has in store for us. Prayers of complete healing lifted up for Terri, peace and a good procedure prayed for Vicki, and prayers for her sister Diane that the Lord would hold and keep her in peace.

Vicki praised God for the gift of salvation, she lifted up prayers for our nation as we deal with international issues, and she praised God that she has people praying for her.

Elder Steve H. praised God for the heartfelt prayers that are lifted up by the BPBC Prayer Warriors. He prayed to and praises God for what He has planned for us in 2020, and asked for continued wisdom, guidance, strength, discernment, and focus.

Pastor Mike praised God for the wisdom of fulfillment. He lifted up prayers of healing for Terri, Vicki, Bria, Kimmy, and Kevin. He also prayed prayers of comfort for the family of Benny Rivera as they mourn his passing into eternity. Pastor Mike also requested that the Lord give an increased resolve and motivation for 2020. Also, prayers lifted up for wisdom and safety for our nation.

We lift these things up for the glory of God. In Jesus’s mighty name.

These are our corporate praises & praises as of Sunday, December 22nd, 2019:
Kevin praised God for BPBC being a “small but mighty church” and he praised God for the blessings and guidance provided through our pastors, especially all that he has learned being here. He praised God for His brand new grace and mercy that renews daily and the distance that God has allowed his and Denise’s relationship to go.

Meredith praised God for the day and the beautiful weather we have been experiencing. She thanked God for her relatively good health and how God has continued to touch her with His healing hand. Praise for her church family and prayers of healing for Janice and Brad.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and season, ,most notable our celebration of His birth. She mentioned prayers regarding some tests she has to take in January, she mentioned continued prayers for her co-workers mom, Barbara, being back in the hospital because her “experimental surgery” didn’t work out, she mentioned prayers for Rose.

Vicki praised God for her salvation and the many blessings she continues to experience. She mentioned prayers for her recent breast cancer diagnosis and trust in God and His sovereignty.

Edward H. lifted up praise for BPBC, our pastors, and elders. He mentioned prayers for Elder Steve H. as he deals with allergies, as well as sister Terri’s healing process. He praised God for His mercy, His Word, and the influence of leaders like Tony Evans.

Sandy praised God for the many blessings that flow through BPBC and she prayed that Vicki would have peace in all her procedures, health, complete healing, and wisdom for sister Terri. And Sandy lifted up an unspoken request.

Pastor Mike praised God for loving friends and family and a God who is always at work. He prayed for those who are in a physical and/or a mental prison this holiday season, prayers of healing for Vicki, Terri, and others, and for His Church to continue to be a light that shines brighter than the surrounding darkness.

We lift these things up, as well as our unspoken praises and prayers, for His glory and His glory alone, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, December 15th, 2019:

Vicki praised God for her salvation and prayed for a continued peace regarding her recent breast cancer diagnosis. She lifted up prayers of healing and comfort for Terri, and peace and strength for Wayne. Praise for Nora’s healing and Andrea’s healing.

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, Pastor Steve’s study, and Elder Steve H.’s rides. He praised God for for recent attendance of Scott, Corey, and family. Prayers of healing for Terri and Vicki. He praised God for good health, and His continued grace, mercy, and peace.

Kathy praised God for the sun being our on Sunday and prayed for a good winter season. Prayers of comfort and healing for her co-worker’s mom being back in the hospital. Prayers for healing for Vicki and Terri, and continued prayers for Karen as she is still waiting for the needed shots.

Sandy praised God for His faithfulness, love, and mercy and that He never leaves us nor forsakes us. Prayers of healing for Vicki and Terri, and for Wayne as well. She specifically mentioned Vicki’s doctor visit this week – a good report. Sandy also lifted up prayers for her sister, Diane, that God would bless her with an extra dose of peace and comfort.

Meredith praised God for His continued watch and care over her and her family. She prayed for those struggling with breast cancer, heart disease, and other life-threatening diseases.

Pastor Mike prayed for God’s healing hand to cover and hold sisters Terri and Vicki. He praised God for good fellowship and food (as always!) at our Annual Harvest Dinner. He praised God for new friends, online friends, and family – lifting up needed prayers on their behalf’s as well.

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, November 17th, 2019:
Edward H. praised God for BPBC, Pastor Steve’s Bible study, Elder Steve H’s rides, and for the few friends that he has accumulated over time. Specially mentioning praise and prayer for a brother named Larry.

Kathy mentioned the cold day and the snow flurries we seen on Sunday morning. She praised God for her healing, and continued prayer as she is not yet 100%. She praised God and thanked others for continued prayers for Barbara and her ongoing healing. She lifted up prayers for her daughter’s necessary injection, prayers of peace for Deacon Brian and Sandy, and prayers for all gathered with us at BPBC, and those whose prayers we lift up.

Terri lifted up prayers for the family of Sandy’s nephew, Michael. She praised God for his testimony and the legacy of faith he has left for his kids.

Meredith praised God for good health and continued answered prayer. She prayed for her friends and those she has lifted up prayer for before, specifically mentioning Wendy Shores and the peace that only God can give. Encourage her and build her up.

Wayne lifted up prayers for a co-worker who is fighting cancer and was forced to retire.

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for a co-worker of Gladys named Ruby. May God supply healing. He also prayed for his family, especially his mother, as the passing of his aunt. He praised God for his daughter’s continued good health.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for those who have experienced deaths in their friendships and are mourning, specifically making mention of Sandy and Brian and Tricia Kerley. Praise for brother James, his recent baptism and testimony of Pastor Mike’s influence in his life and that he has found a church family for him and his wife to fellowship with.

We lift these things up for the glory of God, in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, November 10th, 2019:

Edward H. praised God for the ability to share his faith with others, a praise for all that he has, especially God’s grace and mercy.

Vicki lifted up prayers for sister Kathy who has not been feeling well. Also, lifting up Kathy’s prayer for her friend, Barbara. Vicki praised God for her salvation, she also mentioned praise for learning something new in Sunday School, and prayers for our nation.

Meredith praised God for all of His blessings, all of His goodness, and the abundance of blessings we have as citizens in this country due to the service of others. She prayed for Veteran’s, especially as we prepared to celebrate Veteran’s Day (this past Monday). She lifted up continued prayers for friends in need of healing.

Elder Steve H. prayed for the family and friends of Andrea’s friend who recent passed away at the very young age of 27. He praised God for Andrea’s healing and stability in dealing with MS. Steve also lifted up prayers for those dealing with health insurance issues in this country, along with a praise for the ingenuity and bravery of citizens who serve this country.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for God’s ever-increasing beauty in this world, namely the grace, liberty, and joy that God provides. He mentioned 1 Cor. 13:13 and the “things that remain”. He also praised God for new and old relationships that exemplify joy. Pastor Mike mentioned prayers and praise for his family and home, for veteran’s and their service that we might have and appreciate freedom, and continued prayers for the persecuted church.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 27th, 2019:

Kevin praised God for answered prayer and his blessings on how far He has taken him and Denise. Prayers for a friend named Michele dealing with some career issues (Lord, give her hope and Your touch). Prayers for Monica and for Kristin as she travels to India. Praise God for his brand new grace and mercy offered daily.

Steve M. lifted up prayers for his and Lisa’a parents as they deal with aging and health issues. Praise and prayer for his mom who celebrated her 85th birthday this week. Prayers for Lisa’s mom’s husband as he deals with some health related issues.

Vicki praised God for her salvation. She praised God that her grandchildren recently graduated and found good employment.

Terri lifted up prayers for the people she knows (mentioning a few friends), and whom we have been praying for, that are battling cancer.

Edward H. lifted up praise and prayers for our preparation for Operation Christmas Child. He praised God for technology and how it occupies him, highlighting the importance and value of technology. He praised God and prayed for BPBC family.

Elder Steve H. praised God for a safe return from his recent business trip and a praise to still have a job, no matter how frustrating it gets. Praise and prayer for God’s continued watch and care over his family and a praise for answered prayer. Andrea’a tour surely is a praise and a prayer as well. He prayed that God would continue to keep him as he deals with health tests.

Pastor Mike praised God that He loved us while we were yet sinners. Prayers for our nation and upcoming local elections – our communities and prayers for those running. Prayers for a safe Halloween and an inspired, Reformation Day. He also lifted up unspoken requests and that God would continue to energize, invigorate, and bless each of us at BPBC.

We lift these things up for His glory alone. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of October 20th, 2019:

Kathy thanked God for another day to praise Him and that Karen was feeling a bit better. Continued prayers for her dog as he deals with foot issues. Prayers regarding Kathy’s involvement with volunteering at the school and the issues that have been happening. Prayers for Charlene, Barbara, and for those we usually see at Worship Service but haven’t.

Edward H. praised God for helping him deal with the “crazy pain” he felt earlier in the week. Continued prayers sought in that regard. Praise that he continues to be able to walk to Target and have no issues lately. Praises lifted up for The Blue Point Bible Church, for Pastor Steve’s Bible study, and for Elder Steve H’s rides to church services. Praise also lifted up for Deacon Brian’s shared knowledge of history and Deacon Ed’s continued assistance in the Scriptures.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for the prayer warriors at BPBC and how he has been “feeling the prayers” and the close fellowship of our congregation. He lifted up praises and prayers for sister Sandy in Rhode Island, another great prayer warrior.

Sandy lifted up continued prayers for Michael and Monica and their battles and asked that the Lord continue to “hold them in His hands”. Also, praises and prayers for friends Joe and Julie and their visit with Michael. She also lifted up praise for great friends, both far and near.

Pastor Mike praised God for new friends and the encouragement received from gaining such friendships. Prayers for church growth and continued invitation of others to visit us at BPBC. Prayers for the soon return and blessing of those who are normally gathered with us but could not be and blessing upon those who were gathered and visiting. Prayers of healing for a friend named Kristin’s grandmother and prayers of peace for Meredith and Larry at the passing of his father. Prayers for empowerment to continue to be offered to and seen through our Leadership Committee at The Blue Point Bible Church.

We lift these things up for the glory of God, in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 13th, 2019:

Elder Steve H. prayed for Andrea as she continues on tour. Also, he prayed that God would give him focus and a continued “transcending ability” to stay above the issues at work.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and the change of season. Continued prayers for Karen’s health conditions, continued prayers for Barbara (her friend in Florida who suffered a fall), and prayers regarding the shootings that seem to keep taking innocent lives.

Meredith praised God for His presence in her life and in her family. Continued prayers for father-in-law and family as he seems to slip into an unknown eternity (God knows). ** This past week Meredith’s father in law passed away – we will continue to pray for a surpassing peace for the family. Meredith also praised God for Pastor Chandler’s legacy and presence as it continues in our church. Also, continued prayers for family and friends.

Sandy mentioned a million reasons to praise God and for an increase in the ability. Continued prayers for Michael and Monica as they continue to deal with their battle against cancer, as well as seeking a new church.

Lisa praised God for her ability to be a teacher, a lover, a friend, a wife, and all that God has done and provided in her life. She lifted up praises and prayers concerning her daughters and The Blue Point Bible Church.

Pastor Mike mentioned how “A Christian life without prayer is not a Christian life”. He then went on to pray not just for national politics, but local politics as well. He praised God for being our Atonement and Propitiation. Prayers for the Chandler family as they mourn Pastor Chandler’s passing out of earthly existence, but praise for his continued legacy in our church and in the Preterist Movement. Prayers and praises concerning conversations had this past week and prayers for those in need of healing. Prayers for those suffering through the details of addiction and suicide – especially as we move into the Fall and holiday season. Praise concerning a recent hike up Mt. Katahdin – challenging but refreshing – and that he would walk worthy of such renewal, influence, focus, zeal, and love.

We lift these things up for the glory of God, in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 29th, 2019:

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, Pastor Mike’s ministry, Pastor Steve’s study, Elder Steve H’s rides, and the most recent gathering at Brian and Sandy’s. He also praised God for the responsibilities of handling the projector during Worship Service. Lastly, Edward praise God for His sovereign grace and mercy.

Vicki praised God for her salvation, BPBC, and the wonderful Word of God. She praised God for a good time at Brian and Sandy’s party and recent good weather. Vicki prayed for our nation that the Lord would be involved in the affairs of our national leadership. She also prayed for Anelia.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful fay, the great fellowship had at Brian and Sandy’s house, and her grandson’s friend visiting from California. Prayers for Pat and her marriage, Karen’s medical appointment, and for issues at school and in our nation.

Sandy praised God for a wonderful church family at BPBC and what she referred to as a “functional Godly family”.

Meredith praised God for BPBC and church family. She also praised God for His hand in helping her have answered prayer in regards to a medical bill that had her stressed. She asked that God would guide her to choose the right plan.

Pastor Mike praised God for His sovereignty and providence as demonstrated in our lives. He praised God for the leadership at BPBC and a good leadership meeting that was recent had. He praised God for the fellowship had at Brian and Sandy’s party and prayers for an enjoyable time at our 5th Sunday Potluck. Prayers regarding his upcoming hike in Maine, prayer and a praise for opportunity to take part in such an “Elijah Challenge”. Also, prayers for his family and friends, most specifically his nana.

We lift these things up for the glory of God alone, in and through the name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 22nd, 2019:

Edward H. praised God for the giftings that the Lord has given him and allowed him to see (mentioning things such as math, patterns and sequences, among other things) and his recent learnings that encourage him to not do and seek things according to his own design, but the Lord’s.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and the little bit of summer we have left. Prayers for Cora as she had a urology procedure this week. Prayers regarding the situation with her volunteering at the school and that the Lord would show her what she should do next. Continued prayers for Karen. Also, Kathy mentioned prayers for all at BPBC, whether they were present or not, that they would experience God’s blessings this week.

Vicki lifted up prayers for our nation and for sister Anelia.

Terri lifted up travel mercies for her boss and his wife.

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for a co-worker named Debra and her battle with cancer. He also mentioned prayers for “Brother Bob” and his workplace, praise for his daughter’s continued good health, and requested traveling mercies as he goes to the west coast for work this week.

Pastor Mike praised God for the Spirit that renews our minds and turns our “stinking thinking” into reflections of His grace, mercy, and purposes. Praise for the launch of the XD Movement and the attendance of Legislative Candidate Dominick Thorne (also mentioning prayers for him and his family). Praise and prayer regarding recent communications online in regards to Preterism and some future necessary communications. Also, prayers that he would get the necessary calls he needs to make done this week.

We lift these things up for the glory of God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 15th, 2019:

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, Pastor Steve’s study, and Elder Steve H’s rides. He praised God that He strengthens him with consistency and constantly pressing forward. He also praised God that he is able to get his new iPhone this week and mentioned how is encourages him on his growth in life.

Terri lifted up continued prayers for those suffering devastation after the recent hurricane. She lifted up praise for BPBC and how grateful she is for the family and wisdom she has gained.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful summer day. She also praised God for answered prayer regarding the dog, Buster we prayed for, and how he is healing. Kathy lifted up prayers for Karen’s friend, Charles’s mother, who is need of healing. She praised and prayed regarding her going back to volunteer at the school this week. She also mentioned healing regarding her own allergies and blessings upon our week ahead.

Meredith praised God that her bus route to bring the kids to school is continuing to go well. She lifted up specific prayers for friends battling cancer, mentioned praises and prayers for Wendy Shores, and prayers for her father-in-law that God would be with him and the family.

Sandy praised God for His lovingkindness and mercy that is seen every day. She praised God that the results from Brian’s recent biopsy came back normal. Sandy lifted up continued prayers for her nephew, Michael and his wife, Monica.

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for a friend fight an alcoholism problem and lifted up a general prayer for those who struggle with addiction. He also lifted up prayers for those who suffer with a modest income and have housing, medical, and insurance issues. He prayed for justice to be seen in our land.

Pastor Mike praised God that we participated and had visitors for National Back to Church Sunday. He praised God for the recent Propel Pastors conference and mentioned praise and prayers for Faith on Fire and Pastors Robert and Jared Iannuccilli (the hosts of the conference). Pastor Mike mentioned prayers for those who celebrate their birthday this week, specifically friends Sam and Bria. He also praised God for and asked for the continued raising up for influencers, those who move our society forward in all matters, especially politically, Spiritually, socially, etc…that God would imbue them with passion, love, truth, and grace.

We lift these things up for the glory of God, in and through the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 8th, 2019:

Kevin praised God for the privilege of prayer and God’s presence being with us. He praised God for his “brand new grace and mercy” which is provided daily, and praise for BPBC, our pastors and all the saints that gather with us. Also, Kevin lifted up prayers that God would watch over his children.

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, Pastor Steve’s Bible study, and the rides he receives from Elder Steve H. He praised God for mercy, grace, and love and the fellowship provided at BPBC, as well as the education, the “inundation” of our minds, regarding the Word of God.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day. She prayed for those suffering from the effects of the recent hurricane (people and animals). Kathy also prayed for Karen and Phil’s dog who has been suffering with some foot issues, including cancer in the toe. Continued prayers of comfort and healing for Karen and her friend Barbara.

Wayne praised God that he and his family were able to see his Aunt Nancy in the rehabilitation facility and the “good spirits” that came from it. Also, he praised God that his parent’s were present and fellowshipping with us.

Terri lifted up praise for a nice visit with her in-laws. She prayed travel mercies regarding their flight home.

Meredith praised God for the start of the school year and the great children she has been blessed to transport to school. She praised God for such responsibility and privilege. She also praised God that many of her friends have reported that they “feel our prayers” at BPBC. Glory to God!

Sandy praised God for answered prayer and the lovingkindness of God. Prayers for Brian’s medical appointment tomorrow, as we seek “good results”. Also, continued prayers of encouragement, comfort, and healing for her nephew Michael and his wife, Monica.

Pastor Mike praised God for the marking out of his 13th year anniversary of being released from prison. He mentioned the privilege, responsibility, and praise that comes with such blessed freedom. Continued prayers for family and friends (the Sovereign Lord knows) and praise for those visiting with us (answered prayer).

We lift these things up for the glory of God in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 1st, 2019:

Vicki praised God for her salvation and lifted up prayers for a woman named Pat who she met at McDonalds (Pat’s mother has health issues) and for a woman named Olivia who she met last Sunday.

Kathy praised God for beautiful weather. Prayers for those affected by the most recent shooting in Texas, continued prayers for her friend dealing with marital issues, continued prayers for Karen, and for those traveling for Labor Day.

Edward H. praised God for outreach. He also praised God that he has lived in Medford for 4 years now and thanked God for His grace, mercy, faithfulness and blessings.

Sandy praised God for yet another beautiful day to worship God. Continued prayers for Michael and Monica as they both have their battles with cancer. May God be with and help them.

Wayne lifted up prayers for his niece Jessica who is in the hospital dealing with medical issues.

Elder Steve H. praised God for His grace and providence. Praise that though he was in small car accident this week no one was hurt and the damage wasn’t too bad. Prayers for work situations and the work being done on his house.

Pastor Mike praised and prayed that God would continue to do His mighty work in our lives and in our world demolishing strongholds and allowing us to be captive and captivated by Him. Prayers for Meredith and Larry as they celebrate his birthday and for friends who have asked – Russell and Andy. Also, he prayed for teachers and students returning to school this week (may it be a safe and educational year). Praise and prayer for Deacon Ed and Gail as they celebrate their 40th anniversary and that each of us would have a good and God-glorifying Labor Day.

We lift these things up for the glory of God and the building up of His Church in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 25th, 2019:

Vicki praised God for her salvation, BPBC, and the good news that was received regarding Deacon Brian’s recent medical tests. She expressed that she has a heavy heart for this nation and it’s many problems.

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, the rides he gets from Elder Steve H., and Pastor Steve and Olivia’s Thursday night study. He praised God for His goodness and sovereignty. He praised God that his health continues to improve and so it seems with many in our local church family.

Kathy praised God for yet another beautiful day. She lifted up special prayers for her grandson. She mentioned prayers for a friend having marital problems and mentioned continued prayers for Karen.

Terri lifted up prayers for friends who had family recently pass away.

Sandy praised God for His mercy, patience, kindness, and faithfulness. Continued prayers for her nephew Michael, prayers for Jessica after her recent giving birth, and praise for God’s healing hand upon Brian.

Deacon Brian praised God for BPBC and lifted up prayers for a young man he met at Panera (Bob), and prayers for a few ladies he met that could use our prayers.

Kevin praised God for His obvious presence and His brand new grace and mercy each and every day. He also mentioned praise for answered prayer and BPBC (“all that I have learned”), his many blessings, and prayers for friends who could use it. The Lord knows.

Pastor Steve praised God for various blessings in the past week, especially celebrating Olivia’s birthday. He also praised and celebrated the birth of his new granddaughter. Prayers of course continued for Jessica and Kevin.

Pastor Mike praised God for the beauty of reconciliation and healing, worship and intimacy with God, and the privilege and responsibility of pastoring this church. He praised God that He does indeed “work all things for the good of those who love Him (cf. Romans 8:28)”. Prayers for a friend named Russel who requested prayer and other friends who could use God’s healing touch. The Lord knows. He also prayed for an expansion of his and this church’s influence in the world.

We lift these things up for the glory of God. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our praise and prayers as of Sunday, August 18th, 2019:

Edward H. praised God for His sovereignty. He lamented a bit about some “lost years” in his life from the natural perspective, but praised God that all things are to Him and through Him in “His timing”. Edward also praised God for His continued grace and mercy.

Vicki praised God for a praying church and the healing she received this week. She lifted up prayers for Deacon Brian as he needs healing and is going through various tests. Also, prayers for our nation, “Lord, solve our problems”.

Kathy praised God for a nice hot summer day. Prayers for Deacon Brian, Ronnie, Karen, and herself – as they could all use God’s healing hand. Kathy praised God for answered prayer as some of the things she needed testing for revealed things that aren’t that serious. Prayers for those seeking “peaceful living” in our country and that God would continue to guide us through.

Elder Steve H. praised God for his daughter’s continued good health. Prayers for his sister-in-law as she prepares to purchase a mobile home. Continued prayers for the young Christian woman at his job who has experienced medical and insurance issues. He prayed that the Christian Church would be “cognizant of the issues and not be a people whose hearts are far from Him”.

Pastor Steve prayed protection and safety for Chris as he was out on the open waters earlier this week. Prayers for his daughter, Jessica, as well as she prepared to have the baby, which she did earlier this week. Praise God.

Pastor Mike praised God for such beautiful praises and prayers lifted up for the glory of God through BPBC. He prayed that after a week of lamentation (government corruption, police suicides, police shootings of civilians, etc.) that the Church would “live for Jesus” responsibly and powerfully. Also, he lifted up prayers for an increase of our faith and healing for those gathered with us, as well as those we keep in our thoughts and prayers.

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 11th, 2019:

Terri lifted up prayers for a few friends struggling through cancer trusting in the Lord’s providence and healing hand (Molly, Deidre, etc.). She also lifted up praise for her and Wayne’s recent return from NJ and for all that God has blessed them with.

Edward H. praised God that he appears to have all that he needs, with the exception of currently being single. He lifted up prayers regarding some recent spurts of anger (especially in the morning), and while he is grateful that his mindset changes throughout the day, he asks that the Lord will move him through it. Continued prayers and prayers for the benefits he receives and low-cost health insurance.

Kathy lifted up praise for recent beautiful weather. Prayers for Karen as she is still waiting for the approval to receive acupuncture. Also, Kathy prayed regarding her own health, a possible valve issue, and she trusts the Lord will keep her calm and bring forth healing (in needed).

Sandy praised God that her nephew Michael’s health is moving in a good direction (answered prayer). She also lifted up praises and prayers in regards to Vicki – praise for the various ways she ministers to us at BPBC and prayers for her necessary healing and rest. Prayers also for Brian as he seeks healing and answers regarding some medical issues.

Meredith lifted up praises and prayers regarding her family in the difficulty they have been dealing with regarding her father-in-law. Praise that things are “as well as can be expected” and that he lived a good life, prayers that if he doesn’t know saving truth regarding Jesus Christ, that communion would happen. Praise that Wendy Shores is doing good and “embracing life”, as well as Esther doing amazing with her heart transplant (answered prayers indeed!).

Elder Steve H. praised God for the constant healing that is shown and seen in his daughter’s health. Praise and prayer regarding his aunt’s health, continued prayers sought. Also, prayers concerning his own health and a next round of testing coming up. Lastly, he prayed for those who worry and struggle in regards to insurance and medical coverage.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise and prayer for our embracing the “Saturation” effort – may we be motivated, strengthened, have perseverance, and increase in whatever the Lord sees fit. Praise for the seasons our Sovereign Lord puts us in and through. Prayers requested for sister Vicki as she wasn’t feeling well in the morning.

We lift these things up for the glory of God and the edification of the saints in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 4th, 2019:

Kevin lifted up praise thanking God for brand new grace and mercy, answered prayer, and for Him making His presence so obvious. Praise for the many blessings and guidance He provides to him and Denise. Prayers for Samantha’s family that they find the peace they need and for other friends and needs.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and her life. Continued prayers for Karen’s improvement and her acupuncture appointment. Prayers for the victims of the Texas and Ohio shootings.

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, for Pastor Mike’s return and a successful conference in Michigan. Also, praise for Pastor Steve and Olivia’s hosting Bible study and for Elder Steve H. being able to give him rides to church. Prayers for Deacon Brian and his health. Praise and prayer regarding the tumor. And prayers that we would continue by God’s grace to display light to all those who are stuck in darkness and in need of the truth of Christ.

Sandy praised God for Dora’a good news that she is cancer-free. Also, Sandy praised God for his renewed and continued grace and mercy.

Vicki thanked God for her salvation and the ability to live a blessed life. Praise that Anna passed the nursing tests and prayers that she gets a good job, praise for BPBC, prayers for her continued increasing in knowledge of Scripture and about our Lord Jesus Christ. Also, Vicki prayed for the families effected by the recent shootings.

Steve M. lifted up prayers for his and Lisa’s parents as they age and deal with some health problems.

Elder Steve H. lifted up appreciation for a praying church. He praised God for his aunt’s improved health and his being able to bring his mom to see her and spend time with her. Steve also praised God for His movement in and through the Body. Prayers concerning the “moral crisis” in our country that seemingly has led to various shootings this week.

Pastor Mike praised God for the Spirit & Life Lectureship that was had in Michigan this past week and the privilege to teach and defend views regarding wickedness and God’s sovereign grace. Also, praise for God’s work in and through Ludington Church of Christ and preacher Steve Baisden. Prayers for Meredith, Larry, and his family as they as they have to make difficult decisions regarding the state of his father’s physical health. Also, prayers for Pastor Steve that he would experience the ease of pain and prayers of behalf of those who are of us just not gathered with us this past Sunday.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 21st, 2019:

Vicki lifted up praise that her accountant friend is progressively doing better since his surgery 6 months ago. She also praised God for her salvation and BPBC. Prayers on behalf of our nation and Middle East tensions were lifted up.

Kathy praised God for the beautiful weather. Prayers for Karen and her doctor visits as things are still being figured out. Also, prayers for her and the situation with the lawyer. Kathy prayed that she would find ample opportunity to stay busy this summer and she praised God that her grandson’s friend is doing better. Prayers for our Saturate efforts and for those not gathered with us or seen in a while.

Edward H. praised God that he has been blessed with an abundance of good food. Praise that he is healing in many regards and fast. Praise for the efforts of Pastor Mike, Elder Steve, Brian, and Pastor Steve and Olivia.

Terri offered praise for the many blessings her and Wayne have. Prayers for those suffering from various forms of cancer.

Kevin thanked God for the privilege of prayer and His continued forgiveness, grace, and mercy. Praise that he and Denise were able to be at church this past Sunday and to fellowship with many who were missed from BPBC. Praise for the many blessings he has. Prayers lifted up for Carl’s daughter – “Lord, you know, you are the ultimate physician”.

Sandy lifted up prayers for Dora, a friends mother, who has dealt with surgery before and unfortunately more recently more cancer was found. May God show forth His healing hand. Continued prayers for her nephew Michael who has more testing this week. Sandy lifted up praise for the many blessings her and Brian have and praised God for His expressed love.

Elder Steve H. praised God for giving him the strength to persist through the week. Prayers for the situation with former Pastor Claire Chandler and praise that a solution was found with an issue dealt with last week. Prayers for Andrea, as she is doing well with the MS, however is facing some insurance issues at this point.

Pastor Steve lifted up prayers for Jessica who is 1 month away from having her next baby and could use rest. Also, praise that Steve & Lisa are home safely from their trip.

Pastor Mike praise God for those who reach out and request prayer, but also lifted up prayers for those who suffer in silence. Praise to God for His sovereignty and providence even in silent prayers. Praise for BPBC and the continued sovereignty of God that is seen throughout our church, the power of prayer, the grace and patience found within so many of our members – glory to God! Prayers for those not, and who have not, gathered with us in a while – that we may have opportunity to see them soon.

We lift these things up in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 14th, 2019:

Vicki praised God for her salvation and her continual growth in understanding the Scriptures. She lifted up prayers for our nation, and lifted up continued prayers for her accountant friend.

Kathy praised God for yet another beautiful day and for answered prayer regarding her son’s friend’s cousin whom we previously prayed for. Prayers for those dealing with the hurricane in the south. Prayers regarding the ICE raids. Also, prayers regarding a dental visit Kathy had this week.

Terri lifted up praise for her and Wayne’s safe return from their trip to Delaware and the great vacation they had. Also, she praised God for Him giving the ultimate sacrifice, life in and through the death of His Son.

Sandy praised God for insight she gained at the recent Jesus Festival, namely that “God is in control of things that seem to be out of control”, she also prayed for those who seemed to be stuck in strange interpretations and expressions of the faith. Also, prayers for our nation and safety during the ICE raids.

Edward H. praised God for all that He does in, through, and for him. Namely that God gives him the ability to learn and discern all that is needed to live standing on his own. He praised God for a good week and the healing of his tumor, and he expressed “God is a healing God”.

Pastor Mike praised God for a blessed and insightful PPW, the learning and fellowship was praiseworthy. Prayers lifted up for those who normally gather with us yet could not be with us on Sunday. Prayers for those who celebrated their birthday’s this week. Also, Pastor Mike prayed and requested prayer for a continued zeal and clarity in upcoming studies and effort, all for the glory of God.

We lift these things up in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, June 30th, 2019:

Terri lifted up continued prayers for friends – Melissa, Deidre, and Molly. She also praised God for all the wonderfully things He has provided for her and Wayne.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and all that we will celebrate this upcoming week. Surely praising God for our freedom to gather and worship. She lifted up praise in regards to answered prayer about her lost and found pocketbook. Prayers for the revealed cycts her daughter is dealing with.

Edward H. praised God for Pastor Steve’s study and the helpful rides Elder Steve H. offers. He mentioned a recent setback in health recovery but praised God for His healing hand. Prayers for our potluck to be a blessed and enjoyable one. Prayers and praise for his upcoming birthday.

Meredith mentioned a praise that she was able to gain updates in regards to the prayers she lifted up last week. Wendy is doing well and Esther is doing super. As far as the friend in a medically induced coma, help her to continue to make strides in her recovery.

Pastor Mike praised God for a blessed and insightful Semi-Annual Meeting and the opportunity to cast vision and focus on Christ-Centered Lives. May the Lord lead us, bless us, and convict us. Prayers for those experiencing loss, those among us and around us. Prayers for those we haven’t seen and fellowshipped with in a while that the Lord might bring them back into our fold. Pastor Mike mentioned a few unspoken requests, the Lord knows.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the might name of Jesus.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, June 16th, 2019:

Vicki praised God for her salvation. She lifted up prayers for her accountant friend and praised God that “he is better”. Also, answered prayer for the miraculous healing of Vicki’s right foot wherein the pain has ceased and she can walk flatfooted. Also, continued prayers for the strength and guidance of our nation and national leaders.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and the celebration of fathers. Prayers for her daughters visiting the doctor this week (special prayers that surgery will not be required). Praise for pastors return from California. And Kathy lifted up and requested prayers for herself and some health issues.

Edward H. praised God for his health and for noticing necessary limitations, and his continued doing well. Praise for his new iphone he will receive this month.

Terri lifted up prayers of healing for her friend Maureen’s dog.

Sandy lifted up praises for answered prayer. Continued prayers for her nephew Michael and she mentioned an unspoken request (the Lord knows).

Deacon Brian mentioned prayers for the family of the elderly lady who passed in a fire in Patchogue last weekend. May God provide peace to her family.

Elder Steve H. praised God for his children and he mentioned the various traits each of them possess that makes him proud and surely glorifies God.

Pastor Mike praised God for the recent California conference and that the unity and work of the Church expressed in Acts chapters 2 and 4 were definitely seen there. Continued praises and prayers for Ward Fenley, for the conference, his testimony, and his recent graduation. Praise and prayers for the many men who have shown themselves to be “fatherly” in his life and for the fathers among us as BPBC. May God continued to build up and edify fathers to know and live their role in the world.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the mighty and majestic name of Jesus Christ.

These are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 26th, 2019:

Edward H. praised God for the support systems he has and a trust that cutting off some of the supports he had is God led and will benefit him. He also praised God for our recent conference, the various Bible studies we have at BPBC, the rides he is able to obtain, and the abundant blessings God provides.

Jack lifted up prayers for Carl’s family as the mourn the passing of Carl.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and weekend. Continued prayers for her daughter as she awaits monetary and health information. Praise that the teacher she works with did not need surgery, answered prayer!, and that she will be back soon. Also, Kathy prayed that each of us had a blessed week ahead of us.

Sandy lifted up prayers for our nation, the sacrifices that are made for our freedom, and the ultimate sacrifice that was provided by our Lord Jesus Christ in regards to our freedom from sin and our true Spirituality. Continued prayers of encouragement and healing for her nephew Michael.

Deacon Brian prayed for those being devastated by tornadoes in Oklahoma.

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for Carol who is mourning the passing of her mother. He praised God that his daughter returned from her band tour safe and well. Prayers of help and trust for issues at work and a thanks for the faith God provides us with.

Pastor Mike praised God for new friends and connections that have been made more recently. Prayers and celebration regarding the freedoms we enjoy, in Christ, and here in America. May we endeavor to walk as worthy as we can. Prayers for many upcoming ventures – Hope Day, Saturate LI, and others. Also, the lifting up of unspoken requests. Continues prayers for our guests who visited during the conference – mind, body, and soul.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 28th, 2019:

Edward H. praised God for professions in their field who are able to offer wisdom. Praise for BPBC, Pastor Steve’s Bible study, and Elder Steve’s rides to church. Prayers regarding situation with social worker and praise that his health is good.

Terri prayers for Alicia and for the family involved in an accident in Florida. Also, she lifted up praise for another day provided by God.

Kathy lifted up prayers for Ron and his eye surgery and prayer for her friends that God would be with them. Continued prayers for Karen and her need to contact an attorney. Also, prayers for those who are suffering due to the recent synagogue shooting.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise from for Dora’s healing (surely answered prayer). Travel mercies requested for Andrea as she is on tour. Unspoken prayer request reliant upon God’s sovereignty. Praise for BPBC Prayer Warriors.

Sandy lifted up praise for answered prayer regarding her getting over the flu. Continued prayers for Michael that God would continue to help him focus and trust in Him. Prayers for Brian’s brother, Kevin and Jerri’s health.

Pastor Mike praised God for His continued providing expressions of wisdom, providence, faithfulness, and mercy. Prayers that God would continue to work in such ways therefore challenging him to see, express, and praise God for them. “Increase my territory”. Prayers for his brother that he would continue to be encouraged to grow in the faith and praise for Holger Neubauer’s recent debate with Sam Frost.

We lift these things up for the glory of God. In and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our weekly corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 14th, 2019:

Edward H. praised God for the his latest VA housing status and fully accepted God’s will. He expressed praise in understanding God’s will.

Kathy praised God for BPBC and the church remembering her birthday. She lifted up a praise for answered prayer that her dog is feeling better and asked for continued prayer for healing. Continued prayers for Karen and prayers for a friend Rose who pulled her hip. Also, praise and prayers for increase in the “spirit of the season” such as hope, praise, resurrection, etc.

Terri lifted up prayers for Wayne as he has developed a couch and continued prayers and trust in the Lord for her mother.

Meredith thanked the Lord for all that we celebrate on Palm Sunday, the spring season, and continued good health. Continue prayers and surely a praise for the recovery of her brother-in-law Ron. She thanked the Lord for His goodness in the regards to her husband’s restored eyesight and continued prayers for His watch and care over her family.

Pastor Mike lifted up an “abundance of praise” for the Lord’s sovereignty and providence and so evidentially revealed in life. He praised God and prayed for blessed birthdays among us. He lifted up prayers for friends who are hurting, in need of healing, and/or are frustrated.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, April 7th, 2019:

Kevin praised God for His presence, how He speaks to us, and a continued prayer for His strength to empower us to manifest His Kingdom. Prayers for travel mercies and a continued increase in faith, as “we are only as healthy as our faith is”.

Jack lifted up praise regarding the truth that we have a God that hears our praises. Prayers and praise for a friend named Carl.

Terri praised God that Wayne is home safe from his travel to Ohio. Patience and wisdom sought regarding dealing with her mom and her combativeness. Healing prayers requested for Chris and Deidre.

Kathy praised God for His mercy and a beautiful spring day. Prayers for Karen as she deals with a recent illness in her legs. Praise for God already preparing great things in our week ahead. Praise for Brian and Sandy’s anniversary and prayers for Brian to have a blessed birthday this week.

Sandy praised God for His being a loving God and always at work in our lives and world.

Meredith praised God for good health and prayed that things continue that way. She lifted up prayers for friends battling cancer that God would make known His presence with them. Continued praises and prayers for Esther and Wendy.

Edward H. praised God for BPBC and Pastor Steve’s study. Praise regarding the healing God has brought forth which allowed for Edward to continue to father with us. Prayers regarding housing which is a “shot in the dark”, but may God do as He sees fit.

Pastor Mike praised God for healing he experience this last week. Also, he prayed that God would continue to convict all that “double-mindedness leads one to be unstable in all their ways”. May we seek stability upon our foundation, knowledge of and living out the teachings of Jesus Christ. Prayers for persecuted Christians, praise and prayer for the Saturate LI effort, and praise for the continued insights that come forth from our Adult Sunday School.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in and through the mighty name of Jesus.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 31st, 2019:

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, Pastor Steve’s Bible Study, Pastor Mike’s Bible studies, and the hope to be involved with the “tech stuff” within the church. Praise God for his good health as well.

Terri lifted up prayers and traveling mercies for Wayne as he goes back and forth from Ohio this week.

Kathy lifted up praise for the developing Spring season. Prayers for Mr. Shea, Karen, and a good week ahead. Also, praises for the various birthday celebrations we had around this church this past week.

Elder Steve H. praised and thanked God for taking care of his family. Prayers for traveling mercies as he will be traveling to and from Charleston this week. Praise God for answered prayer that has been revealed through his daughter’s good health.

Meredith praised God for yet another birthday and all the well wished she received. Praise God that Ron’s surgery, which we prayed about, went well. Answered prayer!

Brian lifted up praises and prayers to God for those whom he can interact with and prayer for.

Wayne lifted prayers for Terri’s mom.

Pastor Mike praised God for his attendance at and the win of the Long Island Islanders over the weekend with Wayne and Terri. He praised God for provided wisdom, understanding, and a zeal that is only from God (as revealed through diligence). Prayers and praises regarding the Holy Spirit’s move in power (as we sung in worship). Praise for the birthdays among us and our lives, our week ahead, our church, and our surrounding communities, coupled with prayer for those things as well.

To God be the glory, in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 24th, 2019:

Edward H. lifted up prayers regarding a dermatology appointments and praised God for the blessing of his trust-fund and for Jesus truly being the Sovereign God.

Elder Steve H. praised God for His guidance and keeping His calm through meditating on positive messages.

Meredith praised God for good health and her being able to gather with us at BPBC. Prayers regarding help with insurance costs and prayers for her brother-in-law Ron who had open-heart surgery this week.

Sandy praised God for a sound mind and body, good teaching at BPBC, and answered prayer. Continued prayers her nephew, Michael.

Pastor Steve praised God for his daughter’s birthday which was celebrated on Sunday. Prayers for Joan who had a planned surgery this week.

Pastor Mike praised God for continued answered prayer and His offering hope for prayers seemingly not yet met. Praise God for new friends and old friends. Prayers for the Bayport – Blue Point community as they celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Prayers for those who are celebrating their birthday among us this week and early next week. Prayers regarding frustration and wisdom in evangelism of Christian truths.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 17th, 2019:

Kevin praised God for leading and blessing him and Denise. Prayers lifted up for Rosetta and her battle with epilepsy, also prayers for her grandfather (Lord, show them your greatness). Continued prayers for the Lord’s watching over Kevin’s children and the visit he had planned later in the day.

Meredith praised God that she is back to good health and able to gather and worship at BPBC. She asked that the Lord watch over her as she went for a root canal this week. Prayers for her brother-in-law, Ron as he goes through triple bypass surgery and that the Lord would give him peace, comfort, and healing and be in the careful hands of the doctors.

Terri praised God for taking away health issues she was dealing with and how she is feeling better. Prayer’s lifted up for her brother-in-law and his relationship with the rest of his family.

Kathy thanked God for yet another beautiful day and that she is back at good health. Praise that Karen is enjoying her new job. Prayers for Jane who is recovering from breast surgery and prayers for those suffering due to the recent Mosque shooting in New Zealand.

Vicki praised God that He took care of her accountant friend and that his surgery went well. Praise regarding how God takes care of BPBC. She lifted up prayers for our nation and the many problems we face.

Edward H. praised God for BPBC. Edward remarked that he has been unfortunately missing out on Thursday night studies due to a desired dermatology appointment on March 25th. Praise for the many blessings he has received Spiritually and financially.

Elder Steve H. praised God that Meredith and Kathy D. experienced the healing hand of the Lord. Praise that his son was visiting from school and prayers that he have a safe and enjoyable trip back. Praise for good health and the maintenance of demanding work stuff. Prayers for travel mercies.

Deacon Ed lifted up prayers for good results (the Lord knows all things). A praise and a prayer regarding his recent back injury –  a decent amount of damage but nothing that cannot mend. Prayers that God would go before the Civic work regarding Open Space and projects involving public land.

Pastor Mike prayed and praised God for continued providence and wisdom regarding ministry and life. Prayers lifted up and requested for the “Preterist Movement” and the leaders. Healing for those who are aching and hurting. Praises of God’s peace and prayers regarding the continued of the peace God has initiated. Lastly, Pastor Mike prayed for a safe St. Patrick’s Day for all and that the day would come to represent the powerful prayer of St. Patrick, rather than drinking beer.

We lift these things up for the glory of God, in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 10th, 2019:

Edward H. praised God for BPBC, the many blessings bestowed upon him, and the ability to be able to joyfully and freely participate in singing the praise choruses and singing of God’s goodness. Also, praise for the rain as it is good for vegetation.

Elder Steve H. lived up prayers for former co-worker Pam who has accepted another job opportunity. Also, prayers for a project at work that has the potential to save many lives and may God be in it and seen through it.

Sandy lifted up prayers for the family of Arlene who passed away of cancer. Also, continued prayers for her nephew Michael. Prayers for Kevin’s roommate Jerry who is in need of healing. Also, prayers of sustenance and strength of friends, and upcoming conference speakers, Bob and Kathryn Carlton.

Lisa lifted up praise for the work of God. Prayers of comfort for Grandpa Che and Jackie who lost her husband.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the gifts and blessings God gifts to each of us. Continued prayers of wisdom in accordance with the word in James chapter 1 (namely for an increase in effectivity and fruitfulness of ministry). Prayers for sister Meredith who was not able to join us as she is dealing with a toothache. Prayers lifted up regarding the “gang problem” that recently revealed itself in a string of shootings (Lord, protect our communities and empower our police). Continued prayers for the Bayport-Blue Point community and a “peace” that surpasses all understanding to be given to those who may need it among us.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 3rd, 2019:

Vicki lifted up prayers for her accountant Bob that his replacement surgery will go well and that he will have a full and speedy recovery. Vicki also lifted up prayers for the many problems that are evident within the USA. Vicki prayed that God would watch over her, the church, and our pastor. Also, prayers for peace of mind regarding the planning of our upcoming Bible conference.

Edward H. praised God for His grace and mercy. He mentioned the successful arrival of a package last week, his new computer, and all that He plans to do with the computer for the glory of God and the edification of those who gather at BPBC. Praise for being out of debt and prayers for dermatologist appointment at the end of the month.

Kathy praises God for another day and also that the snow storm wasn’t too bad. Prayers for her recovery from dealing with bronchitis and she made sure to mention praise regarding her not losing her pocketbook at the supermarket this week. Also, prayers lifted up for Pastor Mike’s birthday.

Steve M. lifted up prayers for the families and love ones of two of Lisa’s close friends,  Corey Houston and “Grandma” who passed into eternity this week. Also, prayers for Lisa and she grieves and that God would provide her with a “peace that surpasses all understanding”.

Terri prayed for a friends nephew who diagnosed with cancer, and continued prayers for Sandy’s nephew Michael. She praised God for BPBC, Wayne, and good health.

Meredith praised God for her health and recovery and the many prayers of those who asked God to be with her as she was sick. Praises for good weather. Also, continued prayers for Esther (who is doing well) and Wendy (whose cancer has returned).

Sandy lifted up praise for BPBC, Meredith’s healing, and that Pastor Mike would be blessed on his birthday.

Pastor Mike praised God for another birthday year to celebrate and praise God through. So many praises and prayers, but Pastor Mike did mark out his continued prayers for wisdom from God (as encouraged by Scripture). Prayers for a good Lent for our Catholic brethren, and may this season afford us opportunities to celebrate that which we agree with them upon (the necessary Incarnational work of Jesus Christ – death, burial, and resurrection. Praises for a good turn out for the Angels of Long Island Chinse Auction. And of course, praises that sister Meredith is back to fellowship and gather with us.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in and through the mighty name of Jesus.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, February  17th, 2019:

Edward H. lifted up praise for BPBC, tools that our pastors encourage us to use to study and the information provided, and praise for saints in the Body.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayer (regarding Debra being cancer-free and the healing progress of the young woman at work whom we have been praying for). Also, praise and prayer regarding sister Meredith being “on the mend”. Continued prayer for those who continue to request our prayers.

Terri lifted up prayers for Wayne’s uncle Ralph. May God provide comfort and peace. Terri also requested travel mercies for her boss’s daughter, unspoken prayer request, and praise for all that is done in and through BPBC.

Kathy lifted up up praise for another beautiful day and a prayer that she would not have to cancel her appt. on Monday. Kathy also praised God that she is feeling better and that Karen started her new job.

Sandy praised God for all we continue to learn and grow in at BPBC, continued prayers for her nephew Michael, and prayers for a friend having surgery this week.

Deacon Ed lifted up praise regarding the compassion his neighbor had in trying to save a cat. Also, prayers for the Munyon family as they mourn the loss of Michael and Matthew.

Pastor Steve lifted praise for good results for Olivia this past week. He asked that we would mark out such praises as that which sustains our trust in His faithfulness. Also, praises and prayers regarding Thomas’s 4th birthday celebration.

Pastor Mike praised God for his provisions and guidance and that we, as the Children of God, will seek clarity not confusion. He praised God for the past week study with Edward H. and the edification it offered. Prayers for the family of “Trey” who was murdered in Greene Correctional Facility this past week, as well as the Munyon family. Pastor Mike also lifted up prayers for those effected by the shootings this past week, and lastly, prayers for conversations with Sam Frost and our efforts with Saturate LI.

In Jesus’s name we pray.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 3rd, 2019:

Kevin lifted up prayers for Sheila and praised God for being the “Ultimate Physician”. He praised God for the truth that we are only as healthy as our faith increases, and he praised God for His continued presence and guidance, and how He “pulled him out of the pit”. Kevin also prayed that God would continue to guide and bless him and Denise.

Kathy praised God for a beautiful day and praised God that it will be warm this week as we had a cold spell last week. She lifted up praise regarding Karen’s job seminar this week and prayed that God would continue to go well with the school she serves at.

Pastor Steve lifted up prayers for Olivia and some medical tests she is getting done, namely that God would give her a sense of peace, faith, and good results.

Edward H. praised God that he is back to gathering with the church, and praised God for His mercy and healing hand, and also a praise for all that God has done and is continuing to do in his life.

Vicki praised God for her salvation and asked that He watch over the United States. She praised God for the various studies and opportunities she has to learn and study God’s Word. She asked that God continue to watch over our church and asked for healing for our members that are in need. Vicki also lifted up prayers for travel mercies for Elder Steve H. and praised God for answered and unanswered prayer she received the past week.

Pastor Mike praised God for His continued work in and through us corporately and individually increase our faith and how we can look Him fully in His face and see His glory and grace. Pastor Mike also praised God for the homecoming of his friend, Chris, and prayers that he would make wise decisions and see success in his life. Prayers for sister Meredith as she recovers from sickness she has dealt with since the beginning of the year. Also, prayers for the inmates at the Metropolitan Detention Center in Brooklyn as they were dealing with electric and heating issues. Praise that Edward is back to gathering with us, and praise for Terri and Wayne’s anniversary earlier this week (2/4) and Vicki’s birthday (2/7).

We lift these things up for the glory of God in and through the powerful name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 27th, 2019:

Elder Steve H. praised God for answered prayer, specifically pertaining to both of his sister-in-laws, those at work we have been praying for, and prayers for others who have requested (a few names listed).

Sandy praised God for a bold, thinking church.

Kathy lifted up praise for another day and that we haven’t had any snow. Prayers for Karen’s job training this week, that God would take away the cold she has been battling, the little girl at school, and for those who suffered due to the recent church bombing.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for a great weekend all together- our annual meeting and fellowship with friends. Praise and prayers for our annual vision of R.I.S.E. Praise for the encouragement he receives in ministry. Prayers for sister Meredith, may God bring forth healing and comfort. May we see increase in the answers to our prayers for the glory of God. Praise and prayer for the United States government and leaders.

We lift these things up in the mighty and beautiful name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 13th, 2019:

Kevin lifted up praise for answered prayer and a great visit with his daughter. He also praised God for His presence in his life. Prayers for BPBC, our pastors, and he praised God for all he has learned. Lastly, Kevin praised God for Denise and asked that He continue to bless and guide them.

Vicki lifted up praise for God being so full of mercy. She mentioned being stressed last week and God answered her prayers. She lifted up prayers for the United States and trusted that God has the final say.

Kathy lifted up praise for the new day before us and the fact that she was feeling better. She lifted up prayers for Karen and prayers against heavy snow storms.

Terri praised God for all He has done in her and Wayne’s lives. She lifted up prayers for her mother, that God would help her shake the depression she has been in.

Sandy lifted up praise for God’s healing hand and entrusted those we have been praying for, those amongst us, in need of healing to His case. Also, she lifted up traveling mercies for Steve H.

Pastor Steve lifted up prayers for Edward H. as he goes to the doctor this week regarding the lesion on his forehead. May God provide effective healing.

Pastor Mike praised God for the true fellowship that is found at BPBC, praised God for continued perseverance (sustained and increasing), and praise for the Spirit of God that reminds us of all that we truly have in Jesus Christ. He lifted up prayers for his Nana (as the passing of her sister, his aunt Dolly), Marilyn Pace (as this is around the anniversary of Lonnie’s passing), traveling mercies for Steve H. and healing for sister Meredith.

We lift these things up for the glory of God, in and through the mighty name of Jesus.

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, January 6th, 2019:

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayers. He mentioned the healing and improvement that has been seen in regards to Dora’s health, restoration of Rosa’s eyesight, the young woman at his job who had broken her leg is coming along well. Prayers for Gladys the she has no anxiety as she goes through some routine testing, travel mercies for Steve as he travels to China for work, and may God give him good health and comfort.

Terri lifted up prayers for Marlene and Bob, her neighbor Viola, and travel mercies for Elder Steve.

Meredith praised God that the necessary injections she received last week went well and praised God for the comfort she has since felt. Glory to God for all He has done for her. She also lifted up prayers concerning her doctor visit for allergies this week.

Pastor Mike thanked God for increased wisdom and perseverance. Praise and prayers concerning growth in Biblical meditation, thank God for His Word! Prayers for man he met with daughter dealing with double ear infection. Prayers for the friends and family I have, may 2019 increase those relationships and bring more. Also, prayers for Steve and Lisa and they deal with some household issues.

We lift these things up in the might name of Jesus.

Here are our weekly corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, December 30th, 2018:

Kevin lifted and praised God for a beautiful past year. He praised God for answered prayer, the guidance He has continued to provide Denise and himself, His brand new grace and mercy, BPBC (and our pastors), and His making His presence known. Continued prayers for Eddie (that God would be with him in all that he is going through) and prayers for guidance in relationship with his daughters.

Kathy thanked God for the wonderful taste of snow we experienced this past week but no measure storm. Praise for the Grandparents program she is involved in. Prayers for Karen as she heals from Bronchitis. Also, Kathy requested prayers for herself as she still fights off a sick feeling. Continued prayers for Ronnie, ultimately that God would give her peace.

Elder Steve H. praised God that Dora has shown much improvement and lifted her in continued prayers for progressive healing. Continued prayers for his other sister-in-law dealing with sight issues. Praise and prayers for his own health. Answered prayer regarding Pam and her broken leg and related issues.

Sandy lifted up praise for answered prayer and prayed and asked for others to prayer regarding difficult testing her nephew Michael has coming up.

Terri praised God for His continued grace and mercy, His keeping her and Wayne in good health, and praise for Pastor Mike’s continued efforts and prayers that God would watch over him.

Meredith praised God for His watchful care over her. She mentioned an unspoken request and requested prayer for her injection she was getting done the on the 1st day of the year. Also, prayers for Wendy as her cancer has returned. May God give her peace and comfort. Meredith also praised God for healing both Sylvia and Ronnie who we had been praying for.

Pastor Mike praised God for His sovereign grace in that He truly does “have the whole world in His hands”. He praised God for His presence make known, in and through us. Concerning New Year’s resolutions, Pastor Mike prayed that we would have wisdom and a binding perseverance. Safety for those going out on New Year’s. Praise for answered prayer and also what we deem “unanswered prayers”. He also prayed for and praised God for the thinking faith that is evident and made manifest through The Blue Point Bible Church.

We lift these things up for the glory of God, in and through His mighty Name.

These are the praises and prayers of BPBC as of Sunday, December 23rd, 2018:

Kevin thanked and praised God for a beautiful year, many blessings, and answered prayers. He also praise God for His brand new grace and mercy and BPBC and our pastors Mike and Steve. Prayers for Joanne who is dealing with some issues and Eddie who is going through so much.

Kathy praised God for yet another beautiful day and prayed that God might keep the snow away. Prayers for her daughter and son in law. Prayers requested for a grandmother in a program with Kathy that is dealing with cancer. Also, prayers lifted up for the welfare of our country and the chaos in our government.

Elder Steve H. lifted up continued prayers for his sister-in-law, Dora. Give her comfort, healing, and peace as we move into the holiday. Praise that his children were all able to come home and celebrate Christmas together. He praised God for the great things He is doing.

Meredith praised God for the true joy of the season, God’s amazing, awesome love, and all that He did in sending His Son to die. Praise for many friends and family to rejoice with. Prayers for Wendy, as she hasn’t seen any updates but is trusting God’s peace and watchful care is with her. Praise that Esther is home and doing well. Praise that her cousin Sandy’s pastor received kidney transplant (that we prayed for) and is home and doing well. Prayers also requested for God’s comforting hand and watchful eye are with her as she readies to receive injections in her spine this week. Also, answered prayer in that her insurance covered the necessary medical procedure.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for those in prison. Prayers for Raven as she wasn’t feeling well early in the day and could use our healing prayers. Prayers for Christians all over the world this Christmas season – peace, joy, faith, love,. Praises and prayers for our families and our upcoming gatherings. Praise that Elvis is thinking through his understanding of God rather than settling for falsehood.

We lift these things up in Jesus’s mighty name.

This week’s corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, December 16th, 2018:

Terri lifted up continued prayers for her mom and her dealing with dementia, prayers for her boss’s dad who could use God’s comforting hand, and prayers for Wayne’s dealing with a cold. Comfort and healing for these things mentioned.

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful day, recognizing the beauty even in the rain. Praise regarding Karen’s getting a new job and that Ronnie is coming along as she deals with her recent house fire. Also, Kathy requested prayers for her health and more energy rather than feeling tired.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for good health, praise that his kids are traveling home for Christmas (prayers of course requested in regards to their traveling), and praise that Dora is home from the hospital (still in need of our continued prayers).

Sandy lifted up praise for answered prayer. Also, Sandy lifted up prayers for her nephew, Michael, trusting that all has been well (as she has not spoken with him so recently). Continued prayers for Brian and health issues he deals with and prayers for Vera, that Sandy might be a blessing in some way.

Keven praised God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon him and Denise. Continued prayers for Rodney. Praise for God’s ever-renewing grace and mercy, BPBC, answered prayer, and most of all, God’s presence in our lives.

Meredith praised God for the many blessings He showers her with. She requested prayer regarding pain she has been dealing with in her lower back, she mentioned going to therapy, and a necessary injection in her spine she will be going through soon. Meredith also mentioned prayers for her cousin’s pastor in Michigan, namely that God will healing, comfort, and watch over them, and draw their family closer as they deal with certain things. We lift up praise for blood and organ donors that made certain medical procedures possible.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for those in need of healing and comfort this season, and coupled that with a prayer that we, the Church, might find ways to continue to bring healing, comfort, etc to those in need. Praise and prayer for a continued setting up of a successful and God-glorifying 2019. Praise regarding the privilege to be in the presence of God, to gather as the Church, and be in the “sanctuary of God”. Praise for local movements such as ReviveLI (the friendships fostered through that ministry) and Reformation NOW, among many others.

Pastor Steve praised God for the many blessings He has provided in his life. Also, he requested prayers for Thomas as he deals with what seems to be a case of pink eye, may God bring forth speedy healing, and praise and prayers for Dakota.

We lift these things up in Jesus’s mighty name.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, December 9th, 2018:

Terri lifted up prayers for Jeanne S. who is dealing with health issues and necessary surgery. Also, prayers of healing lifted up for her boss’s dad who is in the hospital. Terri lifted up praise for her life and BPBC. Also, Terri lifted up continued prayers for her mom and praise that Wayne’s accident wasn’t as bad as it could have been.

Kathy lifted up praise for yet again another beautiful day and a sure praise that snow storm missed us. Kathy prayed that we and the society around us will truly remember what Christmas is about this season. Praise that Karen is doing better and had an interview earlier this week. Continued prayers for Ronnie at the loss of her home in a fire.

Elder Steve H. lifted up continued prayers of healing for Dora. Also, prayers for his admin. Assistant who fell and due to the injury is having financial issues. Prayers of peace of mind for his mom and continued Sovereign support in his good health. Prayers for steadfastness and organization in details at work.

Meredith lifted up praise that foreseen insurance issues are working out. Meredith share a brief update regarding those friends of hers’ that we have been praying for and asked that we pray well-being and salvation for Wendy, June (new Christian co-worker), Syvlia’s hysterectomy, Janice’s swollen lymph nodes, and Esther’s endoscopy.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise regarding his recent correspondence with the man that led him to Christ (Brother Paul). Praise and prayer regarding wisdom and discernment to move into a fruitful and God-glorifying 2019. Prayers of increased joy for the most often forgotten and suffering this Christmas season. May we continue to increase in gratitude and responsibility regarding all that God has supplied to us regarding life and Godliness. Pastor Mike lifted up praises and prayers for his brother Eric and his friend Elvis.

  • Today is the Every Child Dream’s Coat Give-Away that our ministry The Attic was able to donate to. Please pray for a fruitful event that provides and promotes joy. Prayers for the Suffolk County Legislature as well, praising God for their generous efforts.

We lift these things up for the Glory of God, in and through Jesus’ mighty name.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, December 2nd, 2018:

Kevin lifted up praise for answered prayer which we all see on a daily basis. Prayers for Mike and his wife who could use our prayers and prayers for his children. Praises lifted up for BPBC and the work of our pastors, praise for his relationship with Denise, and praise for God’s presence in our lives.

Edward H. lifted up praise to God our provider. Edward praised God for the recent developments with his case worker and the opportunity to save some money. Praise and prayer regarding our living our of God’s grace. Edward prayed for healing and provision and mentioned the abrasion on his forehead. Edward praised God for BPBC and all the leadership involved here.

Kathy praised God for another good day. Praise for the fellowship and food that we all partook of at the Annual Harvest Dinner. Prayers for Karen’s neck and her rescheduled job interview. Prayers for Ronnie and the recent house explosion and Steve’s sister-in-law, Dora.

Vicki praised God for salvation and His work in her life. She also praised God for answered prayer and the success of our recent Harvest Dinner. Also, Vicki lifted up prayers for our nation.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayer and a praying church. Continued prayers requested for Dora, as she does seem to be seeing some improvement. Steve lifted up continued praises and prayers regarding his work and health, and that God keeps him strong through it all.

Sandy lifted up praise for BPBC, specifically making mention of The Attic ministry and our ability to serve in that way. Prayers lifted up for Terri’s mom and Brian’s cracked ankle. Healing petitions lifted up.

Meredith lifted up praise regarding how technology helps our doctors do their job. Prayers regarding a MRI that Meredith had planned and that she will not need surgery (also prayers concerning Insurance issues). Prayers for Wendy Shores lifted up as unfortunately her cancer has returned. Meredith prayed that she might have opportunity to share her faith with Wendy as God works miraculous healings. Meredith also lifted up prayers of healing for some friends.

Pastor Mike praised God for the Annual Harvest Dinner and fellowship that was had. He also praised God for allowing him to wake up this morning and a church that wakes him up (ha ha ha). Continued praise and prayers for an increased wisdom, coupled with gratitude and responsibility. Prayers of comfort and rest lifted up for those who in need for that special prayer this season, especially the various healings needed around our congregation. Also, prayers for Terri, Wayne, and her mom lifted up.

All these things lifted up for the glory of God in the mighty and glorious name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, November 25th, 2018,

Kevin lifted up praises for answered prayer. He lifted up prayers for a “good outcome” for Monday, continued prayers for his children, and praise for God’s presence in his and Denise’s lives.

Kathy praised God for another beautiful day and praises for a good Thanksgiving with family. Prayers for a good week ahead, and prayers of healing for a co-worker at Federation who has been diagnosed with colon cancer.

Terri lifted up praises for her and Wayne’s many blessings.

Edward H. lifted up praises for the healing God has provided so far. Prayers that he will continue to listen to the wisdom from the doctor, “suggestions and prescriptions”, and praise for BPBC, specifically Elder Steve H’s rides to church, and Pastor Steve’s Bible study.

Sandy lifted up heartfelt praise for unanswered prayer and thankfulness. Sandy lifted up prayers of healing for sister Meredith and Brian. Also, traveling mercies requested for the Schilling’s.

Elder Steve H. praised God for a praying church and offered continued prayers for Dora. He praised God for the many gifts He has given him, healing He has provided, and that his children were all home for Thanksgiving. Traveling mercies requested for Steven as he travels back to school. Steve also prayed and requested prayer for his continued good health.

Pastor Mike praised God for a good Thanksgiving and the unique relationship he has been blessed with in regards to his mom and brother. Pastor Mike prayed for the family of the young missionary killed by tribes on an Indian island. Pastor Mike prayed that Christian leaders would take responsibility for the inspiration and teachings they offer young would-be missionaries. May we move forward in what Beyond Creation Science referred to as the “1,000 year plan”.

We lift these things up for the glory of God through Jesus Christ’s name.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, November 18th, 2018:

Edward lifted up praise regarding God’s supply of healing for his stomach. He prayed that he would be careful in knowing his limitations in carrying stuff while walking, “don’t push it”. Edward also expressed praise for BPBC, Pastor Steve’s Bible Study, and the rides given by Elder Steve H.

Kathy lifted up praise for another beautiful day, and the gift of God’s Word. Praise for healing with sinuses in eyes and ears, thankfully feeling better. Traveling mercies requested for those traveling on Thanksgiving. Praise and prayers lifted up and requested for Karen’s upcoming job interview and prayers for those dealing with the continued fires in California.

Vicki lifted up praise for time well spent with her daughter Michelle and grandchildren this week. Praise that her grandchildren are doing well (continued prayers that they do well with school and work, Vicki remarked, “I can see God working in their lives”. She praised God for many answered prayers, the various studies that she has opportunity to grow through, the various friends she has made and had over the years, and concluded with prayers for our nation (especially regarding the coming caravan).

Meredith lifted up praise for gathering in the house of God this glorious day. Praise and prayer regarding our efforts with Operation Christmas Child. Prayers requested for Wendy Shores (who is going through chemo and dealing with a lot of pain). Prayers also lifted up for Sylvia and Randy who are dealing with dental issues (jaw wired shut), may God provide healing and comfort. Also, Meredith lifted up prayers, trusting in God’s sovereignty regarding some medical/financial issues. May God provide.

Kevin lifted up praise for God’s guidance and blessing provided to him and Denise. Continued prayers for Robbie. Kevin lifted up prayers for his children. Also, Kevin praised God for BPBC and the work of our pastors.

Sandy lifted up praise regarding the Spirit’s reminder to be thankful everyday. Continued prayers for her nephew Michael as he is readying for another round of chemo. Unspoken requests where lifted up, and prayers for Brian’s brother Kevin who is need of comfort and healing.

Elder Steve H. lifted up continued prayers of healing for his sister-in-law, Dora, who is still in the hospital. He praised God and exclaimed thankfulness for his children and that they will all be home for Thanksgiving. Also, Steve requested prayers for healing and peace.

Pastor Mike prayed healing for Terri, continued healing for Stephanie, and praise that sister Kathy was feeling better. Prayers for the Sayville-Bayport- Blue Point community as we seek to see them saturated with the Gospel. Pastor Mike praised God for His wisdom, guidance, and grace all leading to a God-glorifying and successful 2019. Prayers for boldness in regards to convictions. Praise and prayer for Operation Christmas Child, Thanksgiving, and upcoming opportunities for ministry. Lastly, Pastor Mike praised God for the friendships he has and the influence he has within those friendships.

All these things lifted up in the mighty name of Jesus. For God’s glory.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, November 11th, 2018:

Kevin offered praise for God’s faithfulness being with him. He lifted up prayers for a Rodney who is homeless and he and Denise had opportunity to help him. Prayers for the necessary decisions Shane and Christine must make. And Kevin praised God for BPBC and our pastors who lead us in truth.

Kathy lifted up praise for a God-provided beautiful day and answered prayer. She praised God that things went well with the elections during the past week. Prayers for those dealing with the fires in California and the recent shooting.

Sandy praised God for His faithfulness. She lifted up specific prayers for her nephew Michael, Vera, and Kevin.

Terri lifted up praise and prayer regarding God’s work that is done in and through BPBC. May God continue to keep us strong and glorifying God.

Meredith praise God for friends and prayer warriors that encourage her through difficult times. She praised God for the good news she received at the neurosurgeon the past week and she lifted up prayers for a friend regarding their oral surgery. May we trust in God’s sovereignty for a full recovery.

Aaron thanked God for BPBC and God’s leading to help him grow. He praise God for the wisdom he gives to and through Pastor Mike. He prayed regarding some gossip and slander that was spread about him and offered up prayers of forgiveness. Aaron also praised God for the book he received from Elder Hernandez and lifted up prayers for his former temple, his mom, and his brother.

Vicki thanked God for her salvation and her reading of the Bible and always learning more. She lifted up prayers for our nation, “watch over her”, especially regarding our political issues. She praised and prayed regarding God loving and watching over our church, especially regarding the issues with us and the local PTA.

Elder Steve H. praised God and thanked him for giving him a spirit of steadfastness and focus with work issues. Prayers for his sister-in-law Dora as she continues to deal with health issues. Also, prayers for a co-worker’s sister with a brain hemorrhage.

Pastor Mike lifted up praises and prayers regarding his conversation with Evangelist Don Johnsen in regards to the “resurrection of the dead”. He prayed for those who will be cold this winter season, and prayed that we the Church would find ways to be answered prayer in that regard. Also, Pastor Mike praised God for answered prayer, all the while asking for guidance, wisdom, and discernment with the recent local conflict. Prayers against aggression in our society, in the Church, and even in our own local neighborhoods. Prayers of healing requested for Stephanie, Raven’s aunt, regarding a cancer diagnosis and possible needed surgery.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, November 4th, 2018:

Edward lifted up praise for the might of our healing God. He is progressing in his health and a healthy weight. He learned that instead of going to the doctor every couple weeks, he can now go annually.

Terri lifted up praise for answered prayer and the many blessings God has bestowed upon her and Wayne. Prayers of healing requested for Wayne’s Uncle Ralph and her mom (both of whom are in the hospital). Terri also praised God for the recent Reformation NOW event we hosted at BPBC and how she was edified by the speakers and topics.

Sandy lifted up praise for the Reformation NOW Conference and how informative it was. She lifted up prayers for Pastor Mike’s upcoming debate/discussion regarding the resurrection. Lastly, Sandy lifted up an unspoken request trusting in the sovereignty of God.

Meredith lifted up thanks and praise to God for healing and for prayer warriors. Prayers of healing for Larry as he is getting sick (wheezy and raspy), and also prayers for his sister Kathy regarding her fractured vertebrae.

Kathy lifted up praise for the beautiful day before us and a saddened lament that she missed church last week due to the Suffolk Marathon. She praised God for the peace He has supplied regarding Dora’s eternal state and her recent passing into eternity. May God continue to offer comfort to those who loved her. Praise for her chiropractor and the feeling better of her back. Prayers lifted up regarding Tuesday’s elections.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for Christian family, the glorious Body of Christ. Praise for the new brothers and sisters he has been meeting with and being encouraged by, and of course praises and prayers for Pastor Vincent and Minister Vincent, and their respective ministries, in that they joined us for Reformation NOW. He prayed for wisdom, brotherly kindness, and diligence regarding his upcoming discussion with brother Don Johnsen. Praises that sister Meredith is feeling better and was able to join us for service, may God continue to bless her with good health.

We lift these things up through the beautiful name of Jesus!

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 21st, 2018:

Terri lifted up praise for the many blessings her and Wayne have, continued prayers for Deidre and her battle against cancer, and praise and prayer regarding her new job. Continued prayers for those suffering devastation from storms in Florida and Indonesia. Traveling mercies requested.

Kathy lifted up praise for a cold yet beautiful day. Praise that Karen’s procedure went well and prayers for Daris’s friends and families as they contemplate her passing into eternity.

Sandy lifted up prayers for her nephew Michael’s battle with cancer and praised God for the positive and persevering Spirit he has maintained (or has been maintained by). Sandy praised God for good test results for Brian this past week, prayers for sister Meredith as she deals with toe pain, and she lifted up an unspoken request.

Pastor Steve lifted up prayers for his grandson and healing from pinkeye. Prayers for Jessica as well. Also, prayers lifted up for Denise who contacted him letting us know she wasn’t feeling well and requested prayer.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for Raines Road Church of Christ, Dr. William Bell’s ministry, and the God-glorifying Memphis Eschatology Conference that was held last weekend. Prayers for Daris’s friends and family, prayers for Edward Howell, and others who had requested prayer (the Lord knows). Also, Pastor Mike praised God for His sovereignty and lifted up an unspoken request.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 7th, 2018:

Vicki lifted up praise for her salvation and Blue Point Bible Church. She praised God that she has opportunity to learn the Bible at the various Bible studies. She requested that the Lord watch over our nation, praised God for sister Terri’s new job, answered prayer, and traveling mercies for those in our church who are traveling.

Kathy praised God for the completion of a long week. She praised God for answered prayer concerning Christina. She also lifted up continued prayer for the little boy we have been praying for with the brain tumor. Daris could use our continued prayers and may the Lord give her peace and draw her closer to Him. Prayers and praise for our enjoyment of warm weather this week.

Terri lifted up praise for answered prayer regarding her new job. She praised God for the prayer warriors at BPBC and lifted up prayers for those traveling in our church. Terri lifted up prayers the co-workers at the job she is leaving. She also lifted up prayers of repentance and a renewed trust in the Lord’s way.

Edward lifted up prayers that his anxiety has been lessened due to finding out he can and does play a role in the moving forward process of his involvement with Section 8. Edward mentioned prayers for a doctors visit this Thursday, praise for the trust fund care coordinators that have and will really help him out, and praise for BPBC.

Meredith thanked God for the season of good and renewed health that she is moving into. She praised God for a good week and return back to work. She prayed that this will be a good year of school and her children will learn her rules and behave. Prayers for Larry, as his eyesight seems to be transitioning but not necessarily for the better. Prayers of healing requested.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the opportunity to see God’s providence continually at work in his life. He praised God for his invite to speak at Preterist Pilgrim Weekend 2019. Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for our nation, the family of a friend named Jay (who passed away this week), and wisdom from above.

Elder Steve H. lifted up continued prayers for Dora who is still in the hospital. Prayers for Gladys as she goes this a rough time with her sister being in the hospital and she could surely use comfort and guidance that only the Lord can provide. Steve lifted up praise for the marriage announcement of sister Sandra who was baptized at BPBC. And Steve praised God for his providence in the details of attending a family funeral last week, and surely asked that God provides comfort to his family .

We lift these things up for the glory of God alone, in and through Jesus Christ,

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 30th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up praise for who he is in Jesus! He also praised God for all that we learn through the ministry at BPBC. He lifted up prayers for Alyssa and Anthony, at the loss of their mother. Kevin requested travel mercies for him and Denise. He praised God for a nice visit with his daughter this week, and also praised God for the ever-renewing grace and mercy of God.

Edward lifted up praise that he received his official Section 8 letter that marked out that he is surely on the list. He praised and prayed about a free transportation service he has recently come to know about, as well as the opportunity he has to give himself an annual holiday gift (phone upgrade). He praised God for continued blessings in his life.

Sandy lifted up praise that Brian’s medical procedure went well and praised God that Meredith is back.

Meredith lifted up praise for the many prayer warriors she knows, especially those here at BPBC. She praised God for bringing her through all things regarding her healing and surgeries.

Kathy lifted up praise for another beautiful day and prayed that the LI Recovery Walk would be blessed. Kathy lifted up prayers of healing, comfort and peace for Raven, Kristen, and Daris. She praised God that her eye is better and healed.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayer and how he can through the strength of God maintain joy in the midst of stress. He prayed for continued blessings for himself and his family. He lifted up special prayers for Dora (who is in the hospital) and family that is mourning the passing of his aunt.

Deacon Ed lifted up praises for God’s continued blessings and prayed for Gail’s family at the passing of
Joe. Special request of prayer on behalf of Joe’s wife and kids.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the many healings we have seen God work through in our church and through our prayers. He lifted up praise for the work of NY Apologetics and the conference they put together. He lifted up praise and prayer for Aaron and others being effected and influenced by truth, and the debate that has now come from that. Prayers of healing requested for Raven. Pastor Mike also lifted up an unspoken request for God’s providence and wisdom to be revealed.

We lift these things up in the mighty name of Jesus for the glory of God.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 23rd, 2018:

Kevin lifted up prayers for a friend name Chris. He trusted that though he didn’t spend time mentioning Jesus in the conversation, that God’s presence was surely there. Kevin praised God for his brand new grace and mercy, he lifted up praise for God’s drawing him into His grace, and requested God’s providence and blessings over his children, and well as for him and Denise.

Kathy lifted up praise for a day marked out to fellowship and enjoy good food together. Continued prayers for Daris and Karen, and prayers for Kristen who is dealing with experimental procedures due to her stage-4 breast cancer, and Phil (son-in-law) who wasn’t feeling well this past week. Kathy also mentioned a young boy with a brain tumor. Kathy praised God for all that we have and admonished all of us to always praise Him.

Terri lifted up praises and prayers for God’s providence and grace in the life of Carole Seitz. Terri praised God for the fellowship at BPBC with which her and Wayne are blessed. Continued prayers for her mom that she would keep strong and find more strength to get involved in the activities surrounding her.

Sandy lifted up praises and prayers for Meredith. She did not need to have the biopsy, however is now dealing with some dental issues. Meredith surely appreciates the thoughts and prayers. Sandy also lifted up prayers regarding Brian’s procedure on Wednesday and that God would guide the minds and hands of the doctors.

Elder Steve H. lifted up continued prayers for Dora, namely that she would rely on God for healing and comfort. Steve lifted up praise for Gladys and prayed for the them both. He also prayed God for the opportunity we had to provide outreach to areas and people that are in need.

Edward lifted up praise regarding answered prayer for Artie, who is now doing well. Sean’s mom, who we also prayed for, is improving and only needed a small incision. Edward also lifted up praise that his health is great and that he is sticking to his limitations and the while gaining strength in ways and areas that he can.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise regarding the sovereignty, providence, and grace of God and how it is continually made known. He lifted up prayers for a friend name Renee who is in need of prayer, comfort, and a peace that surpasses all understanding at the devastating passing of her husband (in an accident this past week). Also, Pastor Mike lifted up unspoken requests that lay in the hands of the Father, wisdom and action to follow.

In Jesus’s name we pray.

Here are our corporate praise & prayers as of Sunday, September 16th, 2018:

Edward lifted up Sean’s mother whom he said could use our prayers. Also, Edward mentioned prayers for Artie and his need to have surgery (on either his appendix or gall bladder). He praised God that his own health is well and that he is maintaining his limitations.

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful sunny day. She also lifted up praise for meeting with Daris who was in good spirits and glad to be home. Daris has decided to forgo chemo and could surely use our continued prayers. Kathy praised God that her working with the elections went well despite the beginning being a bit rough (and she was able to share about church) and she concluded with prayers for the Carolina’s and all those dealing with the storm.

Sandy lifted up praise for God’s mercy, grace, love, and care. She praised God for the blessings He renews daily and His constant provision. Prayers for Meredith as she is still healing and is on the mend.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers of healing and comfort for the Brentwood community as they have suffered quite a few devastating events lately. Praise that we did have a visitor for National Back to Church Sunday in our Adult Sunday School, and prayers that Aaron is blessed through his theological journey and his work in ministry. Prayers of healing for Terri and Meredith and unity within the “Preterist Movement”, and that we would speak the truth in love (cf. Eph. 4:15). Also, prayers for the Carolina’s as they get hit with Hurricane Florence.

We lift these things up in the might name of Jesus Christ.

I look forward to seeing many, if not all, of you at some point this weekend.

In Service to Him,
Pastor Michael Miano

Here are our praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 9th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up prayers for Celine that God would give her strength and motivation to seek employment and prayers for Monica that she would continue to see success in real estate. He praised God for the many blessings He has given, grace and mercy, answered prayer, and pastors at BPBC that instruct us in the Word. Kevin also prayed for his children, as well as guidance and continued blessings for him and Denise.

Edward lifted up praises for the blessings he has seen in his roommates life. He prayed about the opportunity to develop a trust friend which would help with advice, finances, housing, etc.

Kathy praised God for another day and declared God’s beauty despite the lack of sunshine. She lifted up continued prayers for friend Daris. She prayed about the kids going back to school and the elections on Thursday.

Sandy lifted up prayers for sister Meredith (praises of healing and continued prayer especially regarding her biopsy this week). She asked for guidance and wisdom to be given to Brian’s doctor and strength, comfort, and healing for her coworker Arlene.

Pastor Mike praised God for continued healing in Carol Seitz’s life. Prayers of healing for Meredith, Terri, and others who have requested or may be in need of healing. Praise for a great week of meetings and blessed fellowship. Prayers for unspoken requests and prayers for a fruitful National Back to Church Sunday.

May God be glorified through our prayers. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 2nd, 2018:

Kevin lifted up praise for answered prayer and asked that God would help Shannon with her breathing issue. He praised God for BPBC and the continued brand new grace and mercy God offers, something we surely do not deserve. Kevin also lifted up prayers of healing for Deacon Brian.

Terri lifted up prayer for Wayne’s family and they mourn the loss of his cousin. Prayers for Carol Seitz as she recovers from a recent heart attack (praise report forthcoming!). Terri also lifted up prayers and a praise for her mom as she seems to be doing a bit better. Prayers mentioned for Pastor Steve’s back as well. Terri also lifted up praises thanking God for all that He has blessed her and Wayne with.

Kathy lifted up prayers for the teachers and students who return to school this week. She asked that it would be a productive and safe year. She lifted up praise for BPBC in that our church strengthens her faith. Kathy lifted up prayers for Karen and her upcoming surgery (Godwilling the date could be made sooner that Oct. 16th). Also, continued prayers for friends Kathy has mentioned in need of healing.

Edward thanked God for patience and encouraging words. He praised God that he had been approved for the waiting list with the service programs. He mentioned assuming that his lab work is good because he hasn’t heard anything lately. Edward also praised God for BPBC and the journey God has led him and us on.

Sandy praised God for answered prayer, she made mention of healing needed for sister Meredith, and also expressed answered prayer on Brian’s behalf with recent doctor visit. Sandy also made mention of a woman named Darlene who has been diagnosed with breast cancer and could surely use our prayers.

Lisa lifted up praise for answered prayer regarding some doctors visits. She also made mention of prayers for students and teachings going back to school this week.

Elder Steve H. thanked God for blessing him and his family. He also lifted up Dora and her health issues in prayer and trusted that God would keep her well.

Deacon Ed S. praised God for the recent getaway him and his wife enjoyed for their wedding anniversary – good weather and time together. May God continue to bless them in marriage and many others through the beauty of their union.

Pastor Mike prayed prayers of healing for Meredith and Carol Seitz. Praise God that we as Christians can be people to serve others through prayer, and praising God when we see it answered. Also, he prayed for happy, healthy, and wholesome Labor Day celebrations.

We lift these things up for the glory of God. In Jesus’s mighty name.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 26th, 2018:

Vicki lifted up praise for her salvation and the various Bible studies she is able to attend. Prayers lifted up and requested for her grandson Tyler and his foot pain. Prayers of behalf of our nation, while we are full of problems, we pray that our government leaders will aim to do the right thing. Vicki lifted up praises and prayers for our church and pastors. Vicki also lifted up prayers of healing for those within our congregation that are in need of it.

Kathy lifted up praise for yet another beautiful day. She praised God for answered prayer – both a good doctor visit for herself and a surgery date for Karen (Oct. 15). Kathy also mentioned prayers for our country, and those in Hawaii.

Wayne lifted up prayers for his cousin Linda (who is dealing with cancer in her lung) and his Uncle Ralph who is currently in the hospital.

Kevin lifted up praise for answered prayer and God continuing revealing His presence, and His brand new grace and mercy. Kevin lifted up prayers for Dolores and her daughter (God be with them). Continued prayers and prayers for BPBC.

Sandy lifted up praise for being able to grow in knowledge of God’s Word through teachings at BPBC. Along with an unspoken request, Sandy lifted up prayers for Alan Bondar and Brian’s health issues.

Terri lifted up continued prayers for her mom, that she feels better. She also praised God for the many blessings God has provided to her and Wayne, as well as praise for BPBC.

Edward lifted up praises for a feeling of contentment. He expressed answered prayer that has come through the doctor’s visit, and trusted that continued praises will come from more updated information and details.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise that his children have all gone away to college. He praised God for good news concerning his health issues, and pray that God would continue to provide direction and strength. Also, continued prayers for Marguerite and her mom.

Meredith lifted up praise that Larry’s eyesight has continued to advance since his surgery. She also lifted up prayers for herself concerning some nodules and cat scans. May God continue to give healthy live to her and her family.

Pastor Mike continued to praise God for and pray for a Godly contentment that is meddled with a holy discontentment. Praises for a week of good fellowship and celebrations. Praise for the truth that we sung in our morning hymnal, “Perfect peace in You (God)”. Pastor Mike prayed that God would increase his/our influence and faith as we move forward in the season of Gospel saturation. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for our upcoming leadership meeting and the family of the Senator John McCain.

We lift these things up to the Mighty and Wonderful name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, August, 18th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up prayers for Julie and Nick, and also mentioned traveling mercies for Kristen (as she travels to Columbia). He praised God for his brand new grace and mercy and the continual work God does in our lives. Also, Kevin praised God for, as well as prayed regarding, blessings and guidance for him and Denise.

Meredith exclaimed that she had “many praises” for the glory of God. Larry’s eye surgery went really well (which is surely an answer to prayers we have been lifting up). Also, Meredith praised God for her cousin Sandy’s insurance issue working out the way it did. Prayers requested for Wendy Shores.

Kathy lifted up praise for yet another wonderful Sunday, despite the rain. She lifted up praise that DJ’s back surgery went well, continued prayers for Karen and the doctor, and praises for her good visit to the doctor this week. Continued prayers for Daris.

Lisa lifted up praises for God blessing her and Steve with good travels and jobs that enable them to enjoy some vacation time in the summer. Prayers for Kaila, Jill, and Nicole (and family).

Edward thanked God for continually increasing his faith through hearing the Word, and praised God for those who preach the Word diligently. Edward also mentioned how grateful he is for Section 8 and the help they offer and prayerfully will continue. Also, Edward mentioned the need to stick to his regiment and prayers that he will have good lab/blood work this week.

Terri requested prayers for her mom, as she has had some trouble walking lately.

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for his sister-in-law Dora who struggles with Lupis. He praised God for the gifts we have all been given. Also, Steve praised God for the continued good health of his daughter, Andrea, and the great program at NYU, as well as praises for Steven and Melissa doing good with school (traveling mercies requested). Lastly, praises and prayers for his mom’s comfort and healing.

Pastor Mike lifted up praises and prayers for a recently engaged couple, Russel and his wife. May God be with them and guide them. Pastor Mike also praised God for the anniversary of Pastor Steve and Olivia. A couple of unspoken praises were mentioned, along with praises for God observably spreading the “power of Preterism”. Pastor Mike lifted up a praise and a prayer regarding our contentment as God’s people in the world, the Church, but also mentioned the need for a “holy discontentment”. Lastly, Pastor Miano lifted up continued prayers for direction, wisdom, and conviction.

All of this in Jesus’ name, for the glory of God.

Here are our BPBC praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 5th, 2018:

Terri lifted up prayers for her mom, as she has been having a rough time lately, may God give her comfort and strength. Also, prayers of patience and peace for Terri and Wayne. May they find their vacationing time refreshing.

Kathy lifted up praise for another day of beautiful weather. She lifted up prayers for Daris, as she is in the hospital, and we trust God’s presence will bring her comfort and peace.

Meredith lifted up praise for answered prayer regarding Wendy Shores and her health issues. Wendy is doing well and continued prayers for her overcoming cancer (and may it stay in remission). Meredith also praised God that Esther continues to do well with her new heart. Meredith lifted up prayers for Larry and the eye surgery he will be going through this week. May God be with the doctors and may there be no more hang-ups or problems occurring with Larry’s sight.

Sandy lifted up prayers regarding an unspoken request.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise and prayer, especially a trust in God’s providence. Noting a bit of disappointment regarding the issue of flights to get to Michigan and not being able to speak at the Spirit & Life Lectures this year, however never stressed, because God’s will is God’s way. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for two specific friends – Andrew and things he is growing through and Johanna as she seeks healing and physical recovery. Prayers for our upcoming season of saturation – may God provide wisdom, goals, and inspiration for our walk in Him. And Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for Steve and Gladys as they enjoy some vacation time together.

All things for His glory in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our BPBC praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 22nd, 2018:

Kevin lifted up prayers requesting travel mercies for family traveling home from Ireland. Kevin also praised God for His brand-new grace, mercy, and blessings. He prayed that God would continue to watch over his children and guide and bless him and Denise.

Edward H. lifted up praise for the wisdom God has blessed him with – knowing God and knowing himself. He praised God that he is getting rid of bad habits and constantly growing mentally, Spiritually, and physically.

Terri lifted up prayers for our nation and our president. Also, Terri praised God for the great vacation her and Wayne had.

Kathy praised God for and continued to pray for Karen and her surgery. She praised God for a beautiful day and a great trip to Sight and Sound. Also, Kathy praised God for the recent running into a friend she hasn’t seen in 50 years! And of course, she prayed that God would allow her friendship to continue and be blessed.

Pastor Steve lifted up prayers for Jamie’s grandfather who had a stroke and is the hospital. Prayers that God may give him comfort, healing, and recovery.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for the White family and their recent move and made mention of prayers for the new neighbors that will be moving in on Maple St. Pastor Mike praised God for His judgements revealed, and reminded our congregation to praise God for all that was revealed in the first century and commemorated by the Jewish commemoration of Tisha B’av. May more Christians see the power and validity of what God did through that historic destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple. Pastor Mike lifted up praises and prayers for the birthday and anniversaries being celebrated amongst us this week. Also, prayers were lifted up that God would grow and fill our church as He see’s fit, prayers for a friend named Gianmichael, and that the influence of our church may grow.

We lift these things up for the glory of God. In Jesus Christ’s mighty name.

Here are our BPBC praises & prayers as of Sunday, July 15th, 2018:

Edward praised God for healing and how walking has played a part. He praised God that he knows his limits in regards to his health and lifted up prayers for good lab results.

Kathy lifted up praise that the rain had stopped and it turned out to be a rather pretty day. She lifted up praise for answered prayer regarding Karen’s surgery (you will go through non-evasive surgery). Kathy requested traveling mercies regarding a trip to Lancaster. And lastly, Kathy lifted up prayers on behalf of the USA.

Sandy lifted up answered prayer regarding Michael’s good results in recent tests. Also, prayers were lifted up for Brian to find a good doctor and diagnosis for things he has been dealing with. Healing and comfort for Brian as well.

Meredith lifted up praise for the guidance of God in her life. Prayers for Larry and the progressing cataract he is dealing with. Meredith lifted up prayers for friends Jesse (3rd round of fighting cancer), Dave (battling with cancer), and continued prayers for Wendy.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for his life and praised God for the peace He provides as we move through it. Steve requested discernment and strength, he praised God that his kids are doing well (pertaining to health and school work), and continued prayers for good health (Steve is doing some annual testing).

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for attending PPW 2018 and reuniting with Mike Ferris for blessed fellowship. He lifted up prayers for those who serve in ministry or simply our brethren that might need a word of encouragement and/or rebuke – May God provide. May the people of God commit to “take notice” and “act” when we can. Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the birthdays we are celebrating among us these next couple weeks. Praise and prayer for the “Preterist movement” and all that and who keeps it going to truly bring forth the “healing of the nations”. And, Pastor Mike praised God for the beautiful insights found in 2 Peter chapter 1.

We lift up these things to the glory of God, in and through Jesus Christ’s mighty name.

Here are our BPBC corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 8th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up prayers for Sarah and Gary. He also praised God for answered prayer and for guiding and blessing him and Denise. He lifted up praises for Frank and the power of answered prayer. Lastly, Kevin lifted up praises for our pastors and the community here at BPBC.

Terri lifted up prayers for the soccer players stuck in the cave. She expressed trust in the Lord’s helping them.

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful weekend. She lifted up praise for miraculous answered prayer concerning Karen. She went to the doctor this weekend and they found that there was no mass, however she may have a hurdle concerning ducts. Continued prayers would be appreciated. Also, more answered prayer, concerning her desire to volunteer at the library.

Edward H. lifted up praise for a good visit to the doctor and a good report of his blood pressure increasing. He praised God for and prayed that God would continue restoring his body to good health through walking, resting, and moderating his lifestyle.

Sandy lifted up praise for answered prayer concerning her nephew Michael and she requested continued prayer. Also, she prayed for Brian and necessary healing regarding his issues and ailments. Sandy also lifted up prayers for sister Terri’s mom and her recent fall.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the authenticity, thinking, and knowledge that is evident here at BPBC. He prayed to God regarding recent gun violence that has taken place throughout our nation and expressed trust in God’s wisdom and providence, and thus “healing of the nations”. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for the Preterist community that there would be continued unity, focus, and mission – especially at the next two conferences in Oklahoma and Michigan. May God be glorified. Also, Pastor Mike prayed for an increased wisdom, direction, and presence of God in his life.

All of this for the glory of God. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our BPBC praises and prayers as of Sunday, July 1st, 2018:

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for God’s providential care and provision of good health for his family. Steve mentioned that Gladys fell recently in the mall and could use our prayers of comfort and healing. He also lifted up prayers concerning some health issues in his life.

Sandy lifted up praise for a praying church and a good trip recently to California. She praised God for the visit with her nephew Michael, and while mentioning that he is doing ok, he could surely use our continued prayers.

Kathy thanked God for His love and providence. She praised God for BPBC. She lifted up continued prayers for Karen and her upcoming surgery. We pray with her that the surgery will be easy and comfortable. Prayers for Daris whom Kathy hasn’t heard from lately. Lastly, Kathy lifted up prayers for families that were affected at the recent newspaper shooting.

Edward lifted up praise for the maintaining of good health. He praised God that though he walks and exercises much, he knows his limits. He praised God for excellent news from the doctor.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise and prayers for the recent conferences he attended and the God-glorifying efforts they produced. He praised God for some gained new friends: Phil, Chaz, and Andrew, and prayers that they would be mutually benefitted by this newfound friendship. He prayed for the upcoming Semi-Annual meeting – namely involving examination and effectivity. As we look to some recent tragic events, killing of the young man in the Bronx, shooting of a rapper, and the shooting at the newspaper company, we are reminded of our call to “mourn with those who mourn” (cf. Romans 12:15).

We lift these things up for the glory of God through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our BPBC corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, June 17th, 2018:

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for his children and all that is happening in their lives and efforts. He praised and prayed to God that although he is going through some things, God is seeing him through it all.

Edward H. lifted up praise for BPBC and for responsible fathers.

Kathy praised God for and prayed for fathers. She also mentioned that her daughter is going to need to have liver surgery. We request prayers that it will be able to be done through laser. Kathy praised God for the school year and prayed that the teachers and students enjoy the summer. She also prayed for her friend Daris.

Pastor Mike praised God for fatherhood and the beauty of responsible fathers. He lifted up praise for the virtue of responsibility. He also lifted up prayers for those who celebrate with their fathers, those who miss or mourn their fathers, and comfort and peace to all situations regarding fatherhood. Pastor Mike prayed that God would always equip us as a people who “discern the times” and that we be encouraged and edified to live that out.

We lift these things up, alone with continued prayers of the saints, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, June 10th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up continued prayers for Sandy’s nephew, Michael. He also praised God that He is present in his life, that He works in His life, and that he has the opportunity to learn at BPBC. He praised God that He goes before and guides our pastors. Kevin also lifted up continued prayers for him and Denise, as well as his children.

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful day and God’s healing hand. She asked for prayer as she is still not feeling 100% better and is dealing with some upper respiratory issues. Kathy praised God that she was able to be back at BPBC and lifted up prayers for her daughter Karen as she recently tore a ligament in her foot.

Sandy lifted up praises and prayers regarding the Hope Day contacts that we made and hoped that God would keep and guide them. Sandy also prayed for Brian’s health and hoped that not only will they have the traveling mercies of God as they go to California that Brian will get some healing rest.

Wayne lifted up prayers for his Aunt Dolores as she deals with some complications regarding her hip surgery. May God provide healing and comfort to friends and family mentioned.

Elder Steve H. praised God for answered prayer regarding health reports and family.

Vicki lifted up praises for God’s salvation in her life, praises for answered prayer regarding Sandy’s nephew, and praise for Kathy’s health. Also, Vicki praised God for all that she learns at the various Bible studies she attends through BPBC. Vicki lifted up prayers for the United States and the efforts happening with North Korea.

Edward H. praised God for insights shared at BPBC (specifically mentioning Pastor Mike’s shared insight of “Doing what your supposed to do…”, and thanked God for giving him constant discernment.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for God’s sovereighty and His continued work in our lives and through His Church. He praised God for the current season God has placed him in. Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for the loved ones of Pastor Allen Mason of Solid Rock Ministries, North Carolina, as they mourn his passing from the earthy into eternity. May God provide for and comfort them. He also lifted up praises and prayers his work with various pastoral networks. Prayers lifted up for the Schilling’s as they are away, and praises for meeting a brother in the faith named Ricardo this week.

  • Surely we all praise God that we had some visitors this past Sunday. May God continue to call and lead others to find value in what we offer in ministry at The Blue Point Bible Church.

In Jesus’s mighty name we pray.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, June 3rd, 2018:

Sandy offered a Hope Day praise report and spoke of the various connections and prayers lifted up, especially mentioning a woman named Asna and a man named Kevin (among others).

Kevin lifted up praises and prayers for Shannon and her new business. He also prayed for himself and Denise, that God would individually and collectively (as a couple) be with them and guide them. Kevin also lifted up prayers for his children and a continued leading and revealing of God’s renewed mercy and grace. Kevin praised God for the praise report given by Sandy regarding Hope Day.

Terri praised God for our Hope Day partnership and the smile she had (as well as the smiles she saw) all throughout our participating in God’s work. She praised God for the subtle goodness that in people. She lifted up prayers for John Steward (who was recently in an accident), also she mentioned a little girl with a brain tumor, and continued prayers for Deidre and her fight against cancer.

Meredith lifted up praise for the beauty God reveals throughout our days. She also praised God for sister Sandy’s testimony and sharing regarding Hope Day. Meredith lifted up prayers for Larry’s friend George who is in need of healing, as well as Betty and her husband, who need healing and comfort. She praised God for a good visit to the Dr. with Larry and that the doctor sees improvement.

Edward lifted up praise for “a decent report” regarding a visit to the eye doctor, and praised God that he could say he has good vision at his age.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the unity that continues to be seen and fostered within the Body of Christ. May God provide leaders and church’s with wisdom to foster and increase unity and peace. He also praised God for the new season ahead (naturally as we move into summer, in his personal life, as well as a new season with our work as a church (Season of Fire). He also prayed that he and we (the church) will continually seek God’s direction and that we would always be found following after Christ in our thoughts and work. Also, prayers for those we have not seen this past Sunday, or weeks prior. May God keep them in His hand.

We lift these things up in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here is a list of our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 27th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up praise regarding the blessings and guidance that have been provided to him and Denise. He prayed for his children that God would continue to watch over them. Kevin lifted up praise for Pastor Steve’s sharing of Psalm chapter 18 and answered prayer. Also, Kevin lifted up praise regarding Pastors Mike and Steve, and asked God to continue to guide them.

Vicki thanked God for who He is and her coming into agreement with His Word. She prayed for our nation. Vicki lifted up prayers for her grandson and his internship in NYC. She also praised God for BPBC and our pastors who preach the Bible and the 2 Bible studies she attends and gets blessed by learning. She also praised God for the Kingdom of God.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for good health and the incredibly high grades his kids have received at school recently. He prayed that we would all have and develop a collective regard for our nation and to actually take care of the veterans in need that we may see.

Edward H. lifted up praise that he is back to good health after 4 days in bed. He praised God for being a “healing God”!

Meredith lifted up praise for good health and for Esther’s recovery! She also lifted up prayers for Wendy, and she “has not heard much of a report and hopes that no news is good news”. She also lifted up prayers for two of her husband’s coworkers who are battling severe health issues – George and Dave.

Pastor Mike lifted up thoughts concerning the prayer of Jabez – that God would expand the territory of our ministry and increase our influence in the community. He also praised God for the faith of David, as expressed in Psalm chapter 18 (as shared in our Responsive Reading). Pastor Mike also thanked God for His providence and work in our lives and our world. He also praised God and prayed regarding the “Season of Fire” we will be moving into beginning of June.

May God be glorified through our prayers. In Jesus’s mighty name.

Here are our corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, May 20th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up praise for answered prayer, especially concerning Sandy’s nephew, Michael. He also praised God for His renewed mercy and grace, as well as God guiding and going before our pastors in their teachings. Kevin praised God for His presence in his life and prayed that God would continue to bless and guide him and Denise.

Terri lifted up prayers for Wayne as he went through with the Richard Petty experience.

Sandy lifted up praises and prayers for the upcoming Hope Day, ultimately that God would provide divine appointments. She praised God for and petitions continued sustenance for her nephew Michael and all he is dealing with. Also, Sandy asked God for traveling mercies as she goes to visit friends in DC, and God willing an open door to share things her and Brian have come to know.

Jack lifted up praise regarding the hope God has given to us. Also, praises and continued prayers for Bill as he has come through the bypass surgery, but is still in need of comfort and healing.

Pastor Steve lifted up prayers for Stew who is having a knee operation and Bill who will prayerfully be effective in his battle with cancer.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for God’s peace and work that is at work in our world. Prayers that God would continue to mend dissensions and demolish strongholds especially as we continue to seek His face. Prayers for those hurting in Texas and the Middle East – Lord, increase the peace. Pastor Mike also prayed that God would increase our faith and further our hopes. And he prayed for the “Preterist Community” as they deal with various debates and discussions that build up and edify the Body of Christ.

Meredith lifted up continued prayers for Wendy Shores, and for Esther as she continues her struggles with the heart transplant. Also, she lifted up praises regarding the stabilizing of Larry’s vision, however continued prayers for him as he deals with severe dry eye.

We lift these things up in the powerfully effective and efficient name of Jesus Christ. To God be the glory!

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 13th, 2018

Kevin praised God in advance for answered prayer. He also lifted up Tom and trusted that our Sovereign Lord will be with him. Kevin lifted up prayers for his children and praised God for the continued blessings him and Denise experience.

Kathy lifted up a prayer for the blessing of mothers (those gathered with us and those who couldn’t be with us). Also, Kathy praised God for answered prayer, as her cousin’s wife, Carol, (whom we have been praying for) no longer needs surgery. Karen is waiting on test results which we hope will help come back with a good bill of health. Kathy made mention of Josephine and Danny who recently lost their son. Also, she praised God that Pastor Mike is back in the pulpit and expressed how blessed it was to have Pastor Schilling lead our service last week.

Vicki prayed many blessings upon those mothers gathered with us at church. She prayed for our nation, in need of protection with so many surrounding enemies. Vicki also expressed praise for the many things she has learned and the blessed stature of Saturday morning Bible studies.

Edward H. lifted up praise for BPBC and prayed that mothers find themselves having a blessed Mother’s Day. Edward lifted up prayer regarding the constant barrage of “dysfunctional tv shows” that influence our society. Edward made mention of the need of more virtuous shows and media to show proper function to the next generation.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the faithfulness of God in giving each of us wisdom as we seek His face. He praised God for the grace and encouragement found in and through BPBC. He lifted up praise and prayer for his mom, whom he said is his “real life hero”. Pastor Mike also praised God for the recent increase in opportunities to do ministry, including COTA. He seconded Edward’s prayer in regards to the desire to see more virtue and morality highlighted in our society. He also lifted up prayers for the many people who have reached out to him in the last couple weeks with prayer requests, making special mention of the family and friends of a young woman named Jessica Nazdan.

Meredith lifted up praise for her nephew recently becoming an Eagle Scout and how he has turned out to be a wonderful young man. Also, Meredith mentioned a friend reaching out and requesting prayer, Cheryl Folk – who is praying for those who are not saved by the grace of God in her family. Meredith also lifted up prayers for her own family (trusting in the providence and sovereignty of God). Continued prayers requested for Barbara (heart palpitations) and Esther (who is now back in the hospital due to some complications).

Jack lifted up prayers for his brother Jerry and praise for his mother (who raised him to believe in Jesus Christ).

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayer and that his children are doing well. He also praised God for traveling mercies as he recently returned from China, and prayers for a health concern.

We lift up all these things in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our BPBC corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, April 29th, 2018:
Kevin lifted up praise for answered prayer and for the knowledge and learning that comes from being present at BPBC. He also praised God for going for Pastor Steve and Pastor Mike. Kevin made mention of some prayers of healing for friends and loved ones, and thanked God for the continued blessings He provides to him and Denise. He also prayed for his children, as he has not had ample opportunity to be there for them lately.

Kathy lifted up praise for another day. She also praised God for answered prayer on behalf of her daughter’s friend. Kathy lifted up prayers seeking comfort from the Lord for her and her cousin’s wife as they mourn Kathy’s cousin’s passing into eternity. Kathy also lifted up prayers for Barbara who is dealing with COPD.

Edward H. praised God for being a consistent God and for the people and circumstances He places in our lives for our edification. Edward mentioned Psalm 105 and praised God for being our strength. Edward expressed an attitude of gratitude and asked God to increase His faith.

Pastor Mike prayed  comfort and a peace that surpasses all understanding to surround sister Kathy and her family. He also lifted up praises and prayers for his friend Benny who is now home and healing after being intubated due to a severe asthma attack. Pastor Miano also lifted up prayers seeking continued guidance, discernment, and wisdom from above from our mighty Lord.

We lift these things up, as well as the silent praises and prayers of the saints, in the mighty and precious name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our praises and praises as of Sunday, April 22nd, 2018:

Vicki lifted up prayers for her girlfriend’s husband who had brain surgery and is recovering well. Vicki lifted up praises for her granddaughter getting accepted and ready to start the nursing program at Stony Brook University. Also, Vicki lifted up praise for the gift of salvation made known through Jesus Christ.

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful Sunday, and prayers that we would each find ample opportunity to enjoy the day. She expressed having a blessed past week through the various moments she had to celebrate her birthday. Kathy prayed for Karen, as she has been dealing with some testing regarding her stomach of liver duct. Also, Kathy went to the doctor this week for her allergies (prayerfully she is feeling better already). Also, she lifted up prayers for her cousin in Florida who is recovering from shoulder surgery.

Edward lifted up praise that Vicki said she will help him a bit by cooking some meals for him. He lifted up praise and prayer regarding the acting in sync of his spirit, mind, and body. Also, Edward lifted up a beautiful prayer that his needs would be sustained and supported by the Word of God, and that the “inward man” would be renewed day by day.

Sandy praised God for Spiritual growth and all that is learned through the ministry at BPBC, allowance for increase in the things of God. She lifted up praise for answered prayer, as her nephew Michael had a wonderful week, and we trust that the Lord has him in the palm of His hands.

Steve M. lifted up prayers for his parents and their health concerns – they are both doing substantially better and we continue to pray them through getting better.

Jack lifted up prayer for his brother-in-law Bill who is dealing with triple bypass surgery. Also, prayers for increased effectiveness of the BPBC’s ministry.

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for a coworker whose wife has brain cancer and asked that God would comfort them both. He praised God for answered prayer, all the while lifting up continued prayers for Andrea (as she deals with some insurance issues). Also, Steve prayed for all who might deal with insurance issues (may the Lord help those with that burden). Steve requested traveling mercies for next week, as he travels for work, and requested prayer for some personal health issues he has been dealing with.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the breaking in of Spring, and praise for a new season – in the world, and in our personal lives. He praised God for the wonderful planet we get to enjoy, as we recently celebrated Earth Day. Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for the continued efforts of recovery on Long Island, the many friends and family he knows of who need a healing touch from God, and prayers for those enjoying activities that kept them from joining as – Kevin and Denise, Terri and Wayne, etc.

In Jesus’s name we pray.

Here are our BPBC corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, April 15th, 2018:

Sandy lifted up praise for answered prayer and praised God for BPBC, as well as His continued lovingkindness and grace.

Edward H. praised God that his internal bleeding has stopped, that he has come to be aware and to terms with his limitations, and the welcoming nature of BPBC. Edward was glad to join us and praised the edification he received through Adult Sunday School.

Kevin lifted up prayers for George, Peter, Frank, Leslie, and Rob who are unemployed and could use the provision of our Lord. He also lifted up continued prayers for Sandy’s nephew, Michael. Kevin praised God for the body gathered at BPBC, the healing of God to bring Pastor Steve through his recent surgery, answered prayer, and a continued trust that God will bless him and Denise.

Vicki praised God for her salvation. She also begged God to watch over our nation, especially in light of recent international conflicts. Vicki praised God for BPBC and our various Bible studies, and of course, the pure and undefiled Word of God. She also lifted up praise that Pastor Steve’s surgery went well.

Kathy prayed that the upcoming weeks weather wouldn’t be too bad. She prayed away her bout with allergies. Kathy praised God that her friend in Florida is healing since her fall and has found a new church. Also, she praised God for our country and the attendance of Edward H.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the accountability that God provides through His Word and Spirit. He prayed for our nation, specifically a grace and wisdom given to our President. Pastor Mike also praised God for His renewed mercy and grace, and His constant gentleness and joy provided.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for his families good health. Andrea is doing well, Steven traveled to school in Syracuse this week (we prayed for traveling mercies). Also, Steve lifted up prayer for some ongoing concerns and increased joy.

Terri lifted up continued prayers regarding her mom’s bout with dementia. She also lifted up prayers for friends Hank, Barbara, and Sam (traveling mercies). Terri praised God for BPBC and all the blessings her, Wayne, and the dogs enjoy.

Meredith lifted up praise that Esther is home (answered prayer indeed!). Esther’s testimony is impacting many and we pray for her continued healing.

We lift these things up for the glory of God! In the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our BPBC corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 8th, 2018:

Meredith thanked the Lord for a good week. She also praised God that her husband’s vision is getting better and she surely gives God all the glory. Meredith also praised God that Esther and her new heart are going well (answered prayer). She also lifted up prayers  of healing and peace for brother Steve M’s family, and a peace that surpasses all understanding to be with him and Lisa.

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful day and the bringing in of Spring. Kathy lifted up specific prayers for a friend named Diane who fell last week and hurt herself. Kathy lifted up praise for her opportunity to work in the school and prayed for a good return this week. She also lifted up prayers for a friend named Rose who recently lost her companion of 17 years. May God give Rose peace.

Sandy lifted up praise that it was a good week for her nephew Michael. Sandy praised God, lifted up unspoken requests, and asked that God would completely heal Michael.

Deacon Brian lifted up praise for open hearts and minds and how thankful we are for the work of God. Brian also lifted up prayers for the young hockey players and the families affected by the accident in Canada.

Pastor Mike lifted up praised that the recent robbery at 711 in our area didn’t leave anyone injured and the man was caught and justice will be served.  He also lifted up praises and prayers for the upcoming opportunities happening at BPBC (Single Parents Social, Sunday Nights, and more). Pastor Mike also lifted up praise for a call he received from a brother named Bill offering encouraging insights how he has affected and blessed by the ministry and works of BPBC former pastor, Claire Chandler. Glory to God!

All these things are lifted up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our BPBC corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 1st 2018:

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful Easter Sunday, and the opportunity to gather so that God will fill our hearts with love and peace. Kathy also lifted up praise for answered prayer regarding someone in her program. She also prayed that we would all have a peaceful day with family and friends, as well as a blessed week ahead.

Meredith lifted  up praise for the new life we have through Christ’s sufferings. She also lifted up praises for Esther as she had received the donor for a new heart. Now we lift up prayers for the funds needed to pay all the medical bills and for Esther’s recovery.

Terri lifted up praises for the effect Christ’s sufferings had on His people. May we walk worthy of such a power and bless those who need the truth from God.

Sandy lifted up praises for the victory of Christ’s resurrection. She lifted up continued prayers for her nephew Michael, namely that his health would take a miraculous turn for the better. She also lifted up prayers for her girlfriend’s mom who is dealing with pneumonia.

Pastor Mike lifted up praises for the resurrection power. He also lifted up prayers for some of the unfortunate things we have read in our local news lately – the safety and work of our police department (as well as necessary reforms), the family of the young man shot my police in the news, the local judge who was arrested (may God bring him through with wisdom and peace), and the families in the accident who suffered due to a driver on drugs.

We lift all these things up, for the glory and blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here are our BPBC praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 25th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up praise for the grace and mercy of God. He lifted up prayers for the family of Frank who passed away last week. He prayed for God’s guidance and care for his children, and continued blessings for him and Denise. Kevin requested traveling mercies for all the guests visiting for our Bible conference.

Meredith lifted up praise for the love and the peace, among other God-glorifying qualities that are found in and through BPBC. She lifted up a praise regarding Esther’s heart transplant. She praised God that Esther has such a firm testimony. Also, Meredith praised God for a great conference this past weekend.

Sandy lifted up a praised for the great environment God created here at BPBC. She praised God for His Truth which we can all take with us. She lifted up continued prayers of healing and strength for her nephew Michael.

Terri lifted up praise for a wonderful weekend. She praised God for the work of BPBC and the leadership that guides our church. She lifted up praise for the many blessings in her life, in Wayne’s life, and evident throughout her family.

Kathy lifted up praise for the arrival of Spring. She praised God that He kept the snow away for our conference. Praise God for sure! Kathy remarked that this was the best annual conference we had yet at BPBC. Also, Kathy lifted up prayers for Karen’s health and allergies and that God would providentially get everything under control for her.

Pastor Mike lifted up a praise beyond words for what God put together this past weekend at BPBC. All the great fellowship, great teachings, and the conversations have surely been edifying. He also prayed traveling mercies for all those who needed to head home following the conference.

Pastor Steve lifted up praise for a God-glorifying weekend filled with truth, honesty, and searching. He praised God and prayed that more and more would be drawn into His effectual truth.

We lift these things up to and for God’s glory, in Jesus’s mighty name.

Our BPBC corporate praises and prayers as of last Sunday, March 18th, 2018.

Kevin lifted up praise for answered prayer, and God’s daily, brand-new, grace and mercy. He lifted up praise that God truly hears and answers his prayers.

Vicki lifted up praise for answered prayer. She lifted up prayers for our nation. Vicki said a specific prayer concerning the weather and the church conference.

Brian lifted up a heavy-hearted prayer for Sandy’s nephew Michael. Michael could really use the touch and power of God’s healing hand. Prayers not only for his emotional and physical healing, but also for his mother and his children.

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful day. She praised and prayed for continued good weather. She lifted up prayers of healing for Karen (especially as she went to dr. this week) and prayers for a friend with a kidney infection.

Meredith praised God for another day and good health. She lifted up continued prayers for Esther and a trust in God’s timing regarding the providing of a new heart. She prayed that God would keep Wendy in good spirits as she went for scans this week. She also lifted up prayer of healing for her nephew.

Pastor Mike praised God for and prayed for a young man he man through the HA program named Matty. Pastor Miano felt blessed by that conversation and hoped he encouraged Matty’s efforts at sobriety. Pastor Miano lifted up prayers for those effect by the disaster in Miami earlier in the week. He also lifted up prayers of edification for those who have been following the IO debate. And lastly, Pastor Miano lifted up prayers for the upcoming conference and travel mercies for all our speakers and attendees.

May God be glorified as we lift these things up, in and through Jesus Christ.

Here are our BPBC praises and prayers, as of Sunday, March 11th, 2018:

Terri lifted up praises for the many blessings God provides to her and Wayne. She also praised God for all that she has learned about God and His Word at BPBC. Terri lifted up prayers for Raven and her sickness (prayerfully doctors can figure out her stomach issues). Also, Terri lifted up continued prayers for her coworkers friend Joan.

Sandy lifted up continued prayers for her nephew Michael. He had a had a tough last week and could surely use a loving touch from God. Also, Sandy lifted up healing prayers for Raven.

Meredith lifted up continued prayers of peace and comfort for Wendy who is waiting on her latest results, and continued prayers for Esther who is in need of a heart transplant. Also, she lifted up prayers for her nephew Josh who had gone to the emergency room last week with a swollen face. She also lifted up prayers for Joe and his health issues.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayer and that his daughter continues to do well dealing with MS. He praises God that he was able to get all the medical and insurance information he did to find the help his daughter needed and coupled that with prayers for those who are not always able to get the help they need. He lifted up prayers for Kathy who is need of a hip replacement, as well as prayed for himself as he deals with some personal health issues.

Pastor Miano lifted up praise for a great and God-glorifying week. He exclaimed that he saw God’s hand in a lot of what happened throughout the week. Pastor Miano lifted up prayers, as well as a praise, regarding the healing of Raven. He also lifted up prayers for the Bayport- Blue Point community as they celebrate St. Patrick’s Day (namely that they would experience the God that St. Patrick knew and praised). Lastly, Pastor Miano lifted up prayers for various friends that need the healing and peace of God.

We lift up all these things, among other things that remain in our hearts and minds, for the glory of God in and through Jesus’s mighty name.

Here are our BPBC praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 25th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up prayers for a friend getting a biopsy (that there will be good results). He praised God for His continued presence and blessing. He also praised God for BPBC and pastors Mike and Steve for their work in helping us understand the Bible. He prayed for his children and continued blessings upon him and Denise.

Meredith lifted up praise for family and friends. She petitioned the Lord regarding continued prayers for Wendy (still battling cancer) and Esther (who is waiting for a heart transplant). Also, Meredith lifted prayers for the donor family regarding that heart. May God intricately work wonders through all the details.

Sandy thanked God for the many blessings He provides in her life. She lifted up praises and prayers regarding her nephew Michael’s faith and his continued battle with cancer. May God bring comfort and healing in response to our continued prayers.

Pastor Mike thanked God for the conviction and wisdom that He provides. He inquired that the Lord continue to refocus His Church on what we should be thinking about, talking about, and doing. Pastor Mike expressed an honest frustration with the seeming immature state of the Body of Christ. He prayed for a young man that he saw on social media writing questions about God and the purpose of life. Prayerfully Pastor Miano’s shared works brought peace and knowledge to that young man. Lastly, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers of providence over his upcoming debate regarding the Israel Only view, as well as the XD Youth movement.

In Jesus’s mighty and beautiful name, we pray.

Here is a list of our BPBC praises and prayers as of Sunday, February, 18th, 2018:
Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful day and that we didn’t get too much snow (“just enough to make it pretty”). Kathy is still mourning the passing of her friend Barbara, and continues to ask the Lord to provide peace to her, others who loved Barbara, and especially Barbara’s husband. Kathy lifted up praise that her daughter was going to a reunion in Florida (she needs it), and lifted up prayers for the families suffering due to the Parkland shooting.

Terri lifted up prayers for her sister and brother-in-law. That God would be with them and provide them peace.

Vicki lifted up praise for the Word of God and the influence of God in her blessed life. She praised God that Anna (her granddaughter) had a good interview for school and continued prayers in that regard. She lifted up prayers for the test her grandson will be taking. She lifted up praise for BPBC, prayers for protection over our nation, and comfort for those suffering after the school shooting.

Meredith lifted up praise for the privilege to come boldly before God’s throne with petitions of prayer. She lifted up continued prayers of healing for Wendy and Esther. She praised God that they know God and trust Him!

Deacon Ed lifted up praise for the gift of salvation and praised for the peace and comfort of God to fill his home. He prayed and requested continued prayer for Chelsea (the family dog) and ease of pain as she seems to not be doing so well lately.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for those who were not able to gather with us on Sunday. May God stir and inspire us to grow as a church, taking on His mission to bring love, grace, and clarity into a disoriented society. He lifted up prayers for the families suffering loss due to the Parkland shooting and called the Church to action. Also, Pastor Mike praised God knowing that it is He who will grow His Church, and we just need to follow faithfully in our discipleship.

We lift up all things for the glory of God. In the might name of Jesus.

Our community praises and prayers as of BPBC as of Sunday, February 11th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up praise for God’s renewed grace and mercy. He asked God to continue to give him courage and patience in all that God puts into his life. He prayed that God be with his children, he praised God for BPBC, as well as Pastors Mike and Steve as they teach us the truth of the Word, and asked for continued blessings to be upon him and Denise.

Meredith lifted up praise for the rain, and reminded us of how the rain symbolizes future blessings. She lifted up praise that God has and prayers that He will continue to touch her with His healing hands. Meredith also lifted up prayers for those who are sick (admitting that she felt a bit raspy herself). She also lifted up continued prayers of healing for Esther and Wendy.

Terri lifted up praise for all the wonderful blessings God bestows upon her and Wayne. She lifted up praise for all that we have going on at BPBC and all that she has learned.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the life of Ellen Cougan, and all that he had the privilege of learning about her life (Ellen is Deacon Ed’s mother-in-law who passed into eternity last week). He also prayed for the Silsbe family that God gives them peace. Pastor Mike prayed that God would continue to increase our understanding of Him and His will as we diligently think through the Scriptures. He prayed regarding Ash Wednesday/ Valentine’s Day that it would provide opportunities for true repentance within our nation, and a recognition of who are true love is.

Steve & Lisa Mahr lifted up praise for all their blessings and the gift of salvation. Praise for BPBC. They also requested prayer for their daughter Kayla and the job she interviewed for. They also requested traveling mercies as they travel to Mexico this week.

All things for the glory of God, in and through Jesus Christ’s mighty name.

BPBC Corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 4th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up praise for answered prayer, and the constantly renewed and brand new grace and mercy of God. He praised God for the opportunity to know Him and His truth, as well as the constant God-led guidance offered to Pastor Mike as he teaches us. Kevin prayed that God would increase His presence in his and Denise’s lives and continue to bless them. He asked that God continue to watch over his children, and lifted up prayers for Antony.

Vicki lifted up praise for God continually providing and fulfilling the needs of our church. She praised God as a God of comfort, and asked that comfort be with the Silsbe family in their time of mourning. Vicki lifted up prayers for our nation as it is fraught with problems. And she praised God for and prayed for her granddaughter Anna and grandson Ben.

Terri lifted up praise for blessings of life and the presence of God in our church. She praised God that she and Wayne celebrated their wedding anniversary this Sunday. She also lifted up prayers for the Silsbe family, especially Gail, and coupled that with prayers for our nation.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise and prayers for the Silsbe family, and highlighted that the love and life that comes from the Silsbe family demonstrates true Christian love and example.

Deacon Ed lifted up prayers for his family. He praised God for the life his mother-in-law lived and ultimately how she passed in peace.

Meredith lifted up prayers for continued healing for Wendy and Esther, whom we have been praying for.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for Christian examples that come from men of God like Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer (whose anniversary birthday was this past Sunday). He lifted up prayers for prisons, noting the words spoken by President Donald Trump last week about advancing actions to provide more opportunities for prisoners to change their thinking and their lives. He lifted up prayers for the contined removal of stigma regarding recovery that seemingly prevailed during the recent Seafield discussions in Blue Point. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers of comfort, peace, and blessing for Kathy Dazzo, as she mourns the passing of her friend Barbara.

We lift these things up to the authority and power of God, in and through Jesus Christ.

Here are BPBC’s praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 28th, 2018:

Vicki lifted up praise for God’s healing hand. Her son-in-law was brought to the hospital with chest pains this week, praise God is wasn’t too serious. She praised God for the adulterated Word that God empowers our pastor to bring forth from the pulpit. She lifted up praise and prayer regarding the will of God and our most recent BPBC Annual Meeting and the details brought up. Lastly, Vicki praised God for the gift of salvation.

Terri lifted up praises for the many blessings she has in life, also making note of her BPBC family, and the ministry of Pastor Mike. She lifted up prayers for an old classmate named Nicki who has been sick, as well as continued prayers for a coworkers friend, Joanie.

Sandy lifted up continued prayers for her nephew Michael, especially as he starts aggressive chemotherapy this week.

Meredith praised God that her fall this week didn’t leave any broken bones. However, she did pray and ask for prayer regarding the sprain of her wrist. She also lifted up continued prayers for Wendy and Esther.

Pastor Mike lifted up the praise and prayer regarding our standing in awe of God’s Word and His will. He praised God for the privilege of leading BPBC into renewed vision for 2018. May we continue to think through the faith and produce “greater things”. He prayed for an increased clarity, love, and blessings to flow in and through our congregation.

To God be the glory. In and through Jesus Christ.

Praises and prayers we made known on Sunday, January 21st, 2018:

Kevin lifted up fear and anxiety to the Lord,  and asked that God watch over his children when he is not there. He praised God for BPBC, the opportunity to learn, and asked that God bless him and Denise. He also lifted up prayers for a friend named Antonio.

Kathy lifted up praise for yet another beautiful day. She lifted up praise for the progress in Karen’s healing, however kept her in continued prayer. She lifted up special and specific prayers for her friend Barbara, and Barbara’s husband. Lord, give them peace and comfort. Kathy also prayed for Federation and expressed concern about the government shutdown.

Meredith lifted up praises for the many blessings she has in life. She lifted up continued specific prayers for Wendy and Esther. She also praised God for a new birth into her family. Prayers for Susie and the baby.

Terri praised God for all He gives and does in her and Wayne’s life. She asked for continued prayers for her co-workers friend Joan. She praised God that Deidre is in remission, and prayed that God would keep her there. Terri made a mention of those who are hurting and need a healing touch from God.

Deacon Brian lifted up praise for the privilege of coming to God with our prayers. He lifted up prayers for Sandy’s nephew Michael, whom we have had in continued prayer. Michael’s cancer has returned. We praise God for Michael’s faith and ask the Lord to move mightily.

Vicki offered thank for the guidance and blessings of God. She lifted up prayers for our nation and the funding issues/fight happening. She praised God that Pastor Mike was able to help with some computer issues. Vicki praised God that the viral infection that she has been battling for 5-6 weeks is getting better. Vicki also praised God for Pastor Steve’s Bible Study, answered prayer, and for God continually giving us what we need at BPBC.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the attributes listed in 2 Peter chapter 1 and prayed that we would be more mindful of all that we are called to do with the knowledge of God (being instant in season and out, making the most of every opportunity).  He lifted up prayers for the many of us dealing with sickness (physical or mental), as well as for our upcoming annual meeting. Pastor Mike also lifted up prayers for our upcoming Bible conference in March, and made specific mention of blessings toward Mr. Ed Stevens and his ministry through the International Preterist Association.

Special Requests:

Stan & Cindye Coates as they deal with his aging mother.

Sarah Faith and her recent diagnosis

Ryan Cataldo and his continued growth in Christ.

Possible ministry opportunity with Steve Cox

We lift these things up in and through the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here are our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, January, 14th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up praises for the grace and mercy of God. He also praised God for Blue Point Bible Church and the various studies and efforts put forth by Pastor Mike and Pastor Steve. As he praised God for being a mighty Healer, he also lifted up continued prayers of blessing for him and Denise.

Vicki lifted up praise that through Bible study she has come to know the Lord more intimately. She praised God that His Word is precious and true, and she thanked Him for His unlimited wisdom. She committed to further study. Also, Vicki lifted up praise for answered prayers, and asked for God’s guidance for her granddaughter Anna.

Kathy praised that she was back to gathering at BPBC. She lifted up prayers for Karen and her recent hospital trip. She also lifted up prayers for a friend going through chemo, who is not a Believer, yet God might use this situation to open her eyes.

Meredith thanked the congregation for prayers last week, and praised God through her recent illness. Also, Meredith lifted up prayers for Wendy S. and that God would give her peace and strengthen her as she may be getting more chemo soon, and prayers for Esther who is in need of a heart transplant.

Terri lifted up praises for the many blessings her and Wayne enjoy. She lifted up prayers for the Roberts’ family, as they mourn the passing of John Roberts. She also lifted up prayers for a co-workers friend Joan who is going through a difficult time. Terri also lifted up praises for BPBC and all that she has learned and gained since gathering with us.

Pastor Mike lifted of praise for the God-given privilege of us to know and understand Him through His Word. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for those who might come against us (“enemies”), or speak ill of us – God bless them and correct their error. He also lifted up prayers for those who are sick in this season, ultimately that God would bring forth healing and be praised for it. And, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers of healing, wisdom, guidance, and grace for our nation.

In the mighty name of Jesus we pray.

BPBC corporate praises & prayers as of Sunday, January 7th, 2018:

Kevin lifted up praise for answered prayer as well as the privilege of knowing and being influenced by the membership at BPBC. He lifted up praise for Denise, and asked that God continues to bless them.

Sandy lifted up praise and continued prayer for healing for her nephew Michael. Lord, keep his attitude on praising you!

Terri lifted up praise for answered prayers, and the blessing of having Wayne and her mom in her life.  She also made mention of specific petition for the Roberts family as they mourn the passing of Mr. John Roberts.

Vicki praise God for the gift of salvation and answered prayer. She praised God for BPBC and asked that He continue to increase our knowledge of Him.

Pastor Mike praised God for and prayed for the influence of Mr. Ed Stevens and the International Preterist Association. He praised God for those he interacted with throughout the week and prayed that God would continue to lead him to be a blessing to others in the week to come. He also lifted up prayers for Meredith as she is dealing with Bronchitis, as well as prayers for a sister named Esther who is in need of a heart transplant.

May God be glorified through our prayers. In the mighty name of Jesus.

BPBC Praises & Prayers as of Sunday, December 31st, 2017:

Kevin lifted up prayers for a woman named Carole and lifted up prayers for “our children” and offered praise to God for continued answered prayer. Also, Kevin praised God for BPBC and the ministries of Pastor Mike & Pastor Steve.

Kathy lifted up praise for constant opportunities to testify to God’s works, especially the beautiful days He provides. She asked God to give us a blessed new year. Also, she lifted up prayers regarding her car key situation.

Terri lifted up pray for a healthy 2017 and praise the ministry of Pastor Mike and all that she has learned for the glory of God. She praised God for and prayed for Wayne and her mom, as well as our nation. She prayed for a co-workers friend Joan, and asked for continued blessings in 2018.

Meredith lifted up praises and prayers for her family. She prayed God for each day that He gives us. She prayed to God regarding her visit to the lung doctor.

Sandy prayed for good health for each of us in 2018.

Karen lifted up prayers for her family and prayed that they would find their way to church.

Pastor Mike praised God for His renewed grace and lifted up prayers for those who find themselves sick or hurting in any way. He prayed that 2018 would bring about a greater authenticity, simplicity, blessedness, and prosperity in and through His Church. Pastor Mike

Lisa lifted up praise for her salvation and for The Blue Point Bible Church. Also, she praised God for her family, friends, and her job. She asked that God would bless Kayla, Alexia, and Ashley to have strength and faith in 2018.

Ed S. prayed regarding the continued work on his home, and lifted up a specific petition for Ken, the painter’s surgery on Jan. 19th. Ed also prayed for the Blue Point community, specifically concerns and efforts pertaining to the Seafield-Ursuline discussion. Prayers for him and Alicia regarding the assault incident.

*** Meredith has requested prayer regarding her bronchitis diagnosis. Also, she asked that specific prayers be lifted up for Esther Lynn Rivas who just got added to the heart transplant list. Also, prayers for her family and others in Texas still suffering from the devastating effects of Harvey.

We lift all of these things up through the authority of Jesus Christ.

December 17th, 2017:

Kevin lifted up praise for BPBC, the ability to learn from all those who congregate here, and a great pastor who teaches us the Truth continually has God going before him. Kevin asked that God continue to guide him, continue to guide him and Denise as they grow together, and bless them.

Terri lifted up praise that Wayne’s surgery went well, and continued prayers for his healing and comfort. She lifted up prayers for those hurting and dealing with depression during this season. Terri praised God for all the gifts He has blessed her and Wayne with. She also praised God for BPBC and all the people, as well as all that we learn together.

Kathy praised God for another blessed day, she thanked God for the snow (just enough to look pretty, not to be a bad “snow day”). Kathy also lifted up prayers for a recent pull-over incident she had with a police officer. She prayed for her daughter and son-in-law, specifically that God would provide healing. Also, she praised God that the recent NYC bombing plot was foiled and no one, except the perpetrator, were hurt.

Deacon Brian prayed for a woman he met at the store whose husband is battling cancer and could surely use our prayers. He asked that God provide healing and peace.

Meredith praised God for the many gifts and blessings He has provided (specifically making mention of family, home, and friends). She also thanked God for technology and social media, since she often uses them to connect with friends. Meredith lifted up a specific petition on behalf of Wendy Shores who needs prayer for returning effects of cancer. Prayers for Wendy’s daughter who needs healing as well. Also, Meredith prayed for those dealing with the fires in California. God send them rain.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise that Jesus Christ calls those family who listen to and do the will of God (Matthew 12:50). May we walk worthy. He also lifted up prayers for the friends and family of Dr. R.C. Sproul, (who passed into eternity this week). Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for friends and family of a young man named Michael Skar (who also passed away this past week). He praised God for and prayed for Elder Steve H. and Gladys as they vacation and celebrate their anniversary.

We lift these things up for God’s glory alone, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Here are our BPBC Praises & Prayers as of December 10th, 2017:

Kevin lifted up prayers for a friend dealing with respiratory issues. He also thanked God for His guidance and direction. He asked that God would continue guiding him and provide wisdom and blessings to him and Denise. He praised God for His ever-renewing grace, day by day. Kevin also lifted up praise for Blue Point Bible Church, as well as the leadership of Pastor Mike.

Kathy lifted up praise for the pretty snow and no traveling issues. He praised God for His continued healing, and prayed he would continue to help her feel better. She lifted up prayers of healing for her son-in-law, and the treatments her friend Barbara has to go through.

Meredith lifted up praise for God’s continued watch and care over Larry. She lifted up prayers of healing for his eyes.

Brian lifted up prayers for those dealing with the fires in California, specifically that God would provide comfort for those who suffered loss.

Sandy lifted up praise for God’s healing in making her nephew, Michael, cancer free. She thanked God for Michael’s perspective of the healing, and God’s continued working in his and our lives.

Vicki lifted up praise for God being an awesome God and she thanked Him for the beautiful gift of salvation. She also thanked God for answered prayer and His protection in her life. She praised God for BPBC, Bible study, and messages from Pastor Mike. She also praised God for the visit from her daughter this week and the things she learned.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the On the Wings of Hope event that he participated in last week. (Here is a link to a news article about that service – Pastor Mike also praised God for the theology we understand at BPBC, specifically our understanding of “audience relevance”. He lifted up prayers for those who are of us, however could not be present with us in Sunday service. Pastor Mike prayed for God’s wisdom, beauty, and protection to ever be present in the Blue Point community, with the Ursuline sisters, and in the decision to move a Seafield Rehabilitation Center to Blue Point.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayer, specifically his daughter’s continue health. He lifted up praise and prayer for his family, and God’s presence in our collective prayers.

To God be the glory, in the mighty name of Jesus, we lift these things up.

Here is our BPBC praises and prayers as of Sunday, December 3rd, 2017:

Kevin lifted up prayers for Carol and her surgery this week, as well as prayed for a friend named Gary. He lifted up praise for the BPBC membership, and that the Lord always goes before Pastor Mike in his preaching.

Meredith lifted up praise for the day, for BPBC, and the fact that we are a praying church. She lifted up praises that God had continued to heal her of Bronchitis, and asked for continued necessary healing. Meredith also prayed for a friend who is having some finance issues pertaining to her medical stuff. Also, Meredith lifted up prayers for peace and encouragement for all as we are mindful of the holiday season.

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful day, and a great harvest dinner we had the week prior. Also, Kathy asked for prayer for some needed healing. Also, she mentioned her daughter Karen and her need for healing.

Elder Steve H. lifted praises for travel mercies, as he has been traveling for work a lot lately. He also praised God for His faithfulness in allowing a “peace that surpasses all understanding” regarding his job. He made mention of a woman he spoke to on the phone who mentioned healing and answered prayer.

Vicki thanked God for her salvation and offered praise for the our harvest dinner. She lifted up praise for BPBC, especially regarded to our right doctrine (preterism).

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for Christians worldwide – that we would have and be a source of peace, safety, and change within the world (“not conforming to the patterns of this world”). He also lifted up prayers for families who may be suffering and need healing during the holiday season. He praised God for and continued prayer for the increased beauty of the Bayport-Blue Point community. Pastor Mike also praised God for great fellowship at our harvest dinner and  prayers for Ed S. as he travels.

We lift these things up in the name of Jesus, for the glory of God!

BPBC Praises & Prayers as of Sunday, November 12th, 2017

Meredith lifted up praises and prayers for the Chandler family. Also, Meredith lifted up continued prayers for Wendy S. and the health issues her family are dealing with. Amidst her petitions, Meredith praises God for all that He has done and continues to do for her and her loved ones.

Terri lifted up praise for answered prayer for a co-workers friend named Joan, whom we prayed for last week. Joan is slowly recovering.

Lisa lifted up praise for the privilege and responsibility to host the church luncheon at her and Steve’s home. She also lifted up praise for The Blue Point Bible Church and all that she has learned. Lisa lifted up prayers for a foster grandparent who is dealing with chemo. Also, she lifted up praises and prayers for her and Steve’s daughters and that they continue to make wise decisions and as they grow into adulthood.

Kathy praised God for yet another beautiful day. She praised God for the elections and that everything worked out well (and of course that she had assistance in discharging her duties). Kathy lifted up prayers for her grandson as he travels for a wedding, prayers for her daughter that everything with the house and work comes together and blesses her, and she prayed about the couch she has been battling.

Pastor Mike praised God for His Church and prayed that we always remember that. The Church belongs to the Lord. He praised God for such an awesome congregation as BPBC, a group of brothers and sisters that can call one another “friend”. He praised God for His love, mercy, truth, etc. and His perfect example of being a friend who lays down His life for others. Pastor Mike prayed for veterans (namely that they found encouragement this past Veteran’s Day), as well as prayers for Sutherland Baptist – healing, comfort, and peace that surpasses all understanding. And finally, Pastor Mike closed out his prayer by praying for all who are sniffling, couching, and aching this season.

In Jesus’ s mighty name and for His glory alone!

BPBC Praises & Prayers as of Sunday, November 5th, 2017:

Terri made mention of coworkers in her praise and prayers, and that Joan is doing well with treatments. Also, she lifted up praise for the many blessings of being able to attend and be involved with Blue Point Bible Church.

Sandy lifted up praise for answered prayer. Her nephew, Michael, whom we have been praying for is now cancer free! Glory to God. Also, the greatest is that Michael gives all the glory to God as well!

Kathy lifted up praise that the Lord enabled her to get to church on Sunday. She lifted up prayers for her daughter and her efforts with unemployment. She also lifted up prayers about Election Day, and namely that she would have more help in running the polls she works at. She lifted up prayers for our U.S. veterans, as well as prayers for sister Marilyn.

Vicki lifted up praise for a good and profitable lesson in Sunday School. She thanked God for continually showing Himself faithful in blessing our church. She lifted up specific prayers for Pastor Miano and some health and personal issues that have been bothering him. Vicki also lifted up prayers for the United States and her granddaughter Anna’ upcoming nursing exam.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for a great Harvestfest outreach that was held on the church property. He lifted up prayers for the United States and the political processes. He prayed that veterans would find a special dose of encouragement this week as we move closer to Veteran’s Day. He also lifted up an unspoken request concerning some sickness and frustration.

In Jesus’s mighty name we pray.


Here are our BPBC Praises & Prayers as of Sunday, October 15th, 2017:

Kevin lifted up prayers for Denise that she would find her way back to God. He lifted up praise for BPBC, the teachings of Pastor Mike, and most importantly the continued grace and mercy of God.

Sandy lifted up praise for a praying church. She praised God that her nephew, Michael, sees God through all his healing and that God would comfort him through the road ahead, especially his upcoming chemotherapy. Also, Sandy lifted up prayers for those suffering with the fires in California, especially for her friend in that area.

Meredith lifted up praise for the continued goodness of God. She lifted up praise for the Lord providing continued good health to Wendy, and she lifted up prayers for Wendy’s daughter, Kristen, who is need of healing.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise and prayer regarding our “eager anticipation” of God’s presence with us in our assembly. He prayed that God would go before Him and control his speech He praise and prayed that God would continue to be the God of our nation so that we can experience His blessings. Pastor Mike also lifted up prayers of healing for all those who have been affected mentally, physically, and/or Spiritually through the Vegas shooting.

We lift up all these things, our sacrifice of praise, and those things which are found in our innermost minds and hearts for the glory of God. In Jesus’s mighty name.

Here are our BPBC praises & prayers as of Sunday, October 1st, 2017:

*** It surely has been a beautiful but trying week. As many of us are still reeling from the events that took place last Sunday evening in Las Vegas, we praise God for those who were willing to risk their own lives to help, and are continuing. I know our prayers have been in one accord all week.

Vicki lifted up praise concerning the privilege to be a child of God. She praised God that her accountant friend wasn’t affected too much by the storms in Florida. She also lifted up praise for BPBC and the various Bible studies we have. She lifted up urgent prayers for Puerto Rico, and prayers for the issues her daughters have. She praise God that she will continue to know and grow in Him.

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful Autumn day. She praised God that her grandson turned 26 on Sunday, as well as a praise regarding the ongoing state of Federation, which we have been praying for. Kathy also lifted up prayers for her friend Diane in Florida, prayers for her daughter’s mortgage issues, and prayers for her upcoming travels.

Terri lifted up prayers for Ed and Gail in all that they do. She also lifted up prayers for Puerto Rico, especially for Wayne’s family that are there. Also, prayers for all who were affected by storms in various places.

Brian lifted up praise that the BPBC supported him and his family as they mourned the passing of his mother. He praised God for the help both our pastors at BPBC expressed. Brian lifted up continued prayers for Sandy’s nephew, Michael, that God would be with him. Also, prayers for those affected by the storms.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for the various opportunities he gets to speak with others about the grace of God. He lifted up prayers for his and Gladys’ family members who may have been affected by the storms. He also lifted up an elderly woman at work who was worried about her family, who she hadn’t heard from, in Puerto Rico. Steve concluded his prayer with a desire that more and more people who look away from the false representations of Christ, and seek out His true Church.

Pastor Mike concluded our prayer time lifting up those suffering loss in Puerto Rico. He prayed for wisdom for God’s Church, especially the local church here on Long Island. Pastor Mike also praised God that He continually provides moments of renewal, and going before us, as His children.

In Jesus’s mighty name we pray, lifting all these things up for God’s glory.

Here is a list of  BPBC Praises & Prayers as of Sunday, September 24th, 2017:

Kevin praised God for answered prayer and God’s constant guidance. He lifted up Patricia’s sisters pregnancy, and praised God for His grace and mercy, as well as the guidance and blessing of The Blue Point Bible Church.

Terri prayed for those in all the regions affected by the recent hurricanes.

Elder Steve H. praised God for answered prayer regarding the little girl with leukemia whom we have been praying for, she is doing well. He lifted up prayer for those who face hard struggle and issues with insurance companies, that their burden would be lightened by the Lord. Steve also prayed for those dealing with the hurricanes, and praise God for the very much help that has become to be offered.

Kathy praised God for yet another beautiful day and weather. She also prayed for those affected by the storms. She lifted up praise for the teacher’s husband whom we have been praying for regarding his throat cancer, he is healed of the cancer. However, we keep him in prayer regarding his hearing issues. Kathy lifted up praise that things at school are continuing to go well, and family is experiencing healing.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for Brian and Sandy as they mourn the passing of Brian’s mother, Mary Johnston. Pastor Mike lifted up a special prayer for students as this week has been called “Global Prayers for Students Week”. Pastor Mike also praised God for the change of season and the prayed that many would take this opportunity for constant renewal.

Meredith lifted up praise for answered prayer regarding hearing about Pastor Chandler, however requested prayers of comfort for him, as he is not doing well. She lifted up prayers regarding the work and efforts of searching for a cure for Alzheimer’s. She lifted up praise that Larry has been experiencing healing in his eye and is due for surgery this week.

Pat lifted up praise and prayer for the XD Youth program launched by Pastor Mike. She asked that God would affect our young in a mighty way, and bless our pastor’s efforts.

In Jesus’s mighty name.

Here is a list of  BPBC praises & prayers as of Sunday, September 17th, 2017:

Deacon Brian lifted up continued prayers for Sandy’s nephew Michael and his battling bladder cancer. May God give His peace and comfort. (Brother Brian’s mother passed away this week – Prayers requested for him and loved ones).

Meredith lifted up prayers for the victims of Harvey and Irma, making a special mention of family and friends she had in different areas affected. She lifted up praise and continued prayers for Larry and his medical procedures/ surgery.

Kathy lifted up praise for the love and mercy of God, as well as praise for the great weather we have been experiencing. She also praised God for a good week in going back to school, as well as a meeting someone and being able to share testimony during the week of elections. She lifted up prayers for her daughter and the dealings with the mortgage company, as well as prayers for the gentleman she met and talked to about things of God.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praises for the outpouring of support from many for victims of the storms that are affecting different places in the world. Prayers for those struggling in the south in the after affects of the storms. He praised God for being faithful in that the “needy will not be forgotten”, as spoken through our Responsive Reading.

Pastor Mike praised and prayer for those who had started going back to church for National Back to Church Sunday, and praise for the Word of God.

In Jesus’ mighty name we pray.

Here is a our BPBC praises & prayers as of Sunday, September 10th, 2017:

Meredith lifted up praises for a beautiful day and the recent beautiful weather we have been experiencing. She prayed for those experiencing the hurricanes in Texas and Florida. She was grateful some family and friends were safe, and prayed for those who may need our prayers. Meredith also lifted up continued prayer for Larry that he would heal and get stronger and stronger.

Terri lifted up prayers for a friend in Bayport who is experiencing a trying time. She asked that God would comfort and strengthen them.

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful day, and a specific prayer for friends and family in Florida, especially for those who stayed behind as the storm is about to hit. She asked that God would be with and bless sister Marilyn.

Lisa lifted up praised for the influence of BPBC as a “thinking church”. She prayed for those going through the various storms, she prayed for her daughter and the possible job. She also lifted up praises and prayers for teachers and students as they return to school.

Vicki lifted up praise for such a compassionate and merciful God. She prayed for the people in Texas and Florida. Vicki thanked God for her salvation, the various Bible studies she attends and is influenced by, as well as God’s sovereignty. She also prayed for the pastor and his recent stomach issues, her health issues, wisdom and strength for Sandy and Brian, her grandchildren, as well as for our nation.

Wayne lifted up prayers for his parents in Florida and a praise that his dog, Justice, didn’t get completely lost when they went camping last week.

Pastor Mike lifted specific prayers for grandparents to be blessed, and prayers for those dealing with the various hurricanes and the after effects. He praised God for building him up (especially in this significant week in his life), he praised God for those who are serving others effected by the storm, and thanked God for the reminder to praise Him through the storm. He also lifted up prayers for lives effected by 9/11/2001, and prayed that visitors will be here on National Back to Church Sunday.

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for those suffering through the hurricanes, and praised God for the heartfelt prayers that have been lifted up. He thanked God for generous individuals, especially those who gave to help with the young girl who almost drown in the bathtub, but is not making progress.

In Jesus’s mighty name we pray.

These are our BPBC praises and prayers as of Sunday, September 3rd, 2017:

*Pastor Michael Miano began our corporate prayer time by reading the National Day of Prayer for Texas and Louisiana proclamation made by President Donald Trump.

Meredith lifted up praise and prayer for God’s providence over her family in Texas. They are safe although they dealt with over 51 inches of rain. She lifted up praise for the various shelters and places that made space available for those in need.

Sandy lifted up praise for God’s providence over her and Brian’s family in the south, and His keeping them safe. She asked that God with be with those who have been hurt or are in need and keep them firm in their faith. She also lifted up continued prayer for her nephew Michael and his diagnosis with a rare form of cancer.

Kathy lifted up praise for yet another beautiful day. She lifted up the victims of the various storms in prayer. She lifted up praise for answered prayer regarding her car troubles. Continued prayer for her daughter and son-in-law as they deal with some mortgage issues. She prayed for the going back to school that would be happening this week for many, as well as prayers for all to enjoy their Labor Day.

Denise lifted up prayers for those who may be in the direction of another hurricane that was forming after Harvey. She prayed for those who may be in the middle of recovering and cannot prepare for another storm properly.

Vicki lifted up praise for God’s mercy. She prayed that God would provide encouragement to those going through the storms. She lifted up praise for the various efforts of help that have been offered. She lifted up prayers regarding a health issue, prayers for her grandson Benjamin that he would continue to do well in school, and her granddaughter Anna’s going into nursing in Stony Book. Vicki thanked God for His providence and care for our church, and lifted up praise for the various Bible studies she has the opportunity to attend and grow in.

Pastor Michael Miano lifted up praise for God’s faithfulness in and through the natural storms and the storms of life. He prayed that God would urge His Church to stand in the gap to help those in need, especially during all the storms happening in the south. He prayed for and against the acts of hurt people who hurt people.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for God’s working wonders in healing and bringing Andrea through her battles with MS. He lifted up prayer for a 4 yr. old girl who has been diagnosed with childhood leukemia.

All these things for God’s glory, in His mighty Name.

Here are our BPBC praises & prayers as of Sunday, August 27th, 2017:

Terri lifted up prayers of healing for her former co-worker Rich who is in need of healing. She also made mention of Lisa, Duncan, and Jimmy. She praised God for her life and Wayne, and prayers as they go on a vacation.

Sandy lifted up continued prayers for her nephew Michael. While there may be some confusion regarding his rare condition, we know the Lord is not confused. May the Lord be with him.

Meredith lifted up praise for God always watching over her and her family, especially those in Texas. She lifted up praises and prayers regarding Larry and his eye which is healing.

Kathy lifted up praises for yet another beautiful day. She lifted up prayers for her son-in-law and pain he was feeling in his neck and back. She lifted up prayers for Karen as well as Barbara, and mentioned God’s providential care over Texas. She also praised God for the continuation of Federation and the possibility that her new friend might visit BPBC.

Lisa lifted up praise for BPBC and how attending the church and Bible studies has helped foster a deeper relationship with God and an understanding of His Word. She lifted up praise for her and Steve’s daughters and that God would bless them and their lives.

Vicki lifted up thanks for God’s provided salvation. She praised God for Steve and Lisa and their baptism and a picture of their response to the Gospel. She praised God for his provision and care for BPBC. Vicki also praised God for those who have taught her in the Scriptures and the various Bible studies she is able to attend. She concluded by lifted up prayers for our nation and that God in His sovereignty would heal our issues.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for those suffering from drug addiction – he made mention of specific people named Matt and Amber. He praised God for the many miracles of recovery and the many things being done to engage the fight against drug addiction and abuse. He praised God for a praying Church! He lifted up prayers for the upcoming International Overdose Awareness Day (August 31) events that were taking place.

In Jesus’s mighty name we lift up these things.

Here is a list of our BPBC praises & prayers as of Sunday, August 20th, 2017:

Vicki lifted up praises for God’s care and providing for our church, as well as the value of the several different Bible studies offered through our congregation. Vicki also lifted up prayers for our nation, recognizing that only God can solve all the problems. She lifted up praise for Benjamin being in Pennsylvania and cooking for himself! Vicki concluded her praise and prayer by thanking God for her salvation, and the blessings that have come into the life of sister Pat.

Kathy lifted up praise for yet another beautiful day, and the privilege to be a member of The Blue Point Bible Church. She lifted up prayers for her daughter and son-in-law as they deal with some issues with the mortgage company. Also, prayers for Barbara as she goes through treatments. And prayers for her friend Barbara from Florida, that the Lord would give her strength to accomplish the things she needs to.

Pastor Mike lifted up praises for a great and productive past week – speaking at YES with the Guardian Angels, and the viewing of the 2017 Berean Bible Church Conference that we hosted. Prayers for his friend Spiro, a sister Joanie’s niece Amber who is fighting heroin addiction. Also, he prayed against the stronghold of racism.

In Jesus’s mighty name we pray.

Here is a list of BPBC praise and prayers as of Sunday, August 13th, 2017:

Terri lifted up prayers for peace in our nation, level-headed decisions in regards to the North Korea situation, healing for Wayne’s shoulder. She praised God for BPBC and the continued leadership of Pastor Mike.

Kathy lifted up praise for her life and answered prayer for Johnny (healing, meningitis). She lifted up prayers for her daughter and the bank situation she is dealing with. She prayed about the new fingerprinting thing that is being done in the school she volunteers in (that it would be a smooth transition and all goes well). Kathy lifted up praise and prayers for the many exciting programs Pastor Mike puts together, and prayers for their success. Also, Kathy lifted up prayers for Marilyn, and healing for Carole’s foot.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayer regarding work for himself and his coworkers. He lifted up prayers for Gladys as she makes a big transition from working nights to days. Steve lifted up prayers for his mom, it was her birthday on Sunday and he asked that God would continue to be with her.

Sandy lifted up praise for answered prayer and God’s loving-kindness. She asked that God continue to be with Michael (her nephew) and provide more and more healing.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the privilege of prayer and the work of God in answered prayer. He lifted up prayers for a friend named Shaina who was in an accident, the family and friends of Josh Mileto, a friend named Quinton who is battling living cancer, Joanie’s niece Amber who is battling heroin, a young man named Anthony who likes to antagonist Full Preterists on social media, Ed S.(healing in his foot), and Kevin as he goes to Bermuda. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for the situations in  Kenya as well as Charlottesville, Virginia. May God show us His wonders and leave us in awe.

We lift these things up for the glory of God in and through Jesus Christ.

I look forward to seeing many of you later this evening.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano
Here is a list of our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, August 6th, 2017 (coupled with prayers from an online Common Prayer video I held):

Kevin lifted up praises and prayers for Michelle Martin and her family. He praised God for the blessing of being influenced by many within BPBC and the teachings of Pastor Mike. Kevin concluded his prayer with praising God for his grace and mercy.

Vicki lifted up a praise for salvation. She lifted up praise and prayer for Pastor Mike and that the various aspects of his work would not be in vain. Vicki praised God for the Bible study at the Schilling’s, their gracious and wisdom is evident. She asked that God be with our sister Marilyn. And she concluded her prayer with lifting our the United States and our national leadership.

Kathy lifted up praises for a blessed life. She lifted up specific prayers regarding a light that came on in her car. She praised God for answered prayer regarding Johnny (that he has been released from hospital and is healing well). Kathy prayed for her son-in-law, the summer school work that she has been doing, and praised God for meeting new friends.

Sandy lifted up praise regarding answered prayer and God’s care. She also lifted up continued prayers of healing for her nephew Michael, who is battling two different types of cancer.

Meredith lifted up praises for God’s continual care. She also lifted up praise for the praying church and answered prayer regarding the swelling in her ankles. She lifted up prayers for Larry, especially concerning his eye doctor visit.

Pastor Mike lifted up continued prayers for wisdom in line with James 1:5. Also, he lifted up prayers of healing for Deacon Ed. He concluded his time of prayer by praying for visitors to come and the influence of BPBC to spread, as well as prayers for those of our “church family” who may have wanted to be with us on Sunday, but couldn’t be.

Elder Steve H lifted up answered prayers regarding his job, and that his family was back safe from the mountain camping trip. He praised God for Deacon Ed’s strength and patience in talking others with him on such a blessed hike. Also, Steve lifted up praises and prayers regarding his brother, Herb, and his healing.

Please also include the following details in your praises and prayers:  Expansion of the Kingdom of God through various ministries and churches on Long Island, the advancement of the Preterist movement, Godly influence in and through social media, and the family of Josh Mileto (the Sachem student who passed away this week).

In Jesus’s mighty Name we pray. Amen.

Here are our BPBC praises and prayers as of Sunday, June 18th, 2017: 


Instead of listing our BPBC praises and prayers this week, please pray that “resurrection power” will come in regards the following highlights:

  • Healing needed in the minds, bodies, and spirits of those in our church and those who we have prayed for
  • The Call to and for Wisdom (#AThinkingFaith)
  • Brentwood and especially Hope Day 2017 this coming Saturday.
  • Any needs or prayers that are within our membership and attendees hearts and minds

Here is a list of our BPBC praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 21st, 2017:

Kevin lifted up prayers for Patrick and Terri. Also, he mentioned prayers and requested prayers for Frank who is a great guy but is not doing too good with spots on his liver. Also, Kevin lifted up praise for the learning and fellowship offered at BPBC and that we would “keep it coming”.

Kathy lifted up praise for BPBC. She prayed for Marilyn – her life, her family, and that God would give her peace. Also, she lifted up prayers for Carole Pace and her foot healing from surgery. Kathy lifted up praise that the teachers husband whom we have been praying for is now in remission. Kathy lifted up prayers for Barbara’s liver treatment that God would bring her through it. Also, Kathy praised God for what looks to be a great week ahead and prayed that Federation would be kept in affect.

Meredith lifted up praises for God’s continually watch and care. She praised God for salvation and the little increases to Larry’s health that have been seen. She lifted up prayers for Faye (whose granddaughter gave birth to a stillborn), and their  family that was suffering the heartache of such a loss.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise regarding a Sovereign God who always goes before us. He lifted up prayers for wisdom and that God would give us boldness and meekness in the right times and concerning the right matters. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up petitions for his cousin Vinny, the Hooten’s, Andy, and Marilyn.

In Jesus’ mighty name we pray.

Here is a list of our BPBC community corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 14th, 2017:

Kevin offered praise for the grace and mercy of God that we don’t deserve but is given to us in abundance. He also lifted up a praise for the opportunity to hear and learn the true Word of God at BPBC. He lifted up prayers for brother Andy and that we would have the privilege of seeing him soon. And he lifted up prayers for moms, that they would be blessed and especially enjoy their Mother’s Day. He made special note of the mothers present at BPBC.

Kathy lifted up praise for a beautiful trip to Florida. She also lifted up praise regarding the kindness of her friend Barbara and asked that God would bless her. She prayed that maybe Barbara’s daughter will drive with her to New York. She also lifted up prayers for her friend Barbara (for whom we have been praying) and the experimental procedure she may undergo in regards to her battle with cancer. She prayed that God would give her faith and bring her through this battle. She also lifted up praise for the health of her family, her grandson’s job, and praised God that she was back at BPBC.

Vicki lifted up praise for salvation and for BPBC. She thanked God for His provision in her life and as He has continually revealed in and through our church. She prayed for our nation and our president. She also lifted up prayers for her son-in-law Steve and his sale of stock. May God give him wisdom. She lifted up praise for her grandchildren.

Meredith lifted up praises to God regarding the many women who had influenced her life. She praised God for a long lineage of mothers who walked worthy of the Gospel. The praised God for the technology that helps her learn and establish her lineage. She lifted up continued prayers of healing for Larry.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the celebration of such a glorious thing – Mothers! He prayed specifically for his mother, than lifted up prayers for those pregnant, those hurting, and those in need. He also lifted up praise and prayer for the many people he had the opportunity to connect with and witness to throughout the week.

Deacon Brian lifted up praise for Sandy’s family and asked that God blesses them.

Ron lifted up praise that DSS has helped him and kept him in the Blue Point area so that he can attend services and be blessed at BPBC.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for the church, his family, and specifically Andrea’s health. He lifted up praise regarding issues at work, and mentioned how God truly lifts us up through all circumstances. He praised God for the wisdom that He gives to religious leaders, and specifically wisdom that had been expressed through the Catholic Pope in regards to faith and science.

May God continue to be glorified and praised through all that we lift up. In Jesus’ mighty name we pray. Amen.

Here is a list of our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, May 7th, 2017:

Vicki lifted up prayers for our nation – the United States, specifically for our leaders and government to be given wisdom. She lifted up prayers for herself that God would heal her health issue- acute arthritis in left hip. She lifted up prayers for Brian & Sandy and all they are dealing with. She lifted for prayers for a friend who is in need of transportation and that God would work in that situation. She lifted up praises to God that He continues to provide for BPBC.

Kevin lifted up prayers for Andy that God would work in his favor. He prayed for a friend named Mark who is taking a contractor test. He also lifted up praise for BPBC and the membership as well as the guidance of Pastor Mike.

Terri lifted up praise for BPBC and Pastor Mike’s availability. Also, she lifted up prayers for many who are in need of peace and comfort.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayer. He lifted up prayer for the Lord to guide things at work this week. He also lifted up praise for his family and BPBC.

Meredith lifted up praise for a blessed National Day of Prayer at BPBC – a small gathering but God’s presence was felt. She also lifted up praise for answered prayer in regards to her husband’s health, especially since he was able to eat. She lifted up prayers in regards to his medications that a wisdom from above would be given to the professionals. Also, Meredith lifted up prayers for a friend named Wendy.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise that he had the opportunity to meet new people this week as he went on with his usual schedule. Divine encounters, indeed. He asked God to liberally supply wisdom as His Word says He does.

Also a guest who was present with us this past Sunday lifted up praise for BPBC in that God seemed to work mightily in leading his to be with us. It would seem God has led him to the point of light at the end of the tunnel.

All these things for the glory of God alone. In Him, through Him, and for Him. Amen.

Here is a list of some of the details we lifted up for National Day of Prayer at BPBC:

NATIONAL LEADERSHIP: Asking that we would see “responsibility with favor” in regards to our national leadership we lifted up praises for living in such a blessed country, and prayed for President Trump and Vice President Pence. Justice and righteousness being expressed and seen through Congress, the Senate, and judges across our nation. We took a moment of silence of gratitude and memorable for every branch of our armed forces. We lifted up prayers against terrorism and for the minds, hearts, and souls of those terrorists.

LOCAL LEADERSHIP: We prayed that we we see “the increase of restoring beautiful, wholesome, and worthwhile realities in our communities”. We lifted up prayers for elected officials such as but not limited to Governor Cuomo, Senator Tom Croci, Legislators William Lindsey and Rob Colarco, Brookhaven Town Supervisor Ed Romaine, and Councilman Neil Foley. We prayed for the Suffolk County Police Department and all the precincts across the island. We prayed specifically for Commissioner Sini and Deputy Commissioner Risco Mention-Lewis, along with 5th precinct’s Inspector Silva, Sgt. Frielingsdorf, Sgt. Calandrillo, and the COPE officers. We also took a moment of silence for officers that have lost their lives. We prayed for community organizations such as the Bayport-Blue Point Chamber of Commerce, Great South Bay Coalition, Blue Point Community Civic Association, Heroin Anonymous, Council on Thought and Action (COTA), XD Youth, and World Famous Block Parties.

THE WORLD/ OUR COMMUNITY: We prayed that “the world will be blessed through our prayers” specifically lifting up the elderly, families and marriages, children, those who are in need, and those who need comfort. We prayed that the world would wake up to the reality that more are working toward unity that against it. We prayed against the strongholds of heroin and gangs.

THE CHURCH: We held high and glorified God for the responsibility He has given to the Church to “make known the manifold wisdom of God”. We prayed that the Church would stand in the gap and be responsible “elders in the gate” for our communities. The Church must come to terms with the fact that we are Children of Abraham – “blessed to be a blessing”. We lifted up prayers for unity, proclamation and defense of the Gospel, and took a moment of silence for the persecuted Christians worldwide. We prayed for boldness and empowerment for Christians worldwide based upon the testimony of the persecuted. Lifting up prayers for local churches we mentioned Pastor David Czeisel of Bayport UMC, Father Fink of Our Lady of the Snow Catholic Church, Father Andrew of St. John’s Greek Orthordox Church, and Mother Diane of St. Ann’s Anglican Church, as well as local house churches and assemblies where two or three might be gathered. We also noted specific prayers for the local Ursuline sisters and the peace, joy, and trust they must have in God as they prepare to leave their center. We prayed that God would lead the use of the property and be glorified through it, and that the legacy of the Ursuline sisters never be forgotten from our community.

In Jesus’ mighty name we pray. Amen.

Here is a list of our BPBC community praises & prayers as of Sunday, April 23rd, 2017:
Vicki lifted up a praise regarding the blessing of having a Savior. She thanked God for His Spirit and the His Church. Also, a praise for the Bible studies we enjoy at BPBC. Vicki lifted up prayers for our nation and wisdom for our national leaders, as well as personal prayers for her daughter.
Kevin lifted up praise regarding all that is accomplished in and through God’s grace and for His glory alone. He praised God for every person who gathers at BPBC and the blessing that they are, as well as the ministry of Pastor Mike. He lifted up prayers for the continued guidance of our Church by God, and he lifted up prayers for Andy (that he would know that his church family stands beside him as he goes through some personal trials).
Kathy lifted up praise for the privilege of being at member of BPBC and acknowledged that God will be glorified through all the upcoming events we have going on. Kathy also lifted up continued prayers for Karen and Barbara (especially as Barbara had some tests this week).
Sandy lifted up praise regarding how God brings us to and through trials and difficulties. He is always there. Sandy also lifted up prayer in regards to wisdom needed in handling the affairs of Brian’s mom.
Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayer, as well as praise for his good health and his family’s good health. He prayed concerning details at work, and continued to praise God that He gives him opportunities to be a good witness.
Pastor Steve lifted up prayers for Edward H. who hasn’t been feeling well and could use the Lord’s healing hand. He also lifted up prayers for Robin and George as they deal with some health issues and could use our prayers, and Anne who is battling some health issues as well. Pastor Steve offered praise to God regarding the recovering of Danny who was in a coma and we have been praying for him. Prayers that Danny’s transition our of the hospital goes well.
Meredith lifted up praise for a good week and that Larry is doing better. She lifted up prayer that God would keep Larry from experiencing much pain and provide him relief as an “answered prayer”. Also, regarding a dr. appointment for his eye – prayers that healing occurs in a timely fashion.
Pastor Mike praised God for the various opportunities he puts before us for us to grow and express Him in and through the world. He lifted up unspoken requests that may be near and dear to our hearts but not expressed audibly and publicly – those of us present and those who may not have made in the church on Sunday. The Lord knows the hearts of those who are His.
To God be the glory. In the Mighty and Powerful Name of Jesus. Amen.

Here is a list of our praises and prayers at BPBC as of Sunday, April 16th, 2017:

Kevin prayed for Kristen as she flew home from Columbia this week. Also, Kevin lifted up praise for BPBC and how the membership and the pastorate truly help us learn the things we are reading about in Scripture.

Terri lifted up praise for a wonderful day with her Bible family at BPBC.

Kathy lifted up praise regarding the glory and power that is understood through Easter/ Resurrection Sunday. She lifted up a praise that she is able to celebrate it with BPBC. Kathy also lifted up praise for her friend Barbara who had surgery last week (and that answered prayer was seen). She lifted up prayers for those in authority in the USA.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for his family, his health, and answered prayer. He also lifted up praise for all the wonderful things and realities that God provides us with.

Meredith lifted up praise in regards to celebrating the glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ. She praised God that because He lives, we live also. Meredith lifted up continued prayers of healing and comfort for Larry, especially as he went to the dr. this week.

Pastor Mike Miano concluded the prayer lifting up praise in regards to all that God has provided to His people through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the fulfilled Hope of Israel. Pastor Mike also lifted up continued prayers for brother Andy as he goes through some trials as well as families who are dealing with tragedy in the Central Islip/ Brentwood area. May God continue to raise up those called and equipped to bring healing to that area. Pastor Mike also lifted up prayers that as we celebrate such glorious realities as the resurrection that we would become burdened to share with a world that so desperately needs to words of Life and healing that come by way of Jesus Christ.

We lift up our praises for God’s glory. In and through His Mighty Name.

Here is a list of our weekly praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 9th, 2016:

Pastor Miano opened our prayer time with a recitation of 1 Timothy 2:1-2 reminding us to be in prayers for our governmental leaders.

Vicki lifted our nation and the problems we face up in prayer, as well as prayed for her daughter.

Kathy lifted our prayers for our country as well and the decisions our president must make. May God lead him. Also, Kathy lifted up prayers for a friends granddaughter who recently received some news that she has a whole in her heart. She is a young girl and this has devastated her and plans she had therefore we lift her up to God to be blessed with a peace that surpasses all understanding. Also, Kathy lifted up continued prayers for Barbara as she is back in the hospital. We ask that God would give the doctors a divine wisdom. Kathy mentioned numerous friends that have requested prayer. And closing she praised God that Karen is doing so much better everyday and the she mentioned a praise to be present at BPBC.

Kevin lifted up prayers for Kristen as she flies to Columbia this week. He praised God for the grace and mercy he shows all the time, but specifically on Sunday morning. He lifted up a continued praise for BPBC and the wonderful body that gathers under the guidance pastorate of Pastor Miano.

Meredith lifted up praise for God continually showing His healing power in her life and making it possible for her to be present and bless in song the congregation at BPBC. She lifted up praise for prayer warriors. She praised God that the neurosurgeon she went to was able to put her mind at rest a bit. She lifted up prayers for her husband and the medical reports he has been receiving.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayer and his daughters good heath, as well as his own and the rest of the family. He lifted up prayers for the powerless in Syria and good discernment for those making decisions.

Pastor Miano lifted up praises and prayers concerning the things each of us mind not audible say, praising God that He already knows. Pastor Miano also lifted up prayers for numerous friends who have requested prayer and specifically brother Andy.

In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, for His Glory and our praising Him!

Here is a list of our corporate praises and prayers as of Sunday, April 2nd, 2017:

Kevin lifted up prayers for Yolanda & Billy who are fighting cancer. He followed that with a praise regarding the wonderful membership and attendees of BPBC, and the ministry of Pastor Michael Miano.

Kathy lifted up praise for BPBC as well, and also praised God that Karen is doing well). She lifted up prayer for her son-in-law’s neck problems. Also, she prayed for Federation, a program that she understands as successful and good and therefore hoping that President Trump does not do away with the funding. She prayed for a friend Barbara and Tony. Kathy closed her praise and prayer by thanking God for the good weather we have experience and prayed for more to come.

Deacon Brian lifted up prayers for Sandy and her possible trying week at work, namely that God would provide comfort and not make her days too long. Also, he asked for wisdom from God regarding his mother and the assisted living situation.

Pastor Mike praised God for all that He has done and will continue to do in our church as well as in the world. He lifted up prayers for Andy (that God would be with Him as he goes through a moment of trial and tribulation). Also, Pastor Mike prayed for vision in the Church, that God would raise up a missional reformation people for His glory and that this would be seen on Long Island. Also, Pastor Mike admonishes all to continue to prayer for visitors at BPBC.

Vicki lifted our nation and its’ many problems up to the Lord in prayer. She praised God and highlighted His sovereignty. She followed that with a specific prayer that our compassionate and long-suffering God would be with her grandchildren as they go through exams.

We lift these and other prayers of the saints up for the glory of God in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here is a list of our weekly praises and prayers as of Sunday, March 26th, 2017:

Kathy lifted up praise for our Revelation Revealed Bible Conference and all that she learned and enjoyed. She also lifted up prayers for two friends – one battling cancer and another battling colon cancer.

George H. lifted up prayers for a coworker.

Terri lifted up praise for a wonderful Bible conference and the wonderful people she had the opportunity to fellowship with. She praised God for the work of BPBC and namely the good and loving people that make up our membership.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the conference, especially prayers for those who have to travel home. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for friends and family who may need some comfort and/or a work of God in their life.

Meredith lifted up praise for the Bible conference. She prayed that the truth and fellowship we enjoyed this past weekend would continue to build us up as His people to be a light that expresses our entrance and life in His Kingdom.  She also praised God that her health issues are being resolved. Meredith also lifted up prayers for her husband and the shingles he is battling. Namely she prayed that good news would be received from the Dr.’s this week.

Ed lifted up praise for the conference and all the learning and fellowship that took place. He praised God that He comforts us when we are in need and asked for the Lord’s hand to be continual seen in his family and home life.

A request was submitted to pray for Danny, a 28 yr. old who needs 24 hr. nursing care at home. The prayer is that his insurance will cover the cost so he can go home and heal instead of the hospital.

We lift all of these things up in accordance with His will in and through Jesus’ mighty name!

Here is a list of our BPBC praises and prayers as of March 5th, 2017:

Vicki lifted up prayers for our nation and the many problems we seemingly have. However she praised God that He is in control. Vicki also lifted up praise in regards to all that she learns at BPBC. She also prayed that her daughter Michelle and her husband Steve will find a good church that is faithful to the proclamation of the Gospel. She lifted up Brian and Ed and trusted the Lord knows what is needed. And she ended her prayer with a wholesome expressing of loving Jesus.

Kathy lifted up praise for continued healing in regards to Karen and the “marvelous job” of healing that has occurred. She lifted up prayers for other teachers in the school she works at. And finally, Kathy praised God for the good weather we have been enjoying lately, and asked that He would “warm it up”.

Brian lifted up prayers for George H. and his blood pressure. Also, Brian lifted up prayers for Pastor Steve and Olivia as they dealt with a car accident on Sunday morning.

Pastor Mike lifted up continued prayers for visitors. Surely a praise that as we have been praying for visitors we seemingly have a new visitor every week. He lifted up prayers regarding the saints and Spiritual disciplines. Also, Pastor Mike asked God to go before us in various endeavors we collectively as a church are looking to get involved with, as well as our individual endeavors to bring God glory.

Sandy lifted up a prayer for the Silsbe family. The Lord knows.

Meredith lifted up praises for the many blessings we have and the possession of Jesus Christ’s presence in our lives. She praised God that Larry seems to be doing good and his eyesight is seemingly improving as well. She lifted up prayers regarding her health issues and asked that God would watch over her and be with her as she is going through follow ups with the doctors. Ultimately, she lifted up a praise that it is all in His hands.

We bring all of this before His throne for His glory, in His name.

Here is a list of our praises and prayers at BPBC as of Sunday, February 26th, 2017:

Kevin lifted up prayers for Frank C. who could use the guidance of the Holy Spirit. He also lifted up praise for BPBC and the opportunity to learn from all the members and the pastors.

Kathy lifted up praise for BPBC and the upcoming Revelation Revealed Bible Conference. She also praised God for continuing to bring Karen through healing as she got her staples removed. She praised God for energy she had in the week prior and prayed against snow in weeks to come. She lifted up a friends husband for healing.

Terri lifted up prayers for a coworker Robert and his wife, as well as the ease of pain for her mom. She also lifted up praise for Saturday morning Bible study at BPBC.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for a great day with family last Saturday. He also lifted up praise that Andrea continues to look healthy and beautiful, seemingly more so every time he sees her.

Meredith lifted up praise for family and friends who had prayed for her as she went for her endoscopy last week. She praised and prayed that God would provide good results at her follow up. She continued to pray for God’s watch and healing care over her husband.

Debra lifted up praise and honor to God. She lifted up praise for Pastor Mike and the graciousness of this house of prayer at BPBC. She praised God and prayed for the continued pursuit of His healing waters.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for a Sovereign God who always goes before us in what we do. He truly prepares the way. Pastor Mike prayed that God would show His guidance and power through various upcoming efforts – Revelation Revealed Bible Conference, the completion and publishing of Wicked, as well as the marketing of The Kingdom Bible.

May God be glorified through all our efforts. In Jesus’ name we pray.

Here is a list of our praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 12th, 2017:

Kevin lifted up praises for his daughter Kristen as she came home safely and had an enjoyable time in Columbia. He lifted up prayers for a man named Javier battling cancer. Also, praises for BPBC and the blessing of being a part of such a membership and the praises for the teaching ministry of Pastor Mike.

Vicki lifted up prayers for the loved ones of Audrey who passed away last week. We had continually prayed for Audrey so we mourn with Vicki. She also lifted up prayers for our nation and the division that is seemingly rampant among the citizens. May God open the eyes of the citzens to use proper discernment in right and wrong. Also, Vicki lifted up prayers for our church and especially our upcoming Bible conference in March.

Kathy lifted up praises for the blessing of being at BPBC and the ministry of the pastor. She praised and prayed as Karen, her daughter, is continuing to heal. May God provide relief from the pain and discomfort. As Kathy prayed it, “heal her up”! She also lifted up prayers for her teaching friend whose husband is still dealing with chemo. Kathy praised God for a blessed week and beautiful weather.

Brian lifted up prayers asking God to continue to give him strength to get through some trying ordeals. May we pray to receive a testimony regarding events of this past Thursday that Brian had to deal with.

Meredith lifted up praises for the many blessings in her life. She also praised God that Larry’s eye is continuing to improve, all the while continuing to prayer for further healing. She expressed humility in putting all things in the Lord’s hands.

Pastor Mike lived up praise for the privileges and responsibilities God has given us as His people, the Church. He praised God for the privilege of prayer and requests. In accordance with His Word, Pastor Mike prayed that God would continue to give us wisdom when we ask as well as healing in His mighty Name!

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for answered prayer in regards to seeing how well sister Rebecca was doing. He also lifted up praise for answered prayer with a coworker. Andrea’s treatment is going well and Steve lifted up prayer for health-care in the US and thanked God for the persevering Spirit.

To God be the glory and in the mighty name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

Here is a list of our praises and prayers of our BPBC community as of Sunday, January 29th, 2017:

Kathy Dazzo had requested prayer for Karen and her surgery on Wednesday, Feb. 1st. UPDATE – Karen is healing after a better than expected surgery. Praise God! Kathy also asked for prayers for some students in the class she works in. Also, she prayed for unity in the USA. Kathy praised God for life and her healthy, also asking that God would continue to keep her healthy.

Kevin lifted up praise for BPBC, The Word of God, the Membership and how each person has something to contribute for the glory of God. Kevin also lifted up praise for the guidance of Pastor Miano. Kevin lifted up prayers for Michael and Diana at the loss of their child in a snowboard accident. Also, Kevin lifted up prayers for a man named Gary who is current homeless and could use our prayers.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise for BPBC and how God expresses Himself through His Church. The presence of God is truly manifest among us. Steve lifted up praise for the privilege to always hear praises from people about our church. Steve lifted up prayers for sister Rebecca and praised God for His eternal plan.

Pastor Steve praised God for the many blessings and opportunities to continually see God at work. He lifted up continued prayers for Anne who was being discharged from hospital, and he prayed God would be with her as she recovers.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the blessing of being at BPBC. He praised God for vision in leading us forward, another great Annual Meeting. He thanked God for His wisdom. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for Andy who was going through some trials and for wisdom, encouragement, and edification to be made known to himself and Raven. ‘

May God continue to be seen in and through our prayers. For His glory alone. In the Mighty Name of Jesus we lifted these things up. Amen.

Here is the list of our praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 1st, 2017:

Kevin lifted up praise for BPBC. He also lifted up prayers for his daughter Kristen who was flying home from Columbia on Sunday night. Kevin also lifted up prayers of healing for Pastor Steve and Olivia.

Vicki lifted up praise for her salvation and a good 2016. She also lifted up praise for God continually blessing us at BPBC. Vicki lifted up prayers for our nation, as well as travel mercies for her granddaughter Anna who is going to Italy to study for school.

Kathy praised God for another year and lifted up prayers for our church and mentioned exciting things she knows Pastor Mike has planned. Kathy lifted up specific prayers for friends in need of healing. Also, Kathy prayed for the Feb. 1 surgery planned for Karen. May God bring forth miraculous healing though the surgery. Also, Kathy requested strength and healing to get rid of the cold she has been battling.

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for Abby and her family as they grieve the death of her brother. Steve also lifted up praise that Andrea is doing good.

Meredith lifted up praise for God’s continually watch and care over her and her family. She mentioned the healing that occurred with her broken wrist and praised God for that. She lifted up prayers for her husband and the shingles her has been suffering, all the while praising God for the improvements that have occurred.

Sandy lifted up prayers for a friend names Joanne and her suffering a broken foot. Also, she lifted up praise that her sister’s attitude toward God and His truth is starting to change.

Terri asked that we pray for Dennis who is battling cancer, as well as Wayne’s former co-worker MaryAnn who we have prayed for regarding her battle with cancer (and the loss of her husband). Prayers for Wayne’s coworker Danny and his family as he goes through surgery and is battling cancer. Terri asked that we pray for her coworker Robert and his wife Marcia as they need strength to take care of their parents and themselves, and her friend Mollie who is recovery from surgery.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise to God regarding answered prayer. He also praised God for the many blessings in 2016 and expressed anticipation of many more in 2017. Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for the many who were not able to be with us on New Years Day due to being sick or tired, and busy at the start of the new year. And lastly, Pastor Mike prayed for the current situation and nation decisions happening in regards to Israel and Palestine.

We lift these things up for the glory of God. In Jesus’ Name.

Here is a list of our praises and prayers as of Sunday, December 18th, 2016:

Kathy offered praise that God brought her through being sick and she lifted up prayers for Pastor Mike as he was battling a cold. She also lifted up prayers for a teacher at school who was diagnosed with cancer.

Deacon Brian lifted up prayers for Aleppo crisis, as well as the wedding party in Southern California which suffered some casualties with a tree falling.

Gladys lifted up praise for a blessed week and a safe return from Vegas. She prayed for Steve H. and his being sick.

Meredith offered praise to God that healing has occurred! Larry is healing great, however we continue in prayer that his vision will be perfectly restored. Meredith also praised God for a good doctors visit last week dealing with her ear issues. No profound hearing loss! Continued prayers requested for followup doctor visits in these regards.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for Raven and Elder Steve H. who both were not at service due to being sick. Also, he lifted up praise and prayers regarding a friend named Taylor seeking to be baptized. Finally, Pastor Mike prayed for those in need of comfort and peace, as well as a rest and burden for those in Christ regarding all that we celebrate with Christ’s birth.

In Jesus’ Name.

Here are the praises and prayers of our BPBC community as of Sunday, December 11th, 2016:

Kevin lifted up praise for Blue Point Bible Church and all the wonderful members, as well as the guidance of Pastor Michael Miano. He lifted up praise for the strength and health that God gives us.

Terri lifted up praised for Blue Point Bible Church as well, especially regarding all the things she has learned concerning the wisdom of God. She lifted up prayers for Carol Seitz’s mom dealing with health issues.

Meredith lifted up praise regarding those who prayed for Larry. Healing has occurred! His cornea which we had prayed about last week has been healing. Meredith also asked for prayers regarding her going to see a specialist this week.

Sandy lifted up praise regarding BPBC and the fact that we are praying saints. Praise that Brian’s deposition is over, continues prayers as things move forward. Sandy also lifted up praise regarding her sisters and her eye – she is now able to get an implant, praise God, however continued prayers please.

Pastor Steve lifted up prayers of rest and healing for Jessica and Thomas. Thomas has fallen on Sunday, and Pastor Steve prayed God would use this to teach Thomas that he needs to be careful.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for Thomas as well. Praise for Steve and Gladys as they celebrate their 30th anniversary. Prayers for members who are traveling and couldn’t make it to service. Prayers for Raven as she was dealing with stomach pains. And finally, Pastor Mike prayed that the church would stand in the gap of comforting those in need of comfort this season.

In Jesus’ Name we pray.

Here are our BPBC weekly praises and prayers as of Sunday, November 20th, 2016:

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for his daughter Andrea and the oral surgery complications she dealt with. He offered praise for family, friends, the church and all their efforts, for Gladys’ surprise anniversary bridal party.

Vicki offered a praise of thanks regarding our morning Adult Sunday School. She praised God for all He has done to keep the church and provide growth throughout the years – He is amazing, preciouis and more.

Sandy lifted up prayers for Brian, as well as praises regarding God’s faithfulness when we seek Him.

Meredith offered praise regarding the new doctors for her husband. There seem to be some improvements, however Mighty God, we ask for more. Meredith asked that God give him comfort, healing, and help through all his medical issues. She also lifted up prayer for a friend who has to have her leg amputated.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise regarding the wisdom God expresses in leading and filling His people with love, wisdom, and consistency in purpose. He lifted up prayers regarding an unspoken request – that God would provide the needed wisdom, healing, and understanding to see things glorify Him. Also, Pastor Mike prayed for Africa, the work of the Gospel, and specifically the work of Gloryville Christian Centre which is teaching Preterism, growing, and celebrating their 6 year anniversary.

We lift these things up for the glory of God. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

Here is a list of our BPBC praise & prayers as of Sunday, November 6th, 2016:

Kevin offered praise for the members of Blue Point Bible Church and the understanding of truth that is evident here. Also, he praises God for the ministry of Pastor Mike.

Vicki lifted up prayers for brother Brian and the court situation. May God lead him in the wisdom and kindness he often exhibits and may He be with Brian throughout it all. Also, Vicki lifted up prayers for our nation and the elections. May God continue to heal sister Rebecca. Vicki finished her prayer by praising God as a glorious, just, and loving God!

Kathy lifted up praises for the privilege of coming to The Blue Point Bible Church, and she lifted up prayers for the ministry that is held here. Kathy lifted up prayers for Karen, her test on Monday, and that solutions would be found. We look forward to testimony in those regards. She lifted up prayers for the school she works at, the voting process in America (that is be done with wisdom), and special prayers for Omar and Barbara.

Terri lifted up prayers for the persecuted Church. She asked that God continue to give us the courage to speak our faith boldly, and she concluded by praising God for the many blessings He bestows upon her and Wayne. Terri also lifted up prayers for a friend named Patti.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for the safety and security of America, as well as the persecuted Worldwide Church. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for the Suffolk County Police as well as police throughout America.

May God be glorified in and through our prayers. In Jesus’ Name we pray.

Our BPBC weekly praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 30th, 2016:

Elder Steve H. lifted up prayers for sister Meredith who messaged him early in the morning requesting prayer concerning a rather painful earache. May God provide her with comfort and healing. Steve then lifted up praise in how God continues to guide him and give him peace through the various transitions in his life.

Terri lifted up praise and continued prayers for sister Rebecca. Also, she lifted up praise regarding the many blessings God bestows on her and Wayne.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise in how God has led him and BPBC into a season of blessing, of seeing the fruit of the harvest. He lifted up prayers for our world, our nation, and even our locale – Blue Point. He also lifted up praise for the work of the Suffolk County Police Department and their efforts of being involved with the community. May God protect them as they serve.

We lift up our praises and prayers for the glory of God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

Here is a list of our community praises and prayers as of Sunday, October 23rd, 2016:

Kevin lifted up praise and prayer regarding sister Rebecca. He also expressed hope to see her soon. Furthermore, Kevin lifted up praise for Blue Point Bible Church and the ministry of Pastor Mike.

Kathy lifted up praise for our church and the pastors ministry as well, especially what he offers for us to grow and learn. Kathy lifted up praise and prayer regarding Barbara who seems to be doing well. She lifted up praise regarding answered prayer. She also lifted up continued prayer for Karen, as well as requested prayer for herself in regards to sinuses and allergies.

Michelle lifted up prayer for a coworker named Christine’s granddaughter. May God provide comfort and healing Also, Michelle lifted up praise for all the blessings God provides her with.

Deacon Ed lifted up continued prayer regarding his house situation (post-fire), also for healing in regards to the seeming cold going around his home. He lifted up and requested prayer for his mother-in-law in regards to her health. He prayed that God would continue to guide and help further the recovery from the house fire, especially regarding the insurance issues.

Meredith lifted up praise to God regarding His continual watching over her. She asked that He continue to give her good health. She lifted up and requested prayers for her husband and all of his medical issues. Also, Meredith lifted up prayers for her cousin and her cousin’s husband in Florida, who is struggling with cancer. May God bring healing in accordance with His will!

Pastor Mike lifted up praise regarding God’s providing a blessed experience at the Bayport- Blue Point Expo, as well as a successful and God-glorifying launch of the XD Youth “Fright Night” at BPBC. He asked for travel mercy prayers regarding his road trip, as well as the travel of his family (aunt & uncle).

We lift all of these things up for the glory of God. May He answer our prayers, in Jesus’ name.

BPBC Community Praises & Prayers as of Sunday, October 9th, 2016
*Praise God! Answered Prayer! As of 5:30AM yesterday morning, 10/12, sister Rebecca had a kidney transplant we have been praying for. Please continue to keep her in prayer as she heals from surgery.

Kevin lifted up prayers for Rebecca this past Sunday, and glory to God we an immediate testimony. Kevin also lifted up praises to God regarding BPBC and how we can all learn from one another, as well as the ministry of Pastor Miano.

Terri lifted up prayers for her mother as she is adjusting to her move. Prayers that she becomes comfortable with getting out of the room and meeting people and getting settled in. Also, Terri lifted up praises for good health.

Kathy lifted up praises for the love and mercy of our God. The privilege of being a member of a great church under the guidance of our pastor. Kathy continued pray and request the prayers of others regarding her friend Barbara and her battles with cancer. Be with her and give her strength, Lord. Also, Kathy lifted up praise that her grandson was able to get on and off the train before the accident that happened late Saturday night on the LIRR. She prayed for those dealing with Hurricane Matthew, and continued prayers for her daughter.

Vicki thanked God for all that He has done in securing our salvation. She lifted up prayers for our nation as we enter into the Presidential Election. Vicki prayed that God would always be with her grandchildren, as well as asked that he consistently be manifest among our elders and pastors. Vicki lifted up her prayers praising God for His grace, righteousness, and justice.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise regarding answered prayer for a coworker.
Susan M. lifted up prayers and requested prayers for a Jewish woman named Hella and that she would find salvation in Christ Jesus. Also, she asked for prayers for a man named Sam, as well as a mother and daughter named Lillian and Donna.

Pastor Mike praised God for knowing our prayers before we even begin to voice them. He asked that God would continue to give us the opportunity to witness answered prayer and testify to His great work! Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for some unnamed people who have come to him recently requesting prayers for wisdom and clarity.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name we pray!

Our Praises & Prayers at BPBC as of Sunday, October 2nd, 2016:

Kevin offered praise to God for Blue Point Bible Church and the guidance of Pastor Mike.

Kathy offered praise regarding the love and mercy of God. She lifted up praise that Nancy’s husband has regained strength in his leg, truly an answer to prayer. She lifted up continued prayer for her daughter and Barbara, as well as her husband. She also lifted up praise and prayer regarding her grandson’s 25th birthday.

Meredith offered praise for having a job she loves and the ability to do it. She lifted up and requested prayer regarding her husband’s prescription. She also lifted up prayers for the Chandler’s with the hopes we will receive an update soon.

Pastor Steve lifted up praise for a wonderful trip to Florida with some of the family. He thanked God for all the blessings He bestows upon us. Also, Pastor Steve lifted up a healing prayer for Thomas who may be suffering a cold or even a tooth ache. May God provide comfort.

Pastor Mike prayed for peace in the Middle East – Israel & the Palestinians – especially surrounding the upcoming High Holy Days. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for those who suffered or know anyone who has suffered from Breast Cancer.

Vicki lifted up prayer for our nation, the upcoming elections, and our church. Also, she praised God for His Word, salvation, and His “unspeakable gift”.

It was asked that we pray for the youth and that God guides them, or provides opportunities that will enable them to make good choices.

Also, Steve and Lisa thanked God for the beautiful Blue Point Bible Church and the members who welcome them with open arms. They expressed how truly blessed they are to find a church that brings them closer to the Lord and teaches the truth of His Word.

In Jesus’ Name we lifted these things up for the glory of God.

Here are the BPBC “praises & prayers” as of September 25th, 2016:

Pastor Steve and Olivia are praying, and requesting continued prayer for Danny, the young man whom we have been praying for who was hit by a car. He had brain surgery yesterday and is in dire need of God’s healing powers. Also, praise that they are home safe from their Florida trip.

Terri lifted up prayer, and asked for others to pray regarding the decision making her and Wayne have to do regarding her mother’s new housing arrangements. Also, may God give her mom a sense of peace. Prayers for Diedre L. who is battling cancer and needs healing.

Sandy lifted up praises for an answered unspoken request.

Vicki lifted up prayers for our nation, especially the presidential election. Also, she lifted up our church, especially sister Rebecca (in need of comfort and healing from God). Vicki also lifted up a healing request for her granddaughter.

Kevin lifted up praise for BPBC and the leadership.

Meredith lifted up praise regarding her job and that she has the privilege to do a job she loves. She praised God for a good run last week, and prayed for many more. Also, Meredith is praying, and requesting prayer regarding an insurance need.

Kathy lifted up continued praise and prayers for Nancy’s husband, as he is getting better, yet he still needs prayers of healing. Also, continued prayers for Karen and Barbara. Kathy also petitioned the Lord to give peace to our nation.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise regarding his daughter’s health and his wonderful wife! He praised God for a customer in Jerusalem who is always encouraging him in regards to the knowledge of Scripture. Steve also lifted up specific prayers for Bob and Willy.

Andy lifted up prayers for Brentwood, especially the children and the police officers in the area.

Pastor Mike lifted up praise for the “season” the Lord has been leading him to and bringing him through. Praise regarding all that we are planning to do with the youth in coming months. Prayer’s for a brother named Chad’s dad, and the family of a young man who passed away earlier last week (Sonny S.). Also, Pastor Mike lifted up continued prayers for the family on Middle Rd. who suffered a house fire, and praise that local churches have come to their aid.

We lift up all these things for the glory of God, and the edification of the saints. In Jesus’ Name.

Praises and Prayers of of this week following our Worship Service on Sunday, September 18th, 2016:

Deacon Ed shared that he has recently had some work which is surely a praise. Continued prayers requesting regarding the work needing to be done on his house from the house fire almost exactly 6 months ago. Also, Ed requested traveling mercies for this weekend, as he and the family go away.

Terri asked for continued prayers for her mom and offered a praise that she finds the time to gather at BPBC.

Jose (attends Wed. Night Bible Study) asked for prayers regarding his car situation, and the finances to fix the situation. He mentioned going through a time of testing and would appreciate the prayers as he is going through it.

Elder Steve H. offered a praise that things are going well at work.

Pastor Miano offered praise in regards to how the Lord has been working in and through him lately. Prayers lifted up for Brentwood and the families that are mourning. Also, Pastor Miano asked for prayers regarding his upcoming opportunity to take part in writing a book on the Millennium.

Vicki lifted up prayer for her grandson Benjamin and his school work load. Prayers for Audrey as she transitions to a nursing home in Ohio. Vicki also lifted up prayers for our nation and specifically the upcoming election. She lifted up praise regarding our church and our love for God. And finally, Vicki lifted up a specific prayer for sister Rebecca and her needing a kidney.

Lorraine offered praise that life is going good lately, God’s blessings are coming in many ways. She lifted up prayers for her daughter and for the continued growth and God-glorifying efforts of BPBC.

Kathy offered praise regarding going back to school, however she was a bit sick, as is usually for those helping the kids transition back to school, so Kathy could use some healing prayers. Prayers for her grandson and his car issue, and continued prayers for Karen.

Raven offered praise regarding her cousin Jaelin, and a prayers that she will have opportunity to go to a game. Also, prayers for an upcoming personal/missionary trip to Colorado with a group of friends.

We lifted these things up – in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Here is a list of our Praises & Prayers at BPBC as of Sunday, September 11th, 2016:

Kevin lifted up prayer for a friend who has been diagnosed with cancer. He also lifted up praise regarding Blue Point Bible Church and the ministry of Pastor Miano.

Kathy praised God for His love and mercy that is made available and renewed daily. She lifted up prayer for her friend Barbara, whom we have been praying for in regards to her cancer treatment. Also, she lifted up Karen, whom also we have been praying for regarding her seeing a specialist and figuring out what is going on. Kathy lifted up prayers for the family who suffered a fire on Middle Rd., and asked that God would bless her with a good week.

Terri lifted up praised regarding the wonderful God blesses each of us with. She lifted up prayer for those who may have lost loved ones on 9/11/01/. Also, prayers for Wayne as he has been a bit sick.

Steve H lifted up prayers for those we have been praying for and a praise regarding the testimonies we receive. Also, prayers for Willy who seems to be in a bad mental state.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers regarding those suffering on the memorial of 9/11. May God bring comfort in line with His faithfulness. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up praise and prayer for Grandparents.

Pastor Steve prayed and asked for prayer as he and his family drive and fly down to Orlando, Florida. Traveling mercies in accordance with the Will of God! Also, Pastor Steve lifted up prayers for our nation.

Meredith lifted up praise for the various blessings God has provided to her and her family. She prayed God for a good return to work this past week and no loss of seniority in those regards. Also, she lifted up those who see 9/11 as a day of remembrance. May we mourn with those who mourn, however see all the good that has happened since 15 years ago.

*Also, with all that has been happening in the Brentwood/Bayshore area, please keep the area (and all of Long Island) in intention increased prayer.

In Jesus’ Name we pray.

Here is a list of our BPBC Community “Praises & Prayers” as of Sunday, September 4th, 2016:

Vicki asked for prayers for Audrey (whom we have covered in prayer many times before) as she is going to a nursing home in Ohio. Prayers for her grandson, Benjamin, as he has a lot of reading for college. Praise God that Vicki’s incident with her car this week worked out and wasn’t too bad. Also, Vicki lifted up praise for the gift she received from brother Edward.

Sandy lifted up praise and prayer for an unspoken request.

Terri lifted up continued prayers for the Dengelis family, also for Deidre who has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. She also lifted up her nephew Charlie in prayer.

Kathy offered praise to God regarding his protecting and watching over her and her family. She lifted up her daughter, Karen, in prayer and her friend Barbara.

Meredith offered praise and prayer regarding her return to work on the bus this week. May God continue to watch over and care for her and her family. In regards to the schools, may this be a good and safe year.

Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for the friends and families of the victims of the shooting in the Brentwood/ Bayshore area. He specifically prayed for that region of Long Island. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up praise and prayer regarding the advancement, growth, and maturity of the “Preterist Movement”. He lifted up prayers for a fellow pastor named Mike Loy in Illinois, and his family.

Elder Steve H. lifted up praise and prayer that Melissa and her boyfriend came to church, and prayed that she might come to church more often. He lifted up praise that we indeed are a praying church that often has the opportunity to see answered prayer and receive testimonies for the glory of God.

In Jesus Name!

Here is a list of our BPBC praises & prayers as of Sunday, August 30th, 2016:
Vicki offered praise for 2 answered prayers, and that we had the privilege to witness the mark of salvation on Sunday through baptism.
Kevin lifted up prayers for a neighbor and his house.
Elder Steve H. offered praise regarding the complete recovering of his mom (whom we have been praying for). He praised God for being so mighty, and how He has kept his family in good health.
Deacon Brian offered prayer for those dealing with the flooding in LA., as well as those suffering due to the earthquake in Italy, as well as the rescue workers. He also prayed and lamented regarding the radio hosts, and Christian commentators that see these events as fulfillment of the “end times”.
Pastor Mike offered praise and prayer regarding the presence of God. May we relish it all the more! We lifted up prayers for those not with us this Sunday morning, that God would keep them. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up a bold prayer regarding the month of September, that we would see an unprecedented move of God on Long Island and abroad that cannot be disputed!
Robin lifted up praise.
Meredith lifted up praise and prayer regarding her transitioning back into work in September. Also, she praised God concerning and lifted up continued prayer for her husband, Larry as he is still dealing with health issues.
We lift up our praises and prayers for His glory alone. In Jesus’ mighty name!

Praises & Prayers of our BPBC community as of Sunday, August 21st, 2016: 

Pastor Steve prayed that God would continue to be with and bless his family, especially his grandchildren, his son – who had a test for work this week. Also, he lifted up praise for 32 years of marriage to Olivia, and thanked God for her zeal.

Kevin prayed for a local family suffering the loss of their child in a pool accident.

Elder Steve H. offered praise for answered prayer in regards to the transition of his mom as well as the health of his daughter. He lifted up prayers for coworkers, asked for guidance and peace for all that is going on at work, as well as asked that God work work within His family that they would come to know Him more.

Vicki offered praise thanking God for all that He does. She lifted up prayers for her grandaughter Anna who was in a car accident last week (thank God she wasn’t injured), however please pray that she finds peace in all the dealings with the car. Vicki also asked that God continue to be with and look over our church, as well as the United States of America.

Meredith offered praise in God’s looking over and providing healing for Larry. She asked that God would be more closer with him when he gets discouraged. Also, she prayed that the doctors would be given wisdom from on high in the recommendations of treatment and medication.

Kathy offered praise for answered prayer in regards to Karen, and asked that Karen’s doctors would be given that wisdom from on high in regards to her treatment as well. She lifted up her friend Barbara, and Barbara’s husband in prayer for healing, peace, and comfort. Also, Kathy prayed for the families suffering devastation in LA., as well as Pastor Mike’s dealing with his car.

Pastor Mike offered a praise for seeing familiar faces that we haven’t seen a while at church this past Sunday, also he praised God for the inspiration He provides and His blessings us beyond our understanding. Pastor Mike also prayed regarding his car situation, as well as for a friend’s cousin Hector who was in an accident. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for the White family, as they lost a family member last week.

We lift up our praises and prayers in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

Here is a list of the “praises and prayers” of our BPBC community as of Sunday, August 14th, 2016:

Kathy D. offered praise to God regarding His wonderful care and love. She lifted up prayers for Barbara and Karen. Lord, work Your wonders!

Terri lifted up prayers for her mom, and continued prayers for the Dengelis family.

Pastor Miano lifted up prayers for our membership (those who may need our prayers), also specific prayers for the Hernandez family, as well as the friends, family, and co-workers close to the Hernandez family. Also, Andy’s daughter (Sophia) was not feeling well and he requested we pray. Lonnie and Mariyln are always in our communal prayers. Finally, Pastor Mike lifted up prayers for Baton Rouge and Wisconsin, along with other areas dealing with calamity and unrest. God, be our Healer!

Also, praise that Jean Marie Prince from Inspired Blessings T.V., was able to visit and share her testimony and ministry with us.

We lift up our praises and prayers in the Wonderful and Mighty Name of Jesus Christ.

Praises and Prayers of the BPBC Community as of Sunday, August 7th, 2016:
Elder Steve H offered praise for answered prayer, especially since we at BPBC are a praying church, he is always afforded the opportunity to pray for others and witness answered prayer. Steve also asked for prayer for a coworker who may have cancer. Lord, we pray for miraculous healing in accordance with Your Will.

Please keep the Hernandez family in prayer as they mourn the loss a family member (Steve’s cousin).

Meredith offered praise for our church and how we are like a family. She also lifted up praise for our being a “praying church”. She lifted up prayer, and requested others to do so as well, on behalf of her husband and his battle with shingles. May God provide healing.

Kathy D. offered praise regarding the healing of her bronchitis. Also, she lifted up prayers for her daughter Karen, as well as her friend Barbara who is going through chemo, and could surely use our prayers.

Brian lifted up praises for Ricky Carranza and the work that he is doing. Also, he prayed that Ricky would be blessed with abundant opportunities to share his testimony and his work/ ministry. Also, he prayed that Ricky would have a safe flight home to Finland. He also lifted up prayers for Finland and the United States regarding the rise of secularism and Islam, may we Christians have the fortitude to demolish the strongholds.

Please pray for Terri’s mom who had a fall this week and will have to stay in a rehabilitation facility.

Deacon Ed could use our prayers as he deals with some issues surrounding his home.

Pastor Mike offered up prayers regarding the “silent prayers” that may be in the hearts and minds of our congregation. He praised God that He knows our prayers and praises prior to our voicing them. Also, Pastor Mike lifted up prayer for the “Preterist community” and those who bring forth efforts to highlight the fulfilled truth. May God provide us with encouragement, conviction, and clarity in regards to our work – may it always be for His glory alone. Finally, Pastor Mike closed our community prayer by lifting up a praise for all that God has done and is doing in and through Blue Point Bible Church.

Here is a list of our corporate “praises and prayers” at B.P.B.C. as of Sunday, July 5th, 2016:
Kevin offered a praise for participation in Hope Day. Also, he praised God that there has been improvement in regards to sister Rebecca’s health. Please pray for Joe who asked that God give him strength to stop smoking.

Kathy asked that we pray for her daughter and her issue with the medication she is taking. Also, she asked us to pray about the new dog they are welcome into the home – that it would be a good fit.

Michelle asked that we pray for her friend Jill and her emergency heart surgery, as well as Jill’s mom and dad. Praise God that Michelle’s uncle, whom we have been praying for, had a good scan recently.

Sandy offered and asked for prayer regarding her co-worker Claudia who is dealing with cancer.

Steve H. offered praise for participation in Hope Day. He praised God for interaction with and prayed for a young special needs girl he met at the event. Continued praise and prayer regarding Andrea’s healthcare.

Pastor Mike offered praise to God regarding all the testimonies and the Spirit which enabled us to walk in “intentionally increased prayer” throughout the month of May. He prayed regarding the “burden for doctrinal truth” on Long Island – let it be so.

We offer up our praises and prayers for the glory of God alone, in the name of Jesus Christ.

Praises & Prayers of Blue Point Bible Church community as of May, 22nd, 2016:

Terri asked God to bless and help sister Rebecca through all her medical dealings.

Michelle lifted up prayer for her uncle and his scan on Tuesday, as well as her co-worker’s husband Brent and the testing he is going through.

Kathy praised God for the celebration they were going to have for her daughter’s birthday. Also, she prayed for her grandson’s friend Neil who was diagnoses wiith liver cancer. Also, Kathy prayed for Marilyn and Lonnie.

Elder Steve H prayed for and asked that we keep a few of his co-workers in prayer throughout the week, not to mention the workplace itself. Also, he praised God for his family and the celebration of his son’s birthday this week.

Pastor Mike prayed that God would lead us to be distracted by His work and wonders. Healthy distractions. He prayed that God’s will be manifested in increasing measure regarding His kingdom, our church, and our lives. Also, Pastor Mike prayed for our nation and our Island, that God would increase the measure of His kingdom in our land.

Pastor Steve prayed that God would bring forth healing and peace to his friend Ginny’s mother who is suffering from congestive heart failure.

Sandy prayed that God would intervene in her sister’s life and also lifted up prayer for Jim.

The Lord knows our prayers before we ask. We simply lift them up, for His glory, allowing us to see His work and understand His will. In Jesus’ Name!

Praises & Prayers of Blue Point Bible Church community as of April 24th, 2016:

Pastor Miano mentioned this past Sunday that I have asked us to designate the month of May as a month of “Intentionally Increased Prayer”. May 5th is recognized as “National Day of Prayer”, and on
May 13th, he will be a participant in praying for Long Island Awakening. This Sunday, Pastor Miano  will have more details how we can bring “Intentionally Increased Prayer” into our congregation.

Terri reminded us to be continually praying for sister Rebecca. Also, Kathy exhorted us to pray for Rebecca. This is an area I have expressed the faith in seeing a miracle in the month of May. Rebecca has asked that we not only pray for the availability of a kidney, but also prayers concerning her rising blood pressure and that it would stabilize.

Vicki offered praise regarding our devotional discussions in “Sunday School”. She also asked for prayer for her grandchildren- Anna and Benjamin. Also, Vicki offered praise that God continues to preserve our church.

Kathy lifted up prayer for JoAnn who is battling terminal lung cancer. She praised God for helping her daughter and son-in-law feel better, and she asked that God would enable her not to be as tired this week as she was the week before. Also, Kathy reminded us to be praying for our nation, especially concerning the upcoming elections.

Robin asked us to pray for a woman who is battling terminal brain cancer.

Pastor Mike offered praise that God’s spirit has the ability to change our attitudes, as well as offered praise regarding all that God is doing and will do in and through our church. He asked for prayer concerning the upcoming Long Island Awakening, as well as the desire for God to continually increase our faith.

Steve H. prayed for his daughter Andrea concerning her medical coverage and the great care she has been able to receive through N.Y.U. He also admonished us to pray for those who do not have access to health care. Steve lifted up praise that our God is truly a great God!

May God continue to to work in and through us!

Praises & Prayers of Blue Point Bible Church Community as of March 27th, 2016:

Meredith offered praise regarding the Spring season, the renewal of and gift of life, and the peace that it brings. She also exhorted us to keep Priscilla’s family in prayer at the loss of her mother.

Pastor Mike thanked God that there is power in the Body of Christ (His Church). Also, he asked for prayer for an acquaintances mother named Chris.

Terri offered praise regarding Christ’s work on the cross and the wonderful reality it consummated for us. She asked for us to continue lifting up the prayers of the church.

Deacon Ed asked that God continue to walk with his family, perhaps a little closer than usual, as they deal with the details of a house fire. He thanked God that no one was hurt, and asked that we pray his mother-in-law through all the confusion and mess.

Kathy D. thanked God for the real meaning of the resurrection. She asked that we continue to pray for Nancy’s husband also prayers for the Densing family.

Deacon Brian offered praise regarding the the meaning behind “Good Friday” and “Easter Sunday” – ultimately the consummation of the New Covenant. Thank God we are not under the Law of sin and death. Also, Brian asked that God continued be with the Silsbe family as they are dealing with the house fire and details to get their home fixed.

Praises & Prayers of Blue Point Bible Church Community as of March 20th, 2016:

Brian offered a thanks for all that was accomplished through Palm Sunday. Our Lord riding in the city of Jerusalem on a donkey, and now He resides within our hearts.

Terri asked us to continue to keep sister Rebecca in prayer. And well as traveling mercies for all of our guests this conference weekend.

Vicki offered praise for the End Times Conference, she asked for traveling mercies for all of our speakers and guests, she thanks God for her granddaughter Anna’s acceptance to SBU, and she reminded us to keep our nation in prayer.

Maggie asked us to pray for all that are involved in this “Preterist Reformation, especially the young generation that has the passion and energy. She also thanked God for and asked for prayers for her husband Jack (and his soon coming knee surgery)

Pastor Mike offered praise for the conference and all that was done for the glory of God.

Steve H offered praise regarding the gracious gift of God’s Word and the teachings that came forth at our conference.

Kathy D. offered praise regarding a beautiful weekend at BPBC, and offered prayers regarding those who have to travel home. Also she lifted up a prayer of “special need” for Nancy’s husband who was in a motorcycle accident.

Mary Deaanne offered praise for the privilege to be at the BPBC Bible conference and the ability to meet others who share beliefs in “fulfillment”, and thanked God for the freedom to assemble that we have in the United States. She also offered up a prayer that God would lead us to and bring those to us who are thirsty for the knowledge of God.

Mert offered a praise regarding another day God has gifted us with as well as the proclamation of God’s Word at Blue Point Bible Church.

Erin offered a praise that she attended our conference and that her husband was with her. She thanked BPBC for hosting the conference and bringing about the knowledge of “fulfillment”.

Pastor Steve offered praise regarding the hosting of the conference, all the work done by Pastor Mike, and a praise regarding all the speakers and topics. He thanked God for giving the next generation energy and passion to see the reforming efforts of Preterism.

BPBC Praises & Prayers as of Sunday, February 28th, 2016

Vicki praised God for the gift of salvation, and that her granddaughter Anna will be baptized this coming Sunday, March 6th. Glory to God!

Kathy D. offered a praise that she had the opportunity to be a witness for Christ and utilize our ‘Worldview Survey’ in talking about the details of the faith with a friend. Also, Kathy asked that we keep two of her friends in prayer – Carmen (stem in heart) and Joanne and her stomach tests.

Terri asked us to praise for the Macey family as they mourn the loss of Jeanette.

Edward H. offered praise for BPBC, the ministry of the pastor, elder Steve and Pastor Steve’s help with rides to Bible study and service. Edward also offered a praise and requested prayer for the representative that helped with recently with paying rent and opportunity to share.

Pastor Mike asked for prayer community organizations working on healing the community, and a specific prayer for families of those who experience loss. Praise for all that God has been doing to bring healing to Long Island.

Pastor Steve asked that God would be glorified through all that we are putting together for the ‘End Time Conference’ at the Blue Point Bible Church (March 18th-20th).

Also, please pray for sister Rebecca – as she had surgery this week. Also, continued prayers requested for the Pace’s (Marilyn & Lonnie).

We lift up our praises & praises, in and through Jesus Christ.

Here is a list our our community praises and prayers as of Sunday, February 7th, 2016: 

Pastor Mike asked that we pray for a friend’s mom, Martha Restrepo, as she goes through chemo for cancer. May God give her comfort and healing. Also, Pastor Mike offered praise for opportunities to demonstrate faith that God readily provides, and our going through Wiser Together in Sunday School.

Keep sister Rebecca in our prayers, as she underwent a blood transfusion as of this Sunday. She recently helped me with a study project and has been in touch, therefore we praise God for continually helping her.

Meredith praised God for Wendy Shores recovery and asked that we continue to keep her in our prayers.

Kathy offered praise that God kept her family safe and brought them through the recent storm.

Vicki offered praise regarding how glorious our God is, that He would continue to preserve our church. Vicki also thanked God for answered prayer- 2 unspoken requests that has found God’s blessing.

Edward H. offered praise for BPBC, the ministry of the pastor, and that he was able to donate a t.v. And a Playstation to the church to use. Also, Edward has been more than blessed recently with a new phone, and getting a new t.v.soon.

Sandy offered a praise for God always providing love and peace.

Terri offered praise for our new video series in Sunday School.

Deacon Ed praised God that we were able to make repairs to the boiler and get it fired up.

Pastor Steve praised God for continually revealing Himself to us. He truly is the Rock of our salvation. Pastor Steve expressed faith and trust in God in regards to comforting him and his family.

We lift up our praises and prayers for Your glory, Lord. In the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Here is a list of our commununity praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 31st, 2016:

Edward H. lifted up praise for BPBC and the ministry of the pastor. Also, God surely guided his through the process of giving the vehicle back to the dealer. Thank God for that!

Pastor Steve offered praise that God is healing and bringing his sister through recovery from her surgeries. May God continue to provide that peace and healing that surpasses our human understanding.

Kathy D. asked for prayers for her daughter and son-in-law as they are dealing with illness. May God provide healing.

Sandy asked for prayer for her friend MaryAnn, that God may be glorified in and through her life. May God provide Sandy with wisdom on how to further encourage MaryAnn in Biblical discussions.

Terri offered praise to God for all that He has done and provided for her in life.

Vicki offered praise that God that the pain in her arthritic foot has been easing. Praise God for a good annual meeting last Friday.

Pastor Mike offered praise regarding a recent meeting with the Deputy Police Commissioner and talking about outreach. Praise God for what the Commission is doing through COTA. Also, please lift up prayers that God will continue to lead us fruitfully into the new year. Keep those in our church close to your hearts, be praying for each of us – God knows our needs. 🙂

In Jesus Name.

Here is a list of our community praises and prayers as of Sunday, January 3rd , 2016:
Sandy offered a praise regarding “answered prayer” concerning her nephew’s wife Michelle, who we had been praying for.
Kathy D. offered a praise that her daughter and son-in-law are doing better. Kathy asked that we pray for her as she goes back to her work at the school, while also dealing with the feeling the antibiotics are giving her. May God provide comfort and healing!
Edward offered praise for our congregation and the ministry of the pastor. Also, he praised God for working in and through him as he deals with the current car situation.
Pastor Steve asked that we pray for his son and daughter-in-law as the prepare to be married this week. May God’s love shine on them and through them!

Vicki offered a praise yet asked us to be continually praying for Audrey. She is now settled in nursing home, let’s pray God will be with her. Also, Vicki offered a praise for her granddaughter is making wise choices, which is surely answered prayer.

Elder Steve H. offered a praise regarding all that God gives and does in his life. He asked for specific prayer for Gladys as her cousin was in a fatal accident this past week. Also, a friend of a friend is trying to bury her dad but having a hard time with the process. May God provide comfort, clarity, and the miraculous in these regards providing us with more and more answered prayer.

Pastor Miano asked that we offer praise and prayer regarding an effective and fruitful year at BPBC. May God be glorified in all that we do.

We lift these praises and prayers up in one accord, in Jesus’ mighty name, for the glory of God.

Our List of Praises & Prayers as of December 13th, 2015

Elder Steve H. offered a praise for the survey sister Sandy had given out and how it helped him get some things ‘back on track’. Also, offered praise and requested prayer that God would continue to strengthen him with all that he has on his plate- work and family.

Edward H. offered praise for BPBC, the ministry of the pastor, the rides he has received from Elder Steve. Also, he offered a praise and requested prayer regarding the car situation he has shared with us.

Sandy asked for prayers for her sister regarding her sight. May God continue to work a miracle. 🙂

Craig offered praise regarding his recent job opportunities.

Vicki offered praise for a past ‘nice weekend’, she asked that we continue to pray for our nation, and also that Christians would be able to explain why God isn’t fixing the problems.

Kathy D. shared a praise that she had the opportunity to minister to someone this past week. Also, she asked that we would pray for her son-in-law who us suffering some stomach issues, and also that the washer machine issues at home would be fixed properly.

Michelle offered a praise that her uncle whom we have been praying for, had a text last week and the results came back ‘negative’. Glory to God!

Pastor Mike asked for prayer regarding recent weeks of not feeling so well- physically and mentally, seemingly “off script” since horrid discussion with some people attacking Preterism. He asked that we would pray he gets back on track and focus, especially during this ‘Advent Season’. He asked for prayers for the Smith Family as they deal with loss of a loved one, Prayers for the Schilling’s and the Silsbe’s as they are on vacation. May God bring them back refreshed and encouraged.

Also, prayers requested for sister Rebecca as she goes through all the medical issues she is dealing with.

Continue to pray for those whom we have not seen at ‘church’ for a while, that God would be encouraging them and working in and through them while they are away from us, however that God would bless us with their presence soon enough.

We offer these things up, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

Here is a list of our Praises & Prayers as of this past Sunday, December 6th, 2015:

Vicki asked us to continue to pray for Audrey. As of this week the hospital is looking for a nursing home to send her to. Also, Vicki asked for prayers for her daughter.

Edward H. offered praise for BPBC, the ministry of the pastor, and the help he gets from Elder Steve H. Also, he thanked God that things always work out- and asked that we keep him in prayer regarding issues with car payment.

Michelle offered a praise and surely an answered prayer request. We have been praying for her uncle as he has been going through treatments and testing. His test this past Sunday which we were praying about went well! His diagnosis is diminishing as he receives treatment. Glory to God!

Olivia asked us to pray for her friend, Phyllis and her brother. Her brother is dealing with everything and it has become a detriment to his health. Pray God works a miracle in his heart and mind, and brings comfort to them both. Also, Olivia asked that we pray for her friend who has an operation coming up on December 18th.

Pastor Mike offered praise regarding the Advent discussion we started and will continue on Saturdays, through this season up to Christmas Eve. Also, he offered a praise for a great prayer time this morning. Please keep him in prayer as he prays through and works on our ‘church vision’ for 2016, namely how we can continue to walk worthy of being an environment that bears Spiritual fruit for God. Also, he asked for prayer regarding a concept relating to Service opportunities we will be doing next year, ultimately furthering our discipleship. Please pray for friend Carolyn as she deals with some medical issues. And prayers for Sam Frost, as things on the internet got a bit out of hand.

Terri asked for continued prayers for her friend, Randy Rizzuto. Also, she asked for prayers for a couple friends – Maryanne, Dennis, Janet Lacey, and her mom.

Elder Steve H. offered praise for the new “IF Series” on Saturday nights at BPBC, especially the challenge to consider “sins of omission”. He asked for prayers regarding the “little ones” of our surrounding world. See, Matthew 10:24

Kevin asked that we pray for his daughter, Patricia, as she goes to have the recent lump that was found removed. God provide comfort, healing, and blessings to her and their family.

Craig asked for prayer regarding a prostate lump, that God would provide comfort to him and wisdom to the doctors. May God provide Craig with guidance and faith in his decisions.

Rebecca S. asked we pray regarding her losing sight in both eyes, she mentioned that she has had surgery on the left eye. She is still in need of a kidney. May God provide according to His goodwill and intention. Also, she asked that we pray for her and all, especially her in regards to losing faith, and her need for hope and patience.

We lift up our community prayers for the glory of God, and in the Name of Jesus!

Here is a list of the praises & prayers of our community (B.P.B.C.) as of this past Sunday, November 29th, 2015: 

Kevin offered a praise that despite a rather trying week, he was able to gather with us on Sunday. He asked for continued prayer in regards to hernia pain. He also asked us to prayer for his daughter, Patricia, as she goes for testing (on Dec. 11th) regarding a lump in her breast. May God work His wonders.

Vicki asked that we continue to pray for Audrey. Audrey was sent to the hospital this week. Let us also pray for others that are in nursing homes; that they would find joy and comfort this season. She expressed a joy for celebrating Thanksgiving everyday.

Kathy asked that we pray for her son-in-law who’s neck has been hurting quite a bit. Also, her daughter has a cold. Kathy also admonished us to be in prayer for our nation as well as Christians who are suffering all over the world. Kathy also asked that we pray “traveling mercies” for her as she travels to Pennsylvania this weekend.

Sandy offered praise for a good Thanksgiving with Brian and his mother. May God continue to provide both her and Brian with opportunities to trade “If Only’s” for glorious realities.

Edward H. offered praise for BPBC, the ministry of the pastor, and Elder Steve H’s continual help with ride to church. Also, he offered a praise that God continues to show Himself faithful by making his finances work so that he is able to enjoy things like his new car, etc.

Elder Steve H. asked for prayer for a young woman at his job named Ashley. She has been suffering from terrible back pain and may need surgery. May God work a miracle and bring healing to Ashley! Also, Steve offered praise regarding the recent nice weather and the opportunities he had to spend time with his son, and he offered continued praise for how well his family is doing.

Michelle asked that we continue to pray for her uncle, and this past Sunday he was going for a scan. Let’s hope and pray to receive a testimony of healing and comfort.

Pastor Miano asked that we continue to pray for healing for sisters Rebecca and Raven. It surely was great to see Ms. Raven in our “Devotion Time” on Sunday. 🙂

Also, Pastor Miano asked for prayer regarding some possible upcoming opportunities- specifically a ‘Public Access’ T.V. Show and God willing a discussion about eschatology with Mr. David Wood, a well-noted Christian apologists.

Deacon Ed wasn’t feeling too well earlier in the week, however from emails it seems that God has finally brought comfort and healing. Also, Pastor Miano had dental surgery this week and is healing well. Glory to God!

Also, prayerfully we will see many of you this Satuday, December 5th for the launch of our Advent Series, “IF: Trading Your ‘If Only’ Regrets for God’s ‘What If’ Possibilities. Join us on Saturdays from 7PM to 8:30PM.

May God continue to bless your life and enlarge your borders of blessing.

In Service to Him,

Pastor Michael Miano

P.S. – I wrote a short blog regarding our Advent Series and pray you will be blessed with it. Here is a link:

Praises & Prayers of Blue Point Bible Church as of Sunday, November 22nd, 2015:

Vicki offered praise regarding the sale of Audrey’s house as well as a praise regarding her grandchildren who are in college. Also, Vicki mentioned suffering from acute arthritis. Please keep her healing in prayer.

Kathy offered a praise regarding her daughter’s blood test results. Also, Kathy asked for prayer regarding the terrorism in Belgium as well as the soon return of her wallet.

Edward H. offered praise for Blue Point Bible Church, the ministry of the Pastor, as well as Elder Steve H. who has been giving him rides to church. Please continue to pray and praise regarding God’s working out the details in Edward’s life as well as his trusting in Him.

Pastor Miano had asked for prayer regarding the terrorism that is going on in the world and that ‘common sense’ would play a large factor in how decisions are made. Also, Pastor Miano asked that we pray for sister Terri’s dogs- yet instant praise when we saw her in service and learned they were home safe.

Continued prayers for the medical issues and healing for Rebecca and Raven.

Deacon Ed offered praise regarding his mother-in-laws birthday and that she is soon to come home. May God bring comfort and wisdom. Also, Ed mentioned Kerri coming home for the holidays which is a praise, as well as good news regarding the Blue Point Park issues being resolved.

Prayers were requested for Deacon Brian’s mother.

Elder Steve H. offered praise for a productive ‘Fall Clean-Up’ at the church, especially for Deacon George’s tractor. Also, Steve praise God for the fruit he is seeing regarding those who are seeking Truth in Christ.

Prayers were requested for the Schillings, especially Christopher and his soon to be wife, Jamie. May God bring blessings into their lives and future.

May each of us at B.P.B.C., as well as our loved ones have a blessed holiday season, and surely that we walk worthy of blessing others.

All of that said, here is a link to our “Post -Thanksgiving Message” on Youtube. Enjoy.

In Service to Christ,

Pastor Michael Miano

B.P.B.C. Praises and Prayers as of Sunday, November 15th, 2015
This past Sunday noting the terrorist attacks that took place in Paris, we prayed, “Give us courage, Lord, that we may speak forth light in this dark world. Forgive us our weaknesses and our fear, transform our wavering into a certain proclamation of your salvation and justice”.

Olivia asked that we pray for Anne who due to medical issues may have to get a pacemaker. Pray that God brings healing and comfort to our beloved sister. Also, she asked us to pray for Gary’s son Christian who just had surgery and the details are still being figured out.

Terri asked for continued prayers for Pat R., Joe M., Glenn D. Also, she asked that we pray for her mom.

Edward H. offered praise for B.P.B.C. as well as the ministry of the Pastor, as well as the faithful and continued rides of Elder Steve. Also, Edward offered extra praise for good health and stregth.

Brian offered praise that he had a good Saturday, seeing many people he had not seen in quite a while. He asked for continued pray for his mom. The Lord knows what best for all, may He continually provide Spiritual wisdom that strengthens and encourages us as to how to better know His will.

Kevin offered a praise regarding his daughter and the recent scholarship she recieved.

Deacon Ed offered praise that his mom now has no more dizziness, and it was solved with simple hyrdration. Ed also asked that we continue to keep Gail and her mom in prayer. Surely it was a praise that his mother-in-law celebrated her 99th birthday on Sunday. Glory to God.

Also, please continue to keep Ed S.’s efforts at work and in the neighborhood in prayer. Also, Elder Steve H. could surely use the praise and prayer regarding God continually providing wisdom, strength, and perservance pertaining to his workplace. Craig has asked for prayer and wisdom in regards to his continuing to grow in the grace and knowledge of God.

I ask that we continue to pray for our brethren worldwide, especially those suffering persecution. May God provide strength. Pray for national leaders worldwide. Praise God for the liberties we enjoy here in America, especially pertaining to life and life to the full. I enjoyed square dancing with Olivia and Steve this past weekend. Our Harvest Dinner as well as our Box Packing Party for OCC were amazing, and surely God-glorifying. Also, a personal praise is that Raven has a new job which she really enjoys.

May all that we pray, all that we say, and especially all that we do further His Kingdom and His Glory! In Jesus Name.

B.P.B.C. Praises & Prayers as of Sunday, November 8th, 2015
Blessings in Christ Jesus,

This evening we had our annual ‘Harvest Dinner’ at the Blue Point Bible Church. I (Pastor Mike) was able to share a short message about being grateful for our blessings in the midst of life’s trials and tribulations. I shared about “nurturing our Common Life” as we grow in our faith, as we fellowship together, and ultimately as we praise God for what we have in Christ Jesus .

“Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those of us in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1)”.

With the same attitude of praise, let us lift up our community ‘praises & prayers’ as of this Sunday, November 8th, 2015:

Deacon Ed S. asked for prayer for “the mom’s” (his mother-in-law, as well as his mother) who are dealing with medical issues and could use the prayers and healing in faith. Also, keep Gail and her sister who have been taking care of his mother-in-law. All in all keep Ed’s family in prayer.

Sandy asked for continued prayer for Brian’s mother. Also, she noted that difficult decisions may have to be made, therefore requested that we keep her and Brian in prayer through all of that.

Kathy D. asked us to pray about her wallet, and I am glad to offer a praise that she was able to locate it. Also, keep her father-in-law in prayer as he goes through testing. Her friend Pat could use our prayers as well.

Edward offered praise for BPBC and the ministry of the Pastor. Also, he offered praise that Elder Steve H. is able to provide rides to and from church until he is able to get his new car on the road. The new car is surely a praise as well!

Olivia asked us to keep Steve is prayer, as it seemed his back was acting up. PRAISE REPORT – Thank God for chiropractors, Pastor Steve was back in action helping out a ton with setting up for Operation Christmas Child as well as the Harvest Dinner.

Kevin asked that we keep his friend Danny, who has cancer all over, in our prayers. May God provide strength and healing to Danny.

Michelle asked that we continue to keep her uncle in our prayers as he goes through his 3rd treatment on Thursday.

Craig offered a praise and prayer regarding an upcoming broadcasting his is planning with Pastor Miano concerning 9-11. Also, he mentioned a praise regarding a fruitful conversation with a woman on Facebook regarding 9-11 events.

Pastor Miano shared praises for a refreshing week, the blessing of officiating the marriage ceremony of his aunt and her new husband the past weekend, also the privilege of sharing the Gospel with receptive hearts all week. He asked that we pray for healing for Raven (Praise that she is feeling better as this is being written), as well as continued prayer for sister Rebecca. Also, Pastor Miano asked that we join him in devoted prayer for friends and family who have requested prayer- in Jesus’ Mighty Name!

Noting our devotion on Sunday morning let us continue to pray for local officials and politics as we seek to “drive spokes in the wheel”s of injustice”.

B.P.B.C. Praises & Prayers as of Sunday, October 25th, 2015
Elder Steve H. offered praise that God works in the midst of our chaotic world, schedules, and lives. He expressed praise for Dr.Cynthia Bailey’s testimony. Also, Elder Steve asked us to continue to pray for Deacon Ed’s mother-in-law, as well as their family. Please pray as Steve’s whole family has been traveling over the last couple weeks and will continue into this week. Travel mercies in the Name of our Lord.

Pastor Miano offered praise for the ‘Thank You’ card and praise that was sent to our church by a woman named Wendy, for whom we have been praying. Also, Pastor Miano exhorted us with a ‘testimony’ regarding how struggles with cancer have led some to faith in Christ, and he brought before us the story of Saint Peregrine: The Patron Sain of Cancer. Pastor asked that we pray for Brother Edward H. who was not able to join us for fellowship this weekend. Also, please lift up prayers for the families that suffered loss and injury in the Oklohoma State parade. And of course, please keep The Power of Preterism Network and all that pastor does in ministry in prayer for opportunity and “power”.

Kevin asked for prayer for a couple friends: Vern G. (pancreatic cancer), Shawn Dickson, and others.

Vicki asked that we continue prayers for her friend, Audrey, whom we have been praying for.

Pastor Steve S. asked that we pray for Pam’s daugter who had the twins as she deals with postpartum preeclampsia.

Olivia offered praise that through all her checkups, she is doing well. Please pray that the wellness and “good news” in that regard, continues.

Craig asked we continue to pray for his friend’s sister, Melissa, who is going through hypertheriac treatments due to a tick bite from 18 years ago.

Kathy D. reminded us to continue to pray for sister Rebecca, as well as continued prayer requested for her friend Lana, as well as her friend JoAnn. Also, please keep Kathy in prayer as she deals with the side effects of her medication. May God supply healing and wellness.

“Restore our fortunes, Lord, as streams renew the desert. Those who plant in tears will harvest with shouts of joy (Psalm 126:5)”.

Praises & Prayers as of October 21st, 2015

This past Sunday, Pastor Miano exhorted us with the quote from missionary/ martyr Jim Elliot, “Father, make of me a crisis man, make me a fork, that men must turn one way or another on facing Christ in me”.

That quote is in line with our intentional focus on being a community that fosters a collective and individual focus on formation in the way of Jesus Christ.

Here are the PRAISES & PRAYERS of our community:

Olivia have revealed no cancer thus far, which is surely a praise, yet we ask for continued prayer.

Steve and Olivia’s friend, Pam, her daughter, for whom we have been praying, had twins.

Ed S. offered praise that his mother-in-law does not have a worse diagnosis, yet please continue to ask Go to be with her and comfort her and she ages. Prayers for Ed’s family are appreciated.

Kathy praised God that she is beginning to feel better, moving away from the effects of bronchitis. Also, her daughter is feeling better, as we requested through prayer. Kathy asked us to pray about the Bus strikes, as friends were being effected, and continued prayers for friends Cora and Bob. Kathy also reminded us to keep sister Rebecca in prayer.

Terri offered praise that God provides healing for friends that we pray for, and asked prayer for friends – Dennis, the Rizzuto family, MaryAnn M., Glenn D. , Pat and a friend others. Praiseworthy is the fact that our Lord knows what we have need of before we ask.

Edward H. offered continued praises for the ministry of Blue Point Bible Church, as well as the ministry of the pastor, and offered a praise regarding recent events that his friends are beginning to work on weight/ health issues. Edward offered praise that God has shown Himself faithful in giving him good health.

Craig asked us to pray for his friends sister who has accute lyme disease which had been undetected for years. She is undergoing chemo because antibiotics have been unaffective. Please pray for healing.

Prayers for Brian and Sandy, as Brian’s mother fell early on Sunday.

Please keep Deacon George H. in prayer this week as he goes for testing on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday regarding recent stomach issues. Let us look forward to a good report for the glory of God.

Pastor Miano asked for prayers for the Cremer family, and friends of their family who lost a son this past week.

Pray for Sue, a friend of Olivia and Steve, that healing continues and works through her knees.

Continued prayers requested for Michelle’s uncle as he goes through chemotherapy.

In Jesus’ Name.

Praise and Prayers for the week of Sunday, October 11th, 2015

Steve H. offered praise for the hike that Ed brought us on

Edward offered praise for BPBPC, the ministry of the pastor, as well as the rides from work he has been receiving for Steve H. Also, please pray that Edward continues to recieve good news about his monetary benefits, which he said he could clearly use.

Meredith offered a praise that Wendy, for whom who have been praying for, is doing well after a “radical procedure”. She detailed a surgery she received on her foot in 2010 and asked that we pray she regains strength in her other foot. Also, please pray for Meredith and her family’s finances.

Brian asked that we continue to keep his mother in prayer, as she is 90 years old and is in pain.

Vicki reminded us to continue to keep our nation, as well as BPBC in our prayers.  She offered praise that God continues to show Himself faithful in her life. Also, she praised God that the “prodigal daughter” has returned. 🙂

Terri asked us to pray for Wayne’s co-worker MaryAnn, as her husband reciently passed away. Also, continued prayers for Joe M.

Kevin asked us to pray for a girl his daughter plays tennis with named Rachel and her family. The Lord knows all things.

Pastor Miano exhorted us to continue to pray for our enemies, or that God would reveal to us who our enemies are. Also, he asked for prayer for the launch of the Power of Preterism Network as well as his upcoming debate with Mr. Albert, as well as a continued concentrated effort in advancing the Gospel.

In Jesus’ Mighty Name!

Praise & Prayers for the week of Sunday, October 4th, 2015


Vicki’s testing went well – no osteoporosis

Steve H. offered a praise that Andrea was accepted into the NYU program for MS

Also, praise God that Steve is continually offered the opportunity to share his faith at work and the people enjoy the perspective our church offers on Biblical details.

Ed’s daughter Alicia is feeling better & is able to get involved in the program she is working for.

Praise that hurricane Joachim has moved away from hitting us.

Praise that the Schilling’s made it back from vacation in the South.

God is so good to each and every one of us.


Kathy D. had called Pastor and expressed not feeling well. Please pray she recovers to good health soon.

Pastor Mike asked for prayer for his mom in some personal matters, also healing for Tony Pomales,

Pray that Pastor Miano displays gentleness and truth in his upcoming Debate with Mr. Carl Albert

Prayer that Edward H. continues to work hard on obtaining his license

Prayers for Olivia as she goes in for surgery on Tuesday. Let us await a testimony of praise.

Michelle asked for prayer for her uncle who was diagnosed with cancer and is in the hospital receiving chemo this week.

Pray for Deacon Ed’s mother-in-law.

Prayers for the persecuted church.

Our community prayer for this month is that we continue to grow as a community that offers opportunity for people to be formed in the way of Jesus Christ.

Praise & Prayers for the week of Sunday, September 27th, 2015


Kathy’s son-in-law was able to help Vicki with her boiler.

The ministry of BPBC and the pastorate

Edward passed his driving permit this week!

Deacon Brian’s surgery seems to have gone well (continue prayer for healing requested)

Elder Steve H. mentioned a discussion with some people from work concerning the faith and the ‘audience relevance’ we promote in understanding the Bible.

Pastor Miano offered praise concerning discussions with others he helped understand the Preterist view, and how the view is expanding. Praise for House Doctor Pomales and his wife being at church.

Craig was able to buy a car from a website Pastor Miano shared with him.

Kathy’s daughter is feeling better (answered prayer from last week) & she was able to receive some new information to help with her ESL student.


Please pray for the following:

Our Nation

This week marks the return to a first full week for Kathy in class again- prayers appreciated.

The homeless and those who need someone to reach out and help.

Kevin’s car was broken into. Please pray for those who did this horrible deed, and furthermore, ask God to provide for Kevin as he goes through this ordeal.

Meredith’s bus company is going on strike and surely is in need of some change. Please ask the Lord to provide wisdom and conviction in those matters.

Robin H’s father is in need of guidance from God. The Lord promises wisdom when we ask.

Travel mercies for the Schillings & the Pomales’.

Michelle (Dr. Pomales wife) shared some medical issues, please pray that God provides speedy healing and strength for her.

Steve H.’s daughter Andrea and her medical issues, especially regarding new program with NYU.

Wendy Shores and her upcoming surgery this Wednesday. God has been so faithful!

Kathy’s friend Joanne has a tumor and needs prayer for good news and healing.

Meredith’s father-in-law has cancer and while it’s surely a praise he is of good health, he could surely use our prayers.